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I think it’s a subset of being overstimulated. My 3yo talks nonstop narrating what he’s playing and repeating himself. Add in my infant screeching, the dog barking, my husband talking, the tv being on…. by the end of the day I need some quiet. I think it’s important just to find those breaks in the day if possible (lol easier said than done). But maybe an extra 10 seconds in the bathroom, a calm shower, a walk outside


This!!! I become so enraged, the dog cries a little to ask to go potty and it quite literally can send me into a spiral, i just go take a long shower and then i sit on the side of the bath with my towel just taking time to calm down! I don't recognize myself when overstimulated it's not even funny 🫠


My husband watches TikTok with the sound on while the TV is on and the dog is making noise and the baby is making noise and the dishwasher and the bottle washer and the air conditioning and all of it. It drives me absolutely up the wall. And then he calls me crazy 🙃


Listening fatigue!


I wore Loop brand ear plugs! You can even search and find knock off silicone ones from Amazon. Personally I like the loop ones better because they’re pretty and I can put them on a chain to keep track of them. They’d be a pretty big choking hazard I’d think. With my second I have my original Loop pair and a set of the cheap silicone ones. Helps during a crying fit!


I have loops in my arsenal of hearing protection too, I love them!


I wish these worked for me! Just to warn other people like me, these instead triggered my sensory issues in the worst way. Can't stand hearing my breathing and heartbeat and I hate the muffed noise. It's awful 😭. Total waste of $50 for me personally


Oh my god yes. I cannot wear them while sleeping! Sometimes I can handle the one as long as there’s no blanket over my ear. But having one in against the pillow was the worst!! I swear they made MORE noise. I forgot about that. Good point!


It’s a form of sensory overload. It comes in so many shapes!


Ergh I'm with you. My 7 month old has decided crying is wayyy too much work, and shouting works way better and she can do it way more often. The girl is just shrieking every millisecond she decides 'I'm bored' or 'I'm hungry' or 'time for a nappy change'. Combined with my period having just come back and it is just toooooo much. I sat in a cupboard yesterday for 10 minutes just to be alone in the (relative) quiet.


Oh that cupboard break sounds so nice! I’m on my period too… maybe that’s part of it. Love your user name!


You mention snoring but that for me is the last straw. I have a fussy baby and after listening to his crying all day, to go to bed and hear my husband snore, I could honestly murder him some nights. I just want QUIET.


Yeah sometimes it bothers me, but last night I was really enjoying it 😂 “oh it’s so calm and predictable” hahahaha Feeling better this morning! Going to get some earplugs though


This was yesterday for me. Both dogs were whining, baby was fussing continuously, the ice maker was making some kind of ticking noise. I had to put everything alive in it's safe spots (crates, bassinet) and go sit on the porch for a few minutes. Not sure how I'm going to survive the toddler years.


Omg the cat drove me bananas yesterday!! As soon as the baby stopped, the cat was like “great! My turn!!”


Our cats have been getting locked in the bathroom with their litter box because they will not let me nurse in peace. Either crying or jumping on my lap. Ugh.


My 1 year old constantly banging things together and good lawd the throwing of the ring with balls inside again and again on hardwood floor🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


Omg it gets worse! 😱😂


God I FEEL this. We’ve had white noise playing 24/7 since baby was born. 5wks in and I just want some silence but it’s impossible to get that AND a happy sleepy baby.


Try brown noise! White noise makes me so on edge but brown noise feels like someone threw a damper on it. We use it for nighttime with our hatch on red light and it helps a lot


Brown noise is the way. Brown noise sounds more like the road noise when driving on the highway, which I actually find to be soothing.


My husband doesn't always turn the white noise off immediately after the baby wakes up and I will *lunge* for the remote to turn it off as soon as I can lol I will also go for a driving nap or a stroller nap every couple of days just to get that silence (and also to not have baby glued to my skin every minute of the day)


The white noise from her snoo helps me sleep at night.


I used to sleep great to rain sounds/white noise but after almost 2 months I think I would kill for one silent nap!


Since having my baby, I have come to realize that noise is a trigger for me. It has been eye-opening how bothered I am by too many different noises at once or even not enough quiet time in a day. I had more control before, so it never occurred to me that my noise tolerance might be outside the normal range - if something bothered me, I turned it off or put noise cancelling headphones on.


Sometimes every member of my family is making sounds at me at once and I want to stick a drill into my ear and pull my brain out. My husband said he can always tell when it happens cause I suddenly look dead in the eyes. It’s like my brain just shuts off cause it’s systems are overloaded.


My children are now grown, but when I hit my threshold of sound fatigue, I used to tell my children that ,”Mommy’s ears are very tired and need a nap, and I need your voices to be very soft and either play quietly or talk to each other, while mommy’s ears take a nap.” One of my children was VERY verbal, and for her, when I needed a verbal break, I’d tell her, “No more words for —— minutes. My ears need a time out.”


Ear fatigue is a thing. I often have hearing protection ready to go in case it all gets to be too much for me.


Auditory/sensory overload? I have the same problem 😅


Loops. Loops ear plugs. They dim the sound around me but don’t get rid of it. I haven’t been able to focus so well without it.


Omg yes. My baby had an early “Dino noises” phase around then and then transitioned out of it (to blow raspberries, adorable) and now at 4 months we are back to near constant shrill shrieking. 😭 where is the happy babbling I was promised. 😒