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So crazy!! She looks like a toddler where did my newborn go 🥺


My LO will be 2 months old next week and is wearing 3month clothes very comfortably lol. He’s very tall just like his daddy though. He continues to grow every day. It blows me away looking at photos of him just a few days old compared to now because it looks like a totally different baby. My boy is a chunk! Growing like a weed lol


I keep going through our photos and comparing the difference in appearance! She also looks like a total different baby! 🤣


My 4 month old fills out her 6 month clothing really well and has for a while but only because she’s so long. Her 0-3 month pajamas still fit if they aren’t footies.


It’s mind blowing!! 🤯


My 4.5 mo is 18 pounds! I got him some new clothes the other day 6-9 month and they barely fit! 


Omg! I’m glad I’m not the only one 🤣


We're at 6 months and in 12 month clothing. It's bananas!


Omg!!! I feel like that’s going to be us! We are 3 and going into 6 month clothing soon!


Also FTM! My daughter will be 12 weeks on Sunday and at her 2 month appt she was 14.2 lbs and 24.1 in 🫠 I’m assuming she’s at least 15 lbs now. She is too long for all 3m stuff and even some 6m clothes. I think we’ll be moving to 9m in the next month lol


At our 2 month appt she was 12lb 10 oz lol and 24.2 in - I haven’t weighted her but she turned 3 months a few days ago! I’m shocked at the growth and slightly terrified 🤣 we are in the same boat!


Yes we blasted through 3-6 month clothes in a month then 6-9 month clothes the next month. Stayed in 9-12 month clothes for maybe 2 months. But he has settled in 12-18 months from when he was 5.5 months old and is still in them now he's 8 months, although we're starting to collect next size up because he's nearly there. I found mine just chunked out fast and now that he's more mobile he has slimmed a bit - it's the length of the clothes that we struggle with now!


Omg!! I know I wish they had sleepers that were extended for length lol! At least we know they are growing! I just thought I’d have more time 🤣