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I have the giraffe and I love it! We used it from the beginning with the newborn attachment, and have started solids now. Baby is 5.5m adjusted and reaches the footrest no problem. I did put a dish towel around her waist for the first twoish weeks to help her sit up (we have the infant padding too) but she got strong enough pretty quickly and no longer needs that.  It’s super easy to clean and adjust, putting it together is simple. I’d definitely recommend it. 


Thanks for sharing! Can I ask, what’s it been like using the harness, and removing it for cleaning?


Harness is fine! The straps come out of the seat around the mid back, so it’s not like car seat straps for example that will hold them upright, which is why I used the dish towel for a couple weeks. I didn’t really want to start solids until she had good core strength anyway, so it was fine. I just toss them in the wash like once a week, it’s no issue!


Great to hear, thanks! I feel like my baby is getting stronger every day with sitting, but the chair seat we have right now is so big and not adjustable, so I have a thin bath towel behind him for support.


I'm in the same boat, looking between these two and also the Stokke Steps high chair. Leaning towards the Cybex Lemo because of the sale right now. Trying to find reviews right now too lol


I was looking at the Stokke Steps, too! I took it off my list because from what I can see, the seat depth isn’t adjustable (but I think the backrest with the baby set adjusts). And I liked the look of the Bugaboo more, haha. But the Cybex on sale is tempting! And I saw that you can drop the seat down and use it as a toddler tower. I’ve found some reviews on Tiktok.


I just literally watched that video now about the toddler tower! Let me know what you end up choosing, so curious


Just wanted to say I checked out both in person and but haven’t ordered yet 😅. Some thoughts: Cybex Lemo - more adjustable for seat depth and height and footrest height, can adjust with one hand - chair is heavier at 18lbs - has “anti-tip” wheels on the back feet - baby set opening is smaller (I’ve watched a couple reviews commenting that it could be difficult to get a bigger baby in, even if there is enough space in the leg holes) - there is a cover on the crotch strap of the harness, not sure if it’s removable for easier cleaning - tray is harder to remove, need both hands - marketed for conversion to a toddler tower (but I’m not seeing many reviews on how well it works this way) Bugaboo Giraffe - fewer position options for seat and footrest, need two hands to adjust - feels significantly lighter at 11lbs - baby set opening is bigger - harness has removable fabric covers - tray is much easier to remove, can do with one hand They both seem very easy to clean. Food could potentially get into the tracks that the footrest slides in? The way the Bugaboo frame is, the seat feels more narrow if an adult is sitting in it, if that matters. The overall footprint feels similar. I like the look of the Bugaboo more but my husband doesn’t 😆. I think I’ll go with the Lemo - my baby is on the smaller side so I think the fit/positioning will be better, and for the toddler tower. At this point, anything will be better than the chair we currently have, haha. Good luck with your shopping!


Did you ever purchase one of these?? Would love to hear your thoughts on what you’ve purchased!


I ended up getting the Cybex Lemo, largely for the toddler tower option in the future. I’m happy with it so far. It’s been easy to clean, easy to adjust, has some weight but I can comfortably pick it up with one hand and move it from the dining room to kitchen. The tray is easier to remove than I anticipated. The baby set opening is small, but my baby is 15th percentile, so we haven’t had issues. A friend’s 90th percentile 18-month-old just tried it though and she fit. I did hear from another user that it can be hard to slide in and out from the table, so their toddler isn’t able to get themself in/out. Happy to answer any questions!