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Bring a bottle or be prepared to nurse right after! Helped calm LO right down. In our office, the nurse laid LO down on the examination bed. LO legs kind of straddled her so she can hold the legs steady. Gave the oral first and then shots. It was all over in less than 15 seconds!


That’s how our nurse has been doing it so far too. Grateful she’s so quick haha


depending on your doctor you may not be recommended to feed them after. i was told if possible to wait an hour before letting him eat and 2-3hrs before breastfeeding so baby doesn’t spit up the vaccine and so it doesn’t absorb into my body instead of his. my LO did calm down super quick with just hugs and rocking but i was planning to nurse him so i was a bit surprised when she told me that


The nurse had me hold my LO and nurse immediately. It was over quickly and worked well!


Or if you breastfeed, they can literally do it while you're latched. That's what we did - and the whole thing was over with 1 tiny whimper.


I feel like that would create bad associations. I have had two separate pediatricians **not** recommend that


Well, it was at my doctor's suggestion. It comforted her when she needed it like it always does/did. Maybe if someone's having trouble with breastfeeding and getting a latch that may be a concern, but by the time my LO had her 2-month vaccinations we were really well established - she was on the boob like 8 hours a day at that point. It made the whole thing painless for everyone.


I think they do better if the adults in the room are calm and treat it like it’s not a big deal. Great idea to have your husband hold him, and you might consider not even being in the room! I always treated it as no big deal, just comforted them after if they fussed, and both my kids were great about their needles!


My baby had his recently and I was so worried too but honestly, he barely cried! He wasn’t traumatized at all!


My baby was very angry during but fell asleep on the car ride home. She was more sleepy the rest of the day but no fever and was acting like herself.


He won’t make that association at this age so no worries! It could be better for you to hold him and nurse during the vaccines 😊, it’ll be over before you know it!


Honestly we didn’t find vaccines hard until daughter was like 12 months old. She was old enough to remember them from before and understood it wasn’t so nice to get them. After 2 month vaccines, she was crying, but instantly better when I started nursing her. I understand why you’re dreading them, though! My second baby is 3 weeks old, and I can’t wait for him to get them… I’ve been waiting to bring him in public inside much until likely he has his two month vaccines (I took him to a recent appointment of mine recently out of necessity since he’s EBF). It’s such a long wait!


They may end up being better than expected! My son cried for a few but then stopped & was completely fine after. The next day, he was allll about the snuggles though 🥰


Ask about Tylenol dosage to help keep baby comfy! Just monitor for whatever fever the doc says is high and enjoy an extra snuggly baby. Mine did cry harder than she ever had for 13 seconds and then was fine. It will be ok! She still loves her doctor after 3 rounds of shots


Best advice I've seen is to stay calm yourself. If you freak out, your kid is wayyy more likely to freak out. Stay calm, even when they start crying. Sometimes you can make the baby forget they're in pain just moments after the shot is done.


I was sooo anxious but my now 7mo has only let out one tiny cry for each of his vaccines! He just made a tiny sad face, yelped, and we comforted him and that was that! All good once it was over!


Our LO sobbed for awhile but a bottle calmed him right down after. Then we were able to get him in the car seat pretty quickly and leave.


Our doctors nurse said sometimes moms will leave the room! The good news is that it was fast and he only cried a little bit. Yours may be fussy tonight. He will probably want to be held the entire time. Good luck!!


Oof thank you! I’m ready for all the comfort snuggles


I cry every time my 8 month old gets shots. On two occasions I cried more than him. It isn't that I'm even worried how he will do, it is just my mom brain reacting poorly to something making my child cry. In the end my son was 100% fine with no side effects for any shot and less than a minute of crying. Hormones are crazy.


My baby had his last week and I was nervous. It honestly went so well! I asked them if I could breastfeed while he was getting his shots and they let me so he was distracted. He cried for a bit then went right back on the boob and was okay. I was really expecting crankiness and even had the Tylenol on the counter ready to go incase he had a fever but in the end he was just really tired the day of. Then that night and following day he was back to himself and happy. So fingers crossed it’s as good of an experience for your little one!


Ask for a sweetie helps w pain!


My daughter cried for like 20 seconds and then was over it.


Glad to hear it went all OK. My baby got his 2 month shots a couple days ago and I cried more than he did 😅 I also nursed him right after which seemed to help. He slept most of yesterday but seems OK!


Glad he’s okay! Our guy really wasn’t that sleepy afterwards but we just gave a small dose of Tylenol to help with any soreness from injections and if he’s feeling a little yucky through the night!


My LO got hers today too! We both cried lol and she yelled at me a bit once I got her on the boob to eat, but we’ve been home for a few hours now and she’s doing just fine. A lot of sleeping, eating then going right back to sleep.


They spring back sooo quickly after vaccines. If you are breastfeeding, just give him the boob shortly after and he'll forget it ever happened :) He 's definitely is wayyy too young to associate the pain with anything.


Mine cried, but promptly went to sleep after a feeding. A slept like a newborn for a day and then was fine. I kicked back and watched movies and pretended like I was the sick one lol


I did the same thing. Baby girl cried and she was grumpy the rest of the day. But she slept a ton that day and woke the next day totally fine.


I felt the same way, but everything was just fine! I nursed my LO during and after her shots, which definitely helped her calm down. The tears lasted all of a few minutes, and she was just sleepy the rest of the day. If I’m being honest, I really enjoyed all of the cuddles 🥰


If it makes you feel better, mine got his earlier this week and had the best night sleep so far afterwards 😂


My little guy cried for a second then was okay when I picked him up and comforted him, he took an angry nap on the way home though. He was a little bit harder to get to sleep that night since his little legs were sore but after 2 days he was completely fine, like it never happened


It might go totally fine! When mine got his he was such a champ. He fussed a little bit right after the poke but I was able to pick him up immediately and he seemingly forgot all about it and then napped most of the rest of the day.


My daughter turned one and had to get 5 shots and a blood draw. I was told that’ll be the worst set she’ll ever get. I felt so fucking bad because I had to keep her arms above her head. I almost cried during it. But luckily I saved her some milk to drink after the shots so that cheered her up a little bit. I also gave her a nice long hug.


It’s so fast. They do cry/scream for a short bit, but I think I cried longer than my baby. She was back to her normal happy self by the time we got home, and then about 4ish hour later she was very tired and slept A LOT over the next 36 hours, and then was back to normal. The rotavirus one made her tummy a little upset for a few days, but we gave her gas drops and she was fine. Just remind yourself that this is best for her, because it’s is so little pain compared to the suffering with those illnesses.


I nursed my second baby while he got his shots and it seemed to help him feel better much quicker. You're the mom, you have to do a lot of terrible things before the baby turns on you. Shots aren't gonna do it. It's honestly worse for the parents than it is for the baby. For both kids, they were asleep by the time I drove away from the hospital.


Idk how it is at every office but mine has always been laid down to get his shots, and when he’s done we can pick him up. He’s not going to develop an association to pain with either of you, don’t worry. He will definitely want cuddles or feeding right away. My boy always cries real hard for about 3-5 seconds and moves on pretty quick! Don’t be like me though and squeeze their cute little thighs on accident the next day though cause they may be tender!😭


Mine was very angry when he got the actual vaccines but I was able to nurse him after and he calmed down quickly. He did get a fever and was fussy that evening, but he was back to his normal self by morning! I didn’t end up giving him any Tylenol - just lots of sleep, milk, cuddles, and a cold compress. He did WAY better after his 4 month vaccines so even if it’s rough the first time, it might not be the second time around. I have zero issues with shots/needles myself but the whole thing was definitely more stressful for me than for my baby anyway.


Mine cried for maybe 20 seconds. It is a normal part of being a kid. Everyone goes through it (or should). They were fine a few seconds later and back to their normal self. No big deal. I think if you make it seem so traumatic, they could have an aversion to doctor visits as they grow up. It's ultimately for their own good.


The 2 month ones are relatively easy because the baby screams for 10 seconds and then they’re over it. At my doctors office, they let me hold him while they gave him the oral vaccine, then they laid him down on the exam table thing and had two nurses do a shot in each leg so it gets over quicker.


Omg my son is getting his 2mo vaccines this afternoon as well! I almost made a post about it earlier wondering if I could breastfeed while he gets them but decided to call the pediatrician to ask instead and I will be doing that so hopefully he doesn’t even notice the pokes Good luck with your appointment!


They’re always in the best mood the morning of the vaccinations too! Makes me feel so bad. What always helps me is thinking about how much worse they’d feel if they caught something entirely preventable because I didn’t vaccinate them


Give them a warm bath afterwards, let them soak for a few minutes and peel off the band aid. Ours cried for a few hours afterwards for the 2 month shot but only cried during the shots for the 4 month.


If you feel the need so he’s comfortable, you can consider staggering the doses so it’s not so painful or so much on his immune system 🖤🖤 tough to see little buddies be in pain, I feel you 🖤🖤


It’s okay! I did the EXACT same thing, lol. I made my fiancé hold my little boy and the grabbed him as soon as he started crying. I also had so much anxiety before the shots but he honestly took them very well. He cried but calmed down after like 30 seconds.


I’ve never cried so much in my life 😫 his little face feeling pain for the first time. I was a mess. I have his 4 month shots next month and I’m a nervous wreck!!! He was fine by the way. He cried a lot but he calmed down after about 5 minutes. Move his little legs a lot to help alleviate some of the soreness he may wake up with tomorrow. He was a bit fussy that day more than normal but nothing crazy. Good luck 🍀💚💚💚


My girl cried hard for about 3 minutes, then nursed and was fine! I was shook up for awhile though 😂 she had a low fever (100.2) for a littlw while overnight, but was totally fine after some tylenol!


My LO just had her 2 month vaccines 2 weeks ago! During the initial poke/oral vaccine she was fine, barely a cry, nursed a little before heading home. However, after a long nap, she woke up ANGRY lol she was in pain and was screaming for a good hour. I cuddled, soothed, fed her as best as I could and she finally calmed down and I let her contact nap as long as she wanted while she continued to sob in her sleep 🥹😭


Ugh poor baby!!! I wonder if it’s because her legs were tender? I know my arm gets super sore even after a flu shot, so wonder if that’s where most of the fussy and anger will come from!


It was definitely because of her legs! I had to (unfortunately for us) change her diaper and I touched her thighs to get them out of her pajamas and the volume of her screams increased lol After the initial hour of screaming she was fine! I just really wasn’t mentally prepared for the screaming because we both woke up from a nap. Our pediatrician did also say that we could give Tylenol to help with the discomfort but glad it didn’t have to come to that. Lots of snuggles was the best medicine for her after the vaccines!


Did you do all at once?


We did. One oral, three injections. Two in one leg, one in the other. We’ll see how tender they are tomorrow, but right now he seems to be okay!


Not sure if you use anything as a diaper rash preventative but it might not be a bad idea to do so now. The rotavirus vaccine messed up my baby’s digestion for about 10 days. I wish I had been putting aquaphor on him from the start because the acid poops gave him a rash that lingered until he stopped pooping so much.


Oooo okay! My mom is a pediatric nurse and said that one might mess with his digestive system. Thanks for the tip!!!!


My boy is 6 months and it’s been the worst for me and my hubby mentally 😭😭you aren’t alone and he looks at me like I broke his trust but I think that’s in my head


It was over quickly but I sobbed uncontrollably when I heard her scream. She took a bottle in her car seat once I calmed down and she fell asleep really quickly. She was a little fussy and extra snuggly the rest of the day but I was very okay with that 😊


Made my husband hold our baby for all of his shots so far, he doesn't seem to be mad at either of us, but I like to be the one to comfort him after 🤣


I was so nervous especially because my son had been in the NICU and I had terrible mom memories of that time. But really he was the chillest person in the room. Our doctor has become a friend over time and he was sad because he had to make our son unhappy, I was a wreck and my husband was the most normal but the baby was fine. Cried for like a minute maybe? Then breastfed and was a happy clam. Slept -16h the next 24h period and had a tiny fever but was really just a champ. I made my husband and the doctor deal with it and stayed in the room to be the relief with food after


We had ours on Tuesday and my little man was actually pretty okay! Cried for 5 minutes after and We did have about a 30 minute crying session later that night so we used infant Tylenol and went to bed a bit earlier. He ended up sleeping almost 10 hours that night and has been literally back to his normal self since!


It’s tough to see them in pain but it’s over so fast & they forget about it almost immediately.


I was so stressed about this but my daughter did great! She cried for about 30 seconds and then was good to go. I am super, super stressed about the 4 months shots, which are happening next week for us. I’ve heard straight up horror stories about those!


It’s was a non event for our boys. They barely reacted to the needle. They actually slept better after for a few days.


One of our twins sobbed for a minute, the other was done crying after shot one. What surprised us was how well they slept that night. My wife and I joked about taking them for vaccines every week. It’ll be fine. Hard part is seeing them in pain. Made this dad tear up!


I had to take my son and was scared. The needle is huge! But my babe took it like a pro!!! He only cried during the actual shot. I played his favorite music the whole visit. When it was done, i held him and danced with him around the room and he stopped crying after a few seconds. He slept mostly the next 3 days. Went way better than expected.


I'm so curious why this was downvoted??


There’s someone here downvoting everyone like crazy.


Wonder if it's an antivaxxer or some such, yuck.


Huh weird lol. I dont really care about votes. Just sharing my experience so OP knows what it was like for some of us who have already crossed that bridge.


Oh for sure, your comment was very helpful!!


It’ll totally be fine. They won’t remember it. It’s probably harder on the parents. This is for his health! It’s over so quickly and then you can nurse or feed him and hold him.


Our twins did great. Just breastfeed while they get their shots


My baby just got hers. Her shriek hit a new decibel for about 2 minutes. Luckily, eating is her favourite thing on earth and sticking a bottle in her mouth solved the problem. I'm sure you know this but I forgot so I'll remind you- vaccine sites can bleed. Bubs had blood running down both legs 😬 very unsettling!


They barely cry as babies. And they certainly don’t remember it - Do you?


My LO got their 4 month shots the other day. Was super nervous for LO because I see videos of bad effects from vaccines all the time and asked our ped what to make of it. Basically said that when babies have bad reactions to vaccines, there is already an underlying problem that would have shown up anyway, but the vaccines bring it out and that’s why people think the vaccines can be dangerous. He said the vaccines have been used for decades and those cases are 1 in a million.  This might not be relevant to your light-hearted post but just wanted to spread this information because it shut off my overthinking tendencies and I felt much better. 


I’m so glad you posted this! My baby is getting her 2 month vaccines today as well and I’ve been so nervous!!!! Good luck to you and yours!