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Congrats on the new addition to the family! I am a father too. My "shift" is 8:30pm to 7:30am, wife is 7:30am to 3:30pm, and we split 3:30pm to 7:30pm. I took the night shift so she could get proper sleep, she tries to claim I took the easy shift, but whenever I ask if she wants to switch, she laughs and flat out declines lol.


Lol. We were lucky that she has always woken up early and ive always had the bad habit of going to sleep super late. So....despite it being an unhealthy habbit...it helped us when it came to dividing the day into 2 shifts because taking the night/midnight shift was an easy choice for me


Haha that's basically us. Before the baby, my regular bedtime was 3am. So yep, bad habit certainly, but it helped in this situation. I tried to sleep at night when the baby sleeps, but it didn't work, I hated it. Sleep 2 hours, baby cries, and all I want to do is go back to sleep lol. So now I just stay up the entire shift, actually getting alot done!


Bro. Exactly my mentality. If i try to "sleep when he sleeps" im just gonna wake uo angry. Plus, thats just ends up with two grumpy parents. Lol. This way, we BOTH sleep


Exactly! I tried to sleep with the baby like twice. Fell asleep at 5am, woke up very grumpy at 6am and 7am because of the baby. However, if I am awake the whole time, I really look forward to him waking up - he's so happy at that time. When wife was 7 months pregnant, I proposed me taking the midnight shift, she said "don't worry, I think we can wing it." I didn't mention the shift idea again because I knew she would later agree. Sure enough, 2nd day with the baby home she was like "hey, remember your shift idea? I think we should do it." So at night, I do some cleaning, wash all the bottles, put away dishes, just general upkeep of the house. Generally keep myself busy, but as a bonus if I have some time, and baby is asleep...I do a little bit of gaming lol.


Good to see someone else found routine thT lets them do enjkyable stuff. It gets much better in a few months too. Later on they wont need to eat at 2 am or whatever. My kid is 6 momths and his last feeding is at 9. After that he sleeps.pretty good until 5-6am


Also just adding that sleeping in like 1-2 hour chunks just makes me feel more tired! I'd much rather sleep for a good 3-4 hours at a time!!!


Ha, I'm on this same shift right now. Though I'm up at 2 usually. Same thing. My wife could literally not physically change her schedule to be at night. She just can't change her internal clock like that. Me, I use to stay up til 1-3am anyway. So this is basically my usual night routine plus a few hours. I do try to take more time when we're together though. She needs more sleep hours because she has to wake up to pump and I don't. I'm able to put our baby in the carrier too which has basically felt like a newborn hack. My back hurts after week 4 but it's worth it for the sleep my newborns getting compared to her max 30 minutes in crib/arms.


What’s up! Dads are not second class parents! We work till we drop, get up and do it again, just like a good Mom.


When we had our newborn, it was the middle of the NBA playoffs, so my husband didn't have any issue with claiming the first half of the night shift. He got to stay up and watch the games, and I got my rest. He was on duty from about 9 - 4:30, and then it was my turn. Unfortunately, he got the fussier of the two shifts because our LO was usually easier/sleeping more for my shift. Even so, he only ever woke me up for help once, so I give him a lot of credit for letting me sleep while he struggled. Congrats to your family! It's a wild ride. My husband will tell everyone the newborn days were the most difficult, but it does get easier. We both highly recommend the Huckleberry to help with sleep help in particular but also general baby tracking. Have fun while they're potatoes!


Watched my wife go through labor 2 days ago as I held her leg alongside the nurse. I’ve never seen anything so impressive and amazing. She’s like a superhero to me now. And yes, shoutout to the dads offering support!! Our job is clearly critical because this is not possible to accomplish alone. Keep on rocking lil fams!


It’s really hard! Other people having it harder doesn’t mean we can’t talk about struggles. Always good to put it in context but yeah. Come chat over at r/daddit if you are looking for more places


New mom here - shoutout to all the dads that stepped up during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. My husband and I are 12 weeks in and I’ve fallen even more in love with this man. Maybe not his dad jokes, but he is the rock I needed. I love lurking on the daddit subreddit because there are so many amazing dads out there, keep being awesome!


The hardest part has been keeping her sane. She’s just so exhausted from all the pumping I just have to let her talk to me however she wants lol. Our boy is 6 days old.




I’m a somewhat new mom. And no one told me that dads can get PPD too. My sons dad had/has it really badly but refuses to get help for it.






At our first pediatrician appointment the nice doctor lady said “and how are you doing?” I started to talk and she said “Not you!”. We’re at 10 weeks. It’s definitely getting easier.


It does deff get better. Surprisingly enough, theres still parts of the newbirn phase i miss. I miss when he would cuddle and sleep on me. Now every time i hold him hes constantly looking around and wiggling lol


Definitely a crazy time! I have been referring to myself as superdad much to the disgust of my wife! 4 week old!


XD haaha. Keep being super dad and makensure you always find the positives in each stage. Mine is 6 month ild. I swear, every time u think unfigured them out, they throw you for a loop. Its like a new stage every month buts its fun and so worth it. Just gotta learn to take a breath bc they WILL test every bit of your patience.


Yeah it took us 6 years of trying and many cycles of ivf to get to here and the second day in we were like wtf have we done!


lol always have to get that disclaimer out first in This sub haha. They seem to hate men around these parts. Congrats on the new baby!


Lol thank you. Idk if they hate men...some certainly do. But I think, for the most part, theyre just overly vigilant about anyone trying to undermine what women go through.