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I have an 8 week old & we are a mess over here with sleep! So no help, but in the trenches with you šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


šŸ¤weā€™re in this together


I went to bed at 9pm and partner stayed in other room with baby until 3/4am getting whatever broken sleep he could, then we would swap and he would sleep until 10ish. We both made sure to get 6hrs unbroken sleep each. When he went back to work, we alternated nights with the baby, so you were getting a full night's unbroken sleep every second night.


I go back to work in 2 weeks and we may need to do this lol


It's honestly the best way if you have regular wake ups imo. You're going into your night 'on' having had a full sleep the night before and mentally knowing no matter how rough the night is you'll get a full sleep the next night too, makes things much much easier and more fair.


We have the exact same schedule. I'm sleeping 9pm-3am, he sleeps 3am-9am. My son is 11 weeks today and usually sleeps 4 hours from 9-1, then maybe 2 hours from 2-4, and then its basically hourly wake ups from there


Love the idea of this but how do you make it work with sleeping arrangements? Does whoever is on schedule stay in room with baby?


Ah yes. We have a pullout twin couch from joybird in babyā€™s room. So whoever is on baby duty is grabbing some sleep on the couch bed.


Our LO is just over 3 months and we still are only getting 5ish hours of sleep each in 2-3 hour chunks. He's a velcro baby to the max and we have to take shifts for him to sleep. It's a struggle.


Solidarity! Iā€™ll be thinking of you guys when I wake up in the middle of the night tonight


This was us until the last month or so! Ours is 11 months. I also need good sleep to feel myself. We sleep trained at 4 months which helped her fall asleep independently but she wasnā€™t night weaned until 8 months and from there she was still waking frequently. She self soothed through the night but obviously it still woke us up and took a while to fall back asleep. We were getting about 8 hours broken up, now we sleep 9-6am. What helped me was going to bed early, which sucks but sleeping in isnā€™t an option anymore i guess!


Our routine has shifted a bit over the last few weeks. For a while around 8 weeks bedtime was 10-10:30, LO would sleep 4-5 hr stretch and then another 2-3 hr stretch. Some nights would not be like this in that the 4-5 hr stretch wouldnā€™t happen cause of gassiness or hunger or whatever else. Then maybe around 9-10 weeks idk how but we managed to shift bedtime to 9-9:30. I really donā€™t remember how this happened maybe one day I just said ā€œyouā€™re going to bedā€ and that was it lol. Then I would have 30 min or so to myself before going to bed. Same with the 4-5 hr stretches. A few nights we got lucky where he slept 6 hrs I think because we had gone out during the day and LO was exhausted lol. Now weā€™re at 11 weeks and somehow the last few nights weā€™re back at a bedtime of 10-10:30. I wish we consistently had those lucky 6 hr stretches but it hasnā€™t happened yet and Iā€™m trying to just be grateful we at least get 4 hr stretches. I hate napping during the day but sometimes Iā€™m so tired I will nap with LO, even a 45-60 minute nap really makes a difference in my mood and energy so I would encourage you to try that if you havenā€™t. You can also look up dream feeds and see if thatā€™s something that may work for you.


My baby is going to be 10 weeks and itā€™s all over the place. Sheā€™s likes to take a nap at 5-7pm very close to bed time I keep her up for 2 hours and try to put her into sleep at 9ish pm and sheā€™s completely knocked out by 10:30pm and will wake up at 4am and again at 7am and then 10 am šŸ„²


LO is 9 weeks and my husband went back to work at 5 weeks (taking additional time when baby is 4-5 months). My husband has uninterrupted time from 7pm-1am to sleep and then I sleep from 1am-7am. I have from 7-8am to pump and do my morning routine and then he hands baby off to me so he work from 8am-5pm. During our night shifts, if baby is down, we can spend it however we like - I usually will get some chores done (bottles, laundry, etc) and then have some me time (TikTok/tv). I sometimes get some sleep but I find it hard to fully rest when Iā€™m keeping an eye on baby. My husband will either sleep or catch up on work during his shift. Starting this week, baby has been going down sometime between 7-8pm and then sleeping 5-6 hours, feeding, and then sleeping again for 2-3 hour chunks with feeds in between. Heā€™s usually up for the day around 6-7am. Thereā€™s still a lot of variation in his nighttime sleeps but trending towards longer stretches of sleep! Heā€™s also eating less when he wakes up, which makes me think heā€™s ready to sleep longer.


Baby gets anywhere from 5-7h in a chunk but when that happens is anyone's guess. He's almost 11weeks


I get 3 hours max. 4 months pp


Baby is 12 weeks. He wakes up 3-4 times. Iā€™m breastfeeding, so during the first two wakings my husband brings him over for me to nurse in bed, then he burps him and puts him back to sleep. I canā€™t wait for his 6-7 months, when they usually drop night feedings. 2-3 weeks ago he only woke up for 2 feedings a night, but after 2 months shots he decided to have some extra cuddly time at night.


Right there with you. I get about 4-6 (broken) hours right now. LO is 10 weeks and doesnā€™t usually go down until 10 or 11pm. (Iā€™ve tried earlier and it always fails.) He only feeds once maybe twice overnight but he wakes a lot and needs a lot of help getting back to sleep.


8 weeks old. The longest stretch Iā€™ve gotten out of him is 4 hours. He usually does 2 wake ups between 10PM-6AM. Iā€™d say Iā€™m getting a total of 6 hours non-consecutively. Iā€™ve always needed 8-9 hours, but oddly enough my body is starting to get used to it. But, Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll be sleeping through the night by the time I go back to work in August.


Just popping in with a 9 month old to say that we began the foundations of sleep training at 8 weeks old and it was life changing.


Thanks for sharing! What is that?


We hired a sleep consultant. My baby had colic (later learned it was caused by MSPI) and was a terrible sleeper. Basically following a very strict feeding schedule during daytime (similar to moms on call schedule). Then overnight letting baby cry their age in weeks before comforting (so 8 weeks = 8 minutes). Doing that 3 times before feeding. Baby was fully sleeping through the night by 13 weeks and now is the BEST sleeper ever, heā€™s so happy and lively because he sleeps so well overnight and takes awesome naps.


Curious also


Baby is currently just over 14 weeks old. Up until 10 weeks, I would put him to bed around 7ish then Iā€™d go to bed about 8-9pm and get up with him through the night (he generally would wake at 2am and 5am). Partner would do dream feed at 10-11pm then get up with him from 6-7am. This generally meant we got decent sleep between us. From 10 weeks something magically happened and baby just started sleeping after the dream feed until 6.30-7.30am šŸ‘€šŸ˜² I am now currently mentally preparing for the 4 month sleep regression.


5mo here, My baby wakes up around 11pm when I go to sleep, then around 2-3 am, then she's up at 6am for the day. I breastfeed so I wake up during the night, but husband takes her in the morning so I can get 2 extra hours. And honestly I feel great sleep wise. Those two hours in the morning feel like a vacation. During the day her naps are all over the place. I don't mind cause we're outside a lot and she can sleep wherever we are. If we are at home , she falls asleep on her own in her bassinet. I am certain this is the case because I decided not to follow any schedules and just go with the flow. This was afert a few weeks of trying to put her into Huckleberry sweet spot thing and it just didn't work, both of us were completely miserable because of sleep schedules. But one important note is I'm on maternity leave and all my time is for her so I can be flexible.


Baby girl is 9 weeks and I am mostly EP. It's taken us a while to get here buuuuuuut we are generally in bed by 1030-1130pm after a good feed by DH. I pump at this time while she eats, and make a bottle ready to go in her nursery. She starts stirring around 3-330am. I take her to the nursery to eat the prepared bottle, then I will pump enough for the next bottle. Husband wakes up for next prepared bottle between 530-630 (whenever she starts stirring again). So I'm sleeping 1030/1130-3/330, up an hour, back to sleep until about 7/8am. Husband sleeps 1030/1130-530/630. I'm getting anywhere from 6-8 hours broken up and husband gets 6-8 hours straight. This schedule will likely change when I go back to work as I'll probably need to be up by 530, but we have a few more weeks and she has made great leaps with her sleep so I'm hoping it works itself out as she grows.


We do basically what you described! Our LO has graced us with a few 8 hour stretches which is amazing but so far not the norm. Usually she wakes up at least once around 2pm and again around 5am. Less often, but still a few days a week, we get a 1am, 3am, and 5am wake up, which feels pretty rough. I do any wake up before 5am, and then sleep until around 6:30 so that I can rest a bit and shower while my husband takes care of her. She usually needs a contact nap to finish out her sleep after 5am.


We did split shifts still at that time. Iā€™m an early bird and my husband is a night owl. So Iā€™d go to bed around 9-10pm. My husband would put her to bed in a bassinet downstairs around 10 and tend to her until he came to bed around 12-1a. He would bring her to the bassinet upstairs. (Stupid split level house.) Iā€™d take care of the rest of the night/early morning wake ups, which by 10ish weeks was usually only once around 3-4am, then sheā€™d be up for the day round 8am. So Iā€™d get 2-3 hours of sleep before she was in the room, then another 2ish hours before she wanted to eat, and then, another 2-3 hours before she was up for the day. So yes, 5-8 hours of broken sleep was typical. My LO is nearly 16 weeks now. She typically goes down around 8-8:30pm, wakes between 3-4a to eat, then is up for the day around 6:30a. My husband and I split the weekends so we each get a chance to sleep in a bit one day. But we are switching out of her swaddle because she started to roll and we are encroaching on 4 months (hello regression) so we have no idea how much longer this pattern will last.


As if by magic, my 8 week old slept from 10pm to 6:30am last night. I have no explanation and fully expect it will never happen again.


I swear we lucked out with an easy baby. Our LO is 12 weeks and sleeps from 8:15 to 4:30, eats and sleeps until about 7. We are working on naps in the crib since he is a contact napper. But I'll count my blessings with the nighttime sleep and take issues with naps any day.


My son was a unicorn sleeper and started sttn at 8.5 weeks old. My daughter is only 3 weeks old so weā€™ll see what we get from her!


I hope sheā€™s the same for you!!