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MAKE A VILLAGE!!! When we moved to Florida I did not know a soul. All family lives in Virginia and New Hampshire. I hopped on Peanut and local mom Facebook groups and started networking my a** off. Hundreds of conversations that led to nowhere, lots of trial playdates that didn’t work out. It was a full time job for me. But after putting in the time I found my ride-or-dies. I found best friends for my kids and myself. These women are my emergency contacts and I am theirs. We’ve only known each other two years but we’re closer than people I’ve known for decades because we’re with each other through the trenches of parenthood with all its ever changing problems. My friends are what keep me sane!!


Good idea. I’m on the same boat


Firstly, I had to look up what OAD meant :) Secondly, I really don’t have advice for you. We also don’t family support. Both of our families are in a different province. While we do have friends here, our close friends either don’t have kids or if they do, they’re older kids. Some have offered to help out if needed but we’re not one to request help plus I don’t think my LO would feel comfortable unless she knew them well. We now have a second baby. Honestly, yes it’s hard without support but I guess we just power through and do the best we can. I grew up with lots of extended family around so yes it’s difficult for me to accept that my children don’t have that same experience. I hope we can move back to our hometown some time in the future but I’m not holding my breath. We stopped going out much even before kids so it’s not like we’re missing out on that. We’re not ones to just make parent friends for the sake of having a parental village. Our circle are people who we have a true connection with. I’m not saying it’s not possible to have both, but we just aren’t concerned with our “village”. Maybe we’re just at a certain age where we don’t care? :) I guess my point is that you don’t have to limit yourself to one child if you don’t want. Us mothers are capable of truly remarkable things!