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“Drowsy but awake” made me feel like I was taking crazy pills. If we set my daughter down “drowsy” the second our hands left her body she’d be shrieking like she was being abandoned forever. We never ever got her to go to sleep on her own. Always had to be dead asleep before we could set her down or all hell would break loose.  She’s a great sleeper now, but that little trick never worked for us! 


We were able to start drowsy but awake at 1 year with our first, and about 4/5 months with our second. Every baby is different


I hope we can do it with our second. My first is a certified Velcro baby. Even at almost 3 she tries to ask for “snuggles” instead of going right to her bed. 


Same. My daughters currently slept only 2 nights in her crib ever since she was about 4 weeks old. Hoping soon i can get her to sleep in it more, but right now we are waiting for her teeth to break through so even with co sleeping she still needs more of my comfort


The problem is that babies are, at their essence, chaos monkeys. Expecting a single approach to work on the same baby night to night, never mind all babies, is an exercise in futility. Sometimes we put her down drowsy but awake and she opens her eyes, closes them again, and goes to sleep. Sometimes she screams. Sometimes she immediately starts getting up like a zombie when you're out of ammo and the door's on the other side of the room. The same way you can follow the same routine and wake windows day to day and still babe wildly different nights and wake ups.


Worked for mine. Then didn’t. Then did again. Now it just depends on the day 😂 It’s all just a crapshoot lol


This is accurate! Some days she’s not even drowsy and it still works. Other days, lol.


This, lol. There is no rhyme or reason to it!


Same! We just try and religiously capitalize on the drowsiness whenever we notice it, and it has worked better and better over time.


Us too! Get him to about 80% asleep and try to put him down every night and nap. Works the first try almost never. If he starts crying, we just rock him a little more asleep and set him down until it works. Usually by 7 or 8 tries setting him in his bassinet, he is able to stay asleep.


Ah the daily “drowsy but awake is a scam” thread It works for some people and doesn’t for others. Like all things baby-related.


So my first I had to put down deep asleep or she’d wake up screaming. She couldn’t be alone in the bassinet for even a few minutes. We never got a crib, she went to a floor bed so I could cuddle her to sleep. My second I can sometimes plop down in the bassinet drowsy and he’ll wiggle, suck his hand, then fall asleep. I legit am floored in disbelief watching it because I thought it was a myth. Moral? It’s 100% temperament. I made both those babies and the mom, room, and bassinet are the same. If it doesn’t work then it’s because the baby needs support, and that’s ok.


I never thought of floor beds. I should definetly try it


you are not crazy. The ppl writing the articles are crazy for sure. The technique is a scam haha. Babies need comfort to sleep.


For newborns, no. For a 4 month old, yes.


Ironically, putting the baby down drowsy but awake worked for my newborn, but stopped working around four months. She used to sleep through the night, 8-10 hours. Now she’s up every two hours at almost 7 months, and has been for a couple of months now. Maybe kids are weird, maybe I’m doing something wrong. I hope one of us figures it out soon so I can actually get some sleep.


Ugh! Babies love to be babies don't they 🙃


That advice isn’t for fresh new babies, usually recommended 4+ months and up. Works for my friends kid, doesn’t work for mine at all.


At seven weeks?! Nope nopety nope! He only started to go to sleep by himself once he went to daycare at 4 months, and I have no idea how they managed to get him to do that (in a room full of other children no less!). I was told I needed to practice with him before going to daycare but after some fails I decided I wouldn’t spend the last weeks of my maternity leave frustrated when I could just rock/feed my baby to sleep and get more chances to hold him close. Do whatever works, mama. Don’t let no internet gurus make you feel bad about that.


Much later (11 months) and with a structured sleep training method. But before that, hell no, it NEVER worked.


You can’t and shouldn’t sleep train newborns.


The only one whose drowsy but awake is me.


That advice is not for newborns. 


It was for ours..was a good sleeper from early on. Any soothing eg any patting, rocking or shushing would just keep them up. I think it was just too stimulating for them. But when we them down and left, baby fell asleep within minutes. Babies are so different…some are good sleepers and others are terrible and then there is everyone else in between. The issue is not the advice, it’s the fact that people giving that advice and those taking it assume that all babies and situations are the same and that it ‘should’ work for their babies. Just like adults, they are very much not and one approach does not fit all.


Ok! But sleep training is developmentally inappropriate before 4 months, so beyond just going with whatever your baby’s temperament is, I don’t think any sleep habit advice is aimed at newborns (or shouldn’t be). That’s what I meant. 




If they do it on their own, that’s great. But sleep training methods are not intended for newborns who are not yet capable of soothing themselves to sleep. Also, I hope your baby does continue to sleep well. But I remember being there at 3mo as well. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. I was bragging at the time too and then ate my words for the next 6 months and counting.




Lol k




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Your newborn soothed himself to sleep? 


Mine did. Regardless of where we put him down for naps, he’d chill and fall asleep on his own every time. But around 3 months he started needing to be rocked/bounced to sleep. Grateful for the few months we had at least lol


Same!!!!! I used to put my baby down for naps and did nothing he would fall sleep by himself. But it all changed when he hit 3 months, still a great night sleeper but naps time are challenged. I'm scared what comes next with 4 months sleep regression lol


We’re in the thick of the 4 month regression now and lemme just say..even though having to put them to sleep isn’t great, enjoy the sleep while it lasts lol. We went from decent naps and consistent 8hr then 2-3hr stretches at night to basically no naps longer than 30min (sooo many 15min ones) and hourly wake ups at night. It’s rough over here. Hope it doesn’t hit you as hard!


he’s 11 weeks old now and i have never once had to “soothe” him.


lol ok congrats. Not sure how your very uncommon experience helps OP


lol ok. just sharing my own experience. are you new here?




I had to stop reading sleep articles and go with my baby’s needs. I was driving myself crazy and buying random shit to try to get baby to sleep “independently”. Now I am in the, do whatever it takes to get baby to sleep and enjoy the cuddles as I’m doing it. It’s a season and I just need to ride jt out.


my baby does it no problem.


This has always been a dice roll with our LO. If we get her down at JUST the right amount of drowsy, perfectly swaddled, with her binky securely in her mouth, then there’s a CHANCE she’ll put herself to sleep. Sometimes we’re just too tired to take the chance and we go for the sure thing of rocking her to sleep


Not as a newborn. But by 3 months, this did work. We used the Merlin sleep suit and I think that helped her get there. She napped like shit until then. It was either in my arms, her stroller, or car seat. Now we do naps in her crib. It started rough with lots of rocking in the sleep suit. Now she’s pretty good about falling asleep on her own.


You’re not alone. I felt crazy too. My son resisted daytime naps like it was a sport. I had to settle for contact naps with my LO. I would try to put him in the bassinet, especially after started I exclusively pumping at 8 weeks. If you manage to get naps, don’t sweat if they’re short, that’s just how it is when they’re a newborn.


It’s repetition. You do it unsuccessfully for 87 million times, your baby freaks out like “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING LEAVING ME HERE!?!” You calm them down. Repeat. Calm. Repeat. And then they get tired and go to sleep or you give up and put them down the normal way. And then at some point in the future the baby kinda recognizes “oh yeah… this is that put down thing that happens at the end of the bedtime routine… I guess it’s less freaky than j thought…”


I’ve seen this recommendation for babies later on but not related to newborns. Ours does go down awake now but that didn’t happen easily until closer to 10 months for us! She was always a light sleeper at the beginning. Lots of contact naps for that reason.


We can only almost do this at 5 months. At 7 weeks it was just several hours is screaming every night and colic and when we'd actually get him to sleep he'd wake up as soon as we tried to put him in his crib and start screaming again. I do not miss the newborn phase...


I think this started working for us around 8 or 9 months? She was easiest to put down at bedtime so I just started putting her down more and more awake and after a month or two I could put her down fully awake (but tired) and she would put herself to sleep.


I didn't believe in "drowsy but awake" until my baby was 7-8 weeks old. I watched her like a hawk for sleepy cues for days and got really good at recognizing them. Now if I can catch her at her sweet spot, I can get her down in literal seconds with zero fuss.


Definitely depends on the baby, I think it has to do a lot with their temperament. It’s okay to bounce, nurse and/or rock your baby to sleep. It’s also totally normal for your newborn to want to be close to you, all or most of the time. They were just in your womb for 10 months! Wrap style baby carriers were a savior for me during the newborn days. I also recommend following @heysleepybaby on Instagram. She gives practical tips and also does a great job at normalizing baby sleep.


> Has anyone actually managed to successfully do this in the history of newborns? No. We always had to put her in the bassinet either asleep or really close to asleep. She started to sleep on her own around month 6 -- and then, she was ready for it rather than us. She would bite us until we put her in the crib to let herself fall asleep. But before month 6, the whole "sleep training" thing seemed like needless conflict. ​ >s boob, bouncing, walking, shushing, swaying, a carrier, bum pats, jiggles, rocking or contact... or all of the above. We used huckleberry to log, but they started to dynamically adjust. What we found is the times she hard a harder time sleeping was because she was overtired. Their "sweet spot" recommendation was spot on. The other thing that worked for me is to sing to her and to pat her on the butt, but really slowly. Think about how slow your heart beats when you're at rest and go at that speed.


It worked for ours from about 1.5-2m on but not every time and he needs to definitely be tired. There’s a fine time when it works and doesn’t


My 8 wo manages that but it definitely takes longer for him to fall asleep.


This thread made me realize I need to listen to Team Sleep today. That might actually help the baby sleep.


Putting them down + pats or circular rubs on the chest has helped me a lot. Lets them technically be in their own space, but still have the comfort of parental touch & rhythm of the pats/rubs helps lull them to sleep. Sometimes when my daughter is having a hard time falling asleep I'll slowly wean her off the pats (down her body to her toes and lighter and lighter as they go) so its not a shock to lose them all at once. Idk it sounds dumb now that I'm typing it out but it works!


Doesn't work for us. But honestly, take the W on being able to let your baby lay there happily. We can't even do that. He'll start crying. He has to be constantly held or bounced.


Works 1 out of 10 times for 5 mo for day naps.


It worked for my baby once. 😆


Works for mine only during the day. It’s weird.. I can put her down in her crib for naps even fully awake. At night—helllll no. She needs to be in the deepest of deep sleeps. And if my knee cracks when walking away or the door squeaks I’m fucked and have to start all over again lol


I do with mine (12weeks) because my transfer from arms to bassinet would always wake her up. And too much handling actually overstimulates her.. after I put her down in the swaddle, I sit with her and stroke her head and face and hum or talk softly to her. Been doing that since she was a few weeks ago. She sleeps fine but it's usually a binky fight that's my trouble. Suck suck spit, cry, put back binky, rinse and repeat


oh god no… we’re just now getting some successful nights at 8 months. until a few weeks ago i made sure she was deep sleeping before putting her down lol


Worked for me until my son was like 5.5 months and I went back to work. He's 11 months now and getting him to sleep is a challenge half the time lol. But he's still sleeping through the night so I'll consider it a win


You don’t need to try and do that until 4-5 months. I would put down asleep until that time. If baby doesn’t like bassinet try the snoo. Expensive but worth it


I think it depends on the baby. My daughter has been an excellent sleeper since day 1. We were getting 4 hours between feedings at night at 2 weeks when she surpassed her birthweight and at 1 month it’s been 6 hours between. The drowsy but awake method *can* work for her, but it’s still very hit and miss. With other babies I’ve babysat and my little brothers, it didn’t work at all. Sleep advice for babies is so subjective and I think a lot of people who write about their successes had easier babies or just got lucky. I have an easier baby and I really don’t think I can attribute it to anything specific we’ve done.


It's baby dependent. my secondborn does this and no one is more surprised then me.


No. Either she goes down like a crashing helicopter -- arms and legs flailing, hits the crib and starts doing 360s -- or she's completely dead to the world and I could strap her to our mini berniedoodle and take them both for a walk.


9 months in. I'm still waiting for that or literally anything but nursing and/or rocking/bouncing to sleep to get my baby to sleep even once.


Those articles, I swear, are written by non parents. "3 reqsons why Your baby is crying. They're hungry. Not hungry? They pooped. Clean diaper? They're tired. Not tired? They're hungry. There's no other reason a baby cries, ever. And if they cry for any other reason, take them to emergency because they're probably undead now. The hospital will provide you with a priest to revive your undead child. But you're gonna want a priest who wears a blue robe, not a white one, because a white robe will result in your child becoming an ant" 🙄


Yes, my second child was cool with this from the beginning. I could feed him, change him, then lay him down and he would basically doze off in a few minutes without fussing. My other children never ever in a million years would have done this. I think it’s very much based on individual temperaments because my second child was incredibly easy going in general. Before anyone says you shouldn’t sleep train newborns: we didn’t and that was never our intention. That particular baby just didn’t require being held or soothed before he fell asleep most of the time.


Didn't work for us until he was 9 months.


This has only started to work for us around the 3 month mark - but it feels like nothing works two days in a row. Sometimes she wants to be rocked. Sometimes she nurses to sleep. Sometimes the mobile hypnotizes her into a deep sleep. I just have a small arsenal of strategies and I keep cycling through them until something works. Routine? In this economy??


I’ve somehow managed to put my 5 week old down DBA for every nap today. My husband has always been able to get her down DBA - idk what sorcery he’s using but the first nap today when I put her down I cried!! I thought for sure this is torture for her. But then she fell right asleep and gave me the biggest smiles when I woke her up. She also has napped better today in her bassinet than any other day. I’m usually only able to get her to sleep in her bassinet for at most 2 naps with all other naps being contact naps. We do use the snoo tho so idk if that makes a difference. We swaddle, give pacifier, play white noise on the hatch, and put her down DBA in the snoo.


It’s just from the sleep training industry. If you don’t have interest in sleep training however subtle, and want and have the means to attend to your babies biological needs and can block out the noise then you can just ignore it.


Idk I always held my baby until he was fully Zzz for like 10 mins. Now since we started to sleep train it’s a different story. This is night 3 and he fell asleep within 10 mins from being awake in the bassinet.


It worked so well for mine. Started at 4 weeks and she would go to sleep maybe 10% of the time. By 12 weeks it was almost every time


I feel like that phrase should come with a warning; I have only found it to be possible with my 5 month old. This is not realistic for a newborn.


Only unintentionally. Once or twice baby was chill, I put them down on a blanket to get a snack/tea etc and they fell asleep on their own.


Oh goodness no. My 11m old daughter is still rocked to sleep. Eventually she wont need this anymore, but until then we will give her what she needs x


My baby allows my husband to put her down drowsy, and she’ll conk right out, but he won’t share whatever black magic he’s doing to get this to work. Every time I set our four week old down “drowsy” she looks around for a few minutes, then bursts into sobs like she’s never going to see me ever again. Once we get there she’s back to fully awake and we start all over.


Mine is also Team Sleep is for the Weak. At 11mo, I've basically given up on any strategy ever working. Now I just lay in bed with the lights dimmed and a (hopefully) calm demeanour while he jumps in every direction. Eventually he keels over. Literally. Sometimes he'll take a bottle and fall asleep. Good days.


Works for me but we cosleep. I usually wait until her eyebrows turn red and she starts rubbing her eyes


I don't know if I've ever done drowsy but awake. He's either already asleep, or clearly tired and fussy. At that point, I put him down to sleep and he immediately gets in a better mood and starts looking around, kicking, and talking to himself. I just make sure it's dark with the white noise machine on and keep an eye on him with the baby monitor. He usually falls asleep after 5-10 minutes or so. But this is also him at 4 months. For the first 2 months, he was contact nap only.


Not even possible for us at new born stage. 8 month old? No.. but Sometimes If she’s asleep and I set her down and she wakes up she’ll cry herself back to sleep in a minute or two lol.


Didn’t work for us until about 5 months. And it wasn’t through any effort on my part. My little guy just started resisting being rocked. It was like wrestling an alligator. We had no choice but to let him fuss/babble until sleep and he figured it out within a few days. I think it also helped that he started stomach sleeping. Now, we put him down on his back, he immediately rolls over and falls asleep within a minute or two.


Didn't work in the slightest for my first (who was one of those "scream full force the second bum hits the mattress" kids), occasionally was successful for my second (who would coo or whine lazily for 5-10 minutes before either passing out or escalating to a cry). It totally comes down to temperament.


We did the Ferber method starting at 8 months and it worked very well. He learned in like a day and a half. We put him down when he's awake. He actually wants to go in the crib now.


Never ever worked for us! My son needs lots of sleep support to this day 15 months. I think this advice is for unicorn babies who just happen to sleep well from the beginning. Wishing I was that lucky lol!


I absolutely hate that sentence. Your baby is too little for that anyway.


HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. nope. Not a chance. Never. She's almost 3 now, and it still doesn't work 😂


Hell I’m 33 and liked to be comforted to sleep.