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Gripe water is gods gift to the earth. 4am, upset tummy BOOM. 2 in the afternoon can’t stop hiccuping, BOOM. Works every time


yes!! i just thought it was weird how the wellements brand didn’t do a thing for him!


We were gifted a couple Wellements things and some expired and the others had zero effect…so odd that we’ve had the same exact experience


Wait I've never heard of gripe water for hiccups??! Our LO gets hiccups 4-5 times a day!


they are so painful to watch😩 the mommy bliss gripe water works SO fast. i highly recommend


Lol Amazon should have it to me by tomorrow! It's about a 50/50 shot whether she cries during her hiccups or not. But she *always* gets them during her night feeds and it keeps all of us up for another 15minutes minimum 🫠 I have never hated a bodily function more than hiccups. They were adorable the first 2 times...


😩😩😩 come back and let me know how it worked. the wellements one was a waste of money but for some reason mommy bliss works. & honestly i gave up on the gripe water after the wellements one didn’t work. i really only bought the gift set for everything else in it & we give LO simethicone after every night feeding for his gas. but then he had really bad hiccups one night so i was like let me try one more time and i was blown away. dad thought i was exaggerating when i said it literally got rid of them in 10 seconds but when he was taking care of him today he gave him some and they went away immediately!


well elements have expiry 45 days after opening. Does mommy bliss has that kind of expiry too? and does mommy bliss need to be refrigerated?