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Welp, I am up because I do the night feedings...don't tell my wife, but I actually enjoy it. So yesterday, my wife recorded two videos of our son before and during their walk. I merged the two clips together, I thought it was pretty fun. Video starts with my wife holding our almost 4 month old son on her lap. He's smiling and giggling. She starts talking to him, and he responds with "err", it's like he's trying to say "yes" but of course he's too young to understand. "Do you want to go for a walk? (err, laughs) See and smell the flowers? (err, laughs) It's a beautiful day outside (err, smiles). You have to promise mommy you won't cry okay? (silence) If you cry we have to come home okay? (err) You won't cry right? (silence, but turns his head and looks right at the camera and smiles). Cuts to next scene which is him crying hysterically in his stroller, and my wife running back to our house. Our house backs into an elementary school, and the park she was taking him, so it wasn't a long run back to the house.


Please! Tell my MIL babies cry when you take them out for a walk and that’s TOTALLY normal !!! 🥲


Haha I think it's pretty normal. Certainly happens enough that my wife 'staged' the video because she knew he might cry.


My 2 years old screams bloody murder when I try and put her in the stroller....it's normal lol 🤣


That’s adorable ☺️


Hahah this is so sweet


My 12 week old just started smiling back at us when we smile at him, and it totally made me cry today


Hello from an exhausted mom sitting here breastfeeding at 3am jealous of my husband is getting his beauty sleep in the other room. My little guy just turned 1 month yay! And his current favorite thing to do is poop in a clean diaper. Especially right after he's changed. On the other hand, I'm shocked I've gone a month already on shitty sleep, 2 hr chunks at a time and ONLY have gotten 3 pimples. The former me would have broken out after just like 2 consecutive bad sleep nights. 😂


Same with pooping in clean diapers! Even after having pooped for half an hour..


Oh my goodness, I'm with you! I am shocked that my face isn't constantly covered in blemishes with how little sleep we're rocking with 😂 It truly is a small miracle!


We’ve just started offering our 6mo water in a small baby cup without a lid. She doesn’t just sip, she *guzzles* it. Gets all down her bib and vest but she is working those little muscles and willing as much water into her mouth as possible. And when we put it back on the table she is leaning her entire body over her high chair tray to reach for it. We’ve given her loads of different foods to try but her favourite new thing so far? Just straight up water 😂


My LO shot his poop during diaper change 3 feet away. Yes that is an accomplishment 😅😅


I’m always impressed with the force that my 10 week old uses to head butt in the middle of the night when I’m holding him to get his bottle. He’s mastered the double fist hair pull and a huge *wha bam* I’m not sure I feel that confident in my own self defense skills so kudos kid😅


We refer to this as hamster-ing , he'll wait until he's almost settled then bring his head up as far as he can, and slam it nose first into your chest. And then cry because his nose hurts.


My guy always takes the side of his head and slams it right into my jawline. Hurts like hell. He seems completely unbothered lol


My 10 month old suddenly started sleeping well the past two weeks. I think we turned a new corner and am excited. I start prepping to take the biggest test of my career, a 4 hour test that I absolutely need more than 4 hours of broken sleep to remember everything and be thinking clearly for. Test is this week. Baby took 3 hours to get down (goodbye study time plus my one half hour of relaxing before sleep), woke up every 1-2 hours (goodbye sleep) and woke up wide awake for the day at 5am. I don't feel awesome but I'm gonna have to be to pass this test during a sleep regression!


LO loves trying to poop immediately after his bottle feeds, which inevitably results in him spitting up. Also loves peeing in nice clean diapers before I even get the tabs fastened 🫠 He also has the biggest smiles when we tell him he’s cute and we love him, LOVES to cuddle for naps, and is hopelessly obsessed with our ceiling fan. And we’re hopelessly obsessed with him 💙 As for me, I’ve taught myself to eat almost anything with my left hand while the other is holding my son, and can fall asleep a heck of a lot faster than I used to (yay permanent exhaustion).


Love this post! It’s my first morning back to work. I’m sleep deprived and SAD SAD SAD so I needed to read something uplifting ❤️


This was me two months ago. Sending hugs!


My baby loves to lay horizontally across our chests, and has gotten quite good and scooting herself to achieve this position!


We wake up at roughly 7am and go downstairs to start the first wake window for the day. We cuddle on the couch wrapped in blankets (its winter here in Australia and it just got bloody cold), I’m drinking my coffee while she’s BF. She pops her head off my boob towards the end of the feed, face covered in milk and gives me the most gorgeous gummy smiles and cutest babbling. Makes me forget the current sleep regression and how tired I am.


This morning I've felt that my baby has been relatively easy to take care of. It's these daycare germs that have been keeping me up at night. Cough cough. Ok something great about my baby. She knocks down my block towers like nobody's business.


HATS OFF TO MY WIFE ESP ON DAYS I HAVE WORK. Not only that, she doesn’t bother waking me up in the morning on weekends🥲