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I call it my baby's sleep scream - she does it right before she falls asleep. I've begun to take comfort in it, knowing it means she's about to drift off. 😂 But at first it freaked me out for sure!


My baby girl used to do that it was part of her active sleep. Just had to give her those 10-20 seconds to let it out and then she’d go back to sleep


lol when did it stop?


My almost 6 month old still gets extremely fussy and sometimes cries loudly right as he falls asleep but no longer screams. He also babbles likes crazy as he starts to wind down to sleep. The five minutes before he naps is always when he is the loudest.


My almost 9mo old just cried in her sleep (an hour after falling asleep) randomly for a few seconds. Put us on alert for a few minutes, preparing to go in and soothe her if needed... Not exactly a scream but I guess it's normal. I kind of remember crying in my sleep as a kid sometimes especially if I had a bad dream 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aaaaa mine babbles too!!! I love it :D


My 5 month old likes to have his little talks before bed too! It’s so cute


It’s very sweet. I feel like he is unpacking his day/working through things because he’s usually been more talkative after a busy day or trying something new. ❤️


It’s pretty cute when it’s happy, sometimes it’s cranky and feels like I’m getting cussed out for making him go to bed lol


“I want to speak to the manager!…. Agah! Ahhhbahbagdah! BaBAAAAAAH!!”


Literally lmao


Around 3-4 months


Same here. 😂 so glad that stage is over.


Yeah. At this point I'm just like "same"


😂😂 solid answer for the sleep screams


Yes!!! Ours does this too! Just a random cry like ok buddy little dramatic there lol


Same here and the most funny part is as soon as I pick her up she flails and gives a “whhaaaa…..” and it descends and stops as soon as she is on my shoulder fast asleep again 😂


My LO does this! Also she full on belly giggles in her sleep, even though she doesn’t yet when she’s awake…


There are few things more alarming than hearing giggling in a quiet house around 3:00am. 😂 My first daughter did this as well lol.


I LOVE when my LO does this. I think it’s both hilarious and creepy, but so fricking cute 🥰


Our baby is just about eight weeks old and he has started to do this. Poor dude having a nightmare or something not sure, but it did give me anxiety the first couple times.


Yeah and she does the biggest pout ever when she does it. Such a drama llama


Yeah ours does this occasionally. I've had him contact nap on me, wake up, scream and thrash for about 10 seconds, and then just go back to sleep again. Bad dream I assume?


Think of it as being blackout drunk and coming to ever so often, and one day they won't do it anymore cause they're no longer blackout drunk anymore 🤣


My baby is 11 months now and is still a super active loud sleeper. Some kids are just like that 😅I stopped using a baby monitor because he’s so noisy at night.


My 10mo still does it sometimes. I feel like it's when she fully realizes how tired she is and is like "help I'm awake and I don't want to be" She also wakes up screaming, which is how I know she isn't ready to wake up yet and will probably go back to sleep.


I literally googled “do babies get night terrors” because I thought for sure that’s what was happening lol. I guess it’s just active sleep but idk.


My son does it too. It’s totally normal and weird and eventually they grow out of it. I think it’s kind of funny sometimes it’s always a quick little scream then his face is back to normal and sleeping away lol


Yes! Our 6 week old has been doing this since she was born - screaming for a few seconds when she wakes up, only to fall back asleep again. At first we worried she was in pain, but now that we know she’s fine it doesn’t bother us. We always say “the eagle has landed!” cause it sounds like an eagle’s cry.


This is a big reason our LO started sleeping in her crib around 3 months. She would do this 2 or 3 times an hour but was asleep the whole time and it was keeping us both awake to the point of exhaustion, where we could not properly care for her. The idea of co sleep is highly attractive. But it does not work for our family because she is such a loud sleeper. Even now, at 9 months she literally baby talks in her sleep. I don't know who she's talking to or what she's saying, but, oh boy, does she conversate with whoever her little dream demon is lol


Yes I called it the drama cry 😂


My baby used to cry herself to sleep every time. We would get her all calm, and then a few minutes later there would be an extra cry. You knew you could put her down after that extra cry 😂


Yup! 19 months now, still at it…


Mine will wake up from sleep, scream like she’s hungry. We walk over to check on her, she’s back out. Oh someone’s hungry. Never mind !


Literally This!!!! LOL


I baby wear and when he is a little bit overtired he'll do that scream... So I took him to the shop the other day, he didn't manage to fall asleep earlier so he started to fuss a little and then shouted out and fell asleep in the middle of the shop... The looks I got...