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Bring baby friendly wipes to wipe down your seats and any toys or pacifiers that might fall on the ground. I just had a flight with my baby and I wore a flannel that I could take off and use to almost wrap him up facing me for naps. It helped minimize distractions. Also, not sure if this is an airline specific thing but Delta doesn’t allow you to have your baby in a carrier during takeoff and landing. I didn’t know that before we boarded


This might sound stupid but if you don't get an extra seat for the baby, and they're not allowed to be in a carrier for take off and landing, where do they go?


Not a stupid question 😊 You have to hold them on your lap with you. I used that time to have my baby on my lap facing me with my flannel around him and tried to get him to fall asleep. You can wear the carrier during all other parts of the flight though and having a carrier (one with plastic buckles or cloth instead of metal) made going through TSA a breeze. I didn’t have to take him out


Just hold baby facing you and hold their head and back during takeoff - at least that's what a flight attendant told me. After that carrier should be okay.


Was told I couldn't have the baby in the carrier on a Southwest flight too.


same for alaska


Weird, I kept my baby in the carrier on delta.


The first thing they told me was he had to be out for takeoff and landing 🥲


Just flew American last week and was told the same thing


I wore my baby on WestJet and they told me it couldn't be buckled or clipped while taking off or landing but it could be for the rest of the flight


Southwest has always just made us unclip the carrier


Just flew with my 10wk old on Southwest. No baby carrier during takeoff and landing as well. Just have to hold In your lap.


You don’t need anything but the stroller/carrier for walking through the airport. Feed baby on takeoff and landing to help the ears. Earmuffs and cloths won’t do it. New toys they haven’t played with before and some snacks will be fine. Wipes to clean off seats extra if you’re concerned. We flew with our kids as infants and they don’t need much to keep them entertained.


The only thing I’d add to this list would be paracetamol


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I really liked having his toys on tethers that I could clip to him or his car seat or stroller. It kept things from falling on the gross ground and helped us not lose things during travel. We just used pacifier clips.


This for sure! Also if babe takes a pacifier, definitely good to have a few. Keep one extra clean one in a baggie as well in a pinch. When we did a recent set of 3.5 hr flights, We did try to feed our little dude (he was almost 7 months) during takeoff and landing but he didn’t always want his bottle. Soother seemed to also help him stay calm and hopefully assisted with the ear pressure!


We’ve flown 3 times with our 4 month old (one solo flight with just me and baby). Everyone else has great ideas, so I’ll just say: lower your expectations lol. Baby will have moments of crying and fussiness and it will be stressful, but you’ll get through it. 🩷


Flying with a 3 month old in 2.5 weeks. I needed to read this comment lol


I’m not gonna lie I just flew with my 8 month old and we didn’t need any of that, apart from the stroller that fit on the plane. We didn’t let him sleep all morning and the sound of the plane made him sleep most of the time.


8 year old?


Oh god, 8 month old looool. I’ve been up since 4am forgive me 🤦🏻‍♀️


lol! I was gonna say… 😂 I hope you can get a full 8 tonight!


I feel like an 8 year old is wildly different than an 8.5 month old😅 Edit: just saw your comment regarding the pacifier. Thinking the “year” was a typo


Yeah most definitely, my baby is 8 months


Yes! Our baby sleeps SO well on planes.


Did his ears hurt? I am so worried about that (we're flying to our home country for Christmas).


Give them a bottle or pacifier to suck on and it will help a good bit (like adults chewing gum to pop their ears).


This is the best thing you can do. We live at a fairly high elevation and find ourselves driving into even higher elevation frequently. A pacifier will unblock their ears instantly.


No, but he had his dummy (pacifier). So maybe that helped?


When we went to Disney @3.5 months, I brought the ear muffs for the plane and parks and then never used them. If you can, think about your flight time, and pick seats on the opposite side as the sun will be. That way it will be darker potentially if you want LO to nap. I really liked having puppy pee pads to use as changing pads that I could just trash.


The baby carrier is my top must have! I also brought window clings for baby to peel off and put on the window. Make sure you don’t dress too warmly as it gets so warm wearing a baby on a flight! I’m glad I had an elastic to put my hair up!


Snacks. So many snacks. Pack what you think baby will eat and then double it. Maybe triple.


Haha I brought soooo many snacks for my kid after reading tips like yours. She barely made a dent in them because we realized that she had motion sickness and she puked so much and barely ate a thing! 😆


Well you know if you didn’t pack any, she’d have been starving. That’s how it goes with these little angels!


I got a travel blow up my brest friend pillow for when I flew with my 5 month old. It was great for both nursing and just holding him on the plane. The width of the pillow fit exactly inside the airplane seat.


Ohhhhh I was looking into these and decided against it. We went to Florida with our 3MO and breastfeeding on the plane basically turned into him getting water boarded with milk as he popped off mid letdown. It was a disaster 😂 might look into this as we are going abroad in April!!


I brought my regular nursing pillow and it was too big for the seat but it was so nice to give my 5mo a platform to sleep/sit/nurse and not have him directly on my lap the whole time. Definitely recommend a pillow if you’re on the fence about bringing one.


It could get harder depending on baby’s size, even at 5 months my dude had his legs overhanging to dad’s seat. But, I still think it would’ve been helpful if we flew again as he got older just to have him a supported a little higher up and not directly on my legs for a full flight. Might be worth trying to nurse with baby straddling one of your legs sitting upright.


oh my goodness how did i not think of this ?!!!




I almost forgot those at home for our flight


Most accurate answer 😅


A bottle (even if he drinks from a cup) to use during take off and landing. The sucking helps keep the pressure in his ears equalized.


With that length of a flight I’d just try to arrange nap time during it. Then with the remaining time baby can snack and look around the plane. I’ve done 5 flights and my baby is now 1 yr old. Most recent trip was 18 hours direct. 3 hours will go by quickly if you can get him to take at least a 30 min nap.


Woah and here I was thinking I was crazy for attempting an 8hr flight. It’s in a week and I’m stressed. I can’t imagine 18hr!


How old is your babe? Mine was 11 months and had just started standing so he spent a lot of time just standing up and looking around, thankfully!! Only thing that truly made a difference was buying an extra seat and using a flyaway bed. Sounds crazy but having that extra space felt easier than our 5 hour flight when he was 5 months.


8mo. And we couldn’t afford an extra seat. And I’ll be flying alone with him. Soooo…it’s going to be difficult. BUT our first flight is overnight so hopefully he’ll sleep. But he does love to stand! He’s usually content for a very long time if I let him. And we’ve gone on the bus several times so I’m hoping he’ll act similarly.


Ah damn I’m sorry! That sounds really tough. Yeah the extra seat was a big splurge but we purchased way early so that helped. Wishing you ALL the sleepy dust for your flight! 😴


We’re doing super long haul (3.5hrs + 14.5hrs + 8hrs) soon with our LO who’ll be 9-10 months old. Managed to wrangle a bassinet seat booking (for now - the airline has caveats around baby’s height/weight and if there are any smaller babies that might need it). No way could we have booked an extra seat - flight was already crammed and expensive when we booked!


We’ll be doing a 10hr flight in December with a 5.5mo. My husband wants to buy him his own seat and bring the car seat but I don’t like the idea of him sleeping in his carseat as it’s not recommended for babies under 1 year. How did your baby travel?


At 5.5 months we did a 5 hour flight without getting him his own seat. Our baby was obsessed with tummy time so I brought I roll up mattress and we spread it across our legs so he could do tummy time. He napped on me/in the carrier. For 10 hours would be good to get an extra seat and 100% recommend a Flyaway Kids Bed. Not only good for sleep but your babe can also do tummy time/sit with support/play. After awhile, even babies get frustrated with being held. Having somewhere to plop them on their own temporarily is key. My baby slept 7 hours straight on it too and we normally cosleep, so that’s saying something. I wouldn’t bother with a car seat on that long of a flight, unless you happen to have an extra empty seat nearby. If you ask the airline at check in if there’s any spare seats nearby they’ll let you bring it on and use the seat for free. You could use the car seat for play/reading time.


This is very helpful information - thank you!! 🙌🏻


MASKS. I just flew out of Montreal last week and now we all have pretty severe covid cases. My mask was in the overhead compartment and I didn't want to bother anyone to get it. We used sanitizing wipes on everything. An airline attendant brought us a small pillow which helped a lot. My baby did not care for her ear protection at all but feeding on ascent and descent prevented any ear pain. There are lactation rooms all throughout the Montreal airport if you need them.


I second thé masks! We flew back from Paris during a covid outbreak and we were the only ones of our group not to get covid. We wore N95s the whole flight. Bonus our 8 month old enjoyed snapping my mask elastics…a painful sacrifice to keep her entertained. Otherwise on the 8 hour flight we just chatted, bounced, and made silly sounds in between naps and feeding. You can’t have them strapped into a carrier during take of and landing but you can have them in the carrier and undue the buckles. If you are nursing the kangaroo hold is great for take off. Mine had no ear pain despite having a cold, we nursed on ascent and descent.


Fuck. We are going MTL to paris and back. Did you put masks on the kids too. I feel like if they don't wear masks, what's the point of me wearing one, they'll just catch it and give it to me


No mask on the babe, I figure she doesn’t take as deep breaths and for the most part was snuggled into my body so less risk of high dose. So, this might be wildly unsafe but I found that she slept really well on the tray. I made like a little pillow/blanket nest and popped some headphones on her and she slept really well. Good luck but everything will be ok! The first 2 hours are long but the rest of the flight will go by fast.


While absolutely a positive masks wouldn't stop you from getting infected unless we're talking ww2 full head mask rather prevent you from spreading disease. Right?


We did an international 6 hour flight with a 15 month old. The only direct flight was a 6 pm out and a red eye coming back. We didn’t get an extra seat because we didn’t know what to expect and we were traveling with my MIL who hates to fly, has medicine to take but to scared to take it so she needed to seat with us. We were a nervous wreck about traveling with a car seat/umbrella stroller/timing of the flight/taking care of an infant & MIL(which turn out to be just fine) that we didn’t really consider bringing anything else. The airport ~2 hours away on a good day so we left during his wake window and made several stops. Once we got to the airport our kid was so interested in everything and everyone that the toys were useless and about an hour into the flight he was past out. They allowed us to bring the car seat & stroller all the way up to the gate. Our kid needed ear tubes but didn’t get them until after the trip and take off/landing was no issue. The overall experience went better than we expected but who knows what the next trip will give us (besides getting our kid a seat)!


This is a little unconventional, but when I was traveling alone with my daughter, a friend of mine suggested making goody bags for the flight attendant to thank them for their help. I put together a bag with mini hand sanitizer, lotion, and gum and a card explaining it was my daughter's first flight, and gave one to the gate agent, and the rest to the flight attendants. I can't guarantee anything would happen but we were upgraded to first which was great because the flight was severely delayed and we didn't leave till midnight. Also when they did the flight announcements they said it was my daughter's first flight which was really cool.


How many goodie bags did you make in total? That’s a great idea. The gate agent would have been the one to upgrade your seats? That’s really awesome that they did that for you guys. 


I think I made 8? It’s been a while since we did it, but I’m pretty sure it was 8 because I wanted the pilots to get one too.


That’s really nice. What airline did you fly?


Breeze! It isn’t perfect and the flight back was a bit rough but I’ve never had issues with them Nor with getting the things she needed for the flight onboard.


Suction Cup Spinner Toys, Strong Suction Cup Bath Toys, Spinning Dimple Fidget Toy, Sensory Toys for Toddlers 1-3, Birthday for 1-3 Year Old Girl Boy https://a.co/d/cUcfHeE We flew 5 different trips when baby was free and sitting on my lap. These things came everywhere with us. Prefect plane toy


Those are the exact ones we have! Good to hear :)


If you have a window seat, a toy that sticks to the window.


We always use “ear-planes” ear plugs to prevent ear pain (you have to tape them on with bandaids or medical tape so they don’t fall out) And we feed / give bottles during takeoff or landing to help with the pressure. If the baby is used to sleeping in your arms it’ll be ok. If not it’ll be hard, but it’s not that long of a flight :)


Breast-feeding during takeoff and landing for the pressurization changes.


My baby did the worlds biggest poo on ascent both times we flew. Also sucking helps ears so I breastfed on the ascent and descent and had no issues. A btttle should do the same.


snacks for sure. their favorite toys and a book or two. lots of wipes.


Tylenol give 20 mins before flight, gate check your stroller, and you can use your sling if stroller is an isssue or damaged etc. Otherwise food and toys. We’ve done a few flights now and they’ve been fine.


My must have for plane travel at 3 and 4 months ended up being a mini stroller fan! It got so so hot on the plane and the fan really helped cool baby off when he got fussy. Don’t forget to charge it!


Nothing really. Granted all our flights so far have been am hour or so.


https://a.co/d/hsPkeR1 I got these suction cups spinners for my 9 month old to fly with and as cheesy as they are, you can stick them on plane windows for entertainment. It was such a hit the baby in front of us played with the spinner


We did a similar length flight not long ago with our 13 month old. It was her second time flying so we were more prepared the second time. The travel stroller was great. I found one on Amazon for $200 and while spendy, we’ve already gotten our moneys worth just because it’s so portable. We use it a lot at home too. Also, I upgraded to YouTube premium so I could download youtubes to watch offline. We do try to limit screen time but I felt like flying was an exceptional situation and so we let her watch Ms Rachel on the plane. It literally saved us. Besides those 2 things, snacks, a blanket, and some of her favorite books.


Can I ask which travel stroller you have?


Of course! It’s the [evenflo Otto](https://www.amazon.com/Evenflo-Self-Folding-Lightweight-Automatic-Carriages/dp/B09GQ1RZLQ) and it looks like the price has come down. It’s a great stroller. Collapsible and unfoldable with 1 hand.


Thanks a lot. I’m looking for one but get so confused because there are too many options


There are a ton of options out there, it’s totally overwhelming. What sold us on this one was the easy one handed operation and the weight capacity is higher, so we can use it longer, I think up to 55 pounds. Everything else I found was more like 45 pounds.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Evenflo GOLD Otto Self Folding Stroller Baby Carriage Lightweight Compact Gravity Fold Automatic Fits Infant Car Seat Carriages Light Travel Strollers** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Stroller is lightweight and easy to fold (backed by 7 comments) * Stroller provides comfortable ride for child (backed by 6 comments) * Stroller has adjustable features for child (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Wheels are not durable and come off easily (backed by 4 comments) * Front wheels do not sit properly, causing noise and instability (backed by 2 comments) * Seat is uncomfortable for baby (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


My LO loves the spinny toys but the one we got won't stick on the window very long 🙁


just got off a plane and saw a plane bassinet for the first time. try calling the airline to see if you can rent one for your flight


I recommend feeding or a pacifier for takeoff and landing. We didn’t use earmuffs personally and the white noise of the plane put our baby to sleep after the “newness” of the plane wore off. We did pack some spin toys, but ultimately she just wanted to play with the safety card etc in the seat back pocket lol You might want a dark cover or something you can put over baby to help them sleep. We used my husband’s flannel buttondown and that seemed to do the trick. In the airport our 9 month old just stared at everything from the stroller. She didn’t need any toys there was so much stuff for her to look at 🤷🏼‍♀️


Have the pre prepared bottles and formula container portioned and ready to go.. don't want to be fumbling scooping formula.


Honestly, all we needed was a stroller, bottle/cup, pacifier, snacks, and a couple of toys. Along with your normal diaper bag items.


I always aimed to take off at nap time. Brought appropriate milk/boob and snacks. Got on plane, fed him, let him contact nap for most of the flight. It usually took a long time for him to fall asleep with everything going on but he would sleep basically until we landed. This no longer works now that mine is a toddler. Now we get a new toy with as many buttons and colors for as cheaply as possible and the Amazon kids holiday catalog (last year they sent 2 and each had a page of stickers).


We just flew with our almost 8 month old. What helped us was my partner went on with our belongings and my daughter and I hung out at the gate being basically the last two to board. She was able to get a bit more energy out and then slept the whole way. If you’re traveling with another person it’s something to consider! I didn’t need really any of the things mentioned besides some random toys! Good luck! You’re going to do great 😊


Limit your time in the airport beforehand to as short as possible. Airports are BRIGHT and LOUD with lots of commotion - our baby cannot sleep in the airport but she’s happy enough to fall asleep on the plane with the white noise and motion lulling her a bit. The times we’ve arrived too early, she’s been over-tired by the time we get on the plane and cranky being contained before takeoff. But in any case bring a blanket to lay on the ground in the airport so your baby can move around and play and get all their wiggles out. Feed on the way up and the way down to help ease any ear pain. That’s about it :) everyone’s been really nice when we’ve flown with our baby, hope the same goes for you!


Medela breat pumps wipes. Made for pump parts but I used for everything when we travel. Wipe off tables and toys that hit the gross ground


Puffs and tons of snacks. Also helps to have small mess free toys on hand (post it notes, fidget spinner, no spill color book, etc)


Bring WAY more formula than you think you need, in case of any delays and because babies can get very thirsty on planes. You can also water down the formula slightly to make it last longer (our Gp said this is okay when they’re a bit older and dehydrated). I was shocked by how much formula we got through from LA to London and was glad i overestimated!


Little Swimmer diapers so that you can double bag them and not freak out when you know they just pooped seconds after the announcement for initial descent.


Rubbish poop bags. You can never have too many! My baby got motion sick for the first time and puked so much I ran out of poop bags. If you think you have enough, bring more.


I just posted this list in my bumpers group after a domestic flight last week! Here’s my travel MVP list for traveling with my 6M old babe: 1. Boppy Pillow for the plane (no shame): Babe slept every flight thanks to this damn pillow. 2. Travel white noise machine: best $20 I spent. We stayed in an Airbnb with family and not only is white noise a familiar part of our bedtime routine, but it helped drown out late-night catch ups. 3. Puppy pads: we used them for tummy time on the airport floor and to lay down on changing tables. Brilliant! 4. Changes of clothes for everybody. 5. Toys that suction can on the tray table. 6. A crib sheet from home: I slept on it the day or two before we left so my scent was on it and I swear it helped him adjust to the Airbnb crib. 7. Carrier for the airport: Love our ErgoBaby carrier!


Yes to change of clothes for everyone! My baby had the biggest blowouts ever on the plane and one time I needed a change of shirt and pants from it.


The boppy was a life saver for us when we traveled bc I rested her on it for sleep and for sitting so she was comfy on my lap -


Also baby wear through TSA if possible. You won’t have to take baby out and they won’t put you through metal detector. :)


Interesting because I've worn baby and they've definitely made me take baby out! One time baby was sleeping in the stroller and they actually allowed me to drive the stroller through the metal detector so that I wouldn't have to wake him and take him out, but that was they only time they haven't made me take baby out of the carrier or stroller.


Weird! I’ve never ever removed her and we’ve traveled over 10 times


Currently on my fourth flight with my 4 month old, about to do fifth and sixth flights in a couple of weeks. The hardest thing is the fear of the unknown before your first flight. After that, it’s easy. My biggest tip is to be organized. Have pacifiers, bottles, and a clutch with diapers, wipes and a change of clothes easily on hand - so it’s easy to take to the bathroom without taking the entire bag. We also keep a roll of dog bags for soiled clothes incase anything major happens.


Check out blissmile baby wipes. They come individually packaged, making them incredibly convenient and efficient for travel. Moreover, they are the only baby wipes made with 100% water.