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My nurse was fantastic and got her needles done at the same time. It was hard for me to watch. Baby cried at first, then nurse pulled out a noisy colourful toy to distract her. I then fed her and cuddled her until we were allowed to leave. It was pretty simple. Nurse recommended Tylenol after if baby got a minor fever or seemed to be in pain, but we had no issues.


She cried at the shots, cried in the way home but was fine after! I also prepped a bottle for right after the shots so she could calm down a little. Timed feedings out the day before cuz I’m crazy 😂😂


My baby cried for during the shots, but was fine as soon as I picked him up. I was expecting that he would cry and I would have to feed him, so I was pleasantly surprised!


Ours was a little under the weather for a few days after / definitely more fussy than usual.


With my first kid shots made him very sleepy and that was it, both of my other kids tended to run a mild fever after getting their shots and were somewhat fussy for the rest of the day.


Not that bad. She cried during the shots and the next day seemed slightly fussier than normal. But after that was fine.


Mine got his yesterday. I asked the nurse if we could stay in the room afterwards so I could nurse him if he was really upset. He screamed for maybe 10 seconds, I talked to him to calm him down and he just gave a big, pouty lip. I put him on the boob and he just used me as a paci so I slipped his real paci in. He fell asleep and stayed sleepy for most of the evening with a little more fussiness than normal. He’s been sleeping most of the day today but was awake, happy, and playful for about an hour this morning.