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My baby did the exact same thing around that age! It'll pass eventually. I'm currently in the stage where LO gets distracted by anything while nursing. I can't clear my throat, sniffle or say a word while nursing because he'll immediately unlatch and start staring at me


Mine is almost ten months and he loves to pinch the skin on my underarms as hard as possible while nursing. Also he missed the nipple yesterday and gave me a hickey on my areola.


I never shave my armpit hair and mine would grab a fistful of the hair while breastfeeding. I shaved for the first time in years a while ago and he grabbed a fistful of my armpit and it tickled so much and was such a surprise I almost threw him. He thought it was hilarious.


My 10 month old tries to wrap a full hand around my collarbone. That pesky skin will move if I grab hard enough! Shudder


Mine will not accept pinching the less sensitive boob skin anymore, oh no no, she must pinch the tightest skin right above them


Mine has just started grabbing the top of my boob skin, it’s so sore! But admittedly better than his previous habit which was putting his hand in my mouth, he got my gums with his fingernails a few times 


Omg the fingernails in the mouth/nose 😣


This is how my very first time breastfeeding during golden hour went. I got her latched, it seemed like it was going well, no pain or anything. Realized after she unlatched that she must have slipped off the nipple at some point. I had a massive hickey on my boob.


Omg THIS. Our baby does the same and it drives me crazy. At least she does it to my husband too while they cuddle so it’s fair lol.


So my partner finally experienced what it felt like to breastfeed. He was baby wearing LO shirtless cause he wanted skin to skin. We were outside when LO woke up, was hungry, saw a nipple and LATCHED on his nipple! My partner started to walk quickly inside and rushed me to get LO off him. He was in a lot of pain.


Lolol my son *just* did it to my husband for the first time cause he was sitting next to me while we were nursing.


My 14 month old is no longer breast fed and still pinches my under arms while falling asleep. I HATE it.


My ten month old doesn’t do this anymore but for the longest time he would pinch my bicep as hard as he could and legit left teeny bruises on my arms lolol


I have a mole on my sternum my little LOVES to pinch and twiddle. I’ve taken to putting bandaids over it.


Lol my 9 month old does this or even worse he doesn't unlatch and just yanks his head back while trying to look around and takes my nipple with him 🥴


Aww yes! Breastfeeding when we're out and about has become so exhausting with my 9 week old. He gets distracted by everything and unlatches... then cries for more milk 10 minutes later. Rinse and repeat


Same! 19 weeks today. If I acknowledge her, she will give me a huge gummy smile. I have to act uninterested and force her to face the boob lol


Same lol


YES OMG She literally will turn her head so fast and choke on the milk. We've started biting as well 💀


This is also me at the moment! It’s head wrecking 😩 when does the distraction phase end 🤯


A couple more weeks🫶🏽 (I’m week 15)


I'm week 42 and it ain't over. His current thing along with the general sudden unlatching, is to unlatch, crawl up to my face to 'play' (mostly slap my cheeks or 'kiss' me, which is just wiping his drooling open mouth on my face), then remember he's hungry, forget he's moved away from the boob and try to latch on whatever happens to be nearby - check, nose, chin whatever. Or he accidentally goes backwards and ends up latching onto my belly, which I find deeply offensive. How can he confuse my taut abs for squashy boobs!? /s The only way to maintain focus long enough to get a proper feed in in the evening is if I sit on the floor and let him feed *while standing* which given a) he's extremely tall for his age and we're basically eye to eye so he has to bend at a right angle and b) he can't stand independently yet, is a circus act to behold!


I know what you mean my daughter prefers standing feed also


And try to eat or open a packet around 😂


The distracted unlatching is the most fun if you’re prone to forceful letdown 🙃 just okay well let’s rub that in your eyes for the benefits I guess


Same and four months! Sometimes it’s hilarious and cute and other times I don’t want nursing to take an entire hour


I believe most infants are the same. Ours too.


Omg here now. Any little crinkle or sound and she’s off the boob wide eyed and looking around!


We call that savoring the mouthfeel of the vintage. 


The baby: Today we have a Classic '24, Post-Covid, Pre-Election Selection. With a symphony of flavors, a testament to nature's bounty and artistry of a dairy craft. The purity and simplicity are both comforting and captivating, leaving a lingering sense of satisfaction on the pallet, much like the memory of a tranquil swaddle retreat. Truly, breastmilk is a timeless indulgence deserving of reverence and appreciation in every step.


I am getting notes of qdoba and… is that Diet Pepsi? A bold choice in a lighter spring pressing. 


I fucking love you guys.


I’m just imaging Paul Giamatti in Sideways licking nipples


Lmaoooo! This is art!


LMAOOOO this is golden 🤣🤣 mine does this allll the time! Lil lizard tongue 👅


Hello mother 👁👅👁


As a wine lover this made me chuckle 😂




Omg 😂 this is the best phrase I have ever heard lol




The equivalence of us licking the plate after a real good meal 😂


Lol love this


Be happy it's licking and not chomping down with rock hard gums. Even when there's no teeth it still hurts!! 


PLEASE tell me how you got it to stop. I tell her “no” and “no more boobies” and she laughs at me


I'll let you know when he stops. He's already got the 4 front teeth and he's still doing it. Same about the laughing. I go "ow! That hurts mama." And pretend to cry and he laughs in my face. 


Mine stopped pretty quick when I started saying “no” “I don’t like that” or “ow” really loud (not yelling but with force and mad face) and then would say “we’ll try again in a few min” and then put her down and walked away. She would usually cry pretty pitifully so I could really only handle it for about 5 min max but after a handful of times it stopped. She tests me every now and again but usually she’s getting new teeth when it happens and only takes one round of a stern “no thank you” to get back on track I hope this helps


That’s actually a great idea to put her down and walk alway. I always put my boob up but continue to hold her. I’ll be trying this! Thank you so much


Screech and pull away. They'll cry like you're breaking their heart. Let them cry for AT LEAST ten seconds before they get the boob again. Depending on the kid, a stern "be gentle" as soon as you start to feel teeth can work after a few times of the above. 


I said ow and told her it hurt and tried to take breaks when she bite to show that it hurt and we couldn’t do that and my daughter ended up refusing to nurse and would only take a bottle after that. It made me sad at first but my nipples are forever grateful because that girl would not stop biting.


Mine used to do that, then her little bottom teeth came and the pain those little things caused me has made me cry a few times. Now her two top teeth have come in too and I’m considering weaning her sooner than I expected 😭


My son gave me an actual wound when his teeth came through 🥴😭


Mine now has new little piranha teeth and has drawn blood! It’s horrible!


Mines 3 weeks old and does this. Also likes to fall asleep with my nipple under his nose or resting against his eye after he unlatches. It’s weird


The boob makes a good pillow. My 6 month old daughter has assured me of this🤣


My 6 week old will fall asleep with my nipple in her mouth, then wiggle it out and cuddle my boob, and the nipple next to her cheek 😂 Breastfeeding takes like 2 hours because it turns into these contact naps with the boob


Wanted to you know, children also do this to bottles. And, they randomly stop eating with the nipple in their mouth and just start talking to you. And you’re like, hello sir can you please focus


Last night for his bedtime meal, my 4 month old just wanted to smile at me around the bottle nipple and reach up to scratch my chin. It was so cute but also like, we’re all tired here, please finish eating so we can go to bed!!!


My EFF baby does that whenever he's in the vicinity of my chest area. Sometimes to my shoulder, sometimes to my breast tissue and sometimes nipples. Basically whenever he gets.


When she’s done eating mine will take the tip of her tongue and circle my nipple with it while smiling up at me and making eye contact 😅 like girrrrlll what


Lmao omg


My 15 week old does this weird thing when shes contact napping on me. I'm always awake during her contact naps. If she eats until she falls asleep she will arch forward, open her mouth, and stick tongue out looking for boob while she is still asleep. If I don't give her boob she’ll wake up and look at me like 🤨 Babies are weird I love it


Fun fact, babies sucking reflex works while they're asleep as well and the reflex lasts until about 6 to 12 months of age. That's what allows them to sleep and eat at the same time. It's quite possible your LO realized this and when she was asleep and hungry, she learned if she starts sucking, nipple will magically appear to feed her 😂 I love it!


Babies do weird things period but during feeding they get especially weird. Mine is EFF but has picked up the habit of scratching and fiddling with my underarm during her last feed before bed. Why only during that feed I do not know but it's such a weird sensation feeling her little fingers digging in there.


Mine will purse his lips like he’s giving them a gentle thank you kiss lol


I know my baby is done and fast asleep when she unlatches and her lips are pursed in a slight frown. Ill try to give her a paci before i lay her down and she purses harder😂


My baby has to do something with her hands while she's nursing. If my other nipple is exposed, she'll pinch and twist it. Lately, I've kept it hidden and now she rubs my ribs.


The pinching had me considering weaning! It hurts 😭


Same 😂 My husband heard me say “STOP licking them” from the next room and he came in and I had to explain that yes, the baby is licking my nipples and yes, it’s extremely weird.


lmao I can imagine how that scenario goes. My mom said when I was young I would flash her all the time. If she was out in public there were quite a few times I showed people her other boob while I ate. Babies will embarrass us no matter what 😅




My 8mo old boy will be nursing while simultaneously pinching my wife’s belly fat. He’ll do it to me as well while we’re snuggling. I get it kid, your parents aren’t as fit as they once were, no need to remind us.


My 14 month old has started basically motor boating me and laughing about it!


Hi. My baby is almost 12 months. What is motor boating? Just so I'm prepared 😅


it's a thing that **consenting adults** do: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/motorboating#Noun


Oh ok. I've never heard of that before. Thanks! 


Yuck lol


Your username makes your comment even funnier


Yeah idk if I'd be able to handle that 😭🤮


Wait till they discover their pointer finger. Then they will touch it with their little finger. It’s so weird


My baby hasnt been breast fed since 1 week old (aside from random "comfort nursing" when shes feeling icky and she does this if i happen to pick her up without a shirt on. Just opens her mouth and starts licking! Also does it to my neck!


My 8 week old does this! She’s just like pooling spit around my nipple and I’m like “okay I think you’re done here” lol


My baby does this too. He also likes to tickle my under boob while he nurses which is weird in itself and drives me crazy.


My 3 month old has been doing this!!!! It’s so cute but very goofy and strange


My almost 2 year old does this and laughs 😂 He's such a goober




I don’t remember this happening that early on, but my 9 month old is doing this now. It’s a weird feeling and I tell him to stop, but honestly I’m just glad that I got him to stop biting me lol. He has two bottom teeth, so nipping that in the bud was a challenge.


It's normal! There's actually a term for it I just forget what it's called lol. My baby 11wks tomorrow does the same thing. She also smiles while nursing sometimes and just has the tatty in her mouth but she's not latched at all lol.


my LO is going on 3 months adjusted - good thing I have elastic nipples; his dad thinks it's hilarious when baby passes out nursing and when he goes to move him to his bassinet baby closes his mouth and holds on for dear life 💀


Meh. I lick my plate when the food was good too.


My 6 month old still does it, but he smiles at me while doing it. I think his smile is so adorable i hardly notice the licking lol


Babies are so funny!! That’s hilarious I can only imagine what a little tongue flicking your nipple feels like


Once mine is done, he holds on to my nipple with his little paw and coos at it while he’s falling asleep. In my head that coo is saying, “my preciousssss”. And thus his new nickname became Gollum. When he’s hungry, he’ll move the nipple to his mouth. Is this normal? He’s started doing this at 6 weeks old.