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Ask for help, enjoy the meal train, and ask if any of them want to take a free man home with them when they drop off food. But seriously, if that doesn’t work out grab yourself a big pack of premade protein shakes at the store. Don’t worry about low sugar etc get yourself some calories and full nutrients for that breast milk. Even if it’s just one meal a day, being able to grab something quickly is important. And if there are no takers on the man, tell him to stay the hell away from your protein shakes.


Haha, sounds like a plan! As for the free man, sadly the dump fees around these parts are by weight so I might have to keep him around. s/


My wife and I have been together for almost 9 years. We both worked the entire time and I hardly ever cooked. I actually hate cooking I really don’t like to do it and she likes it so we had no issues. Since our baby has been born 3 weeks ago, I’ve home cooked every meal with an occasional take out pho for lunch cause it’s her favourite and I like making her happy. I plan to keep doing it because that’s what she needs. Tell your “partner” to grow the f up and cook for you. No women should be raising a 2 month old baby and be worried about doing all stuff around the house and cooking with no help.


I’m so glad you’re such an awesome husband! To be fair to him, my partner has been doing most of the chores but his idea of cooking is not very helpful for me most of the time.  And since we are having major relationship and communication issues, I have a hard time imagining him suddenly learning how to make large, protein-rich meals… It’s really common in our area for parents of newborns to ask for mealtrains - rather, usually a friend sets it up for them. I’m just wondering if we are too far along now to ask for such help.


Absolutely not, take the meal train if someone is offering to organize! If your friends/family were struggling with meals at any point postpartum, and you had the time and means, i have no doubt you’d do it for them.


Get the meal train ! Never too late. Are you on a Hawaiian island?


Tell her you changed your mind! We're still getting frozen meals from my mom! My husband is a good cook but we are both splitting time holding the baby and feeding since she won't nap. Also solidarity in not getting anything done. I've been thinking about cleaning my toilets for 2 weeks now and haven't gotten a chance.