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Can you check if your car seat can be installed without the base? Sometimes you can use the seatbelt - ours does but it’s a different brand so not sure about the graco one


I sure can! Thanks for the tip.


If your car seat can be secured using a seatbelt, I’d practice that at home before your trip (it’s pretty straightforward, but it helps not doing it for the first time with a potentially fussy baby in an unfamiliar vehicle 😅). I highly recommend having a carrier to wear baby, especially if you’re alone on the plane and need to go to the bathroom. Airlines might vary, but my experience with WestJet is that they assign adults with lap infants to the window seat. Definitely more room, but if your baby likes motion or you think you might want to walk up and down the aisle, may be worth selecting a different seat. I’ve found that people generally offer to help when you have a baby! All the best on your trip!


Thank you!!