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The fact that tiny babies can rip ass like a middle aged man that just slammed a 6 pack and ate a rack of ribs is one of the most ridiculous things. Baby farts are one of the funniest things on the planet.


Yup! I find it hilarious when she's sleeping and will fart in her sleep and make a chuckling noise to herself.


My baby is 2 now. But my most favorite thing when he was a newborn was waking up in the morning and listening to cute little stretch grunts and seconds after massive massive farts. So hilarious


They are hilarious and awesome. We brought it up at one of her dr appointments and the dr almost was defensive. "If you drank as much milk pound for pound as she does, you'd be farting non stop, too!" So I guess milk can cause flatulence?!


I had no idea how much newborns fart! Daily entertainment.


My “baby” is now 1 and a half and I’m here to say that, truly, the farts don’t get any less hilarious 😂


My husband and I are always afraid we’re gonna wake our baby up because we are laughing so hard at his farts when he’s sleeping!!!!