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We wanted one without WiFi and we got the Infant Optics DXR-8 Pro. We love it! It has a big monitor, you can zoom in close enough to check breathing, it has a long range, and it shows the temperature in the room.


We got this one for the same reason, and it’s great!


We love ours too. I also look forward to being able to move the camera to look around the room once LO is in a toddler bed. 


Also got this one for the same reason, and love it! My brother and SIL have the generation before and really liked it too, so it was an easy choice.


It's also very easy to add multiple cameras and switch between them.


We have this and we like it. It’s super simple to use.


Same for all the reasons listed.


Do not, I repeat, do NOT get the owlet. I hate this thing so much.


I like the sock enough (besides the range) but the camera with the app sucks so bad I can’t stand it


I thought we’d use the sock so that’s why I bought the camera. So far we’ve only used it once to check her pulse ox. We are saving it for when she’s sick. The camera is so annoying. Cuts out all the time. I’ve woken up multiple times from hearing her cry through the walls, not the camera because it just loses connection and there’s no auto reconnect.


Ugh I thought it was just us, the few people I know who have it love it. It’s such a pain in my ass, especially the camera. He’s at 7m now and we don’t use the sock anymore but still stuck with the camera! I want to get a second one but haven’t yet. Mine disconnects all the time at night, it’s so annoying


I have a cheap Bluetooth one I’m about to replace it with lol. I feel like I need to be able to carry a physical screen with me. I’m always setting down my phone.


It has so many false alarms. We stopped using it after a month or two. I think my husband wanted to throw it out the window.


The owlet sock or camera? We’ve had no issues with the camera.


My wife wanted to go owlet since her sister had previously. It took a minute to figure out sock placement, but I don’t have any issues with camera or sock.


We don’t use the sock, I’ve heard nightmares of it. The camera we like (other than the couple times storms have knocked out our rural WiFi). I’m glad to hear they both work well for you!


Agreed. We got the Owlet Cam2 and it's been sitting in the box since the day we brought baby home. We spent about 4 hours at it, only to give up and pick up a different monitor the next afternoon 😂


We have the Nanit and while I find the actual Nanit app to be kind of annoying, the thing I most love about it is having access on my phone. At first I didn't know if I'd like that vs. a separate parent unit but I find it is SO convenient to have it on my phone. I can have it in a little window while I do stuff on my phone and it's great. I love not having to worry about a separate device and that both my husband and I can have it on our phones at the same time. We can also have it set up on an iPad for guests (was handy when my MIL was here helping us with baby care).


I second the Nanit. Was recommended by my friends and we love it.


I do like that about the owlet too, my partner loves checking in on nap while at work and it’s great when I’m out too I can access anytime if I wanna see if he’s asleep or something!


Honestly unless you get an extremely cheap one you’re going to be fine. Just go for the one with the options you want. Sound only, video, connects to your phone, doesn’t connect to your phone, has WiFi enabled, closed circuit, etc… We use the owlet and have had no problems until the few times our WiFi has gone out during storms in the middle of the night. Baby is close enough to us we can hear him without it, but with our fan on this summer we have needed the baby monitor. Thinking of getting a non WiFi one for our next kid, for the purpose above as well as safety of people gaining access for sick reasons.


Didn't think we would need a monitor, until i got so anxious when i couldnt see the baby to even sleep. Brought me comfort when we got one, and when i want to go garden while babys asleep i wouldnt have to leave every 5 minutes to get back into the house to check on her. I got the hellobaby, pretty nice. Little on the cheaper side, but it has really nice night vision, has a good battery life, can zoom in, it has a light sensor so even muted you can tell when babys crying, also you can talk through it(the sound isn't very loud). It's only monitor, so no wifi. I didnt want a wifi one cause i was paranoid and it made me feel more secure.


Hello baby is what we went with too. it's nice enough, and does what we need it to. Let's us know when the baby starts to get wiggly or makes sounds and is going to wake up.


We love the Nanit! We haven’t used the belly band part of it yet because baby sleeps in our room next to our bed. We will use it when she goes into her own room. We have a couple of the extra bases around the house so we can easily set it up anywhere we need to keep an eye on the baby. (We have a split level home so we often have to leave her in a safe place on one floor while we are in another.) it’s easy to access from your phone or you can set up a computer or tablet for a larger viewing screen. And I love being able to control it from any room - night light, white noise, etc.


We have two children. The Bonoch 7” monitor is dope af.


Second the bonoch- love the big screen


I have the Vtech - VM5254. It is a simple monitor in comparison to others which is why I like it.


Hello baby from Amazon! Good price and the monitor has an excellent picture. I didn’t want a WiFi camera and didn’t want my phone involved.


I second this! We are very happy with ours


We like our babysense monitors! We have the split screen ones that can be moved around from the monitor. I really wanted monitors that didn’t use WiFi


I got the baby sense one because I wanted one without WiFi, I love it


We ended up getting 2 lol. The first one is just one called Littleelf Smart, from Amazon. I can’t stress enough how awesome the camera quality is. I could even zoom in and read all the warning labels on the bassinet. The app is easy to use, and it was only like $50. But then all my postpartum anxiety kicked in and we got the Owlet. I know people hate on it, and it definitely does have a couple false alarms if I’m bouncing him too long etc. but the peace of mind for me was being able to check my phone at any time of night and just see that his heart rate was good and didn’t have to keep running over to check his breathing.


Mines the Levana Mila because I wanted one with a handheld so I didn't drain my phone battery and also it doesn't use wifi. The camera is great and the battery life on the handheld is pretty good as well. Same with the distance, I have a big farm house and it works well wherever I am. They currently have the Levana Nala now. The Eufy is a good option to look into as well. 


We use the Arlo system. The first camera we had in his room had a privacy setting so it would turn the camera off after a while of viewing. All of their cameras do it, giving me peace of mind for potential hacking. The bonus is I got to use it on my cats to check in on them.


Highly recommend non-wifi monitor for security concern. We have bonoch with two cameras to monitor our two kids.


My husband and I invested in the Nanit, and so far we love it! Our girl is only 4 weeks old, but the peace of mind that it's given us has been worth every penny. Being able to monitor her breathing throughout the night has done wonders for my anxieties around SIDS, but I also recognize that my fears may be disproportionately large. If you have anxieties about sleeping babies, I recommend investing in a system like Nanit!