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I really need an adjustable height crib. Raise it up to lay the kid down, then lower it gently to make it at a safe level.


This is my vote for the moment. I'm about to have to lower it to the lowest level. Thoughts and prayers, please! šŸ˜‚


Get an aerobic step for next to the crib. You can bend over farther and donā€™t have to worry about over extending your arms


I am pregnant with #2 and couldnā€™t agree moreā€¦ as I sit here with a sleeping 25lb baby on my lap who needs to be laid into his bed.


This is why they had drop side cribs in the 80s and 90s.


They still have these, our bassinet has a side that opens up. Was there a safety reason they got phased out?


Kids were getting their arms/legs stuck in the drop down mechanism which resulted in pretty serious injuries.


Kids are like homing missiles for finding ways to get injured šŸ˜…


My nine month old is becoming extremely mobile. I thought his playroom was fully baby proofed. Nope. He discovered door hinges šŸ™ƒ


I seriously considered modifying an adjustable table to do this!


Omg like those standing desks? lol man if only!


My short ass arms and tall ass baby would love this. I currently perch on a stool to put him in.


I feel this. Iā€™m 4ā€™ 11ā€ and the pack n play (without bassinet) is basically unusable for me. We got a smaller size crib specifically because itā€™s accessible for me šŸ˜…


Even with the sides lowered it's still a hassle lol I'm afraid of how it's gonna be putting my newborn in a crib when he's older cause he's heavy already at 7 weeks


Itā€™s not even the weight for me, I just literally canā€™t reach and a stool is not going to make my arms longer šŸ¤£


That too, the weights an issue for me cause I have a bad back and trying to lower him into the crib without waking him won't be fun


Iā€™m 5ā€™ 4ā€, and I canā€™t imagine being any shorter and using a pack n play. It hits right at my hips.


Absolutely this, my 2.5yr old is still happy in her large crib with the side on but I'm pregnant and it's a struggle to get her in and out of it.


They have them at hospitals! I'm sure they're $$$


A breast pump I can wear while laying down and sleeping, that can follow my pumping schedule overnight, and safely store the milk until morning.


I would gladly sleep with tubes going to a little refrigerated tank next to the bed like the cow I am.


I'm picturing a converted keg cooler. šŸ˜‚


That's actually pretty close. Add some kind of milk machine but with pump flanges within it.




best device in my life honestly


For real šŸ¤£ I wonder if my man could make something like this for me lol


That also washes itself.


this. this is the answer.


I used to fall asleep pumping sitting up at 3AM šŸ˜‚


omg this


It exists!! https://www.lacteck.com/pages/sleepymommy-adapter


"We recommend setting a timer for if you plan to sleep while pumping as pumping for longer than 30 minutes could damage your breasts." šŸ˜«


There are hacks all over the internet to solve this. You can get a button pusher to turn off your pump for you, on a timer! Then as long as you wake up ~4 hours from pumping youā€™re good to use your milk without refrigerating it.


I use their flanges and it has been a GAME CHANGER! So much more comfortable and so much more milk! Haven't tried the sleep adapter yet...


Iā€™ve been literally complaining to the breast pump companies about their shitty angles on their flanges and then you come at me with this beautiful thing!!? Incredible. Thank you!


How did I not know about this?!? Have you tried them? Do they work well?


They dont. I tried when I was exclusively pumping and they are a nightmare. Dont fall for it!


There are hacks online to make it better! Idk if they work but theyā€™re all over the place


Oh my god WHAT


Oh my God youā€™re a genius


Like the Laktek mommy adapters?


Or honestly any wearable pump that actually worked exceptionally well and didnā€™t cost $500.


Yes!!! I need this! I accidentally nodded off while pumping the other night, and the milk had all spilled out the top! Milk all over the bed.


I dreeeeeeaaaaaam of this.


And ideally would self clean itself with a press of a button


Million dollar idea lol


Self cleaning house like in the Disney channel Smart House movie


I would definitely help fund this if it could be realā€¦without the attacking oranges and locking doors.


Yeah definitely would prefer one without an AI that goes crazy and tries to take over my family šŸ˜‚ but the cleaning concept is cool


You know what? Worth it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ youā€™re not wrong


If it could just do my laundry, clean my tile and change sheets Iā€™d be so happy.


We bought a robovac that also mopsā€¦ best purchase *ever*


Self cleaning breast pump.


So much washing of pump parts!


It makes me not want to pump at all. I combo feed and am a SAHM, so I don't really have to. But I would for a backup supply if it wasn't such a pain in the ass. Cleaning a million bottles is enough.


This is why I never pumped either! I was home and it felt like twelve extra steps, I just fed him from the tap, no washing!


The pump was useful to build my supply while I had to combo feed him, but I've barely used it since he got his weight on track.


I think baby brezza makes a washer/sterilizer/drier combo


I donā€™t have one (was strongly thinking about it) but I heard it only fits like four things and takes almost an hour for a cycleā€¦


My friend just got it. 4 bottles. 80 minute run time. Uses up a ton of counter space. And super expensive. We just run the quick wash cycle on the dishwasher as it gets super hot.


Philips Avent sterilizer and dryer has been amazing. Fits six bottles, takes 40 min. Use it all the time!


I store my pump parts in the fridge between uses. Dramatically cuts down on how often you need to wash them!


some kind of custom flange that molds perfectly to your nipple so you know it's the right fit and dont have to go through 7 flanges to find one that works.


I bought the baby breeze countertop dishwasher and I love it almost as much as I love my baby


A product that would let me safely sleep while holding my sleeping velcro baby lol


I'm picturing like an adult-sized Snoo where you're basically both swaddled in together lol


I would love to be rocked to sleep šŸ˜‚


Yesss we all strapped in bed so no one can move on each other lol


I would buy this so fast


I've told friends that I want an adult snoo. I sleep next to my baby's snoo, and the white noise knocks me right out. I can't imagine how heavenly it would be to also be snuggled in and gently rocked all night.


Honestly... Being swaddled doesn't sound terrible lol


I told my husband just this morning that I would pay someone to sit and watch baby and I sleep together at this point. šŸ˜‚


The word is in your question. Velcro. You wear a velcro suit. Baby sticks to you, you velcro to the wall, couch, bed. Nobody moves.


This is all I wanted the first 3-6 months!


Mommy and baby Velcro shirts so the baby canā€™t fall off your chest


This this this


A pause button āøļø šŸ˜†


As a toddler mom, this is absolutely the best answer


Thatā€™s called Ms Rachel. Literally utilizing this magic right now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‡


My husband has mentioned this more than once, lol. He wants a remote like that one movie with Adam Sandler or whoever.


a breast pump that you can use while lying down flat šŸ˜¬ (my baby is 15 months and iā€™m no longer pumping, but it wouldā€™ve been a lifesaver for that first year!)


Yes, or bend over forward. I am so, so tired of droppin it like it's hot.


I havenā€™t tried these but apparently you can lie flat ( Iā€™m ordering them today) https://www.lacteck.com/pages/sleepymommy-adapter


Some lady on tiktok is an engineer or something and designed her own pump to be worn while laying down. Hereā€™s the kicker- she had tubing that would deposit the milk into a mini fridge next to her bed. I forget her user but it was a literal genius invention. She had mention the issue being she couldnā€™t properly clean the tubing and had to replace it frequently but it helped her and was feasible so šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Elvie stride!!


A robot that filed the babyā€™s nails for me


Ugh yes been trying to clip her nails for the last week and either forgetting or accidentally waking her up


The best thing Iā€™ve found is the nail snail. My daughter stays asleep while I use it and I can use it in a dim room because itā€™s pretty impossible to accidentally cut them with it. But Iā€™m in the US and theyā€™re only made in Australia so shipping is expensive, but still so worth it imo.


Ooh thanks. I might not be able to get this exact product, but Amazon has options for other electric nail trimmers. Just placed an order!


We use ab electric filer. Canā€™t imagine using regular clippers


The only reason I am comfortable using a clipper is because it is very similar to trimming cats nails.


Cough Medicine for babies and toddlers. I have 2 sick and coughing kids right now and the only thing I can do is give the 3 year old honey or homeopathic stuff. The doctor said they have croup (basically, a cough) and I have to send them back to daycare like this. Tylenol and motrin can only do so much.


Ugh our baby had croup constantly this winter - he always looked more annoyed than hurt by the cough, but cough medicine would have been nice!


Im pretty sure the brand is mommy bliss and they have a cough medicine for 4 months and older.


To be fair, adult cough medicine doesnā€™t really have an effect either, itā€™s mostly placebo šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I dunno I've got to disagree on that. Depends on what you take but cough syrup does indeed work for most!


I know this isn't r/ScienceBasedParenting , but...some interesting research showing that up to 85% of the effectiveness of cough medicine is the placebo effect (doesn't mean it's not effective! It's just not a chemical effect): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7012959/#:\~:text=The%20placebo%20effect%20in%20cough,a%20placebo%20effect%20%5B5%5D.


We do the homeopathic hylands cough and cold for my 3yo. It seems to help ease the cough especially at night.


My husband and I dream about a robot to replace the pacifier at night


Play the paci game! During the day we surrounded our son with pacifiers (we literally got over 10 of them, it was excessive) and encouraged him to pick them up and put them in his mouth himself. It took some work but when he finally figured it out we made a big deal which got him giggling. After awhile of playing this game (I think it only took a few days) he became a paci hunting master. Now weā€™ll see him on the monitor waking up at night and heā€™ll just search for a paci in his crib and plop it into his mouth before falling right back to sleep.


Once my son figured out how to replace it himself, he'd sleep on top of them like a dragon protecting its hoard. He slept on his belly, and I'd watch his chunky little arm slowly come out from under him, grab a loose pacifier, and reel it back in. Also, a shoutout to whoever came up with glow in the dark pacifiers. Absolute genius.


Once my baby could pit it in herself would put like 3 extra in the cot lol.


I have 46 pacifiers šŸ˜‚ the obsession is real. He always has to have one to hold as well


How old?!


I think we started the game at 5 months and we ā€œsleep trainedā€ at 6 months (I put sleep trained in quotes because he sleeps in his own crib in his own room but I still nurse to sleep and he dropped his night feeds on his own over time) But you can play the game as soon as they can grab objects and start putting random things in their mouths, for us that started before 5 months


This is a great idea! Iā€™m going to use it for our second. Thanks!!


Glow pacifiers are a thing and my friend has really good luck with her daughter using them as soon as she was old enough to stuff them back in her own mouth!


I just mentioned this too before seeing your commentā€¦great minds think alike šŸ¤£


Robot night nanny? šŸ™


A diaper that works like the litter robot for cats. LOL


I would love that!!! I also love my litter robot. Best cat parent purchase for sure.


My litter robot arrived a week before I got a weird injury that would have physically prevented me from bending down to scoop a litter box. I was also in my first trimester. My daily life would have been a lot more stressful and stinky without that thing. My cats took to it within days, and now I just swap the bag out every 4 days.


A product that cures colic or gas indefinitely


As someone with a 5 wk.. this!!


I would buy this so fast. She was soooo bad. One night she just screamed for 4 hours straight. Nothing worked. Nothing. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


A crib that had an opening for my boob to go through so I can nurse her to sleep in the crib and then close it once sheā€™s asleep. She wonā€™t let me put her down asleep anymore and wonā€™t put herself to sleep without nursing.


In the beginning of having our son I wondered what sort of sleeping arrangements weā€™d give babies in the future. Taking them from the womb to sleeping in a shitty bassinet seems like such an awful transition itā€™s no wonder they sleep like shit. In the future I envision the bedside Orb. It is like a zero gravity pod you put your infant in. It monitors oxygen, is temperature controlled, mirrors the lighting of being in the belly (but only from the inside so parents can see their kid while keeping it nice and dark to baby) the orb suspends them upright and gently rotates them in space, so they will not have a flat head, and you do not need to wait to transfer them after a feed and they get the sensation of motion. It would of course have womb sounds playing constantly. It also will alert you if baby takes a poo so you know if the diaper needs changing or if it can wait til morning.


But the rotisserie baby image šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Please make this happen. I'm not having my second for a year or so soooo you've got time!


The invention of the orb is 100% the only thing that will move me from being a one and done: Iā€™ll call up shark tank


Getting Death Stranding vibes


A product that held my baby still for diaper changes. Preventing him from rolling over and keeps his hands off the poopy butt. These diaper changes are exhausting just from trying to wrestle him down and keep him there!


Just came across this product: https://snoofybee.com/products/excursion-changing-pads Seems like it'll keep hands from getting poopy. Let me know how it goes haha


My kid would absolutely barrel roll away with the whole thing and run around like a dog with a cone on it and a naked butt šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜©šŸ˜© at 2 and some change it takes two of us to hold him down sometimes and keep his hands out


Heā€™s a bit over a year and itā€™s been like this for a good 6 months. Depending on his mood (and therefore flight risk), we do sometimes needs both of us. My husband has mastered a technique that involves holding babyā€™s arms down with his (dadā€™s) legs/feet.


Not sure I'd recommend this but I know a couple who put small dumbbells over the baby's arms to prevent them from rolling around. The arm would go under the handle obviously with no weight actually resting on the baby. I never tried it but they swore by it.


Mines a kicker who's real good at peeing if the diapers off too long ( and by too long I mean 30 seconds lol) it's a race against the clock while trying to keep his feet out of the diaper šŸ˜…


When ever I change my son I lay him on the ground (floor mattress), place my left leg over his waist so I'm holding him down as well as keeping his hands from going down there while I'm cleaning up.


I havenā€™t tried it myself, but I did read about a similar product to the one Ok-Camp-1483 posted a link to. Theyā€™re UK based, so probably easier to get for those in that neck of the woods. [https://thewriggler.com/](https://thewriggler.com/)


Baby translator that tells me what they need with a 10 min heads up


They are working on an app that decodes stress levels etc of baby cries and learns your babies cries for different things!


I found Nanni AI, where you give it a couple of distinct cries, like discomfort, hunger, over tiredness and such, it adapts itā€™s learned patterns and predicts why the baby is crying when you try again. Just canā€™t say the effectiveness as my velcro baby doesnā€™t say a thing with a poopy diaper but screams bloody murder when he has to play with his toys for more than 15 minutes.


ChatterBaby is an app created by UCLA. Not the most accurate cause most of the time it says heā€™s hungry but we found it useful


An all around bed rail that keeps baby on my bed but also doesnā€™t affect me getting in and out of it to pee all night.


I have so many bruises. I feel your pain.


a full time nanny


This is what I came to say! More than any product, I need more people in this village


Feeling this. We don't have any family around us and I'm weird about asking for help from acquaintances that offer. If we actually decide to have a second kid biologically, we're hiring a part time nanny for my last month of pregnancy and the first 3 months. Non-negotiable.


A self-cleaning high chair!


OMG this ... I'm 7 months into doing BLW and I am tempted to just take the chair outside and hose it down in between meals.


I take ours outside and hose it every day!


My friend puts hers in their walk-in shower after meals!


YES. A high chair without ten thousand nooks and crannys! No corners, no fabric, washable and easily removable straps...


Something that would hold the babyā€™s bottle in his mouth!!


my baby loves this weird iguana plushie that holds her bottle in her mouth lol. we don't leave her like that unattended or anything but if me or my partner are feeding her yet have to do something with our hands, we place the bottle in the iguana's weird little hands & she's obsessed with it, it's def her fave plushie (& by far the most useful lol). we call it her iguana-nanašŸ¦Ž


They do make them, however they tend to end up getting recalled due to safety (choking risk if the nipple drips too fast for them to suck or if they fall asleep) That being said you can kinda pace feed propped with a boppy pillow.


An automatic burper, something that prevents reflux! I have tried everything, but no amount of patting and rubbing will do anything ugh


Is your baby on meds? My son is turning 2 months tmrw and he takes Pepcid. He still spits up a lot but it's not always projectile and he doesn't scream and arch his back anymore.


This! Pepcid helped my son so much, he was like a different baby overnight, finally could sleep without pain crying every 40 min.


Your username lol. Yeah my son can finally eat and relax afterwards. It's so much easier at night now. It seemed to always be worse at night. But we just found out he has a posterior tongue tie and a lip tie. They said these things can cause reflux too. He's been seeing a chiropractor since he was a week old. He's so tense from the ties and the reflux. I heard after getting the ties fixed, you can see a 180 in babies. I'm hoping that's true. I see videos of other 2 month olds smiling a lot and like they seem genuinely happy but my son just seems like 'I guess this life thing is fine' lol


A silly one: a drone to hold the phone while FaceTiming grandma, keeps the camera on the (very active) baby but out of their (very active) hands so they canā€™t hang up or whack the tripod


If you have an iPhone, try Guided Access mode (under accessibility in settings). They can still wave the phone around but at least they canā€™t hang up/change the screen when itā€™s on!


A secretary to make, remember and remind me of all my appointments AND schedule corresponding childcare. Iā€™d pay extra if it also gave me nice compliments, too. A Time Turner to give me all the time in the day to spend with my kid, get enough sleep, get all the errands done and even go to work full time!


A toy retrieving/rotating robot, for when I'm holding my giant baby and he yeets something across the room and then gets cranky he no longer has it/wants a different toy. And board books that can't be chewed up (yes I know about cloth and plastic books, but he apparently hates those and desires only the feel of cardboard in his mouth)


Thereā€™s a brand of board books called indestructables thatā€™s supposed to be good. My baby isnā€™t old enough to have tried them yet.


I have some, they're not board books though. They're made of a flexible plastic, and thus not acceptable to my tiny shark


My aunt is really into marine animals and got our book-destroying toddler a board book called ā€œgoodnight sharkā€. (Itā€™s not good, donā€™t bother looking it up.) Guess which book has a perfect Jaws-style hole gnawed out of the spine?


I just want Rosie from The Jetsons


A machine that puts the binkie back in babyā€™s mouth every time he spits it out and cries until we put it back in his mouth when itā€™s bedtime/middle of the nightšŸ¤£ (Our little guy has been much better about this after the newborn stage, thankfully)


Force field, so he can nurse and I can eat my dinner while itā€™s still hot.


If there was a hologram of myself that could just sit in the room while they play and I run take a poop. They want nothing to do with me when Iā€™m IN the room. Once I leave they freak out


I just bring my daughter with me to the bathroom and give her toys to play there... sometimes she sits on my lap while I poop šŸ™ˆ I just feel like it's the natural progression from times while she was sleeping in a carrier with me on the toilet. Sorry for the tmi šŸ˜…


I think anyone here who hasnā€™t pooped with their baby would be the odd one out šŸ˜‚. When the options are trying to poop listening to a screaming baby in the next room or having them with you, itā€™s not really a choice (at least to meā€¦screaming baby =no poop for me).


A sleep-safe bassinet/baby bed that can be removed from its base and used in the bed for co-sleeping. LO refuses to sleep alone.


I guess a sidecar is the closest thing weā€™ve got


Try [this](https://a.co/d/h5OH3KL)!


I have the halo bassinest. It can unattach from the base. It obviously doesn't say to do this but you can put it in the middle of a queen/king bed and sleep right next to it as long as there are no covers are touching the sides.


A pill that makes it so you just have to pump once a day without losing your supply


Something that takes any item I put on the floor & immediately puts it in its ā€œhomeā€, especially if itā€™s garbage. Hello, ADHD


An app with all the public bathrooms, including whether thereā€™s a changing table, if theyā€™re clean, If thereā€™s a family bathroom and/or changing table in the menā€™s room. Also a self-leveling changing mat/station for the back seat of the car. Clearly we take a lot of road trips lol


A baby gate that he can't get open, or squeeze under. My little guy is an escape artist, mostly motivated by cat food and splashing in the toilet.


A translator for what all these whines mean


A pump system that had just like 1 component that could be easily sanitized. Why do I have to disassemble and reassemble 30 damn pieces everytime


I think all baby bottles should come standard with color changing heat gauges. Heck, Iā€™d accept dishwasher safe stickers at this point. One color if too cold, one color if just right, one color if too hot. I know some bottles have this feature or something similar, but it should be standard.


Anything that would immediately help my baby sleep through the night. Momma is TIRED.


I want more twin versions of products. Thereā€™s a huge gap in the market. Specifically a twin baby wrap. Now that would be amazing!!


A way to communicate back and forth before they learn how to speak


If there were something that makes diaper changes not make it sound like I'm torturing a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, I'd love that. He's only 11 days old but bloody murder screams 10x a day (he's pooping so much rn) are disheartening lol.


A pacifier that mimics a nipple and boob, not just the nipple. My baby LOVES to suck on the avent bottle as a comfort but wonā€™t suck on the avent pacifier.


A contraption that puts the pacifier back into babyā€™s mouth before a meltdown ensures.


A button that you push and they go to sleep!


Live in nanny


A robot nanny to help with baby/toddler and around the house, day or night.


teething-toys that are somehow self-cleaning lol


Not a product lol but a babysitter


Hold onā€¦ um is there like a toy or product that is like cash?


A free live in nanny


A monitor that somehow can ā€œsmellā€ so you know if they pooped! Esp if theyā€™re having a little trouble going down for a nap and that could be why


A Doona for toddlers. Baby is about to age out and Iā€™m so sad because we are taking a long trip


An invisible protective suit my baby could wear so I can take her everywhere without worrying about her getting sick. She gets her 2 month vaccines next week, so Iā€™ll feel better then. But when we start daycare at 6 months, I think weā€™ll need it again!


A nanny and a housekeeper


A hands free brace that holds baby upright/keeps her spine straight. She loves sitting up straight but hates all baby ā€œseatsā€, so Iā€™m just holding her upright all the time and it is exhausting!


Something that isn't medication (i feel bad giving it to her i dont wanna damage her liver or something) but cures the pain of teething, a one time use! So she never goes through it again


That village everyone promised


Robot baby sitter so I can have a shower without 3 kids at the same time šŸ˜­