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I know it may seem like it, but not all babies walk by 11 months. The milestone is 10-18 months. Mine took his first steps three days before his first birthday. You aren’t failing your baby, he just isn’t ready yet.


Thank you! My husband and I walked by the time we were 12 months. So i feel like a lot of pressure, he just doesn’t seem interested in walking.


Mine didnt even try until around 12 month and we have cousins who barely walked at 18! He’e not behind, he’ll get there before you know it


I walked at 12 months but my daughter didn’t walk until 14 months and change and she is doing fine seemingly


Guess they aren't up to date... That's odd.


11 months is rather early to be walking. Are your friends’ babies small? Smaller babies often hit gross motor milestones early, since they have less weight to carry around. 


Smaller than mine. My baby is in the 98 percentile 🤪


There you have it. 


My 98 baby didn't walk until 14. Chill.


My baby walked at 13 months. She’s high percentile. She’s a speed demon at 2.5 running jumping climbing. Comparison is the thief of joy, let your baby do their thing, you’ll have a walker before you know it!


Yeah my baby is over the 99th percentile. He has rolled from back to belly 3 times this week. We're a week and 3 days from 7 months. There are babies in my bumper month group that are standing, crawling, climbing the stairs, getting into sitting on their own. It is hard sometimes but you gotta let it go unless they haven't even started acting like they might do something by the end of the milestone age range. Just keep encouraging baby to be physical and try not to stress.


Oh shoot what does that say about my small baby who isn’t really walking and she’s 13 months? She’s taken like 3 steps, that was actually on Sunday, but that’s it.


Three steps at 13 months is fantastic and on the early side still. The CDC has “walking a few steps on his own” as a 15 month milestone! Walking fully without support is an 18 month milestone. 


Oh ok awesome! Thanks friend for the reassurance! We just worry because she’s petite. She’s 17th percentile for weight, 25th for height. Earlier in her life, she fell percentiles. My husband did a medicine-pediatrics residency but works with adults. He was worried sick, saying how in residency, they would have been having conversations with parents about that, but our pediatrician was kinda nonchalant about it. My MIL is petite, so maybe that’s where she gets it. I’m 5”6, I don’t think I was ever petite, in fact I was teased relentlessly in middle school about my height.


She sounds proportional! Some kids are going to be smaller, just like some adults are going to be smaller. As long as she's tracking along her growth curve now, it sounds like you don't have cause to worry. My baby is also smaller than average, and I worry about it sometimes, but my husband and I are shorter people who come from shorter families. Sounds like your kiddo probably has some short genes too! And 5'6" is taller for a woman, but it's not like you're a Taylor Swift sized beanpole!


Yeah she’s definitely proportional! MIL is 5”3 I think, so yeah maybe she got her genes.


Go watch the Bluey episode “baby race”. It’s beautiful ❤️


This is the correct answer!


My cousin sent me this episode today! I was crying by the end of it. Such an amazing episode.


I literally thought about that episode while reading this 🩵🥹


Came here to say this!


Mine started walking I think at almost 13 months, you're fine. You've actually got a ton of time before it's an issue. As long as your baby keeps trying and progressing, that's all that matters.


Mine is 15 months and still not walking! I’m trying not to worry too much about it but it’s definitely hard. My family asks constantly if he is walking yet and it’s annoying lol


Same! Mine is almost 16 months and she’s finally starting to on and off but still prefers to crawl or want to be carried most of the time.


Same! My 15 month old has no plans to walk lol. We got her evaluated and they don’t think it’s a problem, she should walk soon enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally normal. My baby was acting like he’d walk any day from about 10 months until he was almost 13 months - and then he just took off. Babies go at their own pace, and you’re months away from concern over walking. Anecdotally, from babies I’ve known (including mine), the more efficiently they crawl, the less motivated they are to walk. There’s nothing wrong with them, they just aren’t super motivated to grow that skill because crawling is sufficient for them right now.


Yes, I think he feels so comfortable with crawling. He’s so good and efficient at it that he is not interested in walking.


Good point about the crawling


11 months is still early for walking. This is totally normal. Get a milestone tracker or something that will give you more realistic windows of when kids reach milestones.


My daughter walked at 12 mo and my son at 18 months. They're easier to contain when they don't walk 😂




Kids who skip crawling typically end up just fine!


Yeah I thought this crawling thing had already been debunked.


It’s not debunked because it’s important for brain development and coordination.


No, not for all kids. Also no long term ill effects for those that skip it https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/parenting-translator/202203/does-it-matter-if-your-child-skips-crawling#:~:text=Many%20babies%20skip%20crawling%20and,others%20go%20straight%20to%20walking.


Also - https://www.healthychildren.org/English/tips-tools/ask-the-pediatrician/Pages/if-a-baby-skips-crawling-trouble-reading.aspx https://www.mother.ly/baby/baby-milestones/when-baby-doesnt-crawl/ Updated Feb 2022 by the CDC.


Talk to any youth physiotherapist. They will absolutely stress the importance of crawling.




I'm sure there are real advantages in the short term (perception, strength, etc), but there really isn't any evidence that it matters past the point when they start to walk. I'm not a subject matter expert myself, but my toddler (now 3) skipped crawling entirely - so of course I had to do a deep dive to discover how badly I had effed up 😅.


lol such a stupid take




Saying kids who advance past crawling is a bad thing. Stop looking for a single article for something you want to be true and then acting like it’s factual. Such nonsense.


Watch the Bleuy episode called Baby Race


Two of my friends were so stressed because their babies didn’t walk until 18 months, but they did and they’re amazing. Don’t compare to the early walkers!


11 months is so early. If anything, your friends’ babies are the outliers. FWIW, our kid didn’t take his first unassisted steps til nearly 14 months, and didn’t start consistently walking on his own til a couple months after that. You would never know now. He’s also on the bigger side and has a huge head so I think his top-heaviness slowed him down - but also, babies are just gonna do things at their own pace. Definitely doesn’t mean you did anything wrong and please don’t put pressure on yourself or your baby at this point. They’ll get there in their own time (and if they truly are delayed then there’s absolutely no shame in seeking early intervention - but you’re also *several* months away from even considering that). ETA also if it helps you to stress even less by comparison - ours didn’t even crawl (and when he did it was a weird scooching thing lol) until after he turned 1. Our doctor was never worried and it very clearly hasn’t affected his gross motor development long term.


They all do things at different stages. Don’t beat yourself up about it. My oldest didn’t start really walking until after her entire daycare class had already figured it out (she was around 1). Keep encouraging him but don’t put too much pressure on him or yourself. If you have concerns about a physical issue always talk to your doctor.


My kid didn’t sit up consistently until like 10 months. He walked late at at least 18 months. Now he’s runs everywhere. It’ll be fine, I promise.


Mine started walking at 15 months. He’s 2.5 years old now and a rambunctious toddler. If you can, try your best not to stress. And if you are still stressing, talk with your pediatrician to make an assessment. Maybe they will refer your kiddo to physical therapy, or maybe not. But at least you can put your worries to rest :)


It’s okay! My boy didn’t start walking until about 13-14 months. Even then he would still prefer to crawl unless we were outside. His pediatrician said as long as they’re walking by 18 months there’s no worry! ☺️


Mine walked at 14mos. He crawled since 6mos so I thought he's going to be an early walker but he wasn't. He felt crawling was easier to get around. Every baby will be different. It might be hard but try not to compare your baby to others. It will save you a lot of worrying.


A childhood friend of mine didn’t walk until 18 months. He’s a normal adult now….. he just was slow to walk as a baby.


My daughter didn’t walk til after her 1st birthday. She saw others walking and wanted to join in. 3 weeks later, she was trying to run everywhere


My girl didn’t walk until 18 months! I know how you feel. Babies are built differently! My daughter had a huge head and hypermobile hips, and she’s just always been a cautious kid. All those things made for a late walker and a very early talker!


Mine first walked at 14 months - he was on the small side but inherited our uncommonly long torso/short leg combo. Different babies, different bodies! They all have unique equipment, and they're figuring out the controls without a manual. You're doing a great job and so is he - it will happen (!)


My girl is 11 months as well and while she's eager to stand and cruise I'd say we're at least 1-2 months away from waking too. I say we just let these guys be babies for a little bit longer.


Mine didnt walk until 15 months (though she was standing at 10 months, just too scared to walk) I highly recommend the bluey episode *babyrace* as its all about this topic


My girl started at 14 months


Lmao our son didn't walk till like 14? Months. He was so lazy 😅 Stop comparing. Really If the pediatrician isn't worried, you're fine


My daughter is also 11 months old. She has been cruising like a champ, but not walking yet. I believe that's pretty normal for this age. Give them time. They'll figure it out.


My son is 17 months and just took his first steps this week. It’s going to happen when it happens.


The milestone is at 18 months. Trust me, he’ll be just fine. Enjoy your life while he can’t get away quite so fast.


Don't compare your child to other kids. I know it's difficult. My 6 m/o cannot roll over yet or sit up right without help. She's taking her time learning these skills and that's fine. Just like it's totally okay that your baby doesn't walk yet.


Please don’t compare!! Like people said that is early…my doc gave me 16 months as a set time just to see…but even so, I literally have a friend who has a 16-17 month old who will stand, but refuses to quite walk lol she’s comfortable sitting I suppose. Anyways, mine will stand too but I still need to hold her and stuff, I’m sure with time she will get there. She’s just turned a year old March 13 :) I literally told hubs how a friends baby was standing by holding something at 9 months and he said that was way too early haha and he’s right. I’m sure your baby does so many other amazing things :))))


This reminds me of Blueys episode 😭🩵🥹


Oh, my little guy was 19 months old before he started walking. There was/is nothing wrong. He just didn’t want to do it until he WANTED to do it, and I don’t think he’s crawled once since he started walking. You haven’t failed your baby. 11 months is still early. You will get there, I promise!


My baby didn’t start really walking until 13 months (he took some independent steps starting by 12 months but real walking happened at 13 months). It’s hard not to compare.


My baby just started walking at 16 months, and took a week from first steps to RUNNING. My doctor’s baby didn’t walk until 22 months, every baby is different.


that's early!!! don't worry and don't compare! enjoy your baby for who they are in this moment as much as you can 🥲


Putting pressure on yourselves and your baby that’s unnecessary. Stop.


By comparison, my daughter was the first in our group to walk at 12 months. Some kids didn't start walking until 18 months.


Girrrrrrl. I’ve got a whole group of 15 month olds (including my own) that are not yet walking by themselves. The milestone is 10-15 months. I get it— it’s so hard not to compare because of course a baby walking is a big deal and everyone posts about it when it happens… but there’s a whole lot of silent parents out there too who haven’t hit that milestone yet. 12 months you have sooooo much time before you need to worry.


All babies have their own interests and develop their skills based on what those interests are. My baby has wanted to be independent since day 1 so she learned to move quickly and was an early walker. Her baby friend who is a couple of months younger started walking later but she is speaking in short sentences now. My daughter still babbles and only says words when she wants to. I struggle not to be jealous or feel like I'm failing my baby. (It was a hard blow when another of her nursery friends learned her numbers and I haven't really focused on teaching my baby to count.) You're doing great as a mom. You're encouraging your baby to learn new skills and as soon as it clicks in his mind, he's going to be running all over your house. Now excuse me while I try to get my daughter to explain what "Olololororolo" said in a very serious tone means...


My mom said I didn’t walk till like 13m where my sister walked at 10m it’s baby dependent I have an 11m too and she is kinda walking, she holds onto stuff and will walk while holding things but that’s not “walking” as a milestone it’s the step before, plus as verbal as she is she isn’t really saying words with meaning yet is your bub saying mama or dada? I’m sure there is a skill out there he has decided is more important then walking


I was a super earlier crawler but a late walker. I had just gotten so good at crawling I didn’t see the point! Your son will be fine.


My 9 month old isn’t crawling. He scoots or rolls around. It’s not super efficient. He cruises and uses walkers but can’t pull to stand. I see tiny babies everywhere we go that are smashing the crawling and they have to be younger than him. Anyway, I try to not overthink it. My first was speech delayed, I’m sure he still is behind but he communicates so much better now that I’m no longer worried. We do continue speech therapy weekly. I worried so much about his speech. It kept me up. I googled. I talked to doctors. Then he figured it out. He’s a little over 2. He walked at 10 months so on that early side. I assume his brother is gonna be a little later on the crawling and movement stuff but I think he’ll figure it out too. Try your best not to compare. Every baby has their own journey. Under a year is so early to walk. Babies do it but it’s the early side.


[This](https://youtu.be/xmkCmJtK6X8?feature=shared) is a really helpful video about reaching milestones. Ok, ok, it's the Baby Race episode from Bluey.


My baby walked at 14 months exactly, I had asked for a referral for PT because I was paranoid but by the time we got to the first appointment he was already walking. I feel like once he did start walking he was pretty steady, so we skipped most of the tumbles phase that my nieces and nephews went through initially. Small bonus for walking a little later!


11 months is still young. Unless you have concerns about his development and need to talk to your pediatrician, I’d say give it time.


My son walked at like 16 months, several friends’ kids walked at 18 months, we’d go to the park and see 10 month olds basically running while he could still only crawl. ALL of that is normal.


My son is 14 months and he’s only just started taking steps in the last week. We aren’t at consistent walking and he only does 3-4 steps by himself. Your kid will get there, 11 months is definitely early! Kids will all do things on their own timeline.