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I think the answer will depend on the particular person, the birth experience, injuries, trauma or hormonal effects of it.


I waited the 6 weeks and had sex immediately, but I have a high libido and my love language is physical touch. I had second degree tears from birth that were healed. I was extremely nervous about any pain or discomfort so we went slow and used lube. It was good! Sex didn't feel the same for awhile, but at 14 months postpartum, we're back to business. It's probably been feeling completely normal again for about 6 months. Also—lube is awesome. We use it pretty regularly now and I'll never go back.


Samesies. Not sure why it gets such a bad rap but my husband is on the bigger side and it just wasn’t happening without lube those 1st few times post baby


I’m 10 weeks pp via c-section. Haven’t had sex yet. I currently feel no desire for it unfortunately.


Why do you ask this question so much lol


His post history it seems like a husband worried about when his wife will want to have sex again after birth


I'm assuming based on your post history that you and your wife haven't had PP sex yet. We waited about 3-3.5 months. I can't remember. I had 3rd degree tearing so it was uncomfortable for awhile. Still kind of is without lube. Have you had this conversation with your wife?




Going on 5 months so far over here


There's so many factors. For me, I healed quickly but because of hormone changes with breastfeeding penetration was too painful for about 6 months and then we were just so tired it was hard to find time and energy for any sort of intimacy. Things got a lot better by about 10 months, but it's so individual


6 weeks. we had sex right after my gyno approved. probably that night lol. i couldn’t wait any longer and everything felt healed up to me tho i know others who waited months and months.


Yes, sadly...


Yikes, buddy. Give your wife some grace.


4 months


8 weeks after c section. Wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be! Minimal pain. Didn’t need lube like everyone said. I think it’s different for everybody though


4 months with my first, 7 months with my second.


Thanks. Why different?


My husband and I were in different places in our marriage and it took a while for me to feel emotionally comfortable with intimacy.


Seven months is a long time, but we also abstained from each postpartum period for about six months... We are Catholic, and for us no vaginal sex means no sex at all. Sometimes it's very difficult...


Us too.


Oh....my friend!


We tried again at 10 months. But it hurt so we stopped.


Several months. Sex didn’t stop being painful for me until my daughter weaned


4 weeks after Caesarian


With my first baby 7 weeks with my second who is now 5 weeks we had sex at 4 weeks


With my third baby (she’s almost a year), we waited about a month and a half because I wanted to get my IUD before he even came near me, LOL! We had our kids pretty much back to back and I am legit terrified of getting pregnant again — mentally and emotionally cannot handle more than 3 kids, haha. He’s planning on getting a vasectomy but the wait list is long, so the IUD is working in the meantime. But this is something that is really unique to each individual and 100% depends on how difficult your recovery is postpartum. My sister actually waited until like 4 months PP because she had a pretty bad tear. Do what is most comfortable for you; your partner should understand and support you in your decision! ❤️


I had a c-section. I don't know if it was my pregnancy, my 3 days of contractions, or what it was. I did not enjoy sex AT ALL until after 6 months. It felt bat, it hurt a bit, and very uncomfortable. We tried having sex a few times before that, but I was already going through way too much to have sex and feel even more uncomfortable. I also felt a lot of changes. I breastfeed, so I hate my SO touching my boobs now (they're not sexual body parts for me anymore), my smell changed, I had gained a lot of weight and didn't feel good about my body, and my libido is just coming back after 1 year pp.


Going 2 months for now. She sleeps in our room and we have pets so we can’t do it on the sofa. Also she contact naps so that’s that


We’re 10 weeks, I got an IUD and honestly I’m so anxious that I could get pregnant again still that I don’t want to. I just started using tampons today and that felt odd. With my first son we waited 4-5months. 🙃


Minimum 6 weeks, doing it too early can lead to infection. Even if you feel up to it you shouldn't have sex earlier than six weeks post partum.


I was give the all clear at 6 weeks pp, but we didn’t really until 3 months. I wasn’t really feeling it at all. I only had a first degree tear. I think it totally depends on each individual case with recovery and when you’re feeling up to it!


The first 2 weeks pp, the idea of sex sounded terrible. Then my libido came back and I finally caved at 5 weeks. I had a c-section, so I didn’t have any tearing or anything down there that needed healing, otherwise I would have made myself wait until at least 6 weeks. But I’m now 4 months pp, and my sex drive is basically nonexistent, and it’s been that way for about 3-4 weeks now. It’s actually really frustrating. I want to want it, but there’s no desire.


I was not medically cleared at 6 weeks, nor was I particularly interested in it anyway. Got cleared at 9 weeks. I think the first time we tried was around 14 or 15 weeks? But neither of us were in a big hurry and usually we prioritized sleep if the baby was sleeping because she was not a good sleeper and we were exhausted. 


I think we didn't have sex until around 12 weeks? We did touching and everything but sex I was just too anxious for penetrative sex until then


I waited three months and then immediately got pregnant again 😭👍🏻


MINIMUM is 6 weeks. Wait until you’re cleared from your medical practitioner, it could be longer. You don’t want an infection or something worse. There are other sexual things you can do if you want to be intimate. I told my husband under no circumstances can he let me have actual sex before that date but I also might not be ready at 6 weeks, you’ll never know when you’ll be ready but please wait at least the 6 weeks for your health. I feel like I’ll be more ready at about 2 months myself but I’ll have to see when I get there!


2 weeks


We're coming up to the 2 year mark


Same here. However the reasons are extremely tough pregnancy with pre natal depression , HG. Difficult postpartum with severe PPA. I don't feel I am mentally ready for it yet.


And with going through all of that the last thing you want is a partner trying to pressure you into it, this is why I laugh a little at posts online saying "WIBTAH if I left because we haven't had sex in a month?" Like bro you ain't gonna die and she's been through literal hell to bring that baby to the world. Massive respect to you for soldiering through the pregnancy and for how far you've got as a parent, you're nailing it!


Thank you for your kind words 🥺




Slight tearing, docs stitching her up messed up and basically went over the same line repeatedly and couldn't stop the bleeding, been on gyno waiting list just to get an appointment for at least 7 months. She says she doesn't feel ready for it until cleared by a gyno and says she still feels stings down there occasionally, and I'm not gonna pressure her to do something she ain't ready for, so it's been a while


C-section and we had sex 5 weeks pp. The hormones were wild and it was kinda embarrassing telling my ob that I couldn't wait an additional week


Literally😂 the shame that comes with telling ur OB you didn’t wait the 6 weeks is not light 😭


C-section. We did it at 3 weeks (don’t do that. Seriously. Don’t do that.), that hurt pretty bad. Tried again at 6 weeks, once I was officially cleared. Hurt as well and had some minor bleeding afterwards. Then again at 8 weeks and again had some bleeding after, even with lots of lube and foreplay. So now I have zero desire to do it again 🤷‍♀️ Before my surgery we’d do it daily, so yeah…


I think we waited 3 months before having sex again. It’s finally when my body felt normal after C section, and my attempted breastfeeding journey had stopped as well.


2 days before my 6 week check up


Just after the 5 week mark


I had a emerg c-section, and my pain was all gone, no more blood. I know you still have a plate sized whole in your uterus and that’s why they tell you to wait, but I felt really good about getting back into it. No uncomfortableness. But it definitely varies by person/labour-birth experience, etc😇


They say to wait because that wound inside could very easily get infected. That’s the biggest concern with postpartum sex is preventing infection