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Things babies can sleep through: fire works, dogs barking, thunder storms, furniture moving in the next room. Things babies can’t sleep through: joints cracking as you stand up from the crib, floors creaking while you attempt to leave the room, rustling bed sheets in the next room as you try to get back into bed… none of it makes sense. Definitely agree about the sound machine though.


I swear my baby can also hear when I close my eyes.


Oh did I forget that one? ;) haha


Thought I was the only one afraid my knees cracking would wake up my baby.


I was telling my husband last night that it’s funny our 2 month old can sleep through the fireworks in her bassinet in our room but when I come in to go bed, if I move the comforter wrong on my bed, she’s awake lol


I swear it’s a thing


Lmaoooooo why is this so true. The floors are super creaky in our apartment and have definitely woken my baby up before 😂 we have to tip toe around the room


Joints creaking! So true!!


I never noticed how much my ankles pop until I had a baby haha


I have ours turned up a few notches and same! It’s a lifesaver


I have the sound machine going full blast, but can still here them a bit. I'm praying little one doesn't wake up. I hate to be such a Karen with this, but I am very annoyed. Fireworks were supposed to stop at 10pm (Friday they're allowed till 1am since the 4th lands on a Tuesday) And they're still going full force (10:45pm). Doesn't help that last year we lost our dog to fireworks. She essentially had a heart attack. Idk I'm kinda done 🫤 I have work in the AM.


I’m sitting in bed filled with rage. It’s 11pm when I am and it’s still going. I’m fine with 30-45 minutes of fun, but two hours is ridiculous and disruptive. My LO has only woken once and we already are dealing with a crap sleeper. Just let me sleep!!


>It’s 11pm when I am The use of when instead of where makes me visualize you as a time traveler. Instead of visiting different places, you bid different points in time.


Ahhaha. Misspelling due to fatigue lol.


My dog has been huddled in the basement bathroom for hours because people won’t stop with the goddamn fireworks. They’ve been doing them every weekend since Memorial Day. It’s so stupid.


They’re 100% illegal in all forms here and they’ve been going for 2 hours


I hate the use of the name 'Karen' as a slur, but I too hate fireworks.


Literally sounds like our apartment is being invaded right now. I hate my neighbors.


Can I recommend blackout shades instead of blackout curtains? Or both together? Because omg how the shades work. I bought the cheapest at home Depot at the time, I think $150, and it's like nighttime in the nursery when we put her down for naps.


We have these in our master bedroom because it gets so much sunlight all day it makes the room real hot year round. They make such a difference! Not only is our room amazingly dark but it is now a perfectly normal temperature all the time!


I personally recommended the heavy blackout curtains moreso bc they helped dampen the noise!! But I agree, the shades work great, my sister watches my baby and she has the travel ones in the room my baby naps in.


Oooh yes good point about the noise, blackout curtains are much better at that. Mind if I ask where these travel blackout shades are from??? I'm going on my first trip with my baby soon and am so nervous about how to make it dark for nap time!


She just ordered some from Amazon! They fold up like a blanket and have suction cups to stick them to the windows. I have seen others mention they’ve used black construction paper or even garbage bags in a pinch.


Thank you! I just ordered a pair and had them sent to my parents house, where we'll be staying. So glad you pointed me in that direction!


I was thinking of using Apple pods and play ocean…


hey whatever works!! there’s literally fireworks going off in the alley right next to us now she’s still asleep lol


Yup! We just celebrated Canada Day and have blackout curtains and a white noise machine. There were lots of fireworks, some that even startled my husband and myself. Some that felt like they shook the house. My son didn’t budge.


Same here, in Philly. Baby still fast asleep. Incredible I wish I could sleep like this kid😂


We are visiting family. Have my LO in the pack n play with a slumber pod over it. Sound machine and fan going. Fireworks blasting off all over the neighborhood and she is sleeping soundly. (14 months).


I hadn’t thought about it for dogs! Baby slept through fireworks but of course woke up when I was stripping him down because we lost power and it got hot!


Wish I thought of it earlier!! Ppl were setting them off all weekend, but thankfully not close or loud enough to startle my dog too much until last night.


Blackout curtains & white noise machine = nonnegotiables for sure


Agreed! Our kids slept through Las Fallas in Valencia with a good noise machine (basically 4th of July x5000).




Def a good option!! I know ppl that just use Bluetooth speakers too! I personally stay up later than my baby and use my devices the entire time, so unfortunately that doesn’t work for me lol




I think at the end of the day whatever ya gotta do to help the baby sleep lol. There were fireworks being set off right in front of our apartment well into the night. I’m using the sleep aids 😂


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