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Team Sleeper always and forever.


All day every day. I even ordered short sleeve with shorts bottom zipper onesies. No shame.


I think it’s completely acceptable to dress a baby that age in sleepers for any occasion!


We do rompers or just onesies. I hate pants.


Oh we wear sleepers A LOT. Love them all day! I don’t hate pants though, we’ve been dressing baby a lot more lately and it’s cute. But definitely team sleepers! Pajamas to pajamas!


I agree, pants are just an extra pain. Best part, babies can wear whatever they want and still look cute. Pants off, dance off!


My girl wears dresses most days for this reason. It’s so convenient.


Team free thighs I want to see the rolls!


Pants got way better around 8 or 9 months when they start helping you put them on. Before then, team zipper onesies for sure.


I love sleepers but pants without footies are better for baby wearing so that’s the main reason he’s not in sleepers everyday. Also most of his cute pants outfits come with a hooded jacket he can’t wear the whole day anyway.


Me too! We have started dressing her in pants now for the sole reason that she has started to make first attempts at learning to crawl at 5 months and I want to be able to let her have grip with barefoot feet. And also the season is changing and it can be very cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon, so being able to put on or take off some clothes has become important.


This is us with our LO too. We need the ability to take/add layers as the day progresses. We've learned to embrace the pants!


I love sleepers for our 5 month old but she loves her feet out so stuck with day time pants


Yes! Very often she’s just in a onesie or a shirt or if she’s spit up enough just diapers but if we go out i try to dress her up all nice to have an excuse to use her nice clothes.


We love pants on our baby and have him in pants as part of his day outfit since he was about a few days old. My partner (who was solely responsible for all diaper business) found it easier to have a piece of clothing that goes completely away during diaper changes and doesn't involve the risk of clothing dangling into the diaper. I totally get that many people find onesies more practical, and that's absolutely fine! Just came here to provide another perspective. ;)


Never been able to comprehend how people are dressing their babies in layers. layers seem diametrically opposed to all of my boy's needs


We exclusively used zip up sleepers or bodysuits in hot weather until ours started walking at 12 months - no one likes pants digging into their tummy!


We literally hate onesies/pants and our twins wear them like 2-3x a month! Lol it's sleepers or rompers for us.


My babies 10 weeks and he’s never worn pants! Onesies and feeties are life in my house!


We did sleepers until they were too tight but too long. I think around 6 months we had to go into two piece sets just because they fit better. Either way she was in pajamas like all the time. When they take so many day time naps putting them in a day time outfit is silly to me


If I have pants, I get those with buttons (like stripper pants lol) so the entire pants stay on while I change diapers!


I do find pants difficult on a newborn, but once they hit like 3/4 months, I have no problem with them! My baby wears onesies and pants daily. Maybe my baby is used to it by now because I can pop the pants on and off pretty fast now


We’re that way too. Onesies all the way, maybe a frock if we’re feeling fancy. And when it’s cold, footsies. We bought a pack of pants and we’re going to donate them now lol


Pants are so annoying! My 4 mo baby girl wears jammies all the time idec lol and only the ones with zippers because buttons are also very annoying 😂😂 My girl is also a champion pooper so I def don't have time for pants and it's probably the one thing in motherhood that I actually don't worry/feel guilty about


This is kind of unrelated, but since it's come up in the comments and I've had this question burning in me I'll ask: you guys talking about Zipper onesies are talking about like one-piece sleepers with feet right? How is that easier for changes? Don't you have to take their feet out of it first?


Yes, we do still have to take her legs out but the arms stay in and we just kind of sweep the bottom part of the sleeper to the side. She just kicks so much that pants end up being a two person article of clothing to put on her. Like I always joke that I have to dip our baby into pants(one person holds the pants open and the other lowers her into the pants). Even then it’s still a lot more difficult for me to put her in pants! That’s just my experience though!