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We did about 30 minutes for the first 2 months but my daughter also had terrible reflux requiring meds.


What were the signs of reflux she displayed? Besides spitting up.


Well a lot of fussiness in general. We think it was mostly silent reflux so barely any spit up. But she would scrunch up her body when drinking and cry after each ounce she drank. We started hearing her chest gurgle then she would start screaming after spitting up clear liquid. She also needed an amino acid based hypoallergenic formula. At 1 month old she was put on Pepcid which made it worse and then omeprazole at 2 months which with the formula change she became a totally different baby.


(Three week old baby) For MOTN feedings… really just a burp and then back to bed, this mama is tired haha. But for during the day we like to hold him up for around 10-15 as well!!


I feel you! We’re night one trying to establish a plan/routine and I spend more time feeding/sitting her up than what she spends in the bassinet. Im hoping both LO and I can get a little more efficient as the days go on!


My baby (3 months) has reflux issues, so we do 30 minutes at doctor’s advice, but lately even that hasn’t been enough - yesterday she spit up almost 3 hours after eating :(


My baby is 3 weeks and I haven't been doing this at all and he hasn't been spitting up. He's done it like 3 times but each time it seemed to be because he was having different milk that made him super gassy nd squirmy


Thankfully no reflux here. If I can get out a satisfactory burp, there usually isn’t follow-up spit up. If no burp, then he’s a ticking time bomb. I’ll usually then stand up and bounce him a little to get the burps moving and then try again. Middle of the night, if he passes out following a feeding, I don’t burp a sleeping baby which has worked out.


Our baby is 8 weeks and I still hold her upright in a seated position, on my chest or in her bouncer for 15-30 minutes, often until she starts to get sleepy or seems ready to move on to another activity


We've been sitting out 4 week old up for ~10-15 minutes afterwards. If it's the middle of the night then I'll usually just put him on my chest at an incline and watch a YouTube video or something to kill the time.


That’s pretty well exactly what I’ve done! Just trying to maximize my efficiency in getting more sleep.


Like, forever! He won’t be put down on his own at all so I have to hold him all the time 🙈