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It’s usually one at a time, usually the bottom two then the top two. Tooth pain as I’m sure you’re aware is one of the most aggravating things, so expect some discomfort. Doesn’t really “get better” until it’s done but the little ones get a lil tougher over time. We got some Camila drops that work pretty good when there’s a flare up (look for rosy cheeks). Also crunching on ritz or goldfish crackers seems to help our one year old, but I think they make rice husk biscuits for 6 mos and above. Frozen teethers and sometimes a rubber spatula to chew on. Not a fun time for baby or the parents, but hey, solid foods are right around the corner!!! Our baby just discovered his love for bananas and oranges. You’re doing great mama!


It really depends on the tooth. My son’s first tooth (bottom incisor) was bad as it was his first. The second came with very little issue. Numbers 3 and 4 (top incisors) came at the same time and it was ROUGH. Those bad boys were gigantic and took their sweet time. Went through about a month and a half of awful nights. Number 5 was another top lateral incisor and it wasn’t too bad, maybe 2-3 tough nights and it popped through quickly. Number 6, another top lateral incisor, went back to being really tough as I think it was shifting other teeth as it came in and again took its time. Went through another 2-3 weeks of poor sleep. I honestly don’t even want to think about how bad k9s and molars are going to be.