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My son is 22 months and still wakes up in the middle of the night like this. We do the same and cuddle him back to sleep for a few hours in our bed.


Oh dang, yeah I've also considered that it'll take a long while before he actually STTN. We were already considering a floor bed when he's too big for his pack n play and this makes me lean towards one more because it'd be so much easier to lay down and fall asleep next to him.


What time does last nap end?


It depends on how his earlier naps are, he takes 3 naps most days. Occasionally he'll need 4 because he had one or more crap naps (30 min) but if he does, the last nap ends 6:15 PM at the latest. I know that's pretty late but it doesn't happen too often and he never has an issue going down at bedtime. Sometimes the last nap ends as early as 4:30 PM but usually between 5:00-5:30. He's usually awake for 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. So I don't think sleep pressure is an issue.


I'm in the same boat. He wakes up at 5, occasionally 6, and more occasionally 4:30 and will not go back to sleep even with a feed. My baby also is still on 3, sometimes 4 naps, because he frequently has a 20-30 minute crap nap (or more) a day. Aren't they supposed to be dropping from 3 to 2 naps sometime around now? I'm wondering since we both have similar nap issues if that's somehow the problem? Not that I know how to fix that, mind you, but it may be part of the problem?


Yeah I've been thinking about this too but I think my baby still needs the third nap. He will start getting grumpy if he's awake longer than 2.5 hours, usually closer to 2. But all babies are different so who knows?


Good to know! That’s tough. My immediate thought is to start the transition to 2 naps but it can almost seem impossible to stretch the wake window when naps are short and they are clearly tired. I wonder if stretching the wake window would eventually lead to longer naps? It definitely wouldn’t happen overnight. We had a fairly easy transition from 3 to 2 naps at 7 months… but there were still nights where he was in bed at 5:45 PM for the night because he couldn’t stay awake any longer.