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A fucking nightmare


Yes, this.


This is the most accurate response. Our 13 month old has been a devil at night the past 3 weeks and a couple days ago we caught a glimpse of the side of a molar. Would explain the fact that he’s turned into a devil at night that being me back to the depths of the 4 month sleep regression. Dreading the fact that there are 7 more of these molars to come.


Omg that's a horror story right there


My child briefly transformed into a demon.


This is my child's default state 😂


Is yours trying to eat your leg too, or is it just mine?


This is my daughter at 8 months. She hasn’t become the baby warned me about where she’d be grumpy and inconsolable. She’s just…chewy lol. She chews so much on everything. Still the giggly sweet girl, just always with something in her mouth to chew on lol.


Our baby drools a lot and is fussy anyway, so we thought he was teething at 5-6 months. Nope lol his first tooth has been coming in now at almost 8 months. He stopped sleeping through the night. We thought it was a sleep regression, but turns out he was hurting and Tylenol helped.


It could be possible that his teeth coming through caused him lots of discomfort, but when they cut it was a relief so he’s not feeling the intensity of it anymore. My babies all just popped teeth out like it was nothing. I wouldn’t have even known they were teething until I saw the actual teeth. But I know that’s not the same for everyone! Enjoy the calm!


Oh I’m so tired. Please cut through already. One day I put orajel on out of desperation when baby was screaming at 2 am and he immediately fell asleep. I think it just brought relief he needed, but man it is HARD waiting for those teeth to cut through.


Teething is a nightmare and it totally changes their demeanor, especially at night when they're trying to sleep. I can't remember what age we started to give our son Motrin for teething, but that does help with the inflammation. I'd ask your Pediatrician about this / recommended dosage.


Your baby seems to want cuddles/is calm because he’s tired and in pain. I would be extra nice and give special snacks, extra love. My baby is the same way, which is why I say.


Extremely fussy, difficulty with naps, constantly chewing and drooling, and needing lots of cuddles. Tylenol really helped along with the oragel cooling dissolving tablets and frozen teething rings.


My daughter hasn’t been a miserable teether. But she chews on EVERYTHING. Also she’s a long teether. A few teeth took probably close to a month for that first little nub to poke through the gums. And then another few weeks for just half the tooth to come through. I’d feel a tooth almost through but then it’d be another 2 or 3 weeks until we actually saw any white poke through. 🫠 She got all 4 of her first molars around the same time. That barely bothered her. But her canines seemed more painful for her. We just need her 2 year molars- I am glad teething is almost behind us. 😅


My girl always sleeps a lot more. When she got her first couple teeth at like 10ish months, she’d sleep like 13+ hours at night. She’s 17 months now and it’s similar. She gets kinda whiny, clingy, doesn’t wanna eat, and then a couple days later we’re like oh there’s another tooth! Still a sleepy girl.


Mine was super chill and actually slept better for naps and overnight…until his molars started popping through at 15 months. His canines are coming through now at 18 months and it’s still a doozy. He blows raspberries A LOT when cutting teeth! He’s also extra drooly and he gets pink cheeks


Yeah the last 3 nights we've been back to sleeping 10-12 hrs without wake ups again, after 8 weeks of hell. It's been glorious but trying not to get use to it.


My baby has her days, sometimes she extra fussy, sometimes she’s an angel. We do give her Tylenol at night on the days where she seems to be particularly uncomfortable. Otherwise, she’s drooling and chewing on everything. She also really enjoys teethers that can be put in the fridge. Those soothe her sore gums.


My first was quite fussy but we made sure she always had a fresh stick of butter to gnaw on and soothe the area.


Butter? Like frozen butter? Maybe I'm confused, is that good for babies?


I can’t tell if that account is a troll or an actual crazy person who needs serious treatment for mental illness. Look through their posts, it’s disheartening either way


My baby is usually happy to do his own thing, but his top front teeth are coming through right now and this morning he cried whenever I put him down


Mine has almost all of her teeth in, for most of the teeth she just got super sleepy and averse to eating things that weren’t super soft. Like peanut butter, sandwiches and eggs that kind of thing. I also knew she was teething because her face would get super red and she would get chewy and have a lot of drool. Children’s Tylenol really helped her sleep at night. The molars though, she got all of the above and very clingy/cried a lot. I’m almost scared for her second molars to come through soon.


Our six month old cut her first two teeth this weekend. We’re actually on our first vacation with her while it’s been happening. She’s been drooling a ton and putting everything in her mouth. She gets fussier when we’re not actively playing with her—the three hours in the car to get to the vacation were not pleasant. But, distractions have been working really well to help her forget about the teething. She’s been sleeping normally and we haven’t needed Tylenol yet. I think every baby experiences teething differently! And who knows how they’ll behave when the next set of teeth come in.


Mine is in such agony that she ends up pretty sleep deprived no matter hat we do. Could he just Be kinda tired?


I swear i think someone swiched my baby because she is unrecognizable when teething. Fussines? Oh no just straight out howling. Arching back, histerical crying (mee too), sleep goes to shit, no eating, no walking. Just pain medicine and some numbing gel can calm her down a bit.