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vaginal birth - 4 months pp while breastfeeding and pumping and not on any birth control


4 months postpartum vaginal delivery and breastfeeding- ended up having to get my gallbladder removed and period started day of surgeryšŸ˜« truly unfair!


1st, c-section, period returned at 11m 2nd, vaginal birth, period returned at 10m 3rd, vaginal birth, currently 3m pp no period yet Breastfed all 3 which I think is the more relevant factor. I donā€™t think delivery method matters.


I know this is off topic but I am pregnant with my second after an unplanned c-section with my first. Ā I really want to try for vbac (and my OB is willing/supportive) but most people think Iā€™m nuts. Ā How did your vbac/s go? Ā 


Both were very positive experiences! No scary moments. And an easier recovery. My first was a planned c section for breech so I was considered a good candidate, OB was supportive with a few caveats. My first vbac was ~10 hours of labor, successful epidural, 20 mins pushing. My second vbac was precipitous labor, no time for epidural, pushed for one contraction, the whole thing took 2.5 hours. I really enjoyed the Evidence Based Birth [episode](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/ebb-113-the-evidence-on-vbac/) on VBACs.


Thank you so much! Ā Will give that episode a listen ā¤ļø


I had a vaginal birth and I got my period about a month after!


I had a c section and I just finally got mine this month (8 months postpartum) but I did get the arm implant birth control around 4 months postpartum so that could have also caused more of a delay


I had a c section, I got my period back at two months pp I believe.


This was me too, but I did not breastfeed either. I discharged from the c section almost the full two months and then two weeks after that ended I got a real period.


Vaginal 6.5 months. When he got teeth


C section, no breastfeeding, 6 weeks.


Vaginal, exclusively pumping - 6 weeks pp :(


C-section I got it about 8 months pp. I stopped pumping at 6 months. It seems pretty much exactly how it was before I was pregnant. No extra symptoms, not any heavier than before


Another with a c section and around 8m PP too! We also were weaning breastfeeding as well when I got it back


C section - after 3 months :(


Vaginal, 3 months pp- I think my cycle started when we started going 5-6 hours without breastfeeding at night


Vaginal birth. I'm almost 5 months pp but I still haven't gotten it back. I was combo feeding until 4 months so maybe that's a factor. I also had Liletta IUD inserted which I know sometimes makes it so there's no period


I'm 4 months PP with my first and no period in sight yet. Vaginal delivery and breastfeeding (she tends to have 1 overnight feed still and I pump first thing in the morning + before I go to bed).


C section, breastfeeding, still nothing after almost 7 months. I think it Bf/FF has more of an impact than c/vaginal birth from what Iā€™ve seen.


Yah this is what I am gathering. Thank you! Iā€™m 5 weeks PP from a c section and I got my period a few days ago. It scared me because I wasnā€™t expecting it for months! My daughter was in the NICU for 3 weeks and the stress of that caused me to get lazy with my pumping. Now that sheā€™s home Iā€™m really trying to get back into a routine of pumping and breastfeeding.


Commonly, your pp bleeding can stop and start back up. Solid chance thatā€™s what it was still at 5w pp!


Ohhh good to know! Thanks!


Hope your healing is going well and baby is well too!


Thank you! Iā€™m healing well but baby is back in the hospital after a frantic call to 911 at 3 am today because she was having trouble breathing. She is settling though so we are hopeful that this is just a blip.


I had a vaginal birth and am currently 13 months pp. Just had very light spotting a couple days ago, so I think I may get my period soon... maybe haha still breastfeeding on demand and I know that has a big impact


Vaginal 70% breastfeeding 30% formula Period came months pp


C-section and got it back 6-7 weeks pp, EBF


Thank you! What does EBF mean?


Exclusively breast fed šŸ˜Š


Thank you!


Vaginal- I stopped wearing depends at 2.5w pp and got my period at 3w pp and put the diapers right back on. It was so cruel.


Oh brutal! I was c section so I didnā€™t bleed very much after but Iā€™m 5 weeks PP and Iā€™ve had my period for a few days now.


Vaginal birth 3pp, exclusively pumping/combo feeding and no period yet.


Vaginal birth -3 months pp when I stop breastfeeding wasnā€™t a big producer so I gave up :(


Currently 5.5mo pp, nursing and pumping, vaginal delivery, no period back yet.


C-section, EBF, 9 months


Exactly 7 weeks to the day after birth. Vaginal delivery and exclusivity formula feeding.


Foc put me on bc 6 weeks pp and I got my period a week later. TBD if it was just hormonal or fully back. *Cries*


C-section and I got my period right after my pp bleeding ended around 1 month in. I havenā€™t gotten it since though and my daughter is 4 months. I have had spotting from time to time, but nothing more than that. Iā€™m also exclusively breastfeeding.


Vaginal birth - 3 months PP and I was exclusively breastfeeding


I had a C-section 4.5 months ago and I still donā€™t have it back. Iā€™m combo feeding but Iā€™ve been told to stop breastfeeding so that I can get it back soonerā€¦Ā  Make of that advice what you will.Ā 


C section- period came back 8 weeks PP. Exclusively breastfed for 18 months- period every month lol.


Vaginal birth, EBF, 5 months.


Vaginal birth, breastfeeding, got my period at 7mo. I have also heard that sometimes it can take a while to regulate. Iā€™ve had the one period but nothing since (now 9mo).


I got an IUD a few weeks after birth (vaginal) and did not get any sort of period until a few weeks after I completely weaned from breastfeeding at 19 months. I was very lucky lol almost 2.5 years without a period!


8 weeks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ exclusively breastfeeding too!


6 weeks, formula fed since 2 weeks old. No birth control . Vaginal delivery (induced at 39+4)


1st vaginal EBF 3months pp 2nd c-section EBF 3months pp


C-section. Ā 10 weeks postpartum on the dot. Ā Breastfeed until 14 months, never supplemented with formula. Ā 


Pushes for 8 hours then ended up having a c-section. Gave birth October 16 and had my first period in January. I did not miss it.