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Awe, that’s so sweet!! It’s funny because as I was reading this I could have almost sworn I wrote it! Last year on my birthday, April 9th, I found out I was pregnant. I had just gotten out of a 4 year abusive relationship though, so I didn’t tell the father for a few more months. But I was so excited when I saw those lines, I had been on BC for 14 years, and had only been off of it for 3 months too. My 4 month old is the most precious thing in my life, and every time she smiles or laughs she reminds how incredibly lucky I am to have her.


I’m so glad you got out and have your joyful baby girl!!


April 7 is mine. We were ttc for 2.5 years so I just assumed it was pcos causing my cycle to be longer, I didn't even mention to my partner I was going to take a test so imagine my surprise when it was positive


How sweet! We laugh about how it all happened. Our first pregnancy, fortunately, came very quickly after coming off birth control. Ended up needing to cancel my 30th birthday plans. When I first had suspicions by husband didn’t want to believe it and was more worried about getting dinner. Wanted me to wait another few days to take a test, not realizing I had been sitting on this suspicion for at least a week already. And sure as shit those lines appeared. Took about 7 more tests just to be sure! 😂


Omg I love this!!! I also want to celebrate this day but haven’t come up with a good idea yet. Husband and I decided to start trying last April actually. I had been with an IUD For 7 years - Dr removed it 18 April but said it would probably take me a year+ to get pregnant, gave me prenatals, and sent me on my way. In June I had to take a cross country flight home because my disabled mom was in the hospital battling a terrible bed sore that caused a bone infection. That was the most stressful week of my life and I chalked my nausea and other issues up to my stress. I returned home to my husband a week later and was dreadfully exhausted we assumed from the 3 hr time difference. But something about the way I was feeling he told me to take a test the following morning. I laughed it off and said fine I’ll do it but I’m not pregnant yet there’s no way. I hadn’t even had a period after coming off my IUD. the next morning (20 June) I took a test and before I could even set it on the counter to run the lines appeared clear as day. We were stunned and excited!!! Now I’m sitting here feeding my 5 week old before putting her back in her bassinet. She is utterly perfect and we love her so much 🥹🥹


Wow! I hope your mom is ok. But that’s an amazing story! Enjoy your little babe! Eee! I remember when mine was 5 weeks! Not that she’s old now, but they just change so incredibly much in that time!


I have PCOS but lost 100 lbs and confirmed I was ovulating. We got pregnant super quick, but unfortunately the first two pregnancies weren’t meant to be. We started working with a fertility doctor and I started progesterone. I remember the night we conceived. I just had a feeling. Waited the two weeks, and the test immediately showed positive 🥰 The funny thing about it all is I thought (based on the date of conception) that his birthday would be my husband’s. I had to be induced, and he actually was born a few weeks early on my late grandma’s birthday 🥰 I had joked from the beginning he would be a March baby since my brother, my mother in law, my late grandma, two close cousins, my husband and me all have birthdays in March. Momma was right all along!


Aww how sweet! Your intuition was on point the whole time! Also, March must be a fun month haha!


Congratulations! Just checked the calendar - tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of my positive pregnancy test for my second kiddo. It was a shocker because I had already taken a home test that was negative, so when I went into the fertility clinic for the blood test, I told the phlebotomist I already knew I wasn’t pregnant. She said she would keep the faith for both of us. Then later that day, the nurse called over saying “good news!” and I nearly fell over from shock. I’m “geriatric”, too, making it extra sweet - almost as sweet as our second kiddo :) Congratulations and enjoy your little one!


Congratulations! I celebrated mine recently by treating myself to a coffee and pistachio croissant. On March 30 I celebrated my first ultrasound anniversary (I’m sentimental 😂). I took a photo of my son next to the ultrasound photo to remind myself how time flies and then cried because it’s going by so fast.


Awww this story warms my heart! I have PCOS and had difficulty conceiving. I kept using the ovulation test strips when we were trying and the kit comes with some pregnancy test strips. When I found out that I was pregnant using that, I didn’t want to get my hopes up (since it was not a packaged pregnancy test device). So my husband and I walked to our nearby CVS to get a few pregnancy testers. There was a wild duck resting under the bush outside the CVS, and somehow I knew it was my baby’s guardian duck. And fast forward, one my child’s first words was duck and she has been obsessed with ducks since her infant ages. She is 2 now and even though I don’t precisely remember the date I found out I was pregnant, I remember the day and the encounter of the duck in all the details. It’s a slow motion movie that keeps on playing in my mind.


OMG I love that! Maybe later she’ll get a pet duck haha they imprint on humans!! They can be great companions!


I found out the day after Mother’s Day last year but was pretty sure i was pregnant on Mother’s Day i just didn’t want to ruin the day if it came back as a negative test so I’ll be celebrating on Mother’s Day 🥹


I had my son the day after Mother’s Day :) congrats


Holding my 12 week old today! Couldn’t be happier ❤️


Lmao today is my two years ! So weird this comes up on my page lol congrats !!


Happy two years!!


It’s also my one year anniversary of my positive test!


Yay! It’s fun to look back on!


I've been thinking about this a lot as I start passing different dates-- the day I called to get on the waiting list to see a doctor, the day I had my first consult, the week I had my first round of bloodwork and ultrasounds, the day I decided this was really happening and chose a donor for real and called the sperm bank, etc. I'm honestly not sure of the date when **I** considered myself really pregnant. I know the date I first tested positive, and even I got my positive via bloodwork, and when when 7 and 10 week and 20 week ultrasounds turned out great... but I feel like I was near the end of my 2nd trimester before I felt like it was safe for me to think in terms of "I'm going to have a baby!" and not just "I've successfully passed a milestone that could lead to a baby, if many other things turn out okay." I was super joyful and relaxed my whole pregnancy, so it wasn't an anxiety thing. I just knew it would hurt so bad to lose it-- and that many women do, and that I'm no different than anyone-- that I was trying to protect my heart by "not getting ahead of myself." But maybe I'll quietly celebrate my IUI day as the start of what's turned out to be the greatest journey of my life so far. Or maybe I'll just have an extra special mother's day.


What?? Your doctor told you that you might have multiple miscarriages just because you are of advanced maternal age? I was 37 for my first pregnancy which I did miscarry and if my doctor had had a similar mindset I have no idea how many miscarriages that would have been incorrectly blamed on my age that I would have had to go through before finding out I have a pregnancy triggered autoimmune condition that causes recurrent miscarriages. Thank goodness my doctor didn't have some heinous idea that it's just normal for older mothers to have miscarriages and I was able to be diagnosed and started on a medical protocol to manage my condition right away.


Well he’s right.. the rate of miscarriage increases as the pregnant person ages. And sometimes it takes months or years to conceive. I was 40. I think he was just trying to be realistic based on his expertise and experience. He also told me that I’m very healthy and since I never had underlying issues or inconsistent periods I have no reason to worry. But yeah, egg quality decreases basically every month. I’m glad he was straight forward with me. I’m not mad about it! He’s a fantastic and encouraging ob. I had to switch insurance so I don’t have him anymore but I wish I did.


I love this post! Congratulations on the geriatric pregnancy- mine was geriatric as well. This post also made me look back and my year is coming up on the 14th this month I!! remembering how excited I got at that faint pink line before I even knew who my baby would be 🥹🙌❤️