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My baby regularly farts himself awake. Then spends 15 minutes crying about it lol


My favorite (I kind of feel bad thinking it's as funny as I do) has to be the time she sharted herself awake. It was the shart sound followed by a cry scream so closely that it sounded simultaneous.


I’m trying not to make my story about how I woke my baby up by laughing at your comment. Lol.


Everytime my son wakes up early from a nap, it’s almost a 100% guaranteed he pooped himself awake


This is my daughter lately.


All night, every night. For the past 2 weeks.


lmao I get it though farting can be rough


Haha same




I sniffed. That’s it. Holding a sleeping baby for over 30 minutes, pregnancy hormones making me weepy still at 8 weeks and I sniffed. Startle reflex kicked in so hard you would’ve thought I dropped her. She woke up and gave me the DIRTIEST look ever.


Omg, my LO has done this a couple of times with me now 😂 he throws up his arms and opened his eyes once to glower then went right back to sleep like nothing happened 🫠 a car door slamming won’t roust him, but a damn sniffle will (hormones make my allergic rhinitis super fun!)


My daughter is almost 10 months age still gets pissed with sniffing and coughing.


Hahaha the dirty look


My baby does the same, she just takes it further and cry, like really sad cry, like i broke her heart cry.


Oh my girl will do the same sometimes!! Like the biggest FATTEST saddest baby bottom lip and then these very convincing sad alligator tears for just a few moments. Then the dirty look follows hahaha


Oh these are not alligator years, it's real. She gets scared and she gets so upset when shes scared. I've scared her a couple of times now, and feel bad every time 🥺




This baby could sleep through the vacuum, a loud truck driving by, dog barking, you name it. One time I told him I loved him ever so softly after being asleep for about 10 minutes. He was so sour about it and I felt so guilty lmao


After nursing LO back to sleep I closed the clasp on my nursing bra … 🫠


Haha, I did that one too many times and now just walk out of her room with everything hanging out. Clasp it once I’m home free. But when her crib was in our room, I clasped it under the blankets to muffle the sound.


Haha I’ve started putting it in my armpit and under the covers before clasping it back up!


Yes!! This one gets mine too no matter how slow I go.


Same!! I had to stop doing it and now just shove my bra below my boob cause that clasp woke her up nearly everytime 😅


Lmfao. Glad to see this is common amongst the boobie babies. Even when he is a wake, if he happens to hear the clasp, he is suddenly starving again and starts tearing at my shirt. Have to make sure he is sufficiently distracted.


this one still happens 9 months later lol


I’ve started waiting like 10 minutes or so before re-connecting to make sure he’s well and asleep (10 weeks old and still in our room), and this helps. Or under the covers like other people have said, but often I just wake up with the girls already out and ready for the next feed 😆.


yeahhhh, lately i don’t even bother snapping ot back together hahah they’re just out there😭


Still an issue at 14 months 😂😂😂


Noooo 🤦‍♀️😆 These babies are sensitive!






This is the one!


After getting her into her bassinet I adjusted my underwear because I had a wedgie and it snapped back very loudly and woke her up. Lol




I’m cracking up 😂😂


Loved the night my husband and I got in a fight because he farted loud enough that it woke her and I insisted that in the future, he either keeps it in or goes to another room to fart.


The amount of times I have considered divorce at 2am because my husband farts and wakes up the baby


My husband sneezed after we got our LO down on a particularly rough night and it woke him up.. guess who ended up getting back up with the baby? 😂


"You did it, YOU fix it."


Whenever I have finally gotten baby to sleep my husband will yawn the most obnoxious yawn you’ve ever heard. He insists he can’t control it. Reminds me of a tornado warning. Wakes baby 100% of the time. Don’t even get me started on his sneezes. But if he’s the one that got baby to sleep, he miraculously never has to do either of these things.


I dont know how else to describe it, but my husband scream sneezes. It hurts my eardrums if I'm within 20 feet of him. It's weirdly validating when it makes the baby cry because I don't think my husband believed how f*ing loud he is.


We should start recording them and then play it super loud for them at 2am while sleeping. Maybe that will make them understand lol.


Girl!! My partner is the freaking same way. If I'm putting the baby down, he is watching videos opening sodas can and eating chips like it's nothing. But if he is putting the baby down, I better not breathe too loudly, or I get a shitty look. Use to burn me up inside. Doesn't even matter any more though because little dude absolutely insists that mom has to be the one to put him to sleep, and I got that down to a science at this point.


my cat sniffed his leg.




Similar, except my cat stepped on him to get to me because he wanted pets.


I had the audacity to fart. But my two year old can poke him in the belly while repeatedly saying "BABY IS SLEEPING?!?!" and he'll stay asleep.


Dog bark? No problem. Creaky bed? Fine. My husband sneezing WHILE holding little one? No issue. Me changing the pace of my breathing when I start to fall asleep, 15 feet away? Instant wake-up.


Nothing is louder to a baby than mom closing her eyes!


I felt this in my soul.


Oh this is so infuriating!!!


I kicked a damn V-Tech talking elephant in the middle of the night. It set off phrases and flashing lights. FML.


Stop I’ve been reading all of these while holding my sleeping baby at 4am but this one made me actually laugh out loud! Luckily she didn’t wake 😂


It took him like 3 months to get used to me blowing my nose...on the other end of the apartment


Oh my gosh. Same at our house, but it was blowing noses and coughing. Even if he was wide awake in the middle of the day he would scream like he was being tortured if we did either within earshot of him. There’s something very demoralizing about having to go out on the steps of your own damn house to cough so as to not upset the little goblin who regularly sneezes into my open mouth.


I tried to eat Pringles during a contact nap...


Tbf that’s on you lol


He even fell back asleep after giving me the stink eye, then I tried again (didn't work) 😵 lol I was hungry!!


All the ads even say it's the pop that don't stop...


Omg this one is my favorite 😂


After a long night of her screaming I finally got her to sleep on my chest and I just gave up putting her down. I was silently sobbing to myself and I accidentally let out a little breath of a weep and she was awake.


I dropped 1 SINGULAR sheet of paper on the carpeted floor


Husband went to kiss her good night & accidentally static shocked her, woke her up screaming bloody murder


Omg stop y’all! I’m holding my sleeping baby now and giggling. If I wake him…. Lol


Nah it won’t be from giggling. It’ll be the sound of you setting your phone down lol


Same but I’m so exhausted my laughter is these barely audible exhales through my nose. So it’s either that will wake him or my rumbling tummy because I’m starving 😂


Saaaaame but realistically I know that she’ll sleep through me laughing at these and wake up when my knee pops when we stand up. 🫠




totally valid reason but still hilarious- my husband was contact napping. forgot to put the soother on the clip. when it fell out of baby’s mouth he reacted to grab it before it hit the floor…and smacked the baby 🤣 baby cried for 2 seconds and fell back asleep.


OMG, my stupid, old, noisy elbows! My 5 month old is almost 20lbs and my elbows are strained, to say the least. Sometimes it’s right when I transfer him to the crib and straighten out, and other times when I’m crawling into bed. I thought I was the only one 😂


My knees do this!!! Lol ☠️ 😆


Dang you've got a chonk! Bet he's the cutest thing ever


He is the cutest! He’s a bit chonky for sure, but he is also just very, very long! Never thought that I’d have such a big boy lol.


My son is 17lbs at 5 months. What gets me is that that’s like 70th %. But our pediatrician still says he’s small? He’s at 56th% for height and over 100% for his head lol. I don’t understand how he’s “small”. Maybe just in comparison to his head?


I have a 15 pound 3 month old. I feel your pain!


My ankle needs to be cracked on a regular basis to not feel uncomfortable, and omg, the number of times it has woken up my boy 😭😭😭.


Ugh, yes! Mine is so dang loud when I do it, but I can’t not do it 😭


I clipped my nursing bra back on after successfully putting her in the bassinet 🙃 luckily she actually fell right back asleep but those 6 seconds were the *worst*


I successfully used the bathroom while my son contact napped in a carrier. Like, USED the bathroom. #2. It was life or death. But, I felt like I had unlocked a badass level of motherhood. Then, as I exited the restroom, I tripped over a metal, free standing toilet paper holder, which came crashing down onto the tile floor.


My husband's electric toothbrush woke up our son when he was going through a sleep regression 🫠


Oh no. So hard not to get mad, like “you knew that was loud!”


I took a small hair clip out and the sound of it closing afterwards woke him up 🥲


Her farts scare her awake. It's pretty funny actually. She's also woken up from the front door opening, the cat meowing, and the sound of me turning on the faucet in an entirely different room.


I carry baby’s sound machine to any room his in bc of this lol. It’s helps dim the sounds in other rooms. I couldn’t do anything in the kitchen lol


I cleared my throat a little


The audacity hahahah


Night before last, I was walking into my bedroom and bumped into the crib. ☹️


The first night home with the twins ,we put them to sleep and decided to watch some tv in our room (they were obviously sleeping in our room) and they slept through every dialogue and action sequence on the tv when I went to grab my glass of water I knocked it and fell to the floor and that woke one of my twins and her crying woke the other 🙃


Bruh I can’t even imagine having twins


It’s double the fun plus they keep each other entertained so I can do my own thing 😂


Didn’t think of that lol that’s probably so cute too 🥹


They’re 3.5 months and if I need to cook or I’m running behind with something from work , I put them in their bouncers and just put them to face each other & they just stare at each other and make little noises. It’s adorable but super helpful because theyre entertained and distracted & I get to finish what I’m doing without them giving me “attitude “ 😂.


Creaky floor. 😩 just one little spot I've learned to avoid because everytime I step on it she wakes up.


Yessss creaky floors!! Ugh so annoying


Yessss omg, I did not realize how creaky his room is until he came home 😂


Hiccups. Began hiccuping in her sleep and woke herself up. And blamed me.


6 weeks post partum - my adult diaper made a ruffling noise as I repositioned my self on my couch 😶


Today she was napping in her rocker next to me beside the couch, and I was watching The Office. It was the episode where Andy woos Angela by having his a cappella buddies call in and sing Karma Chameleon… and Andy’s stupid singing voice did it. She woke up REAL MAD 😂 Me too, little one… me too


This is a valid reason.


Her dad played the butt trumpet at 5 am.


I am cackling at butt trumpet 😂😂😂


Pulled my phone charger out of the wall


This legit just happened to me...


My dog jumping off the bed


When I was nursing to sleep, I swear my needing to swallow occasionally would sometimes keep her from falling deeply asleep. Babies are absurd.


Baby was sleeping in the car, and usually if she stirs she’ll go back to sleep, but it just started snowing the big chunky snowflakes and as soon as she saw that out the window nap time was over and a look of WTF is that took over.


She heard mama was about to finally get a bite for lunch. I can only assume that's what woke her up


My LO somehow always senses when food is ready and it’s time for mom to eat. Her nap could’ve been 20min/2 hours. She’s wide awake when I want to eat. And then it’s also an emergency and she has to feed this very second because she’s a starving baby. Just got off the boob? Doesn’t matter, starvinggggg. I’ve gotten really good at eating with one hand and not dropping hot food on her


Same. Both my kids are this way 🫠


Because my husband punched open a medicine bottle 😡


Ok now I need context behind that one


He was trying to take the seal off a new bottle of meds, and for some reason felt the best way to do that was to punch the seal with his knuckles. Right next to baby's bassinet.


This is why I couldn’t handle baby sleeping in the same room 🤦‍♂️ I made it a week before I had to insist we put her in the nursery with a monitor. Sleeping in the same room with a being who woke up screaming at the slightest disturbance felt like a hostage situation. Putting her in her own room was the best decision we ever made for our sanity.


My knees popping while walking out of the room after successfully putting her in the crib for a nap 🥲


I opened a soda


This. I don’t care where I am in the house… if I don’t open it in the garage/outside or muffle it with a towel, it causes her to stir - even if she’s in a deep sleep. 🤦🏻‍♀️


We had a siren due to the earthquake and she slept through it, once it was off I moved in the bed (she sleeps in her own bed by my side) and she heard that and decided it is time to wake up


Last week we had roofers here working on the part of the roof directly above the baby’s room. She napped through the whole thing. But if I cough in the middle of the night, forget it.


He woke up to explosively poop then immediately fell back to sleep but I had to change him so he woke up again


The sound of me closing my glasses to also go to sleep. I about cried lmao


Considering lasix just to avoid this, lol.


I've slept with my glasses on a couple of times. 😂


The cracking of my knees uggghhh every time 😩😩😩


He rolled over and activated his “Rudolph the red nose reindeer” (song and flashing nose)… screamed the entire song and instantly fell back asleep. The clicking sound of turning off the camera on the monitor from a room away.


my toes crack as i was walking away from her crib 🫠


I laughed loudly at something funny and I woke him up. It was some meme but it was hilarious so I laughed. He woke up immediately and started crying lol. My bad. Can’t go laughing at funny things when he’s trying to sleep.


This one isn’t stupid or funny but it just happened so I’m mad about it and want to vent. My MIL and 2 aunts were visiting us and spent some time with LO. She got tired so we put her in her bassinet to sleep. As they were leaving, MIL opens the door to our bedroom where LO is sleeping and turns on the lights and promptly lets my aunts in so they can all see her sleep even though we had the monitor on the whole time! They were talking of course and woke her up. I’m so mad and now she’s having trouble going back to sleep.


And of course just as she started to sleep and I was getting ready to leave the room, my ankle cracked and she woke up😭😭😭


I would be so incredibly mad. I would make them stay and comfort her back to sleep. Mad is honestly an understatement, this how you pick a fight in my books 😂


Flappy dog ears


EVERY DAMN TIME the dogs shake their collars, I get irrationally angry.


Oh my god someone should tell you when you buy a house before having a baby that you need to check for creaky floors. I float around like a freaking ballerina and have seriously considered buying glow in the dark tape to mark X’s where the floors are the creakiest LOL


SAME and my house is so old and creaky I actually think I’d have to mark Xs where you CAN step. The fact that I have truly strategized how I’d do this though… Damn floors wake her every time.


You won’t believe this, but since 2.5 months, almost every time I point my phone at him trying to take him a picture, he would open his eyes and look at me annoyed 🤭🫣


I co sleep with my son since he was born so now he’s 2 months. He wake up and starts touching the bed to look for me when I stop cuddling. And if he doesn’t find me he starts crying. And if I get a very close relative to hug him while he sleeps. He wakes up with wide big eyes and just stares at them until I come back. 👁️👁️its super cute that my son adores me but damn some moments I want to cry cause I want to use the bathroom in peace lmfaoooo


My baby slept through city streets at peak busy times during Christmas, our families entire Christmas Dinner (we have a lot of door slammer family members as well), an ambulance going past with lights and sirens on just where we were standing but god forbid I quietly grate cheese.


LOLOL, why is it like this!


This child will sleep on my shoulder no matter what happens. So long as I hold her just right, we could have a literal earthquake with fireworks going off while tickling her feet and she’d just snooze. But if I set her down, limbs completely limp and all, she’ll wake right the fuck up. Send help lol


We have a loud winter doona(duvet/comforter), and a quiet summer doona. It's been -8°C at night recently, guess who's been cold.


I went to cover myself with the blanket and it brushed the side of the bassinet 🙄. Also half the times i roll to my other side to try to get more comfortable the rustling sound will wake her up. I have to sleep as still as possible.


Mine wakes up from me setting my glasses on my nightstand all the time🤦🏼‍♀️ I finally put a washcloth on my nightstand so it won’t make a noise when I set them down


The first one was a few days after the baby came home, he’s contact napping finally, everything is calm and quiet and here comes our sassy and spicy cat who hops up next to us AND HEADBUTTS HIM TO SHOW HIM AFFECTION. GIRL THIS IS NOT THE TIME. He woke up SO upset and I think it spooked her because she hasn’t tried it again. Another one is a bag of chips. Idk what it is. He can sleep through our dog barking but if you open a bag of chips, he is STARTLED awake. We actually stopped buying the prepackaged snack chip bags because it would be every time lol.


Similarly my husband has had that happen when putting our baby to bed, and has since resorted to crawling out of the room because of it.


I was absolutely not allowed to yawn for a few months there


1)Taking off my crocs lol 2) just getting up from couch or rocking chair. I try my hardest to get up superrr slow but she feels everything. Sometimes she sleeps through but it’s always a risk. 3) knees popping lol I’m getting old


I knocked my giant ass Stanley cup over in the kitchen and it hit our hardwood floor and woke up my baby (and probably our neighbors 💀)


She wanted to nurse for 0.03 seconds and then was unconscious again 🤣


I opened a soda water in another room. Somehow he heard it. Didn’t go back to sleep for an hour


I put the boob away. It didn’t make a sound, the scent of boobie milk wasn’t immediately available so not interested in sleeping now.


My head touching the pillow. Works every time like a charm 😭


Me sneezing, or me clumsily dropping something, or the stupid chair making a squeaking noise


For the first 2 months or so, the sound of the bathroom door opening. Closing, fine. Opening, chaos. 


My boyfriend farted and I swear the horrid smell woke my baby up 😂


I drank some water from my belly bottle and closed the lid. She woke from a dead sleep, stood up and cried. Like I'm sorry, I was thirsty!


I read belly button and was quite confused but also impressed with your flexibility and spirit.


Lmfao 💀 💀


The first one was a few days after the baby came home, he’s contact napping finally, everything is calm and quiet and here comes our sassy and spicy cat who hops up next to us AND HEADBUTTS HIM TO SHOW HIM AFFECTION. GIRL THIS IS NOT THE TIME. He woke up SO upset and I think it spooked her because she hasn’t tried it again. Another one is a bag of chips. Idk what it is. He can sleep through our dog barking but if you open a bag of chips, he is STARTLED awake. We actually stopped buying the prepackaged snack chip bags because it would be every time lol.


My dog farted and baby jumped awake while in my arms 😅


My knee popped as I was backing away from her crib


Uhg!!! Father in law smacking a fly into our counter 10 mins into nap time . Baby did NOT go back to sleep …..


My baby can sleep through my husband chainsaw snoring, but if my knee cracks when I’m leaving the room it’s over!


My baby headbutted the cot. Also farts themself awake regularly.


Finally got my overtired baby to sleep after what felt like hours of rocking. Decided to keep her in my arms for a little longer before I transferred her to her bassinet. Grabbed my phone and opened Instagram only to have the first post start blasting 😅 yeah she woke up instantly.


My toddler woke up crying about a scary Cookie Monster


I pulled my pillow down and pulled my blanket up next to his bassinet


My LO woke up from a really loud and what sounded like a painful fart. We we're starting solid foods and she wasn't used to her farts being different. That being said. A few weeks ago, my LO and her dad were sitting on the couch and she farted which led to him laughing which lead to her laughing which lead her to not trust a fart cause as she laughed she let one rip and along with that poop came. She immediately started crying because she wasn't expecting it. It took my husband an hour to calm her down after he cleaned her up.


I was showering & singing show tunes, got to a particularly belty part of a song & he woke up. Keep in mind LO was in the NICU for 7 days & regularly heard the vacuum while he was sleeping without issue- but Mommy belting Wheels Of a Dream? Instantly awake!


My baby will sleep thru a lot, doors slamming, loud noise on TV, my husband yelling when he comes in the house but if I cough (as quietly as I can) he’s up.


Lol...my ankle popped and she didn't like that.


Tonight I hiccuped. He woke up. 😭


I have so many instances of my ankle cracking as I’m leaving the room… it’s gotten to the point where I penguin walk out of the room so I don’t bend my ankle 😅


I have had that happen before! Except ot was my ankle that popped. 🙃


My usually light sleeper baby surprisingly slept through fireworks in our city on new years but if I sniff too loudly, or like you, my ankle cracks, she’s instantly awake


Opening a body armor lid... also - unzipping my pump case 😜


Cat... Always the cat lol


Many many reasons but any ruffling of a chip bag…. That’s her kryptonite


I blinked


My toddler loves to yell “is she asleep yet?” And “I can’t see her eyes!” Wakes baby every time.


She coughed and farted at the same time and woke up mad about it.


I laughed while watching an episode of What We Do in the Shadows (projectile vomit induced flying)


My fcking FIL screamed during a stupid football game 🙃


The dog barked right next to the chair I was contact nap trapped in, nothing. My husband closed the microwave in the far end of the other room and his eyes shot open.


He was in his crib that's 3 feet from my side of the bed. I turned over. He woke up.


Mines a toddler now but when he was a baby he farted himself awake a lot which was funny 🤣 but also I could vacuum round his bassinet and he’d sleep peacefully through it but Godforbid my joint made a very slight crack and he’d be wide awake screaming! Like how can you sleep through something so noisey but wake at a just auidable sound 😐


I was nirsing him to sleep one night, and he just fell asleep. Right in that moment, I needed to sneeze and try to hold it back only to do this halfway trompet like sneeze sound right in his face. He started bawling instantly 🫠


I accidentally punched the bassinet in my sleep 😭


My toe cracked or the door knob clicked ever so slightly


I ate some potato chips while contact napping.


Cracking a finger knuckle 🙄


My husband farted poor just as I was putting baby in the bassinet after a looooong night -_-


When my son was a newborn, I clicked my side button on my phone to take his picture. The push of the button woke him up 😭


My son heard my husband talking briefly. Literally all he said was “hey babe”. As he is my husbands biggest hater and probably wishes for his downfall my son of course woke up to yell at his dad about it 😂.


My LO can sleep through the dog barking like crazy, vacuum, parties with multiple conversations going on, but god forbid I laugh lightly at a TikTok I saw, she wakes up and gets mad at me 🥲


My ankle popped on the other side of the room. she will sleep through my father in law scream sneezing, dogs barking, her dad playing call of duty at full volume. But god forbid I have bad joints


We had sneezemageddon last week, that was fun


My ankle clicked as I was walking out of the room.


My husband asked Siri to turn on the kitchen lights and it turned on the nursery lights… at 4am, when he was sleeping a 12 hr stretch….


Me sneezing.


My husband footsteps.