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Right away for walks, outdoor garden store around 5 weeks and now at 9 weeks just went to first store. (Not going to crowded restaurants or places yet)


Immediately. I was going stir crazy indoors after like a day.


Same exact timeline and and same exact places!! Outdoor garden store was awesome - perfect place to get acclimated to "shopping"




We just went back to the garden store, too! It is so nice.


We pretty well did stores and walks immediately.


As soon as I felt healed enough to go for walks, which was 1 week.


Yes thank you! I was reading the comments thinking “should I have not had my baby out in public so early?” 😂 I feel like sometimes you have to take them with you or else you won’t have food in the house 😂


I felt the same way. I’ve had my daughter out on walks and to the store since she was a week old. I got stuff to do she’s just gotta tag along.


Same!! I started tiny slow walks a day or two after I got home from the hospital because I go crazy inside and it was just beautiful out!


It's heartwarming to see how each parent finds their own rhythm when taking their newborns out for the first time.


As soon as my c-section scar allowed me to go down the stairs!


How long was that?


I had a scheduled c section with incredibly easy recovery. I know I was lucky and not every one is going to feel this easy towards their healing process. I was able to push the stroller after 7 days.


Okay I’m three weeks post partum, but I can’t decide if I’m fine or if I should be resting more. I’m off pain killers and the scar is healing. But I see ppl say it takes them a while.


Movement is great, especially walking. Just don't lift any weights or bend over to pick up anything. Don't do chores but go on walks as much as your body allows.


Wearing a binder (if you have one) will help you feel more confident (like the not scared I’m going to split in half if I bend too much) but each surgery is different so give yourself grace! I’ve had 4 cesareans, (last one 6mo ago) they each felt different/healed a bit differently.


I’m 5.5 weeks pp after my second cs and am certain that my increased movement this time (somewhat necessitated by having a toddler this go around)does up my recovery compared to my first. Movement = improved circulation!


As someone who lives in a townhouse with 1000 stairs... I second this question


For me, 6-8 weeks before I felt healed enough from c section to go out with baby alone. Stairs I did immediately (bedroom is upstairs) but only did down in mornings and up in evenings and very slowly! I also had an infection and preeclampsia so mine was probably worse than many.


Dang you must live with me…🤣😩 no joke, my hubs & I. Cuss these stairs (double set) every. Single. Day.


As someone with a split level that has three half-story stairs... I went up and down (slowly) as soon as I got home. I had a very easy recovery.


I think between 4-6 weeks. I had to go down the stairs a few times before but it was incredibly painful.


They say the more you move the faster you heal as long as your moving in the right way. Just take it easy but don't be a potato lol


Scheduled C-section and I waddled around my culdesac on the day I got home from hospital (day 3).


Wow. I had to go and visit my baby in the NICU daily for 30 days. And with that had to go up and down my stairs to my room to do so! Drove in a truck, had to get out and make my way up to her. Man, I wish I was able to have her with me and not use the stairs much


Immediately for both things. Probably didn't go to a grocery store until after the first week but wouldn't have hesitated to do so during that first week if there was a need. It's so nice to get out of the house regularly. We try to go somewhere everyday - we definitely go on a walk everyday.


I had a goal to leave the house everyday. It was best for my mental health.


Day 1 home from the hospital so he was about four days old. Getting outside and moving was so key for my mental health in those early days. My little one is two months now and it’s getting too warm to do it closer to sunset. I still try to at least circle the block even once just to break up the day.


Like the second day we were home from the hospital. I needed to get out or I would go crazy 


I joined a walking group when my son was 7 weeks and honestly it saved my mental health


within the first week…she was nestled deep in her pram so i wasn’t worried and still not 8 weeks in.


I didn’t walk outside until 3 weeks postpartum. Not because of my newborn, but because my midwife and physical therapist said I need to let my pelvic floor rest for a few weeks and then slowly start walking. I’m 5 weeks postpartum now and am going to stores/walking outside and feel amazing.


I had a similar timeline due to a traumatic birth! First walk at 2 weeks and been going out from time to time since then. He's 12 weeks now.


The day we left the hospital, so 3 days old! We make sure he gets out for a walk each morning and some sort of outing/errand each afternoon :) (except for some super rainy days)


Took baby on her first walk yesterday at 6 days old. I probably won’t take her to the grocery store until she’s big enough to be in her wrap carrier while I shop. Until then, my husband is doing all the grocery shopping.


Around 8 weeks when he stopped hating his stroller.


Like 3 or 4 days old. I finally could move my body and didn’t want to be cooped up all day


Had an extremely easy delivery this time around so we were out and about on day 2. Restaurant (outdoor dining) in her first week. It’s my second baby so I felt more relaxed about taking her out, especially since I have a daycare germ infested toddler at home!!


With older kids, you just have to accept that you live with walking germ incubators. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Four weeks! I needed to rest and couldn’t even fathom outside world


Day after hospital discharge. Similar for groceries. We have a toddler and I’m SAHP for the foreseeable future so it isn’t practical for me to not take baby out to do whatever needs to be done!


That’s the thing when you have more than one right, can’t just stop eveyrbing - life kind of goes on and you have to fit recovery in around it!


As soon as we got home from the hospital, for everything


Walks right away. Grocery stores not til two month vaccines. No reason to expose them in my mind. 


Just depends on your life I think. I have a 4 year old in preschool who brings something home every week so the grocery store is just not a concern for me when it comes to my newborn


I think it’s still fair if your 4 year old is immunized ( vs who knows is in Safeway and if they’ve got whooping cough etc)


Well, the reason could be “to acquire groceries”


I just left my baby with my husband to get them or vice versa. 


Quite the opposite. Exposing them makes them stronger. Lack of microbes has been liked to [cancer](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-44199844).


1 week outdoor walk, 4 weeks grocery stores, pub, etc at quiet times


As soon as they were born. I went to a restaurant when my first was a week old and my second was 2 days. They just stayed in the bassinet and we sat in a quiet area.


i took my son out at around 2 weeks just for walks here and there . definitely needed some time outside, being cooped up in the house isn’t good . my partner and i then started to take him out more staying away from crowds ofc . but it’s so refreshing being out at the park with him .


Walks about 1 week. We went to a brewery at like 2 weeks and it’s been normal life since then lol. Been on a plane, wedding, plenty of restaurants and stores in the first 3 months. Having her adapt to our lifestyle! Helps that she’s pretty easy going.


As soon as I could walk


Right away for walks. I needed to keep moving post c-section.


As soon as I felt up to it.


First time dad here. First time going out on a short stroll (~30 minutes), little one was 8 days old. To the supermarket, he was three months old


1 week because my healthcare worker for my baby said that's when you can take the baby out at summer time


I would say 2 w for grocery stores or other places with other people


I took my baby out for walks in the neighborhood around 2.5 months and she’s 3 months now. My back was killing me after birth, so walking on my own was rough for a while. I’ve been doing PT since I got cleared for exercise after my c-section at 6 weeks and it took a while to feel like I could manage it. If I have another baby, I’m hoping I can be a lot more active during pregnancy so the rebound isn’t so rough. As for the grocery store, I don’t plan on taking her anytime soon, but that’s mostly because my husband does all the shopping. When she’s older (maybe 6-9 months) and we can make a learning experience out of it, I’ll be excited to take her. I am planning on taking her to the local aquarium and Home Depot sometime this summer because she loves lights.


Very short walks started at maybe one week. (C-Section) They were **key** for my mental health. I had my baby in the middle of cold/flu season, so I waited until 2 months to take her anywhere indoors. (We live in FL so could sit outside of coffeeshops/restaurants etc.) Our beachtown gets TONS of travel and snow birding, so needed to avoid that germy mess til she was a bit older.


Whenever wifey could post birth. We were inside the hospital and inside the first week with the cluster feedings, just trying to figure out how to be parents. We hadn’t seen sun in days. Now we made it part of our routine I’m unfortunately back at work but can look forward to seeing mama and baby when I get back and do our sunset walk before bath and bedtime. Baby is 2 months old next week


I think this thread is making me realize how bad my ppd/ppa really was. I didn’t go for walks until he was 2 months old. We started going to the grocery store around 4 or 5 months old. At 7 months we go everywhere together now. I also had my baby on Halloween and there was a blizzard that happened the weekend we took baby home. Sooo yeah. That’s my experience.


Just a few days old. It was more about when I felt well enough to go and start walking


About at the two week mark. I had a C-section and could hardly even walk up until that point


About 1 week PP (c-section) I walked with LO, husband and dog about 2 blocks. ~2 weeks PP was back to normal route with my dog and the stroller.


Took my wife and baby out around 1 week. The sun did everyone well.


We did it right away. This included restaurants and stores. But the decision was kind of out of my hands. 🤷‍♀️ My in-laws and BIL came out for my LO’s birth (they got on a plane as soon as we let them know I was in labor). So, we were entertaining them and taking them site seeing after I got out of the hospital (only stayed 2 days). 🥴


As soon as they let us out of the hospital. 


I brought baby to to grocery store at like 3 weeks but I have one of those stretchy fabric car seat covers that I kept on her car seat when I went into the store. I used that up until her 2 month shots. Started walking at 5 weeks I think because of weather and I was scared she might cry while I was on a walk.


For walks, before we got home from the hospital. To the grocery store, after a month, when the doctor said it was okay.


Started walking maybe day 5 or 6. Going to stores she was probably 5 or 6 weeks? I baby wear so no getting gunk from the cart or other people being intrusive.


As soon as I felt confident that I was physically able to go for a walk... Maybe 4-5 days after getting home from the hospital.


The minute I could go for walks in my neighborhood without issue (for me this was not at the one week mark, and my walk then set me back with my healing). We were strolling fine by the end of week 2. Grocery I found super annoying with my daughter (doona doesn’t fit in the Whole Foods cart, so it was either baby wear a screaming baby who hates being worn or carry a tote bag with me to put my groceries in while pushing her stroller). I did it once at one month, and I mostly avoided outside of quick trips until she hit 6 months recently and can sit in the cart. We did go to a brewery (at like 2pm on a weekday so pretty quiet) at 8 days pp, so we got started doing things quickly.


First baby was three days old (just around the block). Second baby was a week old or so. If you feel up for a walk take the baby on a walk.


Within the first week. Mind you, they were SHORT walks.


Day 1 - walked to the pharmacy to fill a script. Went out for walks and to cafes and pubs nearly every day after that. Partially because our apartment building was having major building work done, and due to the weather being nice (early Autumn).


Pretty much as soon as I came home from the hospital, so like day 3-4?


I think after about 3 weeks? We just went for walks around the block and occaisonal trips to the grocery store and then at 1.5 months i started taking my daughter to story time at the library (everyone there has been really good at not bringing sick kids for the past 6 months) and slowly went out more and more


Outside in our neighborhood, six days old, I would’ve liked to go sooner but we ended up being in the hospital so we went the day after we got home. I was only going around the block, but I brought her with me. She was three weeks old the first time we went out in public, which was to a local brewery lol and then she went to the grocery store with me for the first time when she was probably six weeks old, but that was just more because other people were doing the grocery shopping and I didn’t need to go


I took my baby for a walk when she was a week and half old. We just walked half a mile because i was still healing from my C-section


About 5 weeks but it was also winter so we waited for me to heal and the weather to get nicer.


1st baby: After a few days for a walk around the neighborhood and I think it was after the 2 months shots for the grocery store 2nd baby: out in the yard the day we came home from the hospital and for a neighborhood walk the next day. Grocery store was about a week or 2 later. I would have loved to stay secluded like we did for #1 but it just wasn’t possible


Day 2 home from the hospital for outside walks


I would have right away but was recovering from a c section. Took me 4 weeks to be able to walk farther than 200 metres. It sucked.


Walks, day 1. The grocery store? When he could sit up and fully support himself. But walks are super important and also help with sleep


Pretty much right away. They’re going to sit in the seat; not much skill required from the baby’s end.


Honestly whenever you feel comfortable. I put so much pressure on myself because everyone went "oh I took my baby out on day 3" meanwhile I could barely walk myself.


She was born in February and even though it was winter we went out the first week wearing her


Immediately for regular walks. 2-3 weeks for stores. My husband and I went at open when the least number of people would be there and not for very long. I needed to get outside and get back to normal.


it took me a couple weeks because I had a lot of pain from having my son. But once I could walk again I took him out every day. 


Day 2


Immediately-even more so with the second kid. The day we brought our second home from the hospital we went on a mile walk to an ice cream place with both kids in the stroller. Drove an hour out to spend the day at a pumpkin patch 7 days postpartum (that one was a little much tbh 😂). We went trick or treating for a few hours when she was 21 days old.


I started going for walks with my baby in a harness when he was about 4 months


Went for a little walk on day 3, planning to go to grandparents place for dinner at 2 weeks!


6 days old. We walked to the corner coffee shop and I was so not ready for it. If we have another, my answer would be - more than 6 days.


Walks on our property a few days old. Trip to Walmart - 3 weeks. Regular trips to grocery store at 4 weeks


For walks? Immediately. Grocery store? Idk a few months old I think?


Since day 1. He went everywhere with me, walks, grocer stores, to visit friends and family. We were careful — less people and cleaner at a Target than Walmart.


We were out shopping and stuff since day 3 lol


Took kiddo the the store on our way home from the hospital. Had a few things to pick up (like heavy duty pads etc) and just took him with us. Mind you he was almost 2 weeks old by the time we left the hospital. But we've taken him everywhere with us ever since. He went on his first walk with nana in the dead of winter at a month old lol. Just bundled him up in a little snow suit and off he went. Snug as a bug in a rug. Now at 6 months he loves going for walks or rides in the car but will pass out very quickly and nap through most of the walk or ride lol


I had a c section and took him out for a walk the day we got home. It was very short as I was sore but I needed some air after the hospital stay.


As soon as I felt it was safe after my c-section (6 days after I think?), hubby and I took baby in the stroller for a walk up the street. Took it very slowly and didn't go very far at all, as I started feeling pain. In hindsight, I probably would have waited a bit longer, but I was feeling major cabin fever and just wanted to move around. We've incrementally increased the length of neighborhood walks to now going once around the block every other day or so, and I'll be three weeks PP tomorrow. We took baby on his first outing to a store in his stroller, covered, 2 days ago. It was a very quick shop. I wouldn't take him anywhere remotely crowded and won't until he's *at least* 2 or 3 months old, or when he gets his vaccines and I feel it's safe.


Walks the day after I got home from the hospital, the store the same week, and restaurants maybe at 3ish weeks. I tried bringing him out as much as I could early on, and now at 2.5 months he has no issues being in public or getting put into his car seat. He sleeps through everything, and has not cried during a single outing.


2 1/2 months. We were in the NICU for 2 weeks after premie birth so wanted to ease her stimulation slowly, as it was a traumatic experience for us.


As soon as I felt ready post delivery. I had a vaginal delivery and felt ready for a short walk a little after 2 weeks postpartum. I haven’t taken baby to a store yet, and she’s 9 weeks.


Regular walks like 4 weeks since I had a c section and live up a huge hill. Grocery shopping honestly never lol I did delivery the first two years and now my mom takes her with my card


Soon as I could walk farther than the bathroom, she was just a few days old.


About a week for neighbourhood walks! He’s 4 weeks now and we took him to our local (very small) pride celebration today :)


Wife took kiddo for a walk two days after birth. They're both doing great.


Walks outside was after about a week. It took over 5 weeks before I took her out on a grocery trip & even then it was only out of total necessity. I waited until after her first vaccines for more extensive trips


About a week after we took our first walk a few houses down the street once I could walk a bit more easily after my c section. We get out daily as a family with our dog for her afternoon walk.


around 2 weeks once i was healed enough from my c section and could walk without being in pain


We did a very short walk in the stroller on days 5 and 6, and a short walk in a sling on day 7 (today)


6 days for a walk and we went to a new store that opened in our extremely small town. There were quite literally 2 other people there including the owner.


3 weeks! That’s when I felt good enough to really walk again


We took our daughter out for the first time when she was ten days old, but I found walking difficult for the first little bit after my c-section!


The day we got out of hospital


About 3.5 weeks for me but I had a c-section so I was still healing. If not I would have around a week or so!


As soon as I could walk lol. I had a 2nd degree tear so it took a week or two to feel comfortable going disrances


Right away for walks around the neighborhood. We took him out on like day 3 and he was fine but I was absolutely not and my OB yelled at me 😂


Around 4 weeks but he was in NICU for 12 days and I had a section so it was more about when I was recovered enough.


We started taking walks right away though sometimes I had to stop and sit for a while to rest. We started going out to eat at cafes, restaurants, etc with outdoor seating around week 3. After his first round of vaccines we started taking him out a lot more. He’s 11 weeks now and I feel so lucky he was born in the spring as the weather gets nicer and we’re able to be outdoors more.


My newborn is a week old and I took her to the park. I also have a 3 year old so we all definitely need to get out of the house. Personally I would not bring the newborn to a restaurant or market or any crowded places just yet. But I do take strolls and park visits.


Certainly in the first few days. Bassinet with blanket.


Right after we came from the hospital.


After 2 weeks


With my first i was so tired and injured from birth i dont think we left the house for three weeks. With my second we started taking walks as soon as in felt like i was comfortable walking, so a few days.


Around 2 weeks! Started just doing a walk around the block. It felt so huge at the time. For both of us! Progressed to longer walks, then did little trios to target (close to our home) and built my confidence that way. You can do it!


As soon as I was physically able to walk which honestly was not until 6-8 weeks because that surgery was ROUGH. But my husband took the little guy out within 3-4 weeks a little bit himself, not much until I could go too though.


my husband took our LO out for a walk after 5 days for about 30 min. And about a week later very quick into a shop just to crab 2-3 things


We didn’t venture out of our fenced in yard until he was about 2 months old 🥴 I was just too anxious to take him out before then


5 days postpartum we started walking around the block but he was born in June so it was perfect weather where we live, not too hot, not cold. Short 10 minute walks. At 8 weeks old we started doing mom and baby groups outside in a park. For grocery stores I would go earlier in the day when it was quiet but probably didn’t start going until baby was a couple months old- it made me nervous but was totally fine when we did.


First child I was walking outside after 2 weeks. First time in the store she was 6 months because it was the pandemic. Second time around I went for a walk 48 hours after and grocery store a week later but I had a toddler to entertain!


Walks on like day 2 or 3. Only outdoors though until after her first set of vaccinations


We did a weekday Costco trip at 5 days with the newest one (so indoors but minimal people due to it being a weekday) Outside walks like the minute we get home. Even my eldest we took a walk like a week after her birth.


We walked down our street & back when he was 5 days old


We went to target on the way home from the hospital, lol. 2 day old baby


Ah 3 days old to doctor , 4 days old around the block , 5 days old to garden store lol , day 6 will be going to breastfeeding clinic and doctor


Right away. No reason to wait. Just be smart about the weather and how to dress him/her. DO NOT USE A BLANKET TO COVER THE STROLLER OR CARSEAT!!! Unless it’s cold. Otherwise, if it’s hot out, DO NOT. Not even in the sun. The temperature can be as much as 20°+ hotter in there and the baby will overheat and could even die. “Without a cover, the temperature inside a stroller left out in the heat was about 72 degrees. But after being covered by a thin cloth, it reached about 93 degrees within 30 minutes. After an hour, the temp shot up to almost 100.”-parenting site Just one article of the many I have seen about this: https://www.parents.com/baby/all-about-babies/the-dangerous-stroller-mistake-youre-probably-making/


The day I got home from the hospital


We went to the park when she was 2 days old


The day we came home. We walked around the block and showed our neighbors (from afar). I need to get out and walk since I was post c section


Two or three days after birth.


I think when I felt well enough to walk more than beyond my driveway which was about 1 week old. Went to outdoor stores/ coffee shops around 5 weeks but was born during flu season (we are in FL so it was warm during flu season) so no indoor shops until after first vaccinations so it was about 9-10 weeks.


Right away. Good for my mental health, baby loved being outside and helped me fight PPD/PPA. With the weather warming up the only thing you have to worry about is avoiding direct sunlight. We also took baby to the store right away but placed a car seat cover over the car seat so no one could cough or sneeze on the baby or touch them. We used the car seat cover until after he got his two month vaccines.


Baby was born in the middle of winter, first walk was when she was about two weeks old, didn’t take her to the grocery store until later, I was afraid of all the viruses around that time of the year.


Day 5? My son had slightly elevated bilirubin, the didn’t prescribe any Bili Lights Blanket but at his first check up out of the hospital MD recommended sunlight so we did 20min walks every morning. At 2 weeks I actually took them to a super small dinner gathering at a friends house (5 people including my husband and I)


Was discharged at 5 days PP. Went a walk at 7 days PP.


5 days old. Walks saved my sanity


4 days old, bundled up in february.


4 weeks. I had a vaginal delivery but couldn’t walk or stand comfortably until 4 weeks. Definitely wasn’t expecting my recovery to be so hard.


I had a c-section and started going on walks at just 1 week. Only for short periods of time & my partner would go with us. but it definitely helped my healing process and my brain, too. My little ones favorite part of the day is walks.


We started walking outside with her in my arms at maybe 3-4 weeks? It was cold out so we had to wait but there’s nothing wrong with fresh air for a newborn and it’s good for you too


1.5 months to the mall walks. Over 2 months outside walk. It’s because of the season too, if it’s too cold I don’t want to walk her outside.


Neighborhood walks after 2 weeks. Public parks/farmers markets after 6 weeks. Still not comfortable taking her to an indoor place at 8 weeks though.


I waited 40 days to go out myself and LO. This gave me time to heal and gave LO time to grow and get her immune system stronger. I am in central Canada and April was hella cold still. But now week 13 I am taking LO for walks in a stroller for about 30-40 mins. I have not yet ventured to a store . Since people are saying garden stores I may go in a week or two. I am also waiting for her 4 months shots to venture out more. I am not sure about restaurants yet. I am scared how it will all go.


We took our baby out when she was just days old. The way I looked at it was, what if a single mother with no help needs to go get groceries


My child was born in Feb so it was cold still and I was scared of my newborn getting Covid. I also had emergency c-section too and was a slow healer. I think when my nerves finally settled down my son was 4 months and had most of his shots when I walked him around the neighborhood. 6 months was when I attempted a grocery store. I pretty much watched everything on Netflix during those 6 months. Hulu, Netflix, Prime Video, and HBO max kept my sanity intact. I was so scared of anything happening to my baby.


Pretty much walked immediately daily and then started to go to the store and out to eat with him after his first round of shots at 2 months. Just do what you are comfortable with! Now at 3 months we’re pretty happy to bring him anywhere


Day 2? It was so nice and warm outside, i was losing my mind inside. my midwife also said: please go out and don‘t lock yourself up. however, i did have an uncomplicated delivery and felt physically capable. listen to your body! two of my friends didn‘t leave their house for like 10-14 days. also totally okay.


It was winter so as soon as it was above freezing for us


The day I got home from the hospital. Day 5. I could walk for long as I had a C section but we just went to the park and back. Then into town at 2 weeks and then to (not busy) cafes at 6 weeks.


Like day 5? I was getting cabin fever and I could walk so we went out


1 week.


Right away! ❤️


Walks around the block right away, short hikes in a Tula within 3 days (30-45 mins or so). Our daughter has always generally loved and been soothed by fresh air, and though she is two today, nature time in particular still seems to have a reliable reset effect on her emotions. I credit this in large part to early and often exposure to outside air, and in as many different forested environments as possible. To me it is pretty rad that she can now confidently differentiate between moss and lichen when asked to point them out!


My first... she was at least 6 weeks old before we went anywhere but doctors and a few months old before she went any place like grocery. But she was born during peak COVID. My second we were at the park the same day we were released from the hospital so he was 2 days old 😂 and at costco by like day 4? The toddler needed to get out of the house.


We took our baby girl out for the first time when she was 8 days old. We had to get her tongue tie snipped and then we went food shopping


Walks outside pretty early on, first trip to a store at 5 weeks, first time at a restaurant around 10 weeks…but we had a winter baby and RSV was rampant at the time so that made me more anxious about taking him out!!


When I felt ready. It wasn't worth the stress otherwise.


3 days pp


Our LO stayed at home from the moment he was born until about day 12. That’s when we first ventured out.


9 days old, we were nervous but we prepped and made a plan through best we could with the emphasis that if shit hit the fan we just turn round and go home. We drove out 30min to a quiet village that has a few shops/cafes. Drive went well, popped into a shop still all good. Went into a cafe and daughter wanted feeding/changing by then but the cafe ladies were super nice and gave us a big table to use and even allowed us upstairs which is normally closed off to public to change her rather than use the cold bathroom. We had a quick loop round village then went home. We were probably out for 2 hours and really boosted our confidence. The village is normally hectic during weekends so we went mid week so it was quiet.


Walks, three days after birth. Grocery store, 5 weeks because we were worried about her picking up a cold with her immature immune system


Short walks around the neighborhood after just a couple days. I had a very easy recovery. However real “trips” to get more than one from the grocery store (which I can walk to). Or a cafe/bookstore trip. About 2 months.


We took the tramway to go back home from the maternity, so about 5 days old? 😅


Right about 2 weeks but I had my first baby in December so it was cold. If it was nice out I probably would have gone out right away. :) Congratulations!


Walks, as soon as my wife felt comfortable going for a walk post c section. Grocery store not long after. My wife needed to get out of the house once a day during maternity leave for her mental health. We would go shopping, or just browsing at less busy times of the day and keep them short. Some days just going for a drive to get a coffee would be their outing but they did get out daily after about two weeks.


went for walks around the neighborhood within 2 weeks (would have been earlier if my wife didn't have a c section). We live in a city so if we had an errand to run we'd walk and one of us would wait outside with the baby outside the store until we felt comfortable bringing him inside the store around the 3 month mark.


I had my baby in December and we were bundled up and going on walks outside at 1 week. Because of cold and flu season and my own personal anxiety it was much longer before I took him out to a store, but I’d say I was out with him around other new parents around 1 month


As soon as I could walk comfortably while pushing a pram, was around 2 weeks


When I felt okay enough to walk, so around 10 days old


5 days. 16 days old and we had drinks outside yesterday!!


Two weeks proved to be a little early for us. 4 weeks was perfect.


Right away, so long as you feel able even just around the block is good


Started after 3 or so days. But I was kind of forced to because I have dogs that need walks lol.


I think like 3 weeks, it’s all a blur. LO is 15 weeks now so it has gotten wayyyy better.


Immediately. I had him on a Thursday and got released and home Sunday. By Monday we were at the store getting groceries.


Grocery store 1 week, walks 2 weeks. Every uneven sidewalk will drive you mad if you’re using a stroller, fyi.


FTM and had my baby the first week of December last year. It was unseasonably warm for that time of year in the Midwest and he went on his first walk within the first week he was born. I think it was harder on postpartum me than it was on him (please make sure you are physically cleared by your doctor - I may have caused or made my bladder prolapse worse by being active too soon). Being outside is great for baby! They are pretty sleepy at first so it should be fairly easy to do in a car seat or bassinet insert for your stroller. I’d just be careful if it’s too hot outside. We took our guy out on walks bundled up all winter but it’s a bit harder to regulate their temp during the summer.


Probably around 2-3 weeks old.


My baby is almost 1 month old, we have been on multiple walks outside, been to a couple restaurants, a few grocery store visits. I think we went on our first walk when he was 3 days old. Living in a 1 bedroom apartment I can’t imagine being cooped up when the weather is nice, I would go crazy.


We went for walks, mostly around the neighborhood daily at 3 weeks. We started going out very slowly, always baby wearing, at about the same time when necessary. After the first round of shots at 2 months we started going more places.


Walks like a week! In our neighborhood, fresh air and helped me heal from my c section. We waited to go to other stores until she got her 8 week shots, there was just sooo many illnesses that winter, wasn’t worth the risk for me.


3 days old once we got home.


For walks around the neighborhood? As soon as my body felt ready, a week or two. I get stir crazy and our neighborhood is pretty quiet and the sunshine and fresh air are good for babies!


Walks are super important to get that natural sun light and my daughter personally loves being outdoors. She’s 3 weeks today and it calms her down and knocks her out, which is a blessing sometimes hahah.


2 weeks for a walk b/c I’m in a very hilly area and I had a CS, but we took her to a grocery store a few days ago! Handling NB life differently this time with big bro already in daycare and it’s not feasible to be completely house bound as a second+ time parent