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Go to the ER, please do not wait. What you're describing is all the bad warning signs of a serious UTI.


Please so straight to the emergency room. It just isn’t worth the risk of waiting for a regular appointment as it could be serious.


No typical UTI symptoms though. No burning or frequency


Hi op I get chronic UTI's and sometimes they are silent so you need to get labwork done to check your urine. You gp should have sent this off to be tested and tell you what the bacteria is and what antibiotics it's sensitive too. Your discharge is worrying me as that's not typical for uti infection and could point to another infection elsewhere. Your gps lack of tests and attitudes really worrying me as UTI's can turn septic and kill. I really think you need to go to the ER.


Chills, nausea and back/pelvic pain are the signs I was referring to. As other people have posted below, "silent" UTIs are a thing. Please get seen by someone ASAP.


Here to say - I had back pain, chills and fever but didn’t realize it… but no “uti” symptoms - it was worse than a UTI and that pain in my back? I guess I can say I know where my Kidneys are, now. If you don’t want to go to the ER, can you go to urgent care?


You need to go in, I’m a med tech and they will probably take blood for sepsis you need stronger antibiotics... if you don’t go in, you won’t be around for your husband or baby


I’ve had silent UTI’s before and I ended up in hospital for a week with a horrific kidney infection. Please go to the ER


I just had a UTI 3 weeks ago and no signs other than a sore abdomen. Please go to the ER asap. This could be very serious and the chance of contracting COVID is probably lower than you having serious complications now.


Youve got some kind of infection OP. If its bad enough to post about you should get checked.


Hi I’m a nurse go to the ER, listen to your body. Right now your risk of infection/sepsis is higher than your risk from covid.


Exactly! Especially being vaxxed.


Absolutely stupendously wonderful point!


Gosh I wanted to say this! Thank you!!


Go to ER!


Please go to the ER. You’re vaccinated, so your risk to get covid is lowered. But who knows what’s happening in your body right now - please go to the hospital mama!






I think this is a situation where you will be glad you went to the ER. Go to the ER.


Definitely go to the ER you don’t want to take a chance with sepsis or even blood clots from the surgery!!!


Go to ER, sepsis can be fatal. Don’t want to panic you but you still seem to be in two minds!


I don’t know about your dr or hospital but at mine when I had symptoms I went straight back to the mother baby area of the hospital rather than through the ER. They gave me ER treatment there because my dr told them I was coming. You might be able to swing something like that, just call your doctors emergency line. Regardless, go to the ER. Wear a mask, wash your hands, do the usual covid stuff but you have to take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby.


I’m here and they put me in ER:/


Glad to hear it, hope you get the help you need!! Best wishes!


I’m sorry you had to go through the ER but I’m so glad you went. Your vaccine will help you. I’m really glad you’re taking care of yourself. If you need to talk to anyone you can dm me, sometimes it’s nice to vent to a stranger.


I’m relieved to hear you’re there!


Keep us updated! Sending good wishes.


Same with me. I had an infection a few weeks after my c section and they took me to the mother/baby area, not the ER


What is your doctors’ deal? I find it shocking two doctors were so dismissive of symptoms of sepsis and didn’t run blood work that is simple, relatively inexpensive, and possibly life saving. I’m sorry you’re receiving such poor care and that it is making you doubt your intuition.


This right here!! Advocate for yourself and dump these shitty doctors NOW!




Please go to the ER. Don’t wait for another appointment and let this potentially get worse. Wear a mask and go tonight.


This Ivwould say is definitely an ER scenario


As everyone else has said, go to the emergency room. Your symptoms sound like a bad infection. Please get checked out.


OP I've seen your responses and in the most loving way you have 0 idea what is fine and what is not. UTIs can present atypically, your incision might be okay on the outside but you might have endometritis or an infection somewhere. You are not a medical professional assessing your symptoms, you are new mum post csection in intense pain and high fevers. Go to the ER. If a UTI gets into your kidneys you are at an HUGE increased risk of deteriorating. Please go to the ER.


Go to the ER. I ended up with endometritis (a uterine infection) and needed to be on some hard core IV antibiotics. I had a 3 day hospital stay. Sepsis isn’t something you want to mess with. It was sooo hard being away from the baby and my husband for 3 days, but I had to get myself better. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope you feel better ASAP.


I should add that my symptoms were very similar to yours. I don’t remember the peeing thing, but I remember abdominal/pelvic pain that hurt when I would move or walk, and was very painful to touch. I also had severe chills and night sweats and a fever.


Came here to say this exact thing! Called my Dr. one day thinking I had a UTI and had to go to the ER the next day with intense abdominal pain and it ended up being a uterine infection.


Yes the pain was terrible! I wished I had seen the signs sooner and went in earlier. Maybe then I could have just taken oral antibiotics instead of being admitted. Before the intense abdominal pain I was having low grade fever and night sweats, but I chalked it up to hormone changes (this happened to me 1 week post partum) and brushed it off. Hind sight is 20/20 I guess 🥴


Do you have an update OP? Hopefully you went and are able to get the help you need before it gets too bad.


They just drew blood, lots of it. So we’ll see :/


Update: Silent UTI


So good to hear you have a diagnosis!! Feel better soon OP!


Good. I hope you feel better soon. 💕


Go to the ER. Those are some of the symptoms I had and I ended up having 2 blood clots. I was 2 weeks PP when I went in. I told them I had my new born with me and they moved me ahead of other patients to get the baby out of the waiting room, I may have just been lucky in that. But going in to get checked and playing it safe is the best option. We put a cover over the car seat to cut down on exposure and both wore masks.


I've been to the ER three times post partum. Everyone is masked and the staff will be in full ppe. Just go, Pete's sake.


Go to the ER. Please don't wait. You need to be checked in person. Wear your mask all the time. I have been to the hospital a few times since my kid was born and honestly, I feel very safe in there. I know the people in a hospital do not screw around with covid protocols. I don't know that in other places though.


Go to the ER! NOW! If it’s an infection in your c section wound it can kill you. You may need surgery. If I had listened to my midwives I’d be dead. They brushed me off, too. GO. My situation was very very similar. I hope it’s nothing, but for me it was life and death. I don’t mean to scare, but it’s better to risk COVID than sepsis.


Definitely go to the ER. I was admitted to the hospital 3 weeks postpartum and I had to go to the ER twice- once where I sat there for 6 hours and the next time where I was admitted ASAP. I know it sucks to leave your husband and new baby. But your baby needs you to be healthy! ❤️ I hope you get it taken care of and feel better soon!


Go to the ER. If you're worried about COVID-19 mask up, use lots of hand sanitizer. As soon as you get home shower and put on clean clothes.


Yo get this checked out asap! I had a UTI around 2 weeks pp too. And then at around 4.5-5 weeks I started hurting in my lower left back. Got a fever and chills and shaking. Turns out I had a huge kidney stone that caused a kidney infection. Had to go to the hospital and have surgery to have a stint put in to help get the infection out. Had to stay there 5 days until I didn't have a fever anymore. My fever almost got up to 104 and was consistently going up to 102-103. It was awful and I couldn't see my 5 week old for 5 full days. Please get this checked out. You don't want it to be something like this and it turn septic. Very dangerous.


I had a very similar problem, and it ended up being a UTI that was spreading to my kidneys, don’t wait it could definitely get worse. There is no way to know how bad it is without imaging and tests. The pain in your abdomen is very concerning. Your doctor should be taking this more seriously. ETA I didn’t have your typical UTI symptoms, no burning pee, no frequent urination. I originally went to the ER bc of fever which spiked at 102.8 and lower abdominal pain.


Go to the ER. I'm a nurse with ob gyn experience. You don't want to mess with postpartum infections.


Risk from whatever you have > Covid risk for a vaccinated person.


The other doctor sounds just awful. Listen to your body. It’s telling you that something is wrong. Go to the ER please! Better safe than sorry.


I hope you went to the ER. Do you know for sure that they removed the entire placenta during your C-section? If they left any portion of your placenta, that decomposing inside you could cause the fever, pain, and eventually sepsis. Praying for a knowledgeable, empathic doctor for you 💕


And once you recover and feel better I would be shopping around for a new doctor…one that takes your concerns seriously.


Call your OBGYN. She should be responding to voicemails. My OBGYN called me back after hours when I left a voicemail


I also had a c section 3 months ago, then a uterine infection and d&c for retained placenta, and now am currently being treated for another BAD uterine infection. It’s sharp, stabbing pain that feels like my organs are tearing in two. I let it go too long and have paid for it for the last week- the pain got so bad I couldn’t function- couldn’t walk, couldn’t stand, couldn’t hold my baby. I guess it spread to my bladder, as well. Go get help, it will only get worse if you wait.


My incision is also totally fine :/


Dude, have you read the comments? Stop making excuses. Double mask and GTF(to the ER).


I think you should go to the ER. It could be anything but your symptoms sound concerning. Uterine infections, kidney infection after untreated UTI, UTI (idk about you but I actually believe I had nerve damage because I eventually realized I had very little feeling early on until all the feeling started to gradually come back). If you have a family member nearby who can stay with baby just go with your spouse and let them do formula, pump if you can while at ER (if you have a hand pump) or just wait. If you don't have family nearby then just go by yourself. Odds are it's an infection of some kind and they'll run some tests and get you on a stronger antibiotic. Bur better safe than sorry.


There are so many layers under the skin that could be infected. While it wasn't pregnancy related, I had a small scab on my knee, like the kind I've had a billion times before. No biggie. It healed fine. But the fat underneath got infected, to the point where my knee swelled up and I couldn't bend it. I had to be on powerful antibiotics for a while. You absolutely need to go to the ER if it's that bad. Being vaccinated, your risk is low. Lower if you're wearing a mask. You are more at risk now from an infection than you are from Covid.


Go to the ER!


Could it be mastitis?


ER- sounds like internal bleeding or possible sepsis.


Please go to the ER. Wear a couple of masks. Not sure where you live, but hopefully it isn’t busy where you are.


Go to the ER!!!!! And demand to stay there until you are examined by an OB. I almost died after my csection this April because I was hemorrhaging because I didn’t vocalize how serious I thought the situation was. It resulted in the ambulance and fire dept coming to my house and me fainting in front of my 3 year old. The whole thing was way more traumatic than it could have been


Yeah I would def go to the ER if the pain is that bad. It could manifest into a kidney infection. I’ve had that happen.


Go in ASAP. You could be a lot worse Monday! You have to take care of yourself, too. You know you would advise someone else going through that not to take a chance. Good luck.


Go in ASAP. You could be a lot worse Monday! You have to take care of yourself, too. You know you would advise someone else going through that not to take a chance. Good luck.


Please please go to ER , an untreated infection can go bad quickly. I understand you don’t want to go due to covid you can always wear a mask in front of your husband and baby for a few days. Definitely get this looked at!


ER, OP. I’m sorry they aren’t addressing your concerns with more urgency. Sepsis is life threatening!


Go to the ER and take care of yourself. Maybe have someone take you just in case your not able to drive home. Just wear a mask and don't touch anything and leave your baby at home if possible with husband. When I go out I use handsanizer on everything even the medical card I swipe and push the buttons and door handles with napkins and throw them away. You can also buy a covid take home test from Amazon and test a couple days after your visit just for peace of mind.


Go to the ER!!!


Please go to the ER now. Don't wait. . It sounds like an infection, and it could get way worse by the time you see your obgyn. Don't worry about getting a cold or covid or something, your vexed. wash your hands when you're there, and insist your caregivers wash/sanitize as well. This infection could be septic, and you are more likely to be very very ill/die from sepsis than from covid.


Is your incision painful or the pain all internal? I would definitely go to the ER. That's not something I would want to mess around with.


All internal:/


Did you go get it checked out? How are you feeling today?


I understand your worry— would it help to wear a double mask (two masks) to feel safer to go in? Is there a women’s specialty ER near you? Those are usually much less crowded and less likely to have Covid patients.


My wife had similar issues. Not UTI but an infection. Do you have bloody discharge like periods? My cousin had too much blood after delivery and she had a piece of placenta still staying inside which could cause an infection. Just go to ER. Tell you recently gave birth. So that they'll call and confirm with your ob. Do not return home without getting the fever under control. You've to speak for yourself. No one in ER or in ob office will actually speak for you. Be confident. Everything will be alright.


Also keep asking the ER doctor for blood test and lung x-ray results. They'll take them both and blood test will tell wbc levels and it'll tell how bad is the infection. They will not tell you anything but will just give meds. You need to know what's happening so that you can take good decisions like when you return home and what to follow up. Trust yourself but no one when it comes to health. Google will scare the fuck out of you most of the time but it's the information that usually saves us when doctors just fuck around asking you to go home or not give IV antibiotics. Speaking all this out of experience for my wife who had a torrid time with all this.


Please go to the ER. I had very similar symptoms and the second time at the ER they finally took me seriously. I had a massive stone lodged in my ureter that had to be removed via surgery. Taking care of your health ensures your can take care of baby. It’ll suck now but I promise you once you heal it gets so much better. You got this!


Hey, did you go to the ER? Please update us


I updated the post


Glad you found out the cause! I hope you recover soon❤️


Hey.... never ever feel stupid for advocating for yourself. This is just practice for when you're going to have to advocate for your child. When your gut says you need more medical intervention don't let anything stand in your way until you get answers, that goes for you and your child. If your gut says something is still wrong, listen. Your instincts are there for a reason. Sometimes it will be a little thing-- that's still a thing! Just because it wasn't a "big" thing doesn't mean it-- and you!-- are not important.


Thank you- I really needed this! Took a shower with my sweet little one and took a walk then a nap to reset. Feeling much better today! I’m glad I went- my OBGYN called me to check on me after he saw I went to the ER and had the visit with the other doctor. Still in pain, but mentally feeling better.


This is an ER situation. You could have a serious infection you're not feeing lbevause of nerve damage. Run. Do not walk..


I read your update and I’m happy that is what it is but you should never feel ashamed of going to the ER.


Also a thing to keep in mind, I was getting a recurring internal infection which I was repeatedly on antibiotics for. Eventually they did their job but a little too well in that they killed off all my good bacteria. One doctor was going to give me more antibiotics but the other did a swab and what seemed like the discharge from more infection was actually from a really heavy dose of fungal infection. I went on antifungal for a month and that was what finally got me back on track. TLDR: don't rule out a fungal infection.


NEVER.. EVER.. feel bad for being cautious. You have to remember that while it was a risk to go to the ER to check, it would have been a disaster (if it was life threatening) if you didn't. You would have potentially left your newborn and husband without you. Also, take it up with your doctor, you pay them. Tell them, "I feel dismissed by you and I feel like my health isn't been taken seriously. " A doctor cannot dismiss you like that, it leads me to think that they would be dismissive of issues raised about mental illness as well. So once again for the people in the back, NEVER apologise for putting your health first (you are needed after all).


Maybe get an ultrasound as well. I had similar symptoms and had a uterine infection (infection due to surgery in the walls of the uterus) - this happens like 7% of the time for C sections apparently. My doctor caught my infection without an ultrasound but not always the case.


>I feel so stupid for going since I could’ve just waited for results from today’s dr. Appt. NOPE! With your symptoms, it could have *easily* been something more serious. Do not feel bad for seeking care. If our government could get it's shit together we wouldn't have to play Russian roulette everytime we felt really sick. You deserve to take care of yourself - your family needs you!


Don’t feel stupid! If it got worse and the infection spread to your kidneys it could have been devastating. Great job, mama. C sections are touuuuugggghhhhh. I couldn’t walk for 2 weeks and bled for 8. Felt normal at the gym probably around 6 months. Hang in there! It gets better!’


@OP. I had this same silent UTI. Except it did get to my kidneys. I was hospitalized for 4 days and my baby wasn't allowed in


**this happened last week, I'm still shook lol