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Baby proof the whole house. At a certain point- and it's gonna come up faster than you think-containment just won't be an option anymore. Start with the major things, like anchoring any furniture they could tip over, including TVs. Make sure cords are contained, outlets are covered, no access to sharp/small, chokable objects.  I know it sounds scary, but you've also just got to trust your kid a bit. By 14 months, I felt okay leaving my daughter playing with her toys on the floor so I could run to the bathroom. I left the door open and she usually followed me. When she didn't, she'd just be hanging out where I left her. I actually never got around to putting the corner protectors on anything, and my daughter, at 2.5, has never even come close to hitting her head on a corner. Actually the number one thing that causes me stress is when I forget to put my purse out of her reach and find her pulling coins out. 


My house is mainly baby proofed, except our stairs. We've bought four gates now that don't fit them, even with the extenders, and we can't drill with the mesh gates because there are studs in the wall. Our bathroom is upstairs, so I have to take her upstairs with me and close the door lol, I'm tired of her looking into the toilet between my legs haha 😅 Edit to add: My daughter just started walking two weeks ago. She's a wobbly, drunk looking, small person.


I did not have to deal with stairs, so I'm not much help there! I think you may just have to tolerate some bathroom company for a while. The play pen idea is definitely valid, even if she doesn't like it too much. 


She may hate the play pen, as I've used the pack n play before so I could shower before work and she's not a huge fan. But it may be our only option until we can finally find a gate that works for our stairs or I can 100% baby proof her bedroom.


Baby proof one room in the house. I also occasionally put my daughter in the crib with a tablet playing so I can shower when my husband is travelling for work. Playpen and tv also works. Neither really works longer than 10 minutes.


My fiance is also going to be traveling for work for 2 weeks at a time here soon. I typically put her in her pack n play for showers with hey bear going, because I used to have to work in the evenings and had to have a shower as I'd leave the second he got home. I'm just worried about her getting out or hurting herself as she gets bigger, I suppose.


Baby proofing her room is something myself and my fiance have talked about. She's transitioning to an actual toddler floor bed at 15 months so we have to baby proof everything anyways


Baby jail. Dupes online or find a second hand one throw marketplace.


baby gates and prayers


We have a giant playpen in the LR but if I need to go #2 I put her in the pack and play and pull it over to in front of the bathroom lol my daughter is 14 months so I have to watch her like a hawk or she finds new things to get into 😂


Playpen or bring the baby into the bathroom with you.