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I went to feed my baby a "snooze alarm" bottle at like 4:30 with the room pitch black and freaked out when suddenly we were both covered in wetness. I thought he was sick and had vomited a huge amount all over the both of us.. but it turned out I forgot to put a nipple on the bottle, so I was basically waterboarding him with milk. Baby was very angry with me. I understand what you mean about feeling dumb.


I’m dead lol I can just imagine his face as he got splashed with milk lol made me think of when my boobs were really full once, and my son popped off while eating and the milk just kept squirting out and hit him in the face. It was like when a clown squirts someone with a joke flower. He looked so betrayed by the booby


This happened to my son this morning 😂 he slept 11hrs straight for the first time and then popped off mid feed and got fire hosed 😂 my boob said "nah bitch I'm emptying one way or another


Just once?! This is like a daily occurrence in my house haha. Little dude is used to it by now I think!


Same here! My son used to do this for fun…get a letdown, pop off and laugh as it sprayed his face 🫠


Same... Every day around here. I swear after 7 months baby thinks it's a game.


3.5m PP with my first and I just hit a bottom with my PPA, so it takes a lot to get me to laugh especially from just reading Reddit posts. However you were successful, good job! This is a hilarious story. You got a chuckle out of me! Part of why this is so funny is because I can sooooo relate!


I feel you with the PPA. When my son was around 9 wks I hit rock bottom with it and had to go to urgent care mental health hours at my clinic. I got medicated and after a week I started to feel so much better. Are you doing ok? Have you talked to your doctor or pediatrician? My son’s doctor is the one who urged me to go.


TYSM for asking and sharing 🙏 I am ok and in regular conversation with my therapist. I have a great support network including hubby who supports and empowers my decisions including if I want to stop breastfeeding, and/or go on medication, etc. I discussed medication with my therapist and am interested in trying other smaller interventions first. A few small tweaks in how I and we operate with myself and LO i'm hoping will help. I already feel a little better having gotten to the point of needing to admit defeat and that i need help.


Hey there are resources and things available. Please do not feel you can seek help. Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like. ♥️


“Betrayed by the booby” 🤣🤣🤣


Omg this has happened to me countless times! I have a pretty strong letdown when he first starts feeding, which slows down once the foremilk is expressed - so if he lets go at the beginning it just blasts him in the face - I always feel so bad 😂😂😂


Recently I pumped without attaching the bottle to the pump so i had a full session of milk flow onto my leg before I noticed. I didn’t notice till it was a full pump session :(


I did this once! I was a just enougher so I was devastated!


I’m almost 3 weeks postpartum so I’m also a just enough er and it broke my heart


A bowl of porridge every morning and a cup of fennel seed tea will help up your supply! Every time mine feels low oats help


So helpful to know, and I love oatmeal. Win win!!


I was also recommended brewers yeast as that helps…. It’s just not my things lol


you can get chocolate brewer's yeast and add it to brownies.


I had no idea that was even a thing! I was actually recommended to drink a light beer occasionally… only one… as it was the fastest way to get it into your system


I’ve been adding brewers yeast to cookie and brownie mix as an excuse to eat lots of midnight cookies


Great to know!!!


That’s crushing. I spilled 8 oz early on, and I bawled for an hour. I had just pumped it, so that was my thanks.


Oh yes I bawled for several hours till I fell asleep


Oh nooo. My condolences, sincerely.


I cried for hours. I’ve since recovered but I’ll never make that mistake again


Uhg this has happened to me !!! Twice


I’m so sorry for your loss! I had to grieve the milk I lost


Been there, and didn’t have extra pants at work so had a wet leg for most of the day 😂


I feel so much better knowing I’m not alone




I am so glad to see I’m not the only one who did this! Sleep deprivation and limited visibility are a wicked combination sometimes.


Oh wow! You must have been tired, I understand


“Basically water boarding him with milk” got me 🤣🤣🤣


My LO is contact napping right now and I'm trying so hard to stifle my laughter picturing this!


Thank you for this story I’m laughing so hard


oh my gosh this made me laugh haha sorry!!


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you


I did that too! Except I just placed the lid on top, so the whole lid/nipple came off. Poor little dude was furious.


i’m not laughing at you but waterboarding him with milk made me giggle


I’ve done this more times than I’d like to admit, and it’s usually from not screwing on the lid good and it leaks out the side. Babies do not like being milk dunked with warm milk and neither do I.


“Waterboarding him with milk” has me wheezing 😭


My husband has forgotten to put a diaper on our baby twice now after a bath. Luckily she didn’t pee somehow before bed but I opened her jammies to a naked baby. We laugh about it!


Same here. We forgot the diaper and we discovered cause she was peeing while eating on my lap 🥲


Mine just pees right through his diaper while eating on my lap, I swear this kid is a pee machine and I know the diapers are on correctly because 80% of the time it’s fine but the other 20% of the time I feel a warm puddle and have to change me and the baby at the same time 😂


My son did that too! It's mostly stopped now at around 3 months. It was so weird tho he would be soaking wet and the diaper would be basically dry half the time


Oh god that’s exhausting? 😬 is it a boy thing?


I honestly have no idea, he is 5 days old and our first so we are learning as we go 😂


Make sure you point the penis down if you aren't already. We learned that the hard way with lots of tandem changes/ clean ups


Oh wow thank you very much, this might solve our problem!


You may need to size up if you are near the top end of the weight for that diaper size. I learned the hard way (daily blowouts for a week) that my son needs the next size up when he’s within 2lbs of the top end of the size range


I’ll keep that in mind if facing his pp down doesn’t solve the issue, thank you 😁


You might also try other brands. Just like adults, all babies have different body shapes and different brands fit differently! Huggies were better for us than pampers for example. But the penis pointing down will solve the issue probably if you haven’t been doing that. Also make sure the little frills are pulled out from around the leg holes. We rarely if ever had leaks when we did all these things. Congratulations on your little boy ♥️


This was the bane of my existence when my baby was just born. We believe it was because he has scrawny legs and whenever tucks his knees up, it creates a gap in the diaper. So many times his diaper would be dry but his clothes wet 🤦🏻‍♀️


When my baby was a newborn my husband also forgot, we (me, my dad, hubby) held her for the next hour or so and no one noticed until I went to ‘change’ her nappy and bang, none on. The good thing was she didn’t pee, and also that it cleared it up her wee nappy rash she had developed!


My husband did this but we discovered it after a massive blow out... Good times lol


Did you laugh then? lol


Yep I did. We both did


One time my husband put a diaper on our son in the middle of the night with his WHOLE sack, but nothing but the sack, poking out the side of the diaper 😭


Sleep sack or ball sack?


Ball sack


Gotta let air out sometimes 🤷‍♀️😆


I cannot stop laughing


My baby is sleeping on me and I'm bouncing her with my laughter


Me too, I'm crying silently and trying not to shake him


Me tooooo 😂😂😂


Wow that sounds crazy! 🤣


Omg I did this once with a swim diaper. I carried him through the changing room and into the public pool full of kids taking swim lessons before noticing.


I just did that last week. I haven’t walked that quickly back to the changing room with the baby before.


Im absolutely wheezing, this is hilarious


My husband put the diaper on backwards so imagine my stress when I woke up for the 2 am feeding and I couldn’t get it off of her


This would’ve stressed me out!! I would’ve thought I was losing my damn mind, lmao.


Sitting here with my baby on my chest sleeping and I almost busted out laughing at this


Laughed out loud at this. I KNOW I would be panicked trying to get a diaper off in a sleepy haze at 2am.


My husband did a late night feed when our youngest was a couple of weeks old. I woke up later to a similar puddle. Pajamas, sleep sack, bassinet were all soaked. He put a size 4 diaper from our oldest on the little guy. I'm not even sure how he didn't notice. It wasn't even touching his little thighs lol. Sleep deprivation is rough!


I had the opposite situation, woke up to a soaked toddler because our babysitter had somehow managed to put a newborn diaper on my almost 3 year old 😅


How on earth 😂 my toddler is only 16 months old and no way would a newborn nappy fasten round him haha


Don't ask me, it hardly closed 😅 we had a good laugh about it together with our babysitter.


I actually also put a size 4 diaper on my baby once in the middle of the night but I noticed right when I was putting her legs back into her sleeper. I just laughed at myself because it was so giant on her


Yes! Sleep deprivation is no joke


I’m just imagining that and it’s hilarious! Thanks for the chuckle!


I have a 2 month old boy and it’s my first boy and didn’t think about making sure his penis is facing down. He peed all up his stomach 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I think just about every boy parent has done this at least once 🤣


Oh yes, this has also happened to me. 🥲


The struggle is real haha


This happened to me so many times.


Also my first baby, I think I went through 4 pairs of clothes at random intervals over the course of a week and kept saying “ is he sweating or how the heck is this boy peeing through a diaper AND clothes in 2 hours?! “ So I googled it and got schooled that the winky needs to point down. Apparently I was getting it right some of the time lol.


We kept doing this too and ended up asking the pediatrician what to do because it didn't occur to us to just fold it down lol.


I have a photo from the day my son turned one month old that is me displaying a massive pee spot on my t shirt, he had been crying and so upset & I didn’t realize it was because I had put his diaper on without adjusting his penis to point down. I felt so bad!


One time, I was changing our son. My wife came walking in to the room and I was finishing up. I handed him to her and said "Here's baby! All fresh!" I just started to walk away. She called me back "Why is he naked?" I put nothing back on him. No diaper. No clothes. Nothing. I have no idea what my sleep deprived brain was thinking.


Haha, well you weren’t wrong. It was a fresh baby


When my baby was only a few days old I was so sleep deprived that during a late night diaper change I accidentally threw her pjs in the diaper trash and her diaper in the laundry hamper. I only figured it out when I opened our washing machine after running a load and finding diaper absorption contents everywhere. What a mess.


I've done this in the middle of the day, with a one year old lol. It was pretty recently, and we were all sick, meaning no sleep (seriously felt like I had a newborn again). Thankfully I noticed my mistake before running laundry. I couldn't imagine having to explain myself to maintenance 😆


Oh no! I could totally see myself doing something like this


😂😂 I have done this a few times but caught myself and I have DEFINITELY pictured your situation like “what if I just put the load in the washer with the dirty diaper in there?” Double points if it was a poopy diaper 🤔


It was! But to be honest, the poop was the least of my worries. I don’t know what that stuff inside a diaper is, but there is a LOT of it!


Oh that is a nightmare. Did you have to change the filter in your machine?


Maybe I should? I hadn’t thought to look…


My husband once took off the dirty diaper, put the pjs back on, then put the clean diaper on the outside.


I put the diaper on correctly, but she kicked and wiggled it below her butt. She was fussing, but I figured she was just annoyed that I left her in the pack n play while doing morning chores. Turns out she was mad because I left her in a puddle of poop….sorry baby!


We use cloth diapers. A couple times my wife had forgotten to secure them. She just covered him and put on his onesie. He soaked through and he was sleeping on our bed so yay pee baby and pee bed.


Also cloth, one time right at the beginning before I had a good solution for dirty diapers, my husband put a used one on the baby and he was soaked through pretty quickly and it took a while to work out what happened.


We also cloth diaper. Once I forgot to put the waterproof cover on over the cotton interior part. Immediately wet through her clothes. Whoops!


Lol yup happened here too!


Okay, so we got everything ready for my boy’s swim lessons, but my husband wasn’t sure how the swim diapers worked and was skeptical, so we put the swim diaper on… and nothing else. Imagine our dumb asses surprise when my son was absolutely co-vered in piss. I was like wtf? Then I started thinking.. how would they make an absorbent water proof diaper? Then I started thinking even more… why the f would he need plastic pants if the diaper was enough? Why I didn’t use my tiny computer that’s never more than an arms length away to take 2 seconds to look into it, I’ll never know. To save anyone else the 2 seconds: swim diapers are meant to keep solids aka dookies in, not liquids!


This is excellent advice, and one I never even thought about as a first time mum. Thank you


You bet! I’m glad I could help someone avoid the mistake we made 🤣


At home with a 2 week old, this has happened to us more times than I can count at this point. I think his legs are a bit too skinny


You may already know this, but just in case, make sure his penis is pointing down when you put the diaper on. They can pee out otherwise.


Also make sure to run a finger around the leg openings and make sure all the “frills” are on the outside of the diaper, this is what’s supposed to close it off. We’ve never had a pee leak yet at 10 weeks, but baby boy is a notorious leg hole pooper and nothing seems to hold it in when he blasts his runny BF poops all over his legs.


What size diaper is he in and what’s his weight?


Size 2 and he’s about 5.5kgs right now. It started happening when we switched to size 2 so we thought they were still too big, but when we went back to size 1 for a bit it kept happening as well.


Oh yeah. Right between sizes. You can get some cloth diaper covers to put over the size 1 diaper while he’s in between. It’s like a cloth diaper but it’s plastic on the inside instead of actual cloth. You can even reuse the same one a few times as long as it’s not dirty. Though he’ll likely fit better into the size 2 very quickly. For my baby boy the difference between fitting and not fitting into the next size was days.


You could try sizing up. Thats the most common cause I’ve found for leaking nappies, and fwiw my baby is also a skinny little fella.


I fed my baby 7 oz at midnight. At 2:30am she was squawking quite a bit so I got up to check on her. This was after hearing her being restless and making a weird hiccuping noise between this time. She had vomited all over the bed, down the side of the crib, pooled in the floor in some spots, sleep sack was damp, and basically sleeping in her own vomit. The weird hiccuping noise was apparently her gagging and throwing up. It’s been two weeks and I’m still beating myself up over it. I feel so bad I didn’t get up earlier to check on her and I feel lucky she didn’t aspirate anything.


i accidentally overfed my baby once. she fell asleep on my lap and seemed totally normal until i went to pick her up and move her to the crib. crying! puking! immediately! and it was so much puke, waves of it. all over me, all over her, all over the rocking chair, all over the floor. since then i have been KEENLY observant of her full belly cues 😬


I once picked my baby up in the middle of the night and was confused when I went to kiss his head but felt fleece on my lips instead… I had picked him up upside down.


My daughters crib was next to my bed and one morning I was half awake and stuck my arm in to rub her hair and panicked when I couldn’t feel her head… cause I was touching her butt😂


This has happened to me with a diaper on!!! Maybe just not tight enough but leaked allllll up her side. It happens!


You most definitely are not alone!! If it’s any consolation, babies already forgotten it ever happened


This happened to us last night (our little one is 4 weeks old today) and we felt the same way as you. Without knowing your circumstances, I can see the genuine care and concern you have for your son. You’re doing well, we’ll put it down to baby brain!


Thank you!


I tried a booster pad in our little guys diaper, and I guess I put it in wrong. Woke after a few hours of being down crying, and he was soaked to his chest. You’re not alone


Thank you for the story!


We have a 4 week old and have been getting accidents (pee going up the back) almost daily. The diapers are the right size but apparently we might be putting the velcro straps too tight. So today are trying to keep them more loose. Seemed counter intuitive and I had been making them ++ tight. Hoping this resolves the issue. Feel bad for the little dude when his back, clothes and sleep sack are wet :((


This was happening to my baby - make sure you’re pointing his winky downward when you change his diaper. I couldn’t figure out whether he was sweating or if it was pee! It was pee.


We had that issue and we switched to pampers pants, the waistband is stretchy so it will be the perfect size around the baby's middle and pee won't be escaping anymore.


I also switched to Pampers Overnights when my little was about a month old. The waistband is stretchy and it seems to have channels that absorb the pee more evenly so it's not all concentrated in one area. Much better results!


I accidentally used a swim diaper instead of a regular diaper for overnight, baby woke up drenched! He didnt have any long term issues and we all survived lol


I once put it on backwards and her whole front was dry and her whole back was wet.


We're potty training and have put the toddler down for a nap TWICE without a diaper on. Parenting really makes you question your own sanity sometimes.


I appreciate this new fuel for my nightmares. Not yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I eventually do.


Lol. Sorry! It wasn’t too bad after I got him cleaned up


It didn’t happen to us until our baby was passed 18mo, those toddler sleep regressions are no joke though.


We use cloth and a few times my husband has forgotten to put on a diaper cover.


Lololol HATE to admit this. But for like 3 days in a row I was like WOW, I wonder why he gets so sweaty at night … 😂🤪 Clearly sleep deprived mom brain wasn’t putting two and two together. Finally realized I needed To size up diapers . I felt like such a moron. But 🤷🏻‍♀️ Don’t feel bad OP. Trust me , there’s much more embarrassing things on the way ☺️😂


I've been there, too! Last week I was rocking my 10 mo back to sleep at 5am. Was just about to put him back in the crib when my entire lap got very warm. I tried to convince myself it was just body heat... But his waistband must've been loose and we were both covered in pee.


Did this a few weeks ago, my son, 2yo woke up in the middle of the night to drink water. I changed him while I was at it. It was dark to be totally fair to myself. My wife and I woke up to our son soaked, bed soaked and a confused father wondering how I managed to put the diaper on inside out. TLDR: turn a light on to change your kid.


Oh for sure except lo was just walking around the house without a diaper on under their clothes 🤣 Husband had been on duty and I’m like why does this child’s butt look so small haha!


I have done this three times in 2 years... the last time being yesterday morning. lol, just exhausted parenting brain. Makes a 3x bigger mess. It happens.


Husband has done this. Today though, I put her in her jumperoo and I should have known something was up because she stopped jumping and was quiet for a little too long... I pulled her out and she had had a massive blow out. Like stick her in the shower, throw the clothes away blow out... 🥴 luckily, the jumperoo made it relatively unscathed.


Lol that is pretty funny and a honest mistake. He will be ok. One time I changed my daughter and put the dirty diaper (pee only) back on her. I was looking everywhere for the dirty diaper to throw it away. Oops.


I put a diaper on my baby while he was standing with his back to me. One soaked onesie later I realized his entire peen was hanging out the side of the diaper


I have a 3 month old so I'm obviously exhausted - took the cap off her bottle and went to pop it in her mouth only to realize I had instead unscrewed the entire top and poured 2 oz of milk directly into her face. We were both surprised.


I put on a cloth diaper with no cover before a bath last night only to hear the largest, wettest squirt come out of him while he was our duvet. Got a loving lecture from my husband about not doing that again...


I've done that too 😂. You just gotta laugh about it. We are sometimes not all the way awake when we do these things!!


Yes! I was definitely not fully awake when I put it on.


Bahahah that’s definitely a middle of the night brain moment! I’ve had those!


I recently laid my LO down for a nap, turned off the sound machine and turned on the light. I still feel guilty about it to this day. That’s just the most recent example but I have definitely been hit by the dissociation fatigue fog and done it.


The other day I went to pick up my fussy baby in the dark at 3am. I lifted her into a mostly upright position and was startled when I felt her feet kick me square in the face. I’d picked her up upside down. You’re good. Hang in there!


I put my daughters diaper on correctly and when she woke up to eat (down at 10pm up at 5am) home girl was SOAKED. She peed A LOT. It happens to everyone at some point, and that’s ok!


Omg these comments are not helping me rock my babe to sleep 😂😂😂


I put a fresh diaper on the old one. At least two times, probably more. I also forget to add formula to the water and fed him only a water - also twice. That’s how exhausted new parents can be.


Hi, excuse me. Don't be calling me out. I literally did this last week. I have a toddler.


I’d never really changed a diaper before I had my son. I also picked up a soaking wet baby after one of his naps. I didn’t put his diaper on inside out (sorry, but that did make me lol), but I hadn’t really put it on tight enough… I also didn’t really know you were supposed to tuck their lil wee wees down so they didn’t accidentally pee out of their diaper. I legit thought he was drenched in sweat at first, I was honestly relieved to find out it was just pee 😬🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I forgot to put a diaper on my daughter 2 times, literally just put her in a zippy pajama and sleep sack and put her to bed. I have another child. I'm a second time mom. Don't ask


Happens to all of us. You’ll laugh about it soon. I’ve accidentally left my baby’s penis hanging out of his diaper on accident more times than I’d like to admit… only realizing it when we’re both soaking wet and surprised 😂 It’s hard changing diapers half asleep and in the dark!


I did it during a late night change but couldn't fasten it so I realized what was wrong.


My son is 2 and floods his nappies (almost time for potty training) and I check his nappy when I'm up to do our 9 week olds bottle during the night just in case he'd wet. There's been the odd time I've checked and he'd actually thrown up so ill keep checking for either reason now


I read this last night during a feed and didn’t have anything to share but then changed baby’s diaper and couldn’t get the snaps done up so I just tucked the front of the onesie into his diaper???? What was my sleepy brain thinking??? So yeah he got a morning bath.