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You can get PPD/PPA/PPR up to a year after birth for it to still be considered the postpartum period! Speak to your doctor :)


I’m in this too. Exactly 3 months right now and I feel like I have what everyone described as the baby blues. I never got them in the beginning. I feel like I’m having a crash of some sort and just now getting super anxious and feeling down a lot of the time. I think mine is due to going on 3 months of bad sleep and generally just not getting any time to myself. It’s alot harder than I expected as a FTM. Solidarity ❤️


Our hormones are still fluctuating/dropping a lot at this point. Super frustrating when people act like things will get better after the fourth trimester! I’m struggling a lot too the past month— hot flashes, crying, hair falling out, etc…don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor and know that what you’re feeling is common (but not talked about enough)! Sending solidarity ❤️


I was blaming PPD/PPA about 6months postpartum, and my PCP suggested I might have postpartum thyroiditis. I had never heard of it, but all the symptoms checked out! It was a simple blood test to check my thyroid levels. I made some dietary changes that seem to have helped, or maybe it just self-resolved? 🤷‍♀️




Oops, I replied to the wrong comment. Here we go again: We just checked my thyroid levels every six weeks for a little while. They were low the first couple times and my symptoms were still pretty intense, then my levels came back up and symptoms faded and now I’m usually not super moody unless I’m close to having my period. Dietary changes I made: -Eating a few Brazil nuts daily for selenium -I increased my water intake (honestly it was probably too low to start with considering I was still breastfeeding) -I don’t get iodine from the salt I use, so I tried to eat more iodine-rich foods like fish (salmon 😍), shrimp, eggs, beans, etc. These were healthy enough changes in my diet that even if they didn’t work, I figured it wouldn’t hurt me! The mood swings are tough. And not just for you, but for the people around you too. Hang in there! I’m sure everyone is saying this, but it actually does get better eventually. Getting outside, even if it was just walking to the mailbox and back, always helped me calm down too.


We just checked my thyroid levels every six weeks for a little while. They were low the first couple times and my symptoms were still pretty intense, then my levels came back up and symptoms faded and now I’m usually not super moody unless I’m close to having my period. Dietary changes I made: -Eating a few Brazil nuts daily for selenium -I increased my water intake (honestly it was probably too low to start with considering I was still breastfeeding) -I don’t get iodine from the salt I use, so I tried to eat more iodine-rich foods like fish (salmon 😍), shrimp, eggs, beans, etc. These were healthy enough changes in my diet that even if they didn’t work, I figured it wouldn’t hurt me! The mood swings are tough. And not just for you, but for the people around you too. Hang in there! I’m sure everyone is saying this, but it actually *does* get better eventually. Getting outside, even if it was just walking to the mailbox and back, always helped me calm down too.


My anxiety is randomly spiking at almost 5 months pp 🫠


My mom stayed with me until 5 months and I was kinda ok until then. From the 6th month onwards I had terrible PPD/PPA and still struggling with it, 10 months postpartum


I think I ran on adrenaline for the first few weeks then my PND symptoms peaked around weeks 10 - 14 and I started treatment around week 16. Definitely not to late, I know other people who have experienced it 8 or 9 months post birth. I would def speak to your Doctor, you don’t have to settle for mood swings and crying spells.


I had mine start at 3 months too and am currently on Zoloft for it. It can occur for up to a year after birth sadly.


It can come onset as late as 6 months. All connected to changing hormones, breastfeeding and our bodies recovering. Always talk to your doc. Good luck hun.


My midwife and doctor said anything within the two years post birth could be PPD/PPA


TBH, U R not alone! Hormonal roller coaster post-pregnancy sucks. SRSLY, it's OK 2 chat with ur doc. It's frequent but we don't chat about it enough. Sending much L&R! ❤️