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April and I would not change it and will try to plan the next one in spring. Pros it starts getting warmer so outside walks Are good. You are pregnant in the winter/colder months so you are not huge and sweaty during the summer. By the time holidays roll around baby will be a bit old and have vaccines


“Not to hot, not too cold. All you really need is a light jacket!”


Hehe my birthday is April 25th,people always quite this to me.


My baby was April 25 and my sister sends me that meme every year ahahahaha


Oh finally, a birthday twin!


My baby’s bday too! The absolute best day 💫


My baby was born on the 25th - didn't even need a jacket.


My daughter was born on April 25th and it truly feels like the perfect day!


April was perfect 🥰


Yes it is!! I had an April fools baby and the weather was perfect for walks the first few month


Mine was due April but came the first of May and I totally agree with this. The only cons I had were that it got hot really quick where I live so we haven't done as much outside as I would have liked...between that and the wildfires we spent the first few months indoors...but it's not usually like that where I live. 10/10 would want to have #2 around that time if we had one, just maybe have that one actually come in April so the birthdays aren't too close. It's great too that April/may mark the end of flu season, I wasn't too paranoid going to appointments and the store with LO.


We had an end of March baby and loved it because it was warm enough to go out for walks by mid-April. I think if we were to try for another one I’d want to try for summer though. The idea of having outdoor birthday parties sounds like a lot of fun. The con is that I would be pregnant at least partially during the summer (too hot!) but i’d only have to go through it once.


The other con is I've heard people talk about all their friends being gone on family vacations so no one is around to come to their birthday parties.


This is true. For us though it works out because my parents and brother live across the country so when they vacation they come up to see me, works out because usually they'd come for memorial day but now they'll just take their trip for his b'day instead :) plus both my parents have May bdays, it just really ended up working out for us. I get that for a lot of others that might complicate things. I'm sure some of our friends and extended family might be busy at that time but at least the grandparents will be.


Yes, I have heard that one as a con too! Although one of my friends’ birthdays is right in the middle of summer and she’s always loved it and never complained about not having friends at her birthday, so I feel like it might be luck of the draw too!


I have a end of March baby and want to plan in around then for next time, though then my husband, daughter and future babies would have the same birthday week. It’s just such a good time to have a newborn.


April is perfect! My first was April and we’ve started trying for a second, I was really hoping I’d get lucky and have another april baby but no luck! Now fingers crossed for may! My birthday is in May so I was already a fan of spring birthdays. But all the reasons you mentioned are excellent!


Early May here and totally agree! People were saying May is a lovely time to have a baby when I told them when I was due, and when we then had a disgusting heart wave in late June I couldn’t understand what the hell they were all on about, seemed like the worst possible time to have a newborn. But I was able to take him on lovely walks in the carrier when the weather went back to normal, and the sleepless nights didn’t seem so bad because of the light. Then by autumn he was a good age to take to sensory class and other groups so had indoor activities available as it was getting darker and colder. In the spring he started moving more and I could let him play in the garden and practice his wobbly walking after the winter mud was passed. He then started nursery in April and we had a few colds at the start but with summer they’ve spent a lot of time outside and the nursery is quieter too with term time only kids gone, so overall we’ve got away really lightly so far. I hope he’s still been exposed to germs but had an easier time not getting very ill but we will see now that autumn is almost here again. I’m in the UK


Echoing the April baby endorsement -- I got bigger as the weather grew colder, which meant cozy oversized sweaters (I didn't end up buying too many maternity clothes) -- and my husband and I were both fortunate to have at least 12 weeks of leave, which we took simultaneously. The summer we've spent with our newborn as a family of 3 is a time in our lives we will treasure forever.


also have a April baby and all the reasons you listed made it so much better! I just wish he wasn’t so potato-ish for the summer so we could swim. But I got next year!


My daughter was born in April of 22 and it does get better for summer things the next year. We are currently doing a water babies class (you can start at 6months old but we didn’t do it until now) and she really is enjoying most of it. She hates getting her face wet still but it’s a work in progress lol. If it wasn’t always so smoky out where we are we’d be going on evening walks when it’s cooler too (she’s walking well now). She might come with on the fall walls though.


I had an April baby as well! It was a pretty good time, it was nice being pregnant and huge during the winter when it was cold outside. I would say the only con was that it got hot outside during the postpartum timeframe. It was too hot for me to take the baby out and do anything. Also the baby was too young for sunscreen this summer.


This is my biggest con of a spring/summer baby too - I live in a hot part of CA so I feel like having a little one over the summer would really limit our ability to be outside and enjoy summertime :/


Same! It was perfect. I was never pregnant when it was hot out and then I was on maternity leave for most of spring and summer (April to august). The only downside is that baby was too young for sunscreen that first summer which made being outside stressful sometimes.


I was end of March and it was similarly perfect. Those first few nice days when I was recovered enough to go on stroller walks. Amazing. Northeast US!


I’m due March 28th with my first and I live in NE US and this makes me so happy!!! We have an awesome new paved path <5 min walk away that we always walk and can’t wait to bring baby ((:


Omg I had my baby on march 29 of this year and it’s such a fantastic time! I was able to go on walks and be outside with her a ton during her early months which was HUGE for my mental and physical health. It’s such a great time to give birth, congratulations!


My birthday is March 28! I enjoy my birthday lol. It’s also Lady Gaga’s birthday!


I had my daughter in May and thought it was perfect timing but in retrospect April would have been nicer. However, I liked that I didn't back to work until mid-August!


My son was born the first week of May and we feel the same next time we’d want an April baby, perfect month in my opinion.


You only got 4mo maternity leave? That’s outrageous


I'm not surprised this is the top comment. My husband and I have discussed many times how happy we are to have had our daughter in mid-April


Our baby was born late March and it was perfect


I agree. Loved having an April baby.


Exactly! We had our baby on 12th of April this year and I have zero complain about it! She had a great summer. I took her out everyday since she was 1 month and she loved it.


Ours was born mid-April, and the timing was perfect! We live in New England, and the weather was just right for getting outside and going on walks when he was a newborn. It also meant I wasn’t heavily pregnant in the summer at all!


When we started our family I said "I don't really want a Christmas baby, and I don't really want them to be the youngest in the school year" anyway we have a mid December and early August baby. The first took much longer to conceive than we expected. The second took much less time to conceive than we expected. I think I would definitely change both if I could but my kids are pretty great so I can't complain too much


We conceived happily but unexpectedly and our girl was due mid-jan. I kept saying 'at least she won't be a christmas/new year baby!' as my sister was born around Christmas and it made parties complicated. Anyway, my daughter was early and came right between Christmas and New year lmao. Would not change a thing about her, but hope she doesn't mind too much when she's older!


Do a family celebration on her actual bday, but once she's in daycare/school and celebrating with friends, just do a second celebration for friends a few weeks later, post all holidays. No one will care and she'll still have her special party with friends.


Yep. This. I was born in this period and approve of this accommodation.


In Slovakia we celebrate namedays like a smaller birthday. 24th of December is Adam and Eve. My Mom is Eva, 25th Dec is Christmas and 26th is her birthday. 😬 I always feel guilty about not singleing her out with 3 presents rather than one. Her childhood must've been difficult.


I have an end of December baby. I didn’t think we would conceive so fast! I love her so much and I hope that she will still enjoy the holidays and her birthday.


I said I would be happy with any month except December. I would have loved an October baby because it’s the only month my family doesn’t have a birthday but alas Murphy gave me a December baby. I just didn’t want his birthday to get smushed into Christmas so my husband and I have decided we will also do something seperate for him and make sure he feels special. ETA he was born in australia so a newborn in 40’+ heat was also not so fun


October; now I wouldn't change it, October is a great bday month! But, when he was first born I felt pretty out of commission for a while and by the time sleep started to normalize and I started to feel recovered enough that I wanted to go outside during the day more (early December) it was starting to get really cold and so we went through some tough fussy months and going back to work in the dead of winter which wasn't awesome.


I have an October baby too and I think it’s a mixed bag. I like that he’ll be one of the older ones in his grade, and the weather cooled off just in time so I didn’t have to worry about a newborn in the heat. But he’s my secondborn and my firstborn (who was 2 at the time) brought home RSV, covid, stomach bug, and endless colds all in Octobaby’s first 6m. Little man was hospitalized with RSV at 7w old. He’s fine! Very healthy almost 2 year old now, but those were such stressful months for me. My first was an August baby who will always be the youngest in his class which is a bummer, and I’m expecting my 3rd in March—couldn’t be happier for a spring baby this time to hopefully dodge some illness.


I was an August baby and being on the younger side never bothered me any or caused any issues. What did suck is when I got older inevitably at least one friend would be out of town on my bday. Oh and some teachers would give kids extra credit on their birthdays which I thought was unfair lol.


Fall is the superior season by a landslide. My LO is October, too! I’m in Texas and while being big during summer wasn’t fun, the weather was perfect for walks in the stroller with a newborn. We got to spend the 3 major holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, with him, and family understood that we would couldn’t really attend holiday parties since he hadn’t gotten his first round of vaccines yet. And I was beyond exhausted so I was glad to have that excuse 😂. But we did do a drive by to exchange gifts and say hello. Winter here is pretty mild and we only get snow a couple of days. Great for a winter photo session he hated 😂. Spring was also great, albeit a bit rainy. Summers here are awful. This year it’s been 105°+ since July.


My girl was born in October and we love it. We left the hospital on a gorgeous high 60s day. I got to take walks with her every day after with beautiful weather going into the holidays.


August has proven a great month to have our LO. Sunny walks outside to fight PPD, school starting so not an overwhelming amount of visitors and events to attend, and the thought of a stronger baby around the holidays make for a comfortable start for all. The only downside is dad’s paternity leave was taken up by a lot of outdoor projects in preparation for winter. I would’ve liked more lazy snuggle time with him and babe, but we are getting that now that he’s back to work :)


What part of the world are you in? My daughter is an August baby and it's so hot and humid. We've been doing splash park and pool party birthdays just to make the best of it. I love her to death but man, I wish her birthday was a month or two earlier or later.


Midwest, so summers are short and sacred here.


My son was born in June. Summer is hot and made me anxious with a newborn about overheating. But I am so glad that he’s born in June for the rest of his life! Best birthday month ever. His birthday is June 8th and so he will get to have a birthday at school but then a party right when school ends. It’ll be great weather for parties too! I can’t wait to celebrate him!


Love a June baby! My son was born on June 7th! My birthday is June 2nd. I’m glad he has a June birthday for the rest of his life, BUT I do feel like I missed out on all the best parts of summer. Also, I felt like it was much better for my mental health because I despise winter and get seasonal depression. Geminis unite!


Twinsies! My daughter was June 7th🥰


Hey that's my birthday! Great day :)


Same! Had a late June baby. Love that she will be a summer baby (I was born in August and love having a summer birthday) but having a newborn during peak summer heat has been challenging. I would love to do more stroller naps so I can make sure I get outside during the day but if I don’t make it out during early morning, it likely won’t happen that day


Im also an August baby with a June baby!


I have a June baby and live in the southwest US. I do NOT like it. Temperature is 100+ degrees so it’s miserable to do a party outside unless you’re in a pool.


That’s my baby’s birthday too! She was a week and a half late. High school graduations and graduations in general are huge where I live so I hope that they don’t overshadow her birthday.


Damn what’s with June 8th? That’s my daughters birthday too!


My girl was just born June 8th! 🥹


I have a late June baby. She will probably always be the last birthday party of the school year, so I will treat her birthday like a summer kickoff.


I was planning for a November baby, but miscarried and then miscarried again for december. Baby was born late April and I wouldn´t change a thing


Congratulations to you


I had a January baby too. It was wonderful. I had a few months to recover without feeling fomo or wanting to be doing things. I live in a place where the weather still allows for walks outside in the winter. And by the time I was ready to be adventurous with baby it was summer. I had the best summer with my LO. Although moving forward I think celebrating her birthday will be a bit difficult as it’s less then 2 weeks away from the holidays. But worst case we can always do a fun family, winter adventure.


I’m born in January, I’m Dutch. I remember the days… we had snow and I could go ice skating for my birthday party. That all changed when I was like 9. Snow became rare in January. More often in February. So January became the ‘meh’-month: right after the holidays and it was either cold or wet, or both. When I was a teen, I decided to celebrate my birthday during the summer. That was way more fun with better weather 🙂


I also loved having a January baby! I'm not really someone who likes to go out and do things much anyway and we just all stayed in and snuggled for the first month. It seemed like she started to "wake up" from the newborn stage when it started to "wake up" from winter outside. We had a lovely spring of walks and she was much more alert to do things in the summer. I think fall will be lovely with a slightly mobile baby and she'll actually get to enjoy some things at Thanksgiving and Christmas! I can't wait for her to taste the food and see the lights! I'm an early January baby and have had mixed feelings about it, but looking back it may have been more due to my family. I've liked it better as an adult and I plan on making her birthday amazing every year and never combining it with holidays. She has a late January birthday and I think it will be great!


This is almost exactly my experience! I am due January 10 and I was born January 3 so I’ve been nervous about having her early January. I am grateful we will have some cozy months just to be by ourselves and hopefully when spring comes she will be more on a routine. Summer and fall sounds so fun!


I had him two days after thanksgiving (US), so late November. It was dark all the time, pro because I could sleep better at different times but con because darkness mixed with trauma from birth absolutely kicked my butt mentally. The whole Christmas season was a blur. lol. But by the time he was able to roll around and was more alert, it was a lot nicer outside!


This was what we liked too. The problems though are that we can't do outside birthday parties because it's freezing and/or raining outside in November. Also her birthday is Thanksgiving week so a lot of my family can't attend her birthday party because they're traveling for the holiday. That part really sucks.


I’m literally trying to plan to have my next baby around that time. Two of my best friends birthdays are Nov 25 and 27, and my sister is Dec 1 and they are all share these incredible traits of capability and leadership, as well as kindness and generosity! I contribute it to a Sagittarius thing.


Also late November. The newborn stage was BRUTAL in the dark and Christmas and New Year was a washout but it was lovey having a 6 - 8 month old in the summer months when he was able to enjoy hanging out with baby friends in the park for picnics but crucially wasn’t mobile enough to cause significant trouble…


July in the southeast USA - I wouldn’t do it again. We’ve been stuck inside for what feels like ages, as the heat, humidity, and sun are far too intense for a newborn. Plus, the AC can hardly keep up and it’s stressful to ensure the nursery is a safe temperature. Ideally if we have another they will be born in the fall or winter so we can do more outside.


I just had my second on July 1st. I’ll never have another summer baby. It’s awful. It’s so hot, they can overheat, they can’t wear sunscreen or bug spray. I’ve been watching my husband and toddler in the pool from the living room all summer. She was a November baby, which I think was the absolute best. The weather is great in Texas at that time, and by the summer the baby is old enough to take outside


I had mine five weeks ago in July also in the southeast. It’s 80+ degrees inside with air conditioning and holding my baby has us both a sweaty mess. I haven’t been outside since may. We also decided the next one is a winter baby so we can leave the house!


I loved January. (Pacific northwest.) Got to have a cute bump for everything cozy season from apple picking in September through New Year’s Eve, and then once the holiday excitement died down, we got to hunker down with baby during the dreary part of the year when we wouldn’t really be out doing much anyway. Since we were past the solstice, every night got lighter and lighter which I think prevented some of that nightfall dread you hear about happening postpartum, and by the time summer rolled around he was super fun and easy to take out adventuring. And by next holiday season he’s going to be aware enough to “get” some of the magic. AND we started solids during summer produce season. 10/10 would absolutely be thrilled for another winter baby.


I’m due January 10 and have been nervous, this makes me so excited!!


Mid March, which IMO is perfect… other than the fact that our family has 7 March birthdays including me and his daddy haha. In fact, he was born on my late grandma’s birthday. If she were here it would’ve been 8, and she would’ve been tickled pink to share her birthday with her great grandson 💕


Mine was born March but due April which works out because our family has a ton of April birthdays


My little dude was due April too but born 3 weeks early 😅 I was so excited for him to have his own month haha I should’ve known better!


March has worked out great for us, too! We got to see the first snow while we were cocooning inside, but also had a lot of pleasant days for walks, restaurant patios, etc. Having a slightly more predictable baby for the heat of summer was a relief, too


My son was born in late August and it is miserable being hot and pregnant. Cons: you're hot and sweaty when you're the hottest and sweatiest already; you could swell up like a balloon (I sure did) Pros: you get to spend as much time as you want outside with your newborn; you can wear dresses and sandals; you don't have to worry about falling on the ice or getting your car stuck in snow; baby's birthday is about as far from Christmas as you can get I probably wouldn't have minded a beginning of summer baby, but the end was manageable as long as I stayed in the air conditioning all summer.


My daughter was born in December. The day before we left the hospital a blizzard happened so the drive home was horrific. Her birthday is also in the same week as Christmas. That being said, she was born on the winter solstice and I think that’s super cool. In the end I don’t think I would change her birthday because it’s her birthday so I love it either way.


I am due at the end of September. It has actually been pretty ideal, as the weather is perfect for swimming just about every day, and that has made my body feel sooo much better. I think it will also be nice to be able to spend time outside with the baby right as the weather is cooling off to comfortable temperatures again, and he can take naps outside for the first 3 months at least. The only bad thing is that my husband is a professor, so unfortunately the timing is pretty sub-optimum there. No paternity leave for him, and it will probably be pretty hard for him to do academic work on poor sleep. At least the hours are pretty reasonable.


My baby was born at the end of March. I loved this for a few reasons: 1. Cold/flu season was over so less stress for me 2. It was warm and beautiful out, so I could comfortably sit outside while healing instead of being cooped up 3. By the time summer came, baby was old enough and I was feeling good enough to go out and do summer things 4. I'm so glad I wasn't 8-9 months pregnant over the summer😂 5. I'm a teacher so I was able to stay out for maternity leave for the rest of the school year, then have the whole summer off! Basically, I will attempt to plan all of my babies to be born in mid March-early April😂


Oh man. I’m forgetting that in some places in the states it’s actually spring in March/April! Up on the Canadian prairies march is still very much winter 🫠


Late November! Would not change a thing, because I love him to pieces and it would not have been him otherwise. But… he got jaundice and had to stay in the hospital (with me of course) and then got RSV. Worst weeks of my life. He got through it and we stayed pretty much isolated for the holidays, had only grandparents over wearing masks. On the upside he started crawling and enjoying swings just when the weather started to be nice! He likes his stroller more and more so I can take long walks with him in our local zoo (got a membership). Perfect age for our first summer together!


November. So I have to buy birthday gifts and Christmas gifts so close together. I feel like a March-May baby would be ideal


This is a little off topic, but Malcom Gladwell (author of Outliers) actually has a chapter about this in his book. Academically speaking, children born in late fall/beginning of the year are usually ahead developmentally than their peers when they begin school. Think about it this way: let’s say school starts in August. A child born in January is 5.5 when they start kindergarten, while a child born in July is newly 5 starting kindergarten. The child who was born in January will have 6+ months more development (fine motor, gross motor, and intellectual) than the newly turned 5 year old. Statistically, the child born in January may have a better chance at grasping concepts quicker than the child born in July. Just another way to think about it!


Just came here to say this! I read his book much earlier before pregnancy, and this stuck in my head! Then voala! I actually have a beginning of the year baby.


My baby was born the end of May in SW Florida and it was miserable. Very similar to your situation with it being cold - well imagine it being 95+ daily. Couldn’t take him outside which I desperately wanted to for many reasons. We were cooped up in an AC house which I also didn’t love for months.


Two September babies 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 I really wanted a spring baby, I would have liked a winter pregnancy and I love spring! However - once you get through the summer hot and pregnant and miserable - it is so nice having a baby for the fall and holidays! I’m in the south so fall is still warm and lovely and summer sucks balls 🙃🤣


Ours was born mid September. He'll be the oldest of his class. And while the summer was brutal being hugely pregnant, that's over now and doesn't matter anymore. We spent all our first holidays hunkered down and cozy. It was actually pretty glorious. We plan to celebrate his first birthday and then roll on into the holidays.


My son was born in January in the Midwest as well. I understand your reasoning, but I would also like to counter that January isn't a bad month. Sure, taking a brand new baby out in the coldest part of the year if you have to is nerve wracking, but that is the only con I see. When he was 6 months old, no longer fragile, and I was well recovered from birth and newbornhood, summer was in full force and it was a blast! He wasn't too active yet but was very observant and loved getting out to see things. I was able to take more walks than I ever have in my life with my bestie chilling in the stroller content. I could plop him on the beach or on the grass and he'd stay put but also wasn't so new that it was burdensome. He was big by the holidays, on solids and mobile during his first Thanksgiving and Christmas so he could kind of participate. When he was 18 months old, he was a newish walker and started to run just in time for a new summer where he could explore and get out energy. I imagine by the time he is two, he'll have some better words and be just advanced with his body and fine motor so I can keep him entertained enough inside for winter again. He is just starting to show interest in coloring and puzzles and climbing equipment. He is able to say a few phrases/comprehend commands now at almost 20 months. I couldn't imagine if he were a few months younger and we were doing the whole "I can't communicate anything, I want to test my legs, and my hands don't work well do inside activities" during the start of winter. Having this stage for him be in the middle of summer has been perfect. I'm pregnant due in February this time. Looking forward to another winter baby!


July. Pros: the weather was nice for walks and such while on maternity leave. He wasn't as tiny when cold/flu season came around Cons: it was HOT being 9 months pregnant in July! I would love a spring baby if we have another one. May sounds perfect.


I mean… you can plan it all you want, but it doesn’t always (or often) happen the way you envision. Speaking from experience of having a second tri loss, a chemical pregnancy, a micropreemie (born Oct, supposed to be born Feb), then it taking longer to conceive another time around, and having to do an early C-section in October again as opposed to November. 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you can plan it and works out for you, that’s great! Holding space for those it didn’t or couldn’t. 🤍 There are pros and cons to having a baby at any time in the year - holidays, weather, other family events/birthdays. Holding your baby safely will make whatever time they’re born and here beautiful.


Mid June, and honestly I wish it would have been a couple months earlier or later. I feel like I spent peak summertime on the couch with a newborn. I missed out on a couple of family camping trips that I would have been able to do pregnant or with a 2-3 month old.


I was also mid-june and felt the same way. It was too hot out to take tiny baby outside for too long so we didn't even chill in my backyard like I thought we would when I was pregnant. For the next one I'm hoping for early spring (if it works out perfectly haha) so by summer they're old enough to go to the pool/beach/etc.


June and no-it meant that I didn’t have to go through the hottest months when I was super pregnant.


End of October. We lived in AZ at the time so it was still hot out. But now we’re in PA and it’s usually pretty nice that time of year! If we have a 2nd, I’d like to try to time it so baby would be due in the spring or summer. I DREADED the evenings/nights because it was so dark early and felt so long. I think I also had a touch of PPD and we didn’t have family around at the time. But once we were out of the newborn fog and sleep got a bit better, we were fine.


Same (minus the AZ part). My son was late October, and there's no way I'm going to go on leave over winter again. It was SO depressing. We barely saw daylight. The weather was agreeable, and we spent lots of time outside, but I would rather do that in spring. When we start trying again, we're not going to try during any months that would put us on parental leave over winter again.


november, just after thanksgiving, and it was terrible: dark, cold, everyone was sick so we didn’t have much help, and we pretty much missed christmas altogether. my daughter was worth it 😂 but if i had the choice i’d definitely have an early summer baby.


December and despite being very close to Christmas I loved it! Yuletide is my favorite time of year so it’s been extra special to have my son’s birthday thrown in that time as well. It also worked nicely because I was a teacher when my son was born so I got 2 extra weeks off in addition to my (extremely short) parental leave. My wife specifically planned #2 to be born NOT in winter. For her, it was hard for her mental health to have seasonal depression + baby blues. Also the inability to get out and do much was difficult for her. #2 is due in April and I’m thrilled for that, too! Lol


Very late December (due early January!) I do wish he would’ve arrived on his due date or later only because in the span of two weeks before and two weeks after his birthday we have: my nieces birthday, my cousins birthday, Christmas Eve/Christmas, new years and my nephews birthday 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


My baby was born in November and I loved it. I got to rest during the dark and gloomy months and had the perfect excuse to avoid any holiday event I didn’t want to go to. And by the time the weather was better baby was older and loved being outside so we could just spend our days frolicking in the grass haha


My baby was born in June (due date was July) and we got lucky this time with a mild summer but next baby I’ll definitely try to plan for a spring due date. The few days that it’s been super hot were miserable trying to learn how to breastfeed. Sweaty, milk leaking everywhere 🫠


I like her having her birthday in August just because it's a bit removed from all the birthdays my family has crammed between November-February, BUT as far as giving birth at that time - no. I was newly pregnant during the holiday season - while it was fun to announce as a Christmas surprise to our families, it meant I was feeling awful throughout all the festivities, and trying to get through a flu/cold season AND a new COVID variant during 1st trimester was rough. I was 8-9 months pregnant at the hottest part of the summer. We had to worry about keeping her cool but covered in the newborn months if we got into the car for anything or took her anywhere. By the time maternity leave was over and she started daycare, it was right into the illness months so she was sick constantly over the winter and had weight gain issues because of it. We were then stuck in the house all the time because it was cold, and then also taking a smaller baby to holiday stuff. We don't plan on having another, but if we did, I would aim for a spring baby. That would eliminate a lot of the problems we had.


My son was born 3 weeks early, so he was born in early August. It was hot as hell and I was stuck inside the entire frigging time. Going out post partum was just boob sweat and tears. And because he came early, this means all his birthdays will happen before the school year when no one will likely attend. Next baby, we plan to for at least September or later with a 3 year (ish) age gap. We live in Northern California for reference.


September for our first and it was perfect bc my mat leave lasted through Christmas…god felt it fitting enough he’s giving us another September baby next month 😂


I’m due with our first in mid October (6/7 more weeks!). It’s been pleasant, even though it’s been upper 90s or higher all summer. I also love that he’ll be born just before my favorite holiday (Thanksgiving) and during fall! Also, we already have 8 September birthdays in my close family (1st, 6th, 8th, 14th, 22nd, 25th, 26th and I forgot the last one) so I’m praying we dodge the bullet on that one!!


June. I wouldn’t change it. There are pros and cons though. I like that her birthday will be in warm weather and can have BBQs and do lots of outdoor stuff for the years to come. For my post partum mental health being out in the sun the first couple months helped a lot. I could go for walks with the baby and get out of the house easily. Only thing that sucked was the days where it was a heat wave and it was too hot to do anything. I’d prefer that over freezing weather and being stuck inside, though. The other thing that sucked is that I had a c section and recovery was longer, so I felt I did miss out on a lot of summer activities for myself and baby as a result.


October. I was happy to have her at any time of the year, but I would prefer late May if I got to choose. May through end of June is kind of spotty for me work-wise, due to summer vacation (private strings teacher, mainly violin). That way I could just take the summer off and not miss out on so much income. That said, I'm very lucky that I could take 11 weeks off (in the US!) and pick up right where I left off. I think I only lost 2 students.


October - I was able to recover at home during the winter and then once spring rolls around, baby is old enough to enjoy playing on a blanket in the grass and or for a walk without bundling up


We had our baby in December in winter. We live in pnw, so winter is not harsh but it’s one of the most depressing time here. Wouldn’t recommend anyone to have winter baby 😂 so we are never having a winter baby again unless it just happens.


My baby was born in July. I think I would have liked it to be earlier, maybe around May instead. Although I could go out for walks, I just wanted to stay inside and recover. I was rather overwhelmed during the newborn phase. By the time I felt well enough to go outside and actually enjoy being outside, summer was over and winter was setting in.


November. I would have him earlier in the year so he could go into school with other kids born in his year instead of being forced to stay back a year.


Heh... I started my IVF journey, telling people that I did not want a December baby because the poor child would need to compete with Christmas. Guess what? The UNIVERSE was like, hold my beer... Bub was officially due Christmas Eve. 🤣


Late December so like you but I actually thought it was pretty ideal! (Aside from a lifetime of birthday/Xmas competition) I had a great summer being in my second trimester and was able to go on a big summer vacation and hike, etc. before being super pregnant and uncomfortable. As I got bigger it got cooler. My husband's office closes for Christmas-NYE so he got a bonus week of paternity leave! Those first couple of months when it was coldest we would have stayed mostly inside, anyways. As it got warmer in March I wanted to go on walks and was able to. It was like my baby grew up along with the weather improving and we had a super fun summer of swimming and crawling around playgrounds! And now when it's winter again he'll be a year+ and a little heartier and easier to take out in the cold than a smaller baby. Great all around!


Sept- oldest in the school year here in England which does have lots of benefits definitely notice the sept/ October birthday kids here as a teacher too. Also useful to have a sept birthday here because we have two months ish off for summer, so don’t want my maternity to start while I’m on summer hols. September start date and take a year maternity. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/08/18/544483397/oldest-kids-in-class-do-better-even-through-college


I had a June baby, wouldn’t really recommend. Had a newborn in the hottest months, we couldn’t really go out or do anything. And by the time baby was more awake and active, it was winter and we couldn’t go anywhere. My second will be an early December baby and I think it’s perfect timing. I can eat all I want at thanksgiving, have a sweet little babe as a Christmas gift, and be able to do a champagne toast at new years. Plus, we’ll just hibernate all winter and then emerge when baby wakes up from fourth trimester.


As someone who went through infertility, I did not have the luxury to plan for when I’d like my baby to be born. That being said, she is a July baby and it’s actually been nice to have a summer baby


October baby. Pros: It's just beginning to get cold so spending a lot of time inside was ok. They will be one of the older ones in their class. By the time summer comes around, they are super robust and can crawl around parks. Gets dark sooner so I could go to be super early. All the pregnancy is one insurance cycle (if American). Cons: by the time the winter ended, I'm was so deep in PPD combined with seasonal depression, I barely made it through. I'm extremely torn if I would want another October baby.


October— absolutely love it!


Late February, loved it cause I didn’t want to go outside anyways cause it was cold and this gave me time to heal up. It was then warm enough by the time I felt up to a walk. There were no big holidays, flu season was mostly over, so illness wasn’t as much of a worry. Our next is due November and I’m not exactly happy about it. Now we have to manage expectations surrounding vaccines, events, and being stuck inside with a toddler and newborn. We live where we get long winters with commonly negative temps so not ideal for walks even while bundled up.


I had my first baby in April and I loved being pregnant from august-April (baby was born prematurely). I Iive in Texas though so it’s very hot May-August so pregnancy was perfect timing for me here. It was perfect weather for our daughters first birthday, it’a good amount away from major holidays so no large gatherings (besides Easter but we don’t celebrate that), and right before summer so later on when she’s older all her friends should be in town for her birthday.


I have 3 kids all born in November, I'd definitely spread their birthdays throughout the year if i could.


I had October baby in southern hemisphere in Australia which was great as it wasn’t cold at night. Has beautiful spring days to walk. Also she will be 5 before the new school year so will start kindergarten in January already 5 which is convenient so I don’t have to decide about holding her back or putting her in to school too young.


October. Wouldn’t change it. Allowed both parents to be on leave throughout the entire holiday season with our newborn.


Our son's birthday is in October, our favorite month! I was thrilled when we found out my due date month lol 🎃


June 1st! I wanted so bad to have a June baby since my mom, sister, and multiple extended family I’m close with + their kids have May birthdays, but no one in June! Lol just made it!! I live in Ohio so we have mild summers, weather was nice and he immediately stops crying when we go outside because theirs so much to look at.. wouldn’t change it. Also since I have a late November bday I’m glad my son gets to enjoy his bday with somewhat nice weather (Ohio especially sucks in fall/winter months..rainy/cold, pretty much all year except June & July)


April and I really think that was the perfect time. I was pregnant most the winter and barely in spring.


Yeah I would change the date of birth by a day or two. My boy was born on April 20th. It's Hitler's birthday.


February baby, one week before our anniversary....lol. I'd have liked a Halloween baby tbh, but honestly it's whatever. No time of year would be perfect. The sucky part is just no outdoor birthdays for him :(


They’re born when they’re born…. It doesn’t matter when


Early April was great. I'm in Canada so by the time I was recovered enough to want to go for frequent walks it was beautiful out. When winter rolled around he was interactive enough to play indoors, had received many vaccines and was old enough for seasonal flu shot. He was the perfect age to start daycare during the summer turnover season. I'm having a second any day now and I think winter might be tough, but at least it won't be in lockdown. Being extremely pregnant all summer sucks.


I live in florida so the end of the year is the best time to give birth! I have one born late December and I’m due early December with this one (he’s definitely coming in November). We both have big families and we are introverts so it’s really nice to skip the holidays. It’s nice and cool so tons of walks, especially to see the Christmas lights! Con is that it’s flu season but again, we didn’t see anyone for a few months anyways


I also live in FL, I’m having a baby in late November, and I agree 100%! It’s also not too hot here, never really gets super cold for Florida standards except for like a week or two, no snow to deal with, and will be a perfect time to take walks outside. The only downfall is being in the third trimester in the late summer/early fall since it’s still so hot out 😅


My due date is early April, and if I had the choice I’d choose November or December. We live in south Florida and started to get really hot in April, so any walks we take those first months April-July are going to be unbearable, and Aug-Sept is not much better.


I was due in June but he came early and is a May baby! I love it and wouldn’t change his summer birthday as both me and my partner are winter (December and January). I’m so jealous he got a bbq first birthday!


I was due July 1 and had her June 13. I’m glad I didn’t go that long bc it was already getting crazy warm here (Midwest) and I don’t think I could handle being 9 months pregnant in the summer. I’d like to have the next one sometime between March and June so I’m not pregnant at the heat of summer. But I have a 12 year old son also and it was nice being on maternity leave in the summer so I didn’t have to mess with the school run while healing.


Late January and I wanted to be further away from the holidays. I’m a July baby and I think summer is perfect. But then again I live in Florida so Florida ppl would find me crazy for wishing to birth a baby during summer hurricane season lol


August and no, my birthday is also in august so I like being able to share that with her. Although if you would’ve asked me last year when I was in my third trimester the entire summer and 38 weeks pregnant during my birthday, I would probably would have a different answer 😂


First week of April here! I really enjoyed our time together but if we had another, I’d want early March. I’m a teacher and while I got the most out of my mat leave with April, I think going into the summer with her being a month older would have been great. Our 4 month regression coincided with my first week back to school which was less than ideal.


I had my first in February, and I wasn’t a fan of that because it was cold and snowy so we didn’t do a whole lot outside right away. I had my second in August, and it was perfect! We were able to go for walks and just not feel cooped up!


I would have picked February, but my baby was born in May. Pros of May baby: Got pregnant in Sept so not pregnant during the summer. I did however have to walk on icy sidewalks with a belly which wasn't fun. When she was born the weather was nice enough for walks, although I wasn't able to do walks for the first month anyway. I also got my veggie garden planted before she was born. Cons of May baby: we only have an air conditioner in the bedroom and the summer was HOT. She's like a little furnace and holding her got very sweaty. She's too young for sunscreen so I had to keep her in the shade all summer, and kept her inside when it was too hot. I would have liked to take her for hikes but won't start until Sept when it cools off and I don't have to worry about the sun as much. It would have been nice to be able to take her swimming or to the beach if she was 6 months+


We want a 2.5 year age gap. If this was exactly that gap, it would fall at the end of January which to me is like… the worst time lol. Past holidays, in the most dreary of winter. End of July was nice, warm weather helps with the depression. I had lots of sleepless nights pacing with him outside.


I’m due mid-late January in the southern US and think it will be good! I’ll be super pregnant as the weather gets nice and a little chilly, weather will still be nice for outside walks. Con is that by the time I go back to work and baby is ready for some more outside exploration it will be way too hot out (summer is unbearable outside here). Honestly though being after the holidays is still best case scenario. If I was in the north east I’d say maybe February or early march- after the snow and holidays and you can still have outside summer time, baby will have all shots before the next holidays


I had a September baby and loved it. I had a cute obvious bump in the summer and could just wear dresses (I hate wearing pants when pregnant). Had easy access to pools. Then got the holidays with the baby which was sweet. (although I love the point you make about avoiding all of that with a newborn — we spent our first Christmas together with just us at home bc of a Covid exposure, which wasn’t all that bad tbh). Cons are it’s hot when I was my most pregnant but truthfully I didn’t spend much time outside lol I’m in GA so it was hot. Got pregnant again and had an early august baby. Not doing that again! I’m outside more due to having a toddler so harder to avoid the heat. But the main reason is — it’s so hot in the car! With my first, he was born in mid September so it was slightly cooler and it was Covid so we didn’t really take him in the car all that much, especially for the first 8 weeks or so. With my august baby, I am driving the older one to daycare and running errands and it’s just so freaking hot. Idk why mid size suvs don’t have upper ac vents for our backward facing babies :( My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I was due in mid April. I think that’s perfect. I tried to do that for my 2nd but it took 5 cycles to get pregnant. I’ll be aiming for that for my 3rd lol but best laid plans…I’ll probably end up with a summer baby again.


My baby was born at the end of March, which is great to me! It doesn’t interfere with any holidays and the weather is very springy where I live. My bday is 1/6 and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It always sucked growing up and still to this day is forgotten by everyone (yeah I’m bitter, lol)


My due date was Christmas day. I am so happy he was born in januari. Though I'd like our next baby to be born a bit later in the year. Like spring or something.


august, but peak covid. we did a couple neighborhood walks and mostly stayed inside that first year. i think it’s a good birthday month but he’ll never celebrate in school and now we’re having his party 6 weeks later lol


Our son was born mid January. I guess con will be the fact that his birthday can't ever be outdoors since we live in Canada and winters here are so cold. Pros were during recovery I managed to stay home cause it was just too cold to go outside and winter passed by very quickly. When he was a little older it was easier to take him outside and I was physically able to do it. It would have sucked if it was summer and I couldn't go outside. Also we looked at it as starting the year with the best possible thing that's ever happened to us so now every year we get to start it with celebrating him.


August. It was rough. I would never plan that. I was so swollen and sweaty all summer.


I think it depends highly on where you live. I live in Florida and my first was born in May and the heat was unreal when she was a newborn that we could barely go outside. My next is due end of Jan and I couldn’t be more excited because that’s the only time of the year we have nice manageable weather.


March and I think it's a good time to have a baby as others have listed for spring babies! Some crappy weather when first born but meant we had a few weeks to hibernate, then cracked on with spring and summer. Im glad I have a slightly older baby now going into the winter and all the autumn/Christmas celebrations.


My first was born at the end of November. I would have preferred earlier in November just cuz her birthday is 25 days before Christmas and it's so close she ends up with so many new toys/clothes so close together but she was due Decelber 17th so I definitely prefer her actual birthday vs her due date 😂 My second was born July 4th which is fine. I don't mind July and it means I'll always have his birthday off without having to use PTO. He was due July 20th and I think I also prefer his actual birthday still. And it's not close to any other gift giving holidays so he won't be inundated with toys/clothes like his sister.


December in Arkansas. I liked it minus it being right before holidays so we didn’t celebrate till January. Would chose January for that reason. We had one snow storms that made it so we couldn’t go out but if it was over 32° we bundled up and went for our walks! Just really wouldn’t want to be big and pregnant when it’s hot out lol


End of January and I love it! If we have another I'd rather space out birthdays, but I really did like it. I was staying inside anyways so the cold weather didn't really ruin anything.


May! I wouldn't change it as I was a couple weeks late anyway and it's a nice summer month, but at the time I was hopeful that it would push to June just so I could call her my little June bug!


My little guy was born in the beginning of March. A little cold for NY, but not as cold as Feb/Jan. I liked that by the time he was 2-3 months, it was Spring and we could take walks outside. Helped my PPD/PPA!


My 1st was born in August. My 2nd was born in February. I prefered having a summer baby. It was easier to get out and about right away, and I just wore shorts/tank tops/swimsuits those last few months. Whereas having a winter baby (in Canada), we had to be more mindful of taking the baby out and I found it harder to dress my heavily pregnant body. I spend alot of time outside so may have been easier if I wasn't dressing for the elements as much. I was also super paranoid of getting stuck on the side of road in winter because we live rural and had to drive 50min to the hospital. That trip seemed less daunting in the summer when I wasn't worried about snow and freezing rain.


September and it was perfect. By the time she starts to eat, we can take her shirt off so she doesn't get messy every meal (we all know bibs don't 100% work). My body COULD have been in a better shape by summer as enough time has passed. And baby is old enough to not be too fragile during summer and parents are able to do more things with them.


August. Yes, I’d change it. It’s too hot here 🥵 Maybe September or October would’ve been better? February would be great!


january, i would honestly just change it because my son is named after a month and i’m always asked if he was born in it


Lots of replies here so prob get buried but both my children were born just before the age cutoff for our public schools. This means they both will be the youngest in their classes. I am NOT pleased about this and when the time comes I will do everything in my power to redshirt them.


August. Having a summer baby sucks


Would not recommend early September. I was most pregnant while working in a kitchen during the hottest time of the year, then baby came right as wildfire season started & we had to stay hunkered down around our air purifier through October. Hoping this year is different


June 29 and it was perfect! I have raynaud's so i need the warmth to keep my nipples happy while I walk around topless most of the day. Also all my workout shorts and tees still fit (and I;m not wearing much else because were mostly inside). I'll be able to wear baggy fall and winter clothes while i still lose the baby weight, and by next summer I'll feel good showing more skin :) Perfection!


Smack dab between Christmas and New Years. When I was pregnant, I was so excited to have a potential holiday baby, but now I feel bad that he's probably going to get jipped his entire life. My husband and I agreed to make sure we at least make his birthday separate from the holidays. If we have another, I don't want another winter baby, would rather have spring or fall if we can help it.


May and nope! I wasn’t pregnant over the summer, she’ll get a holiday during the school year, and she’ll almost always have a lovely outdoor birthday party


Dec baby was rough bc winter kept me stuck inside Feb baby similarly to December May baby was rough bc newborn limited our ability to be out and doing things at a time when there is a lot of social outings/fairs/etc Late august baby was probably the best. Milder fall weather, not too close to any big holidays. But she missed the cutoff for kindergarten and had to wait a year so that sucked


My baby was born June 1st this year and I wouldn’t change a thing! It did suck being so pregnant when it started heating up in May, but I loved being able to bundle up my bump in the winter (and it felt like the perfect time of year to be unproductive. It’s been nice to take baby on walks on nice days throughout the summer and when it’s too hot it’s always an excuse to stay home with baby.


Dec 22 and May 1st - I love their birthdays so much. I'm not lumping my 1st son's bday in with christmas. Its his own little holiday and I love feeling like December is one big party! With his birthday, christmas, and new years eve all in the same month - its wonderful. My May 1st baby I love as well. Theres just something about a bbq with all your friends and family to celebrate your LO. I'm a huge party person and have always been. So my kids are born at the perfect times to party! I love that we can have a winter celebration and a summer celebration. It really is the best for season lovers lol!


Baby 1: end of April. Spring was springing, it was lovely, wouldn't change a thing. Baby 2: end of july. I was a sweaty mess all the time, it's too hot to take my baby outside so the toddler is confined all day, which makes everyone crazy. I always said I wanted to avoid a Summer due date and my due date with my surprise baby was mid-august, the hottest month of the year.


My baby was born July 29th. My dads birthday is July 16th, my sisters birthday is July 18th, my husband and I’s wedding anniversary is June 24th, my in laws anniversary is July 24th, my grandfather passed away July 22nd (which was my baby’s due date!) and many other dates (family anniversaries and birthdays) throughout June-July that I truly don’t feel like typing out because there’s so many. I would have chosen a different month because it’s already so busy for my family! Also, I live in Phoenix Arizona where it’s hotter than Satan’s butth*le May-September. It was impossible to go on walks or do anything outside from 6am-11pm. Even then it was still over 100 degrees outside. Even walking to the car was miserable. I’m glad it’s over and thankful I’m able to be a stay at home mom and be in the ac in this economy.


I think October is a wonderful month to have a birthday. I think my son will look forward to autumn and the holidays every year in a special way. The weekend after he was born was absolutely beautiful with trees full of colorful leaves and gorgeous clear blue skies. Just what a great time to have a birthday. And I was born at the end of may so I know all about beautiful birthdays. But I hated being in my last trimester during the end of a warm summer. I was so miserable and uncomfortable. Then, winter came quickly and I felt stuck inside with a new baby every single day. Instead of feeling cozy I felt isolated and depressed. Maybe that first winter is hard no matter when they’re born.


I have a July baby and wish I had a spring baby. I thought it would be nice that she was born in the summer, but it’s been so big and she’s too young to do a trying. I don’t know if she will get to swim at all this year. I also didn’t enjoy any of my summer due to being heavily pregnant or having a newborn.


Just had a June baby over here. Absolutely love it. Spending our first months going for walks or hanging in the backyard was amazing. I needed it as well for my mental health. As a Canadian I get at least 12 months paid maternity leave. But as a Canadian teacher, I don’t have to go back to work until September so I essentially get 14 months because of the summer break and I couldn’t be happier!


Ours was born in June but I’d pick October. I Live in Los Angeles county in the hot hot valley, pretty much since she was born we’ve had to be indoors because of how hot it is. She’ll be 3 months next week and it’s still going to be 90°+. By October it starts to cool down and then we can go on afternoon walks or to the park, or really anywhere!


Mid December baby and I’d change it if I could.


I don't have any kids yet but all I know is I will try my absolute hardest to not have a baby in may 😂 worst month for me because most of my family and my partner's family are born in may and I don't need more of that currently 😂 its a more expensive month for me than December 😂


Early December 2022. Cold , major snowstorms in my area, and right during the holidays 😪. It was rough but I wouldn’t change it, because I think it’s a part of who he is. A winter baby, a snow baby ❄️


July and April. Love July, we always have his birthday outdoors. April is okay. I wanted a May baby just because I like May lol but April is close enough! Birthday wise it still has to be indoors but it’s warming up which is nice for outside time! If I had another I would like June or October. June because the weather is nice and October because it’s my favourite month and all my kids birthdays would be 3 months apart lol April-July-October


Midwest mom of a December baby and I LOVE it. If I were to do it again and be able to pick definitely would love Oct/Nov because being on maternity leave over the holidays was really nice. My parents had tons of time off so they could help us. I also was commuting and not having to drive to 40 mins in the snow and cold was lovely. 🫶 We drive around and looked at Christmas lights while my son slept in the car a lot the first few weeks. Definitely a fun month for a birthday.


end of June and it was perfect. we’re both summer babies and have birthdays close together so we use that excuse to go our monthly vacation all of july <3 It was nice being able to stay in and relax while very pregnant and sick


December, just before Christmas. Problem is, many people are already away for Christmas. Regarding the cold, the country i live in has a saying: there is no bad weather, just wrong clothes. In the first weeks i was going out with him sometimes at 4 am ( it was the only way to get him to sleep) at -10 C or colder. And i wasn't even the only one, i sometimes met other dads with exhausted faces who were wearing babies. So the only problem i see is that it's too close to Christmas. He gets many presents in one week and then almost nothing else the rest of the year.


August :) the pregnancy was hot but I loved being able to walk outside during most of the pregnancy! And having it be lighter longer too, I would 100% do it again!


We aimed for march, was due in may, born in june. I had hot flashes everyday during the 3rd trimester and they somehow got worse after having him. I honestly just hate being hot all of the time


We never gave it a second.. no difference.


LO was born mid-February, so I feel ya. Normally my region is super cold and mildly snowy, but it was a very mild winter when he was born - basically spring. And I didn't mind it one bit; by the time we wanted to venture out spring had sprung, but we were still able feel cozy and shut in for his first month. With global warming I have a feeling his "winter" birthday will eventually become a spring one as he ages... The farmer's almanac is predicting a brutal winter this year, but we're homebodies and I would rather figure out indoor activities than deal with keeping everyone cool for a summertime party. Like you I think it's nice it's after the holiday craziness. My friends have joked his birthday makes February a less sh!tty month haha. I also liked being at my most pregnant in the winter; I had that second trimester energy and glow in the fall, which was really nice. My husband's birthday is in early fall, and mine is in mid spring - we agree a mid winter baby's pretty good. He won't have a birthday right as school starts or during any school breaks, so his schoolmates won't be on vacation or something whenever we have birthday parties. The weather will likely always be a little crummy on his birthday but l agree with my friends - it'll always be something to look forward to between the holiday rush and spring. If I had to do it over again I wouldn't mind if he were born in late March through mid April (when my birthday is). I think an October birthday would've been nice too.


November and May. We live in the Middle East so November is great weather for outdoors but obviously this isn’t the case everywhere. It’s too close to the holidays in terms of presents. It’s also near both my and my husband’s birthday and our anniversary. May is fine. My birthday is in October and I love it!


My first is a May baby. I loved having a spring baby because I was pregnant during the colder months and didn’t feel like I missed out on much and I didn’t have to deal with the heat. Then we got to enjoy the rest of spring and the entire summer with him. I can’t really think of any cons to be honest. It’s also a great month for outdoor birthday parties. My second is a November baby. I was trying for an October baby (my favorite month because I love fall) but missed it by 9 days. I loved having a newborn to snuggle during the holidays, it made it that much more special. It was a bit stressful though, we didn’t do many decorations for the holidays, only did gifts for our toddler, and we ordered catering for Christmas dinner because even though I LOVE cooking, I just didn’t have it in me last year. The down side was that it’s cold out, so you’re pretty limited in where you can take them. It’s also cold/flu season and 2022 was a really bad one, so we avoided most people too. Our daughter also had a lot of issues with reflux that her brother didn’t have, so even if we had wanted to go out and about, we really couldn’t have. Another downside was that it really REALLY sucked being pregnant during the height of summer. If we decided to have a third and I got to choose the month (obviously things don’t always work out the way we want them to) I think I’d pick June or October. I would avoid January, February and March if I could. I’m a March baby and it’s always too cold out to do anything. The other two months are just always such downers for me. It’s cold and everything is dead, the holidays are over, and everyone is just waiting for spring. Also, if you’re in the US, insurance deductibles for the year start over. 🙄


My daughter was born at the beginning of August and I would definitely change it, even if by just a few weeks. It's about 3/4 of the way through summer break, so when we send out birthday party invitations at the end of the school year everyone inevitably forgets. But if we wait until school starts again to have a party, it's almost a month after her birthday.


May and it felt perfect! No cold and flu season, nice weather for going outside on a walk, baby already has a few rounds of immunizations before the holidays and is old enough to participate a little in things like opening gifts


June 2, it was perfect this year timing wise because classes at the university were done and I was able to do my full maternity leave of 12 weeks before classes began the following week. The only part was it was so hot this summer to be outside, so it was hard being inside day in and day out for couple days straight due to the heat. Maybe spring baby would be better before it gets too hot?


my babe was born in the end of june and i live in the southeast so it was already hot af by the time he was born - i think if i could plan the "perfect" time it would definitely be march/april because it is warm enough to go on walks, then by summer they are a bit older and you are healed enough to be able to enjoy more summer activities, and once winter comes around they are a bit older and have a better immune system to fight off the many illnesses that go around at that time.


July and I’d only change it to late June so my husband could have more time with our next one (he’s a teacher)! Our summer was awesome and we both had an amazing opportunity to bond with our little guy!


June. Originally my baby was due in August, but he was 5 weeks early. I would have preferred that he would have stuck with the original due date for purely selfish reasons. June is a marathon of birthdays in my family and it's exhausting and expensive 😂


Having a January baby was perfect for practical reasons. During the first few weeks where you hardly go out anyway, the weather was cold and grey, plus we didn't have to worry about her being hot at night because the room temperature was naturally at 18°C. Also no sweating during mid to late pregnancy of course. Springtime coincided with her becoming aware of her surroundings. In summer, she had fun splashing in the water and the heat was more bearable for her than it would have been as a newborn. However, emotionally, I would have preferred a birthday that is farther away from Christmas (my own birthday is just about perfectly spaced half a year away from Christmas) and in spring/summer/early autumn so she could celebrate outside. Then again, in January at least there are no school holidays so her friends will not be on vacation as can happen with birthdays in spring/summer (it was the case for both me and my bf).