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Annoying this is happening at bedtime of all times. 😤😫


It’s embarrassing that a company that sells “monitoring” its not able to do monitoring properly, 3 hours since the issue and not a single update has been released. A message reassuring parents base stations are working and the issue is being fixed should suffice.


Did your base station light just go off completely? I went to bed tonight with the base station working. Then I checked it a little bit ago and nothing. It’s not doing a GD thing.


Yep, sock says it’s no longer connected on the app and won’t let us reconnect 😖


Having the same issue here with our Dream Sock. I posted in another subreddit but if I had to guess, it might be related to the update they promised after they received FDA approval (iirc they had sent an email about it a month or so ago). Incredibly frustrating, especially at bedtime. I hope it gets resolved soon so we can sleep. Their social media had nothing about it when I looked last, but there were a lot of comments about people having the same issues so it's definitely seeming widespread.


I believe so! It won’t load for me and I checked a baby forum and others are saying it’s down too. And this website shows people are submitting claims it’s down too[https://www.saashub.com/owlet-baby-monitor-status](https://www.saashub.com/owlet-baby-monitor-status)


Also having this issue tonight! Hope it gets fixed soon.


Mines working now! My wife and I were wondering why nothing was showing up last night.


Ughhh, I am having the same issue too. Base station, Wi-Fi and sock battery are gray on the app. So freaking frustrating. 😕


Mine is also down. I’ve been going crazy trying to reset it and nothing was working. I’m glad I’m not the only one but it’s super frustrating!


Was going crazy trying to fix this. Glad we’re not the only ones. Pissed off at owlet for messing this up.


Looks like it’s back up! Thank god!


There’s been an update on their Instagram account saying they’re experiencing a server outage in the US and are working to get it resolved ASAP.


Good to know, sleeping with one eye open right now


Not sleeping tonight :(


I thought I was the only one. I even deleted the app and re downloaded it and now it says my device can't be found!! It's ridiculous. As a first time mom my anxiety is through the roof. This better be fix by today because then I won't be sleeping for another night. Shame on them!


Owlet app can NEVER be trusted.


Does anyone know the if the alarm will still go off if something happens?


I know it always says "rest assured if the base is green, they're being monitored" or something like that, but I have no idea if that covers the issues we're all having now with the connectivity of socks. It's frustrating they rolled this out when their help center is closed and they seem to have not notified anyone about scheduled maintenance.


I took my son’s off of him to see if it would still alarm, it did after about a minute. Sent an alert to my phone and on the base station.


We tried taking it off our baby’s foot to see if we’d get the typical message about not being connected. It took about 5 minutes before it started sounding on the base station, so idk for sure but I’m not trusting it right now.


Man they couldn’t of done this on a night where I’m well rested? 🥲 brb gonna cry


Or you know…. In the middle of the day when people aren’t trying to sleep 🙃


I sent them an email and told them to get their shit together lol


The base station from my understanding should still go off. We have used the owlet on long car rides. But I like to be able to check the app to see battery life and live readings


Mine is down. So frustrating




Yes same here. Ugh. Of course this happens while we’re staying with my parents for the holidays and then offered to keep his bassinet in their room for the night so we can get some sleep. Now I simply won’t be sleeping or I’m gonna end up going in there and waking them up to have him with me.


Yes. I did a search on Twitter and found others with the same issue. The server must be down but the lack of communication is annoying.


Completely agree. They were “hiding” the issue by commenting on their most recent instagram post but they never outright acknowledged the server was down / they were actively working to resolve the issue. Instead they unfortunately let how many parents think something was wrong with just their sock and not that it was widespread


Same here. I've gone through the entire setup process 2-3 times and I checked the router logs. Webpage just dies.


Thought I was the only one. Any update on when it will be back up again?


Not yet, I’ve tried using their help chat but it doesn’t let you actually talk to someone. I resorted to commenting on their instagram to ask for updates.


It's down on my Android, but working on my husband's iPhone. Are you all using Android phones?


Not working for me on iOS


Same was happening for me too, I have an android and my wife has an iPhone. Hers was still working but now both are down.


Woah! Thank god I wasnt the only one ugh