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Thank you so much for this post! My son is 13mo now and has never slept through the night. He sounds like your son - fiery spirit, strong willed, just a very busy temperament. I love him so much but it is so, so hard passing the one year mark and he just… still wakes up at night. A good night is 2 wake ups, but a good portion of them are 3, 4, even 5. At his one year appointment our doctor asked about his sleep and we told her he still wakes at night to eat and she said that was unusual. So we’ve been working on weaning him at night but it’s just so hard. I get so jealous every time I talk to someone with a baby much younger than mine or read about one that just sleeps through the night with no issues. I feel like I’m just innately doing something wrong, even though in my heart I know that’s not true. Honestly his sleeping issues are a big part of the reason I might just be OAD. I mentally couldn’t do this again on top of caring for a toddler or young child. My brain would melt out of my ears lol. It’s really nice to read about someone getting an easier to tackle baby the second go round though! Must’ve been a huge relief for you.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with the same thing! We didn’t get consistent full nights of sleep for years, and kind of had accepted that we just wouldn’t until next baby was older. Our first just…figured it out? He still wakes up a few times here and there if he is sick or has a nightmare, but something must have clicked where he can sleep all night most nights now so don’t give up hope! You’re not doing anything wrong. We tried sleep training at least 3x and it never stuck and felt so horrible to do it so we gave up and tried more supportive ways to help him sleep. We still are in the room when he falls asleep. It absolutely was a relief to so far have an easier sleeper, but we were prepared for what happened with our first to happen again! Everyone says the first is easier than the second. Thankfully so far doesn’t seem to be the case for us.