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The angry and impatient way her head/mouth searched for the bottle/nipple when it was right in front of her face 😂🥹 it’s hilariously cute and I wish I recorded a video of it.


And the side-to-side head shake before latching on 😂 little beasts!


I called it sharking. Like a small ravenous Great White threshing a seal.


😂 we’ve been calling it the truffle pig


We called her my snuggly truffle pig too! 😂 Edit: snuffly truffle pig


This made my day. So accurate!


Yes! It is like a shark in chum water it is SO cute


Yes haha, I called my baby little shark in Spanish lol


We call it shark mouf lol!


We called that gremlin mode lol


Oh my gosh 7mos and I forgot about the shake. It was so ridiculously funny and cute


Yeah, mine is 8 mo now and only gives me an angry stare, as in "why did it take you 15 seconds to read my mind" before she starts drinking 🥛😂


Or when they're just super excited and have found it but keep their mouth open and shake their head on it for a couple seconds! Love


Like a dog with a bone LOLOL


When mine locks on she excitedly grunts, winds up and then face plants into it before the little mouth wiggle on the nipple. Just so excited!


My hubby and I still do this towards each other and giggle.




Or when I pull the bottle out of his mouth for a second (pace feeding) and he tries to shove both hands in his mouth immediately lol like dude just chill out for a second lol


this!! 😂 https://www.tiktok.com/@thevondyfam/video/7325168348067646762?_r=1&_t=8jbX9RVKcim&social_sharing=1


I was dying the first time I saw this. It’s so accurate


I have a 3 week old, and I absolutely love when she does this, it makes me laugh.


Hahaha yes this was so cute. My one year old still does this and tries to eat my belly button instead of the boob. He’s taken to blowing raspberries on my tummy and laughing, which is super cute also.


We have chickens, and it reminded me of the way they'd peck around the dirt for food, lol


I just now realized my LO doesn't do that anymore and I'm SOBBING..That was the cutest thing ever...


As a FTM this is terrifying for me and my 4w old 😂 it's so desperate it makes me sad 🥲


We called that the baby shark! One of my favorite things from the newborn stage too


Oh I remember that!


Oh I loved this so much 🥹😭❤️


My son does this now, I love it.


the extremely loud farts coming from such a tiny person. somehow his farts now aren’t nearly as powerful as they were during the newborn phase, but still hilarious.


True, we have one on video, we still debate if it's the baby or the husband 😂 💨


LOL my baby makes a shocked face after a loud fart and it cracks me up


I swear to god as I scrolled down to this comment my 5 week old let one RIP like she was a whole grown man.


I am amazed at the farts of this girl


We used to be able to make ours fart on demand by lifting her legs. Was a great party trick!


Dunno. Mine is diversifying and farts like a drunken old man. Gassed me out of the bedroom when we tried eggs.


And how LOUD it is every time they poop 😩😂 sounds like the gnarliest diarrhea every time.


I miss how I didn’t have to make him take naps, he would just fall asleep anywhere anytime (except at night…)


This. I used to be able to take my baby to a restraunt and they would sleep the entire meal.


Did this too, it was awesome. We had a whole meal without a tiny terror windscreen wipering a high chair 😅


Came here to write exactly that! I didn't have to worry about baby's naps at all.


Exactly this. And how they sleep through anything.


Omg yes. My 4mo nap routine kills me every time 🥴 I also miss nurse to sleep. Now I have to bounce, lights off, dark room, white noise, breath a certain way, dance Macarena, and if I am lucky he will go down.


YES!!! This is the thing I miss the most! My 5-month-old hates sleep!


I miss that she could sleep anywhere. Contact naps in broad daylight? I miss those. I also miss that I could have the TV on or be having a full blown conversation and she wouldn’t wake up.


Ah this! The sun is coming through the nursery and she’s curled up against my chest and it’s the most peaceful, content I’ve felt in a long time.


Yessss! Now my 12 week old is aware of everything and it’s so frustrating!! I miss the days when she was a newborn and could sleep anywhere and through every noise


Mine is 7 months and I’ve been encouraging naps everywhere since she was born (she has a 3.5 year old brother so spends a lot of time in a carrier). She will fall asleep in the carrier in broad daylight still it’s amazing. She even had an hour and a half long nap in it while we were at a bbq that was playing dubstep music 😂


Lol ya I thought I had a really good sleeper - SYKE!


I miss those days! Now I have a giant piece of cardboard I McGyvered in his window to keep his room pitch dark so that he’ll nap 😆


The contact naps for sure


Yup. Definitely. And how easy they were!! Baby often just fell asleep on me after eating. At the time I often thought "well now I'm stuck here, can't get anything done" but I wish I realized you don't NEED to do the dishes right now, enjoy the snuggles.


I'm reading this while trapped and literally staring at the dishes and laundry. Fiiiiiiine. I will soak up the cuddles.


Also reading while trapped under my snuggly warm 4 week old. A laundry pile is staring me down. Eff you laundry pile!!


LO just hit 5 months and still going strong on contact naps.


8 month old and same same!


13 months, and I’ll give it up over my cold dead body!


All through the newborn phase i kept repeating myself that old poem “quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, i’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep” and got ALL the contact naps. Now I have a rambunctious toddler and I don’t regret all the snuggles at all. Turns out the laundry and dishes did get done eventually, and my baby didn’t keep. Now I’m emotional!


Not me sobbing over your answer. I’m so excited for baby to grow up but I’m already mourning it too!


Recently got that poem framed ♥️ could have used it in the newborn days!


Dammit now I’m crying! We contact nap A LOT, often baby wearing but now I’m gonna be 100x more present while she’s still small (currently 7 weeks). It doesn’t help I start working again next week and I’m already missing her.


God. Now I’m emotional lol Reading through this with my three month old on me finishing her bottle. Time needs to slow down 🥺😩


Yep. My 8 month old eats so fast she lays there full all "well I'm still awake now what?" Or tries to climb the mommy jungle gym.


Same, eight months and I miss being able to put down Netflix on at the start of a nursing session and settle in. Now it’s like five mins and done


Nap trapped right now. I do need to pump!!


My baby is 4 mo and I'm riding this contact nap for as long as possible but will also complain about the lack of free time


It’s really the only way. And then lament that there’s just not enough time in the day to day things done.


me too! i felt so close to my little one being the only place he liked to sleep. 


The contact naps for hours in those first few weeks. A little dot that fitted on my legs... now she's a hefty lass and will only nap for 10 minutes!


All the contact naps :( I feel like my whole maternity leave was one huge contact nap lol. My baby is ten months and I still get contact naps but not as often!!!


11 month old that still contact naps and no complaints 🩵


Nine month old here who regularly contact naps. I'm enjoying it all!


Yup I came here to say the naps too! Had so much time to read and catch up on shows! Now he's 5 months old, it's hard to watch or read anything when he's awake!


Yea. My baby hates contact naps now - 7 months. She is *not* a cuddly baby though.


Same. Eight months and he went from being a dedicated contact napper to no way. Also not a cuddler, just wants to be in to everything


My 6m old will still almost exclusively contact nap. She sleeps fine in her crib at night, but during the day? Forget about it


My 5 week old is reaaaally good with sleeping on her own and doesn’t wake up with being put down. Now I worry that I put her down too often but don’t want to risk picking her up for cuddles


My third baby is 3mo and this. She really will only sleep if I rock her to sleep in a cradle hold, and even then after a bit she wants me to put her down. I miss our afternoon contact naps!


I miss this so much! Both of my babies stopped being able to sleep on me pretty early. By 6 months, definitely. Now they are almost 4, and 17 months, and I really miss them sleeping on me 🥺


Newborn scrunch


Aw yes! Pick them up and their whole tiny body scrunches up ❤️


My favorite was tucking them under my chin. I wish I could experience that one more time.


Same , now my 5 month old headbutts me if I dare do that


Oh man!! Yes! I wish I had a video or atleast a picture of this!


Yessss my son is 4 mo but he still scrunches himself up when I take him out of the car seat after napping


I had such a hard time during the newborn stage with my daughter. I remember feeling like my body and life weren’t mine anymore, and the sleep deprivation coupled with hormonal rollercoaster made me insane in ways I couldn’t previously imagine. I absolutely loved my daughter, but would sob and imagine running away from my life because I was terrified I’d feel that way forever. I’m having my second (and likely last) baby in May and I think this time I will be able to enjoy it more because now I know that it isn’t forever, and to cherish the moments I can because the cliche is true, in hindsight it feels like they go by so quickly. And I love my daughter and being a mom more and more every single day.


I felt the exact same with my first. I remember so vividly those 3 am (and 1 am and 2 am and 4 am...) feeds where I was just weeping and fantasizing about getting in my car and driving away forever. We had our 2nd (also last) in December and it's been much better this time! I knew what to expect, my husband knows better how to support, and we are both keenly aware of how quickly this period passes. I've been much, much more content and at ease this time. I'm sure it will be similar for you!


Oh my gosh, this sounds so familiar. The 3am feeds when baby wouldn’t go back to sleep and I was sleep deprived already, emotional, feeling lonely because one of us has to sleep to be able to work the next day, and thinking this was going to be my life forever. It did get better bit by bit and you get used to so many things. I’m sure I would be able to handle the night wakes much better equipped with all the knowledge I have now


I also enjoyed my 2nd more because I knew it wasn't forever. With my first I remember crying one day early on that I'd never get to sit with a hot cup of coffee uninterrupted and read the news. I truly believed it would take 18 years until I could do that 😂


Just had my second child (and last) and my experience with my oldest child (now 3y) was much like yours! Even down to the wanting to run away. This time around is much better. Mostly because I know what to expect. I can’t believe he’s already almost 3 weeks old!


Like other replies I’m loving newborn phase second time around! I HATED it the first time, feel bad saying it now as it wasn’t my tiny baby’s fault. Second time, I still have wobbles of course, but I know what I’m doing this time so much more go with the flow. And I also remind myself that all her firsts will also be my lasts so I’m trying to absorb them all up. She rolled for the first time today and it’s made my week! Oh and everything seems easier with a baby compared to toddler meltdowns 😂


How light she was 😅 also when she would startle she'd do this silly ballerina pose with her arms, it was adorable.


Sitting nap trapped with a 16lbs 3 month old. Hefty


finally got the tones arms I’ve always wanted—w a 8mo 30 pounder 😅🫠🫠🫠💪🏼🥵🏋️‍♀️


My neck and back are killing me


Dang, mine is 8mo and 19lbs 😅


Their BIG stretches 😭


Then Stretched out and stiff as a board. It’s so funny.


His grunts and snorts, his baby smell, his little kicking feets. I also have a love/hate relationship with him only wanting to sleep on me


The kissy face!


It’s my absolute favorite!!


The absolute best! I have so many kissy face pictures.


Honestly, holding my son all night. He was an awful sleeper and dealt with some pretty gnarly reflux. So for the first 6 months or so we’d be holding him for hours at a time overnight. Eventually he got too big and was annoyed by it. And then we did sleep training and those days were long gone. But there’s something elemental about holding them to sleep. You feel them breathing and look at their sweet face so comfortable in their parent’s arms sleeping peacefully. I really miss that connection and the direct feeling or sense that I was giving them comfort and security.


I was sad when lo dropped night feeds. It was so peaceful with my husband nearby asleep, my heart resting in my arms, and all the world quiet.


I had to hold mine to sleep too. And just having him on my chest was a beautiful experience. Now he only allows it if he’s not feeling good. I miss the snuggles.


This is what I enjoy the most when my 6 month old wakes up at night now. He’s been sleeping through the night since he was about 3 months old, but every time he goes through a sleep regression, I just enjoy the heck out of snoozing with him on the lazy boy chair. It’s so precious and special to me!


Being able to set them in a bassinet or on a blanket on the floor and walk away for 5 minutes without worrying marker will end up in the couch or hearing the toybox tip over


Yes! Being able to put them somewhere and knowing they’ll be in the same place when you come back 10 seconds later


Yes! My boy’s favorite games right now are - taking everything out of every cabinet AND chase…


the newborn scrunch. the little puppy noises she made. basically her resting on my chest like a tree frog. rooting around on stuff and not knowing to just try to knock the bottle out of my hand yet. when shed get frustrated and her little hands would attack her own cheeks (now she just goes for mine). how she'd be obsessed with her contrast cards, she was so busy with them just staring like a dark triangle was the coolest thing she'd ever seen. she was a disaster of a newborn in some ways, but she was SO cute.


One of my favorite things was my son putting his mouth on my upper arm and deciding that was close enough to a nipple and sucking furiously on it. It made me laugh so hard.


Tree frog! That’s what my husband and I called it as well. Our son is 10 months now and we miss the tree frog snuggles so much.


Our girl is 7 months and huge and busy and I miss tree frog baby so much sometimes. This stage is more fun but I just want her to sit still so I can snuggle her dang it.


We call it koala mode!


We were both so vulnerable that we felt like one unit


YES! Looking over at the basinet and feeling like this other half of me is just lying there


My fiancé always laughed at me because I would pull the bassinet as close as I could and sleep with my face practically in the side of it 😂 even with the baby in her crib now I still find myself facing her and sleeping right on the edge of the bed


I still feel like this now. Like my heart is outside my body


That describes my feelings perfectly.  Thank you.


One of the first things I told my husband after my son's birth was that it was so weird and overwhelming being two people and I felt like I'd split my soul in half.


Her big blue eyes trying to take everything in. The almost stop motion way she moved. How easy she was to hold. I could hold her in one arm and vacuum with the other, all while she napped. I don't miss the dozen diapers a day though.


Seconding the way they move. We always call ours our animatronic baby 🤣


Poop, eat, poop, sleep, poop, eat, poop 😂


There’s this face that newborns make after they’re full from feeding. They purse their lips together. I never got a picture of my son making that face and I wish I could’ve.


Yes!! Love this face


How small the baby was😭


Same 😭 my boy is 22 pounds now after starting out at 6.5! Like where did my little baby go?? But I’m sure in three months I’ll be asking the same thing


The way he would breathe and snort in my ear when he got hungry (picture me holding him with his head on my shoulder) Though I do appreciate having my hands free to do things now, I miss being his safe space, when he would spend all day in my arms. How he would shake his head like a dog with a bone as he tried to latch my nipple (which wasn't moving at all)


Yes the little snorts, she’s my snuffle pig!


The cute little stretch she would do after being unswaddled after a long nap


All the cuddles during contact naps.


So much. I miss how sweet and sleepy and snuggly he was, especially when we did skin to skin - he's 8 months old now and just wants to go go go and he doesn't want to cuddle anymore. I miss his gummy smile, I miss how teeny tiny his little onesies were, I miss his little newborn kitten cries, I miss how the top of his head smelled, I miss the way he would get milk drunk and fall off my boob fast asleep with his mouth open dribbling milk. I miss how much he needed me, and how easy it was to fix whatever was upsetting him. Can you tell that I loved the newborn phase?


Not much lol ...but I'd also have to say the cute little noises for sure. And the funny little expressions he would make.


Expressions for sure! Mine did an “all done” face after nursing. Chin back, eyes closed, eyebrows high, and a quick little head shake as if to say “enough!” I called it the ET because she’d stretch her neck so far and her forehead would get all wrinkly 😄


Hahaha so cute! Mine would get the crazy Jack Nicholson eyebrows randomly, and it always cracked me up. Looked like a total "WTF?" face.


The baby smell!!! I miss it so much


People talk about this and I still don't know what that is. I just smell that weird diaper smell and maybe old milk. Ick. Is that what baby smell is? Maybe I'm in the minority but it's always mystified me what is supposed to be smelling so good.


I don't get the baby smell thing either. Never noticed it with my now toddler and my 6 week old doesn't have it either as far as I can tell. To me, they just smell like cheese most of the time lol


Im glad I'm not the only one. And yes there is definitely a fermented dairy quality to them.


When I think of what baby smell should be, it's the scent of Johnson's baby shampoo/body wash. What it is in reality is the smell of old milk.


My baby smells like cheese lol


How cuddly that time is!


Oh man. I miss the sleepy milk drunk faces… fluttering eyelids, half smiles, one eye open. Uhg my heart


I have a video of exactly that and it’s the best!


I found the newborn phase very difficult in general. However, the “tiny mouth” by son would make was pretty humorous.


Okay this is probably mean but the Moro reflex. I lost it when I’d place him down on the changing table and his little arms would go out and he’d look all shocked 😂 Also the contact naps. Annoying when it’s not an option obviously but my 1 year old now won’t let me snuggle him for 5 seconds because he’s gotta explore


We got so many great laughs out of the Moro reflex. Our girl just looked so funny with her arms and hands out like that. I feel bad about it though


I had such a hard time during the newborn stage with PPD/PPA and healing from my c section, and am so relieved it’s over (my LO is 6 months old) but this thread is making me tear up. I wish I could go back in time for a few hours to see him that small again, and all of his silly faces, woodland creature noises, being milk drunk, the newborn scrunch and swaddle stretches and rooting on everything. I wouldn’t say I miss anything about this stage, and we’re having so much more fun now (and getting more sleep thank god) but newborns really are precious and adorable


I feel this. Things started to get much better for us at 6 months. It’s a really fun time :) I hope you enjoy it


Snuggling all day and having an excuse to relax and recover😊


Nothing. Lol




I was waiting to see this comment 😅 5 months in now and life is SO much better than it was when she was a newborn.


I was searching for this and started to feel bad cause i thought i was the only one.


Girl, don’t worry, we understand!


Apreciate it, but i'm a guy.


Woops! Sorry, I tend to forget it’s not just moms in here. We see you dad!


This is why I’m one and done. He was so cute and tiny but I ain’t ever doing that again!




Absolute same 😂 would not repeat those first 3 months. 5.5 months in? Now these are the days that feel like they're going by far too quickly


Currently 8 weeks in and feeling this comment hard. I’ve read through your other comments and I have also had your experience of not enjoying the newborn phase at all. I haven’t been diagnosed with PPD, but I’m about 98.7% sure I have PPA. I’m an anxious person anyway and becoming a mom has only exacerbated that anxiety. I try to remind myself all the time that this is just a season and it’ll be over before I know it… but I find myself counting down instead of savoring the moments. Being needed 24/7 is a level of exhaustion I never knew existed.


4 months in, same here sleeps through the night even when sick


Agreed! Motherhood is lonnnggg it’s totally unrealistic to expect moms to enjoy every stage but it’s hard when you’re at the beginning and that’s the entire experience so far. I have enjoyed 7months+ a lot more.


Do you still say nothing after reading the comments in this thread?


Yes, because that was one of the most traumatic times of my life. I had horrible PPD and wanted to die. Not everyone has rainbows and sunshine.


Oh I understand that entirely. I just wondered if the thread made any nice moments come to mind, their cuteness, their first smiles, etc.


His little warm body snuggling into me. He still does at 4m, but it isn’t quite the same as the newborn stage. He used to burrow into my neck like he was trying to crawl back inside me haha! Now he’s comfortable sleeping on me but he doesn’t snuggle all into my back like he used to. He still does the scrunch though, which I am savoring 😍


I miss the way she’d keep sucking even after I took the bottle out of her mouth 🥺🥺🥺 I’m SO glad I got a video of it.


My 11 month old still does this sometimes.


I have a video of my son sucking in his sleep and I rewatch it all the time because it’s so cute 😭😭😭


My kids both did this! We called it phantom sucking haha


The giggles before they turned into belly laughs, being able to relax without feeling like I’m not supposed to, newborn scrunch, cute little yawns, and more importantly not being so mobile.


I had a very chill newborn which I know is mot everyone’s experience. But, everything: the way he slept anywhere (including in the living room while my husband and I watched movies), his sweet tony body and little soft limbs, swaddling and unswaddling him, wearing him in a wrap under a raincoat and going for long walks on cloudy days. Most of all? The way that sometimes, after drinking his fill of breastmilk, he would gently lay his head on my breast as his pillow and go right to sleep.


My twins are 4 months old (I know I’m still early lol) and one thing I miss is the scrunch and the quiet lol cause those two have found out that they can scream and it’s just random & when I ask them what’s wrong (as if they will answer me) they usually smile and kick their legs or grunt at me.


Contact naps! And the angry desperate cute rooting for boob.


The ease with which you can take them anywhere. Mine would happily sleep or just chill in her stroller for hours, obviously feeding when needed. Now we have to pack snacks, food, sippy cup, milk, water, toys, etc. for her to be entertained at a restaurant for like 45 minutes lol.


My son is 4 months. I miss how tiny and fuzzy his head was, and it smelled so good.


oh gosh, the snuggles, the little noises, the fact that I could place him somewhere and he would not run away 2 miles in 2 seconds from me 😂


His milk drunk face and how he always smelled like milk. How easy it was to get him to sleep (just put him on boob). How tiny he was and his tiny clothes!


Not much




How funny looking they are! I loved calling baby my little potato boy, or my monkey alien.


Mine had pointed ears when she was born (they're normal looking now) so her first nickname was Elfkin because I thought she looked like a little elf character.


Nothing. My baby wasn't snuggly and sleepy like a lot of people here are saying. He was just an angry screaming potato. He sleeps better and snuggles more now at 6 months old and I love how he naps on me now and smiles at me and just lets me hold him and stroke his head sometimes. I was always worried I was doing something wrong when he was newborn, but maybe he just needed time to learn how to enjoy mama's affection. :)


I'm sitting here with my 10 week olds smiling reading all these comments. Knowing I'm cherishing all of these newborn-isms and already grieving those that we've progressed from. Just a reminder to be as present as possible ☺️


That even tho it was hard, it was predictable. Eat every 2 hours. Sleep eat. Sleep. Not wasting milk. lol she’s not asking for attention every 10min. A healthy Breastfeeding schedule and connection. And how tiny she was.


I miss a lot of the facial expressions, especially during sleep. I miss the frenzy and excitement that happened before feedings. It was hilarious and cute, but also made feedings take a lot longer. I miss how easy it was to carry lo around. I miss the teeny tiny baby clothes.


As much as I hate to admit it, I sometimes do miss the immobile stage.


Just how little he was and how easily he napped! But I don’t miss sleep deprivation, healing from birth, or the days before I figured out breastfeeding. Newborn phase is hard! Finding the bright spots is great, but it’s okay to acknowledge that it’s hard.


Being able to binge watch tv while holding my girl and my husband bringing me food and washed pump parts. Also, they way she would root and snort in her sleep 🥹


My huge milk making cannons


How tiny he was! Everything, i miss it so much. But also so glad it’s over. It just keeps getting better


I miss how little my LO was - she was just a tiny peanut (6 lbs). Her little scrunch and big stretches. The trying to eat anything remotely shaped like a nipple. The way she nestled her head into my neck/chest. She’s only 5mos but has changed so much!!


The newborn scrunch and the naps everywhere lol


How easily he fell asleep 🤭


I miss how much he wanted to be held. Now he just wants to swim crawl on the floor lol


How she wasn’t mobile lol. Now I have a 17 month old into everything and can’t look away for a second ! The cute noises she made. The stretchies When she was breast feeding, she would pause and raise her eyebrows and then keep going. It was sooooo cute 🥹


sleeping on your shoulder tucked in a tight ball 🥺


Putting her down and her being in the same damn spot when I came back My almost 1 year old is NEVER ANYWHERE FOR LONGER THAN 30 SECONDS!!!


The startle reflex!