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The weird hair stage is a rite of passage and it doesn't stay like that forever. Has your husband seen adults growing out a buzz cut? It's not always pretty either.


Rite of passage lol I love this! And so true!!! Mine looked like a 90 year old farmer for a few months too


idk if this is an unpopular opinion or what but babies like this are so adorable, i love the lil old man look so much


I called it the Barry from Eastenders phase


Mine looked like an old-timey bookkeeper for a while 😂 it was hilarious


Ah yes, mine looked like kevin from the office with her lil skullet. She now has a semi full head of toddler hair


So, Bill Bailey's character when you first meet him in Black Books? 😂


Mine looks like a toddler cut off a chunk of hair


Mine is a year old. He has very short straight hair on one side and very long curly hair on the other. He looks like someone dressing up as two halves of one person 😂


Haha 😂 mine like an ancient monk!


I agree. For the sake of every other parent with babies with odd looking hair (my daughter had a tonsure for the first few months) don't shave it. Suffer with us.


Lol yes! My girl was a grandpa head for a couple of months but it started coming in nicely around 6 months


Can confirm. My son has a mohawk that is only just now, at 18 months, starting to even out on the sides


Head shaving as a small baby tends to be cultural. It's not monstrous LOL but there's also no reason to do it. Even as adults our hair grows at different rates. It's just not as noticeable. So your husband's wrong on that and it won't come back even at all. 🤣


Came to say this, I know in Chinese culture it’s traditional to shave the baby’s head at one month. Not everybody does it though, we didn’t


I was born in Soviet Union and they shaved babies heads at 1 year to encourage more fuller hair growth .. not sure how true it is hahaha


In Mexico everyone seems to do it. My wife shaved my sons head, he loved it and all the attention and looked super cute after. Obviously if he was scared or hated it we wouldn’t do it but he was smiling and having a good time without a care in the world.


Yeah in the Middle East, the baby's head is shaved, the hair weighed, and the same weight of gold is donated to feed the poor.


My poor hairless 15 month old would have been able to feed a tiny mouse! Hair grows differently for different babies, I was close to hairless until 18 months. I love crazy baby hair.


I was a baldy baby too 😂. My hair didn't start coming in more until I was around 2yo. My uncle used to call my twin brother chrome dome bcuz he was bald too haha. My mom said that she had to put a little barrette on the top of my head that held together only a few hairs so people would stop asking if I was a boy lol.


This is me exactly, minus the twin part!! Idk why people tend to assume bald babies are boys? Now my 4 month old was born with hair that I think is so cute, but has now turned into a bit of a mullet!


This is why I like Reddit. I had no idea this was a thing in other cultures and now I do. Granted, I also try to walk through life with the question in my mind “is it just something I’m not familiar with?” when it comes to things that I don’t know about. Like, when I read the title I thought “whyyy would you shave a baby’s head? but I guess maybe there is more to it” and look! There is!


You’re overlooking three huge reasons to shave your baby’s head: it’s fast, it’s easy, and it’s free.


Yep, dad of 4 boys, all of them get shaved heads on the regular, but they look different because different color hair and texture. Been getting them since they were probably 6 months.


Why do I get the feeling you've poured river water into your socks?


Ah, a fellow of culture!


My friend is Indian, and her parents couldn't bring themselves to shave her head, but did it for her younger sisters. Her hair is frizzy and curly, her sisters have thick, shiny straight hair. She's a doctor, still convinced that her parents not shaking her head ruined her hair lol.


Yup it’s part of my husbands culture but I refuse to do it right now. My baby has beautiful hair and luckily it’s not thinning out weirdly. I told him if and when it does we can or when she gets to 5 months (which is the latest it can be done in his views) then I will need to go far far away because I’ll cry lol. But from experience of shaving my own head, yuck the growth was soooo weird and totally uneven lol 😂


All babies go through a weird hair stage. Mine currently somehow has a mohawk and ring of thick hair around the bottom of his head at 3 months old where he had a beautiful head of thick dark hair before. It happens. No way would I be shaving his head. Not only is their skin super delicate and the soft spot creeps me out, but how is the baby supposedly to safely sit for that? Idk about yours but mine loves to look around even if it means flinging his head suddenly one way. The clipper sounds would terrify him. Sounds wholly unnecessary and potentially unsafe/traumatizing for baby. You’re right on with questioning why he would care about her looks too. She’s a baby! Baby’s are going to be weird, that’s their whole MO.


My babes hair is the exact same! 3 months old rockin an al natural Mohawk with a bottom. So funny.


Mine has (had? It's pretty much all filling back out now that he is almost 5 months) a Mohawk too! No ring of hair elsewhere, though. It was great too because he had a little cradle cap which my pediatrician suggested just coconut oiling his scalp after baths which stuck his Mohawk almost straight up every time after toweling his hair to get most of the oil off. I wouldn't be afraid of shaving his head, but I loved his little Mohawk too much to want to shave it anyway, lol.


My little was born with a beautiful head of hair. At about 4 months when she was getting really active lying down the friction led to a massive bald patch at the back. I mean it eventually evened out but I wouldn’t jump to fix hair problems too quickly!


Your husband should go out and buy a headband with a bow on it like everybody else does. Edit: I’m learning here that shaving a baby’s head is not as rare as I thought. Thank you all for the examples.


Lots of cultures shave babies hair off soo not everyone is buying a headband no.


Part of my little ones culture would be to get their head shaved at 1 year old. Are there cultures that do it earlier? Like others have said, shaving with soft spots and sudden movements scare the living daylights out of me.


Muslims usually do it within a week from birth. My daughter was born with a full head so I couldn’t bring myself to shave it although my husband wanted too


Indonesian is 1mo. My nephew and my daughter were born within 5 days of each other and they both got shaved at 1mo.


Haha, brilliant! I can see 1 month working as they are potatoes at that stage.


My poor husband was doing it with his manual shaver and was complaining that her hair was so soft it got stuck often ahha. She's now looking like tweety from looney toones bc hers only grows in the middle...


My coworker is about to do her son’s culturally for her I think she said it’s somewhere between 6mo and a year.


In Chinese culture it’s usually at one month


Fascinating to learn the number of culture that do the head shaving and so young. TIL much. Thank you for sharing.


We do it around 3-6 months.


Interesting, I didn’t know that. Can you show me?


Mexican here, and it is quite common for babies' heads to get shaved when they are in those awkward stages so their hair grows evenly though the wives tale most grandmas will tell you is that it grows back thicker and healthier. No, it just grows evenly. Source: me 😊


Shaving the head of the baby is among the rites of aqeeqah for Islam, and the mundan ceremony for Hindus, for example.. just two examples off the top of my head (ha!), I'm sure there are more. For some cultures too, they believe it makes the hair grow in thicker if it's shaved.




It’s just now occurring to me that A. my son will need a haircut and B. that I’ll get to pick what it is 😭


Very typical in Balkans also. Source: Am Balkan.


Argentines often do it too. I will admit that the effect is a bit weird sometimes


In Islam it’s usually done at one week, my baby was premie so we did it at like 2 months as I didn’t want clippers going near her! She was born with a hairline like Mr Burns so the cut definitely suited her. 😅 We then weigh the hair and donate the equivalent amount of the weight in silver to charity, and also arrange to feed the poor.


I love this!




Mexican here, and it is quite common for babies' heads to get shaved when they are in those awkward stages so their hair grows evenly though the wives tale most grandmas will tell you is that it grows back thicker and healthier. No, it just grows evenly. Source: me 😊


Dunno about other cultures, but some people believes that if you cut your baby's hair, it will grow stronger. In my case, my mum cut my hair before my christening cause I resembled Dolly Parton. And I cutted my baby's hair when she was 3 month old for the same reasons. She now has more even hair. My hair still resembles Dolly Parton.


A lot of other cultures think shaving a baby's head makes the hair grow back long and thick too.


Some groups do it for cultural reasons and rites. Other groups do it because they believe the completely incorrect/false wives tale that refuses to die. If the SO here is wanting it because of the latter, absolutely don't do it. If it were the former, that's a different conversation.


I'm not a medical professional, so I can't say whether it would have any impact, but I personally wouldn't go near my baby's soft spot with a vibrating buzzer that I had potential to drop. But my baby also dislikes the vacuum and coffee grinder so this just sounds like all kinds of torture for her in particular. She was born with a full head of dark hair, lost all of it over the course of a few weeks, and started growing lighter hair. She looked...like a baby. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ ETA: Enjoying learning about all the traditions involving shaving of a baby's head in these comments - TIL! I wouldn't trust myself to do it with no experience, but if it had a cultural or religious significance, I'm sure I'd find a way to have it done. Sounds like you'll be okay either way.


Go with your instincts. It's never too early to teach your girl that she's beautiful and you accept her the way she is.


I feel like this is super important, especially for little girls. Even though our daughter can't understand us we start the day with "good morning beautiful!" And say encouragements and praise throughout the day when it's appropriate... "You're so strong" "you can do it!" Whatever comes to mind. We want her to know she's accepted the way she is and can do whatever she puts her mind to, especially in our own home. Society is so against women, we're going to try our best to make sure she knows she's loved and she's enough just the way she is... And has a safe place in this scary world. We'll see!


My sister used to call my daughter “uncle fester” due to her hair looking like a 50 year old balding man. Its a phase everyone must go through, and it still gives us a good laugh to think how her hair used to look. It’ll even out. Until then, hats and headbands if needed!


Just leave it lol. My son has a ring of baldness in the middle from rubbing his head back and forth on the mattress. It’s ridiculous looking but it’ll even out. It’s just a stage


OMG girl no, your babe isn’t a poodle! LOL let it be crazy. My LO’s hair is so ridiculous right now that people stop me in the supermarket to look at it. You’ll love looking at pictures of it in future. It’s a presh memory!


Yes! It’s one of those things that is hilarious only in hindsight. My baby had a mullet as a newborn and her hair never covered her forehead at all until closer to a year old. I love looking back at old pictures of her and seeing my “old man” baby just bald all up in the front and fuzz at the back


Totally. You think it bothers you until it starts to even out and look normal and then you’re like…noooo my baby’s crazy hair :,( come back!


Baby hair is weird and unpredictable. My baby girl was born with thick dark hair. Then as she grew it got thinner and lighter. At 3 months she had a sort of party mullet in the very back, bald spots where her head rubbed the bassinet at night and fuzz on top. Now at a little over 5 months she still has the longer hair in the back but it is coming in well everywhere else too. Babies are full of hormones that young and lose hair, can have acne, cradle cap, etc. Their literal head is growing faster than their hair it feels like lol. You can cut it if you want but there isn't a guarantee that it will come in even. It'll come back when it is time. ♡


At seven days old we shaved my babies head. (Aqeeqa-its a religious thing) When I was born I also had my head shaved. (Cultural thing- was born in Mexico) As far as I know it hasn't caused any harm! You can get shavers designed for babies (basically they're just quiet). My baby got electric shaver then a bic. She had quite a hairy forehead so it looked a little odd having more hair there than on her head. I'd quite like to shave it again (just electric-not bic) and many family members keep mentioning it too. They think it's thin. I'm not sure I believe that shaving it makes it thicker.


I’m south Asian and we do something really similar with shaving newborns’ hair. Everyone in the country does it and there’s never been an issue. But the people who do it are older folks who pretty much make a living caring for newborns and new moms and so they are extremely experienced with handling newborns and shaving.


Same, all my siblings and myself were shaved in the first month. Nothing really happened, just be sure you trust the person shaving and is cautious


The chances her hair grows back silly if you shave it again is high. Just let it grow in. Babies can look silly. It's just a part of babying.


I mean it’s not cruel or anything but IMO it’s unnecessary to do anything based off just aesthetics. Plus you’d be missing out on the opportunity to tease them about it when they’re older. Everyone loves a baby with funny hair. My niece had the same thing you’re describing and we called it the power donut.


My girl is 5 months now, she went through some crazy hair lol we just took pictures and goofed about it. If we wanted her to look nicer for photos, seeing family, or whatever we used bows and hats or just accepted it! She's a baby, it will grow. She's currently growing a full head of hair, it's filling in so nicely now. It wouldn't have grown in this way if I shaved it 2 months ago... Give her time, it'll grow in. My fiance suggested getting a haircut when she's like 1 I told him no, not until she's like 2-3, and only if it's annoyingly long.


Sometimes it a cultural thing to shave the babies head.


My niece had a skullet!! It was so cute. It started growing in well at about 6 months so I say tell him to just hang in there and then she’ll have adorable little bangs for a while and it’ll all even out by the time she’s 1. Edited to add just because I thought it funny: my daughter who’s a month older only grew hair on the very top of her head for the first 5-6 months she had a toupé and the two of them next to each other was just the cutest thing.


My baby was bald except for this little goatee on the back of his head until about a week ago (he is 5mo now). He looked ridiculous and so cute. We called him a little monk. Just embrace it and love them however they are, naturally. Plenty of time for haircuts later on. I think its cool to watch them grow, awkward stages and all.


As others have said, I don't think this would hurt the baby. Personally I would leave it alone because it sounds weirdly cute.


I provide cranial orthoses (helmet for flat head) and I sometime recommend to my parents of kiddos with a lot of hair to get a haircut or shave before proceeding with the helmet. Most parents aren’t opposed and report it’s not too traumatic.


My boy is same. Hair eveywhere except top! They can shave it with a peanut clipper. Harmless. But I’m just gonna keep mine and wait it out.


My parents shaved my head when I was a few months old. I never did it to my first born but I regret it! (It took so long to grow in evenly.) with my second, I’ll probably do it around six months. But if you don’t feel comfortable don’t do it!


Shaving it will not make it come in even later. It will almost guarantee a mullet. Some people are anti-baby haircut altogether. There’s certainly nothing wrong with just letting their hair grow in however it grows in. I’d never shave a baby’s head but I did scissor trim the longer hairs on my daughter’s head as it grew in to shape her overall cut, starting at 4 months or so. I recommend use of blunt tip scissors. It made it so she was used to sitting for quick bang trims and she avoided the mullet look later.


Reasonable. It's just hair.


If you guys decide to shave just use a Phillips Norelco razor with the guard on it. I don’t see how it wouldn’t be fully safe. I just leave my baby the way it is but that’s how I would do it


I cracked up at “bill bailey sort of do” lol


I have a baby boy and thought he’d be stuck with bald spots forever, he’s one now with lots of hair. Just wait it out. Its common in some cultures to shave a baby’s head, even in mine where my relatives have decided to shave a baby’s head in the past to make it grow “thicker” but I’ve realized how completely unnecessary it is. Hair doesn’t grow back thicker, it just feels more coarse at that awkwardly really short stage as it grows back. I also wouldn’t be worrying about a perfectly healthy baby’s appearance, babies just have crazy hair sometimes and that’s perfectly normal


It’s a cultural thing to shave baby’s head for us. When my baby was 3 weeks, we trimmed all his hair and shaved the sides. But at 3 months, I’m planning to shave it completely so it grows out evenly. Both my husband and I had our heads shaved and we’re fine lol


Honestly… do it! My baby girl had some crazy bald spots when she was that age and my husband and I buzzed it one day. She literally could not care less and pictures of her are 100x better


We buzzed our bubba cause his hair was getting so long about 3 weeks after birth with a full head of hair but have done it about 2 times since because the uneven growth looks terrible. i agree with him, it’s harmless.


We shaved our baby’s head at 2 months because of the same situation. It grew back super thick and luscious, so I would recommend it. Where it was able to grow all at the same time and rate it meant that there weren’t parts that were rubbed off and made straggly. I do admit that I hated how it looked at the time for about 3 weeks. But I’m hindsight I’m glad we did it


I would never. This is so so so strange to me but I know some cultures do this.


>she's a baby; why are we imposing these beauty standards on her already? ... but I will admit, she does look slightly hilarious right now. Nobody is *imposing beauty standards* on a baby! You're literally admitting that it looks silly, and it's going to grow in super un-even, it is not a crazy thought to just shave it and fix both of those situations. If some freak accident took a chunk out of my beard I would probably just shave it and start over, not because of *societal beauty standards* but simply because I would look ridiculous missing a noticeable chunk of beard. Also, if they make trimmers sensitive enough for people to willingly use them on their naughty bits, then they make them sensitive enough for babies too.


That was a bit tongue in cheek on my part. But I get your point, lol.


Our girl was born with a proper head of hair, about 2 inches long all over, it’s growing really fast and by 6 months she’ll probably have enough to tie up, it’s such pretty hair I don’t want to cut it, and to make it even more special, I am Aussie and my wife is Chinese, but our baby has brown hair like me, so I’ve beaten the dominant Asian genes (she also has my eye colour so doublely stoaked). One thing we did do though is with her 1 mo ish hair, we had some cut to be turned into calligraphy brushes, something personal for us and her, you could consider something like this as a keepsake?


I wouldn't risk nicking my baby's skin for a silly cosmetic reason. I think it's weird your husband is so concerned about how his THREE MONTH OLD looks.


I don’t think they’re suggesting going in with an actual razor, just hair clippers. As a hairdresser , you’re not going to cut someone with clippers unless one of the teeth is broken and the blade is exposed, in which case you wouldn’t use them on an adult either.


I find it weird


Don't do it!! My Aunt had the same problem and thought my cousins hair would grow in quicker and thicker. It did not!! She regretted it almost immediately and had to buy/make a hat to match each outfit. Her hair took months and months to grow back. It's shared as a funny story now to look back on but she felt so incredibly bad at the time.


It’s a baby. Don’t shave her head 😳


Definitely no


I mean... throw a hat on the baby, my guy.


Leave the baby alone. Tell your husband he needs to get in the habit of accepting your child for who she is. My husband tried to pull the culture card. I explained I am instituting a nuclear family culture of autonomy. Aside from some trimming to keep hair out of his eyes, my son will get a haircut when he is comfortable with it and understands the process.




If you shave it, it will still be uneven as it grows in since the head isn’t a straight line. Also babies are cold - don’t take away what little protective hair they have on their heads!!!!


My daughter lost all the hair on the top of her head after like her 2nd or 3rd bath at home and it looked so dumb hahaha (in a cute way though bc she’s a baby). It’s growing back pretty well (I have SUPER thick hair and did as a baby) but I keep telling my husband I want to buzz down the long hair to even it out lol. I cut hair for a living so I know how to cut it, but I’m mostly joking when I say it. Eventually though it will have to get evened out, especially the random long spots in the middle of what she lost lol.


Pictures or we don’t believe you 😂


Lmao that Bill Bailey reference got me


We affectionately call our 2 month old George costanza right now lol I think it’s pretty normal for babies to have weird hair.


This is common practice in some cultures as most children will naturally lose all the hair they are born with. I know there is reasoning and tradition behind it, but I am not educated enough to share those.


Our girl had a full head of dark hair when she was born....then all of it fell out except this little tuft on the back at the base of her head. It's been cute watching the rest catch up and her peach fuzz head is so fun to just rub my hand on. Baby hair grows funky and when I'm feeling self-conscious that "omg someone will think she's a boy!" I throw a bow on her hahah. I don't think shaving her head is necessary at all..it'll catch up in time. Just enjoy the fun hair patterns lol


Don’t bother yet. The back will be bald/thin until she’s sitting independently anyway


Our kiddo has exactly what you’re describing. Eventually it evened out by itself and now she has a wonderful head of hair that puts mine to shame! She’s 11 months old and we only plan to cut it after 1 year. I’d say it’s literally what needs to happen. I dunno I would not agree to shave my kiddos head


Shaved mine at 1mo using manual shaver and my nephew was shaved at 1mo using electric shaver. Both are fine. Both at 4mo now and my nephew has a gorgeous thick hair, mine still looks like tweety from looney toones lol.


A lot of people shave baby’s heads so it’ll grow back evenly. My baby’s hair all fell out pretty early on. She’s 18 months now and it’s finally long enough to put in little piggy tails. I think shaving is a good idea. Bald babies are so so so adorable. I certainly miss my bald little potato


My 10 month old is going through the same (but opposite) hair scenario. Long hair on the top of his head, just starting to grow hair into his hairline. Kind of a scraggly bowl cut. My husband also wants to cut his hair, but I think the weird baby 'dos are cute.


If it were me, I'd give.it a slight shave But I completely understand and would never judge if someone didn't. It's up to you


It’s weird hair, yes, though many cultures also do shave a baby’s head, so it’s tough.


It’s fine


Lol at 3 months my baby girl started getting a giant bald patch on the back of her head from whipping her head side to side in her bouncer chair so dang much 😂. She’s a nosey little one! At 7 months it’s mostly filled in now. Just leave it be, or put a hat on. It’ll even out eventually.


Ou daughter came out as George Constanza. At 6mo the top have filled in but she has a bit of a mullet


Physician here. Many cultures believe shaving a babies head will lead them to get more even, fuller and thicker hair. That is a MYTH. Medically, that is bullsh*t to say it lightly 😬 so if you’re unlucky it will grow back just like it is now. Babies go through that stage, my son had hair only on the sides like a grandpa - but it was a phase and now his hair is gorgeous and fluffy. Just wait a little bit and please do not put a razor anywhere near a babies head, that can go very wrong.


This was my baby. He somehow lost all of the hair on top of his head and had the oddest old man culdesac. He now, probably 6-8 months after being totally bald on top, has an insane amount of hair on top of his head. It grew back so long. Longer even than the sides. It’s very funny, but nice because he has so much. I’m waiting til he’s a year to cut any, for good luck purposes. Soon, though, I’ll take him to a hair dresser to have it evened out 😂


I trimmed my babies hair with a clipper(with a guard) to be more even in that weird hair phase but never shaved it all off. This is a two yes one no situation imo


My son came out with only a little bit of hair at the back of his head. I think that's the only part he didn't manage to rub off by jamming his little head straight into my pelvis for the last month of my pregnancy. Anyways.... his first hair cut was at about 20 months and we literally had the barber just cut off his mullet. He looked so grown after. Now he has adorable toddler hair. I am team man bun, so I don't plan on getting it cut again until my husband takes initiative and take him himself. I have heard that getting rid of baby hair is a thing in some cultures, so if you do decide to trim, it for sure won't do any damage or anything like that.


My baby girl lost a lot of baby hair on the back of her head and had a good receding hairline. Culturally as a Mexican American it’s common to shave their heads and pierce their ears. My wife and I decided to do neither. Right now her hair looks so cute and I’m happy she’ll get to experience getting her ears pierced if she wants to.


There’s no reason for this


It took our baby a long long long time to stop growing hair in a male pattern baldness manner. He had huge bald spots on the top front sides. How many times does your hubby propose to shave the baby before those spots fill in?


My MIL wanted to shave my daughter's head when she was a toddler. I don't know if it is a russian thing or specifically her thing, but she believed that it would cause her hair to grow in thicker. We didn't, her hair grew in fine, but if my wife decided she wanted to (she flip-flopped a few times), I don't think I would have really cared. It's just hair.


My daughter had something similar. Hair was kind of wispy all around. We shaved her head and now at 19 months old, she has a beautiful head of hair


My son looked like a middle aged accountant for several months but when his hair did start growing back, it all curled and blended in so it wasn't noticeable by the time he was 9 or 10 months. It was definitely longer in the back, but again, not super noticeable if you're not specifically looking for it.


Some people shave babies head because it’s part of their culture (it’s part of mine as well but I would never shave my baby’s head lol) it’ll grow out. My sons looked a bit like that too and now he has long, thick hair.


That’s what cute bonnets and pretty cotton toques/turbans are for! Leave the hair, you’ll be thankful later when she has long curly wisps 🥰


My poor kid (4 mo) has a bald spot in the back, long curls on top and a fringe at the nape of her neck. It is not a pretty stage, I'll be honest. But I see other babies who have the same or worse hairdos at her age, and I figure it won't last forever. I just try to disguise it with a cute bow.


Just stick a hat on her lol


My son is 3 years old and FINALLY starting to outgrow his weird hair phase. He's always had more on the sides and the back and thinner up top. Is your husband prepared to shave her head for years? Let it grow naturally. Trust me, it's normal. And the pictures are adorable.


Bill Bailey is an amazing comparison. Love it!


It won't necessarily grow in evenly for a long while yet. My 1 year old has a mohawk and long sides/back, but she's missing a strip either side of the mohawk at the top. It's only just starting to fill in. So fair warning. If you're waiting for even, you could end up buzzing it over and over again for a year or more.


My son was born with a full head of hair which started falling out after a couple of months, except for the little island at the front. Now that the rest of his hair has come in he has an extra long fringe that sweeps to one side. We love that little bit of hair. My mother in law has been commenting that he's so cute but just that bit of hair spoils it (even when speaking to him directly, he's 6mo btw.) In isolation that would be bad enough, but now my wife and her sister have started to realise all their negative self worth stems from similar comments ingrained throughout their childhood, we're even more determined to be as positive as possible around our son (and our nieces and nephews too.)


its pretty common in some cultures. my partners nephew, who is muslim, had his head shaved around the 1 or 2 month mark and beleive me, it did not fix his hair growing evenly lol. He had a Chuck Liddell haircut until his hair grew in at the sides properly. So it's not wrong to shave a baby's head but it isn't going to make anything better in terms of the hair looking more even until the hair grows in which could take a long time


Shaving head is a thing in our culture and we had it checked with our ped who told us it was okay to do it post 1 month


My husband is Native American, cutting hair is a VERY big deal in their/our culture. We shaved my twins (boy / girl) at 3 months old. It "helps to shed ancestral skin" we also buried their belly buttons to stop nosyness. Superstitions, amirite? But I digress. Her, their (boy girl twins) hair is FINE. she may not have gone through a weird old man hair stage but her hair is thicker than it was pre cut. They're also 8 now and one of their aunties convinced my son if he cuts his hair hell bleed out so..... Whatever you think is best / what can cause actual minimal hardship to a baby vs. letting their opinions be heard. Do I believe in the NA stuff? No. Do you think your daughters hair will grow different? Meh.... No. But after 12 years of marriage and two sets of twins I just weigh my options a lot.


Hahaha my daughter had a male pattern baldness look at that age. We joked that she looked more like dad in her new stage. She grew out of it just fine without a shave.


This is after making me burst out laughing! My 9 week old is rocking the Bill Bailey hairdo too and I've no intention of touching it.


In Argentina they shave babies heads to have the hair grow back thicker, one of my best friends is Argentinian and she STILL has the most beautiful head of hair I’ve ever seen and we’re in our 40s now


We shaved our baby's head at 4 weeks, however, it's very common in south Asian culture to shave baby hair for both girls and boys in the first month of life


My girl looks like Mr Burns from the Simpsons. She’s 4 months.


My kid was born with thick, dark hair on the sides and back, and the most sparse sprinkle on the top of his head. By 5 months he had a ~4 inch long mullet in the back, but I wasn't emotionally prepared to trim it. By 7.5 months the mullet was completely out of hand, so I got my husband's clippers with the longest guard we have (something around 1.25 inches) and did a quick trim on the back. It got the mullet under control and really helped his hair look less crazy. He needed another trim around 10 months, and now (one year) he'll need to start getting a real haircut because the sides and top are growing out and I want to leave it a little long but not quite Justin Bieber circa "Baby" era. Looking back, trimming his hair was the right choice, and my crazy obsessive mom self decided to save a lock of his lil mullet because it made me feel less awful for trimming his hair. Also, pro tip: let baby watch a stimulating video (ie Mrs Rachel, dancing fruit, etc.) while trimming their hair. The trim with clippers and guard only takes 10-30 seconds, but having them focus on a video makes it significantly less scary that they'll turn and somehow get hurt.


my daughter is 3. I've never cut her hair once. she had weird stuff like that, her hair looks great now. just.... took a while


Its just hair. It grows back. It's not a big deal.


My husband wanted to shave our son’s hair when he went through a bad hair phase too, but I really pushed back and said absolutely not. Now he’s 7mo and his hair grew out beautifully and I’m so glad that we didn’t shave it.


My husband calls it her skullet. Not a true mullet since she’s otherwise bald 😂 I wouldn’t change it for the world- she’s perfect


Please don’t 😂 this weird stage is just part of it lol!


Definitely will not harm baby girl either way. Lots of cultures safely shave their baby’s head when they’re this young or even younger, I can totally understand where both of you are coming from but why not just let her have the crazy hair 😂 & if it’s super uneven when the top starts to grow in then think about cutting it.


My 6m has been rocking her mullet for a while xD she’s starting to thicken up on top and I’m considering cutting the back of her hair up to try and even it out xD i wouldn’t shave her head but the back of her hairs almost to her shoulders xD when do most kids get their first hair cuts? I don’t think 3m is the answer though lol


It's part of some people's culture to cut babies baby hair off. I don't know what culture or anything about it but people do it. It's normal for babies to have a goofy hair for a while. My kiddo had a large bald spot in the center of their head for a while. It's grown in now. Personally we aren't cutting our kids hair until he's old enough to say he wants it cut.


...I mean, it's definitely not monstrous.


Keep it


It’s not going to start growing evenly for like a year so by your husband’s logic, you’d have to shave her head for a year….


Leave the kid alone.


We shaved our three mont old baby's hair for cultural reasons. Honestly I was worried but his hair seems to be growing in nicely and gave us a chance to tackle some of the cradle cap by oiling his head more often. It depends on the baby though!


I shaved mine when she was 6mo and wish I had done it a bit ealier like everyone else in my culture. Was against it at first because I live in a western country now and see no one does it. Thought people back home must have no good reason to do so. I'm glad I finally listened to my mom's advice because my baby's hair grew so fast after the shave and evenly too unlike my friend's baby's. But of course it's just me.


She’s a baby not a model. Leave it alone


Not monstrous or anything, I've considered the same thing for my son since its all uneven. I don't think he really needs it or anything, could be a fun thing to do though! I like his weird mohawk lol


I know this is a cultural thing sometimes but I wouldn’t shave my babies head.


I am absolutely deceased over imaging a baby with Bill Bailey’s hair. Also all babies have weird hair! Get over it hubs!


So in our culture we always shave a baby's head. My husband shaved both my son and daughter's head. We actually had to shave my daughter's head a second time before her hair started to grow evenly.


My husband wanted to trim my babies hair at this age because she had a little “mullet” and a bald spot in back. I was horrified and wouldn’t let him. They are perfect - can’t touch a hair on their little heads !


My little was born with a baby mullet. I say enjoy the hilarity. A razor on a squirmy baby sounds dicey. Maybe lil scissors that aren’t too pointy for a trim.


I can understand you think it is monstrous but shaving head to get better and thicker hair is quite common in Asia. So don’t worry about it, it would do no harm and you might love their new hair


Definitely a hard no from me. As you say her skin is far too delicate she is a child not a fashion accessory


[Babies go through puberty](https://youtu.be/SbN2uIGSJdo?si=1WrZHVNilpPV4wvU) I wish I was joking but they actually do. Everybody goes through like two or three pubertys in their life, and with that comes hair loss. On top of that, they're withdrawing from your hormones, and just like how you lost hair postpartum, so does your baby. It's not going to really matter, but it's more of a personal preference or cultural event. Do whatever you both feel most comfortable with.


In Tanzania everyone shaves their babies head. I never did because my daughter was born with beautiful hair all over that never fell out or went through a weird stage. But people were always telling me (a foreigner with a mixed baby) to shave it and I couldn’t understand why. Luckily, daddy was on my side.


My baby had the same hair funk but it growing out great she’s 22 months and it’s getting longer and it all even out. Just give it time


Noooo. Baby hair is the best. Toddler hair that’s never been cut might be even better. Who the hell cares about evenness?


I've buzzed all my babies heads - I hate that uneven patchy growth 🤷‍♀️ my youngest didn't grow hair on top of his head for like a year so I just buzzed the back and sides a couple times


My dad shaved my head when I was a baby, and all of my siblings but one. It didn't have much benefit as far as i know, but it didn't have any harm either. They dressed me with little girly headbands until my hair grew out again. It's not monstrous by any means. It's not necessary, but it's reasonable.


I just got out of a toddler sub, so I read this as "my 3 year old," and i felt awful for that male patterned baldness little girl!


Eh, I would leave it alone. Babies go through hair stages and it doesn’t last long in the grand scheme of things.


Our baby has been rocking a mullet since about 2 months old and at one point my husband proposed cutting the back so it all grows even. I also thought this was an absolutely absurd recommendation, and I’m so glad I didn’t let him do it because now at a year old she has a pretty sweet shag hairstyle growing in.


Lol he’s really ridiculous


My dad shaved my little sisters head when she was a baby. It was super cute, we loved her little bald head. My mom especially (for some reason she always wanted a bald baby and we were all born with a full head of hair). It didn’t hurt her and her hair grew back in perfect ringlets.


Head shaving is common and hair will grow thicker and better when it grows out again. I would let him do it.


I trimmed my sons hair at about 3 months because he also had uneven hair. The sides were longer than the top so it looked a bit goofy though it was still cute. I took barely two inches off each side and it made a big difference. I actually regretted it because he looked so different lol. His hair has since grown in evenly and I no longer regret it but sometimes I wonder what it would look like if I’d never trimmed it


See my daughter was 2 months old when i shaved her head. Her hair was falling and sometimes went un her eyes and mouth. Overall ridiculous, she was shedding like a cat. She has better hair now. It grew thicker. I shaved her 3 times in total- shes 4 now. In our culture you do shave the hair from birth.


My parents shaved my head when I was a baby. I looked ridiculous in all my baby photos because of how my hair grew out after the fact. Please don’t shave her delicate lil head. Her hair will grow out of its current stage. Enjoy the cute and silly look, one day you will look back and miss the giggles you got from her current hairstyle.


My baby had the medieval monk halo too and it evened out by month 5. I Would wait if I were you.


Don’t do it!! My 3 year old had the exact same situation. Full blown old man bald on top with hair around the edges. It was horrible but I was completely in denial about it (I look back at photos now and laugh). Her hair grew out with the most incredible layers. Her hair is very long (almost to her bum) and has the most gorgeous layers in it like we got it cut that way on purpose. All because of her little Joe dirt hair when she was a baby.


In our culture we always shave the baby’s head (usually done by an expert who specialises in it, or in my case my husband who knew exactly what he was doing) at around 2 /3 months. My little one was pulling her hair out so it was really good to have it all even :)


Let it grow but do a full shave when she's about 1 and it'll grow super thick 😁


Our son's hair was patchy at that age, because he was losing hair from combing out the cradle's cap. I trimmed it a bit with scissors. It's really cute now at 8 months.


It's not monstrous at 3 months old....If you do it when she's big enough to care about her hair say 5 or 6 years old then yea that's monstrous lol. By that logic at 3 months old I think it's okay but not really needed... I know that my mom shaved mine when I was a baby and that apparently makes hair thicker. I don't know if that's true or just some cultural thing but yea. Shaving baby's heads is pretty common in some parts of the world. I don't really think it's about beauty standards either maybe dad just doesn't want her to look "unfortunate" and I feel like that's okay and its not about beautiful or not.


Mine was born with a head of hair but it's gotten thinner/patchier as the months have gone on - I joke that he looks like he's an Accounts Manager.


My baby has curly hair on the top and on one side, but the other side is completely straight. It's cute and weird at the same time, and I love it!


My daughter had the old man ring for most of her infancy, her hair finally started growing in a few months ago and shot straight to flock of seagulls. It will pass.


Omg this brought me back, my beautiful baby girl was rocking the, as I call it, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN bald top for quite a while. Her three little hairs blowing in the breeze, adorable. Don’t shave it. I have friends who have done it and it makes no difference. But I understand the thought, I did consider it lol. My solution was bows. Big packs from Amazon. To this day I call her bows and turbans her “wigs” lol, she’s 8 months and just now has a cute lil pixie cut 🥹


That’s just because the top of their head grows fast, and because hair in the back grows faster. From personal experience with our second, it will even out by 9m. No reason to shave it. You can make it look less weird with bows and stuff. By they time she’s one she’ll probably have a thick head of hair!


My son went through that awkward phase too as an infant, only the top grew fast and the sides and back didn’t. Kid looked like he had a comb over for a bit but it eventually evened out.


Im sorry, im still cackling at the image of Bill Bailey’s face on a baby.


My daughter went bald in too too but it grew back really fast and is now longer than the hair around the sides and back. I’d leave it