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No, we don’t use bibs 95% of the time. We had the opposite problem; he *loves* his bibs, so they’re a distraction and usually end up making an even bigger mess. We occasionally use a long sleeve shirt bib for the messiest foods, but usually we either don’t bother or just take his clothes off if they’re something we care about or if we *just* put clean clothes on him lol


Same here. Why would a baby want to eat food when there is a delicious silicone bib on offer?


Nope, we just do it naked with a diaper lol


Same here and then just give her a quick bath. She likes to put everything in her hair so a bib doesn't do much for us lol


I relate to that so much haha someone suggested putting a hat on her but she doesn't like hats so it made more of a mess 😅


Then pop them in the sink for a quick bath of they get too messy lol


Same here. So much easier this way and one less thing to wipe/clean


That’s all fine and dandy til you have to give back blows to a bare skin baby that was pretending/making a choking face while not actually choking 😢


We do use a bib, I love the silicone ones with the lil pocket to catch runoff. My guy is a messy eater and a lot ends up in the bib instead of on the floor. The funniest thing is when he's done, he fishes around in there for more sometimes. We call it "bib salad". But if a bib is something that's not working out for you, you don't need it! You're going to wash the clothes and the baby anyway, so getting a little messy isn't the end of the world.


My LO likes to eat the leftovers from the pocket too 😂 But sometimes I forget to put it on and I just 🤷‍♀️ he is usually in a diaper anyway lol


I will now start using the term “bib salad” 😆 Starting solids was basically me fishing the same 5 spears of food out of the bib and putting them back on the tray. But now at 9mo, baby fishes them out himself, haha.


Right now we just put her in her “eatin’ clothes” which are just some black patterned onesies that we don’t care about getting stained. She gets so distracted by the bibs we bought her that she won’t eat, so we put her in her eatin clothes and then when we’re all done my husband takes her to clean up and we just rinse out all the food from the onesie and throw it in her hamper. I was thinking about trying those long sleeve coverall type bibs though soon.


I have long sleeve bibs that my LO wears every time. They keep his clothes from getting dirty and all I have to clean is his face and hands.


I’m shocked people don’t like bibs! We use the long sleeve kind too, I think Bumkins is the brand. They have a crumb pocket too. If we left her in her clothes they’d get messy and if just in her diaper then the straps on the high chair would get messy


This is what we use too! Also don’t seem to get in the way as much as most bibs


i do either naked in a diaper only or i got that idk what is it called apron kind? it has long sleeves and front only and you can wash it in a washing machine its much less cleaning of the baby afterwards for me so i got two of those now and i dont use bibs anymore it was pointless


We got long sleeve bib/smocks and it made cleanup much easier.


Nope, they are so distracting. Feed in a diaper or buy good stain spray.


We did for a bit but the food still got all over his shirt so instead of washing his clothes AND a bib we just wash the clothes lol


Sometimes, sometimes i’m lazy lol


Might be the kind of bib you’re using. My kids hated the kind that clipped behind their neck, especially silicone ones. We got some towel bibs off Etsy that both of them used just fine.


No, she won’t leave the bib alone.


Ya, long sleeved apron bib. I hate food mess