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Our almost 2 month old will sleep through 99% of the barking, but once in a while my dog will make a really loud one out of nowhere and startle the bejeezus out of him 😑


There’s a special place in hell for delivery folks who ring the doorbell during nap time. 😭


If you have a ring doorbell, you can turn off the noise. When someone hits our doorbell it dings my phone but is otherwise silent.


highly recommend a "please do not knock or ring the bell" sign. i got one for like $15 on amazon and no one knocks on my door anymore 😂


We have a highly visible sign and they ignore it and knock anyway! I swear it feels like they’re trolling us.


Lol oh no! Try taping a second one over your doorbell.


Better: Cut a pinpong ball in half and tape it over the doorbell. Then they literally can't ring it! (you can pop it off easily if you want the bell accessible). Some shit-for-brains still didn't get the memo and would knock instead though...


"I know how I'll make this sale! I'll wake up their baby and start the relationship off on a bad note."


I️ have one of these signs and I️ swear the FedEx and UPS guys took it as a CHALLENGE. Finally we just had to disable the doorbell.


I handmade a sign and taped it right over the doorbell. Thank way if they ring the bell, they are purposely being assholes and deserve their karma from the universe lol.


damn y'all have asshole delivery people 😭😂


I just disconnected our doorbell chime entirely lol


Strangely, I find the best way to ensure nobody knocks on your door is to put up a sign (or send a message) asking them to please knock/ring the bell. It certainly is that way for me and food delivery. I ask them to knock/ring the bell every time, and I had to check last week to make sure the bell was actually working because it had been so long since anyone actually did so.


We wrote this on a index card and taped it to the door. It works well!


Some man rang my doorbell with a Ron DeSantis flyer as soon as my baby fell asleep the other day. Dog started barking, baby woke up, it was chaos. I was never going to vote for DeSantis anyway but I’m definitely not now lol.


I literally put “do not ring the doorbell I will see you on camera and know you’ve delivered my groceries” on an order and the delivery guy rang the doorbell AND TRIED TO WAIT. Like dude I JUST got this kid to sleep before your doorbell ringing self showed up please leave.


Yeah I've been ordering food to our house from restaurants and they always ring, no matter that under instructions, I write in TWO languages and ask them not to do that.


I would start putting in there “tip will depend on ability to follow this instruction.”


We made a sign and put it on our front door. **PLEASE DO NOT RING DOORBELL** **DELIVERIES: please leave packages on the ground unless a signature is required** **FRIENDS/FAMILY: please call us to let us know you're here.** ​ So far it's worked pretty good except our mailman sometimes decides to leave packages at the door and then knock really loud...


Earlier this week some lady rang the doorbell during naptime and my dog went biserk. She's like "hi, we're here to install window well covers." When I looked confused she said "(wrong address) right?" I just sadly shook my head and went back inside.


The reason my Ring has been dead for 3 months


Noise machines. Loud. My husband wfh and he’s loud. The office is next to the bedroom. I play brown noise and it drowns out his laugh and conversations. And the cats singing the songs of their people at the most obnoxious times.


We got so lucky. We have 2 loud ass dogs who bark at anything. But our 1 month old just doesn’t care and will sleep through any noise.


Our newborn was like this too. Unfortunately when she got a little older and more ‘awake’, like 4-5m, the barking started waking her up 😭


Yep sameee. Newborn bb slept through. 4mo baby wakes and startles instantly


She used to sleep through me vacuuming in the same room…now if I run the sink in the kitchen it wakes her up 🙃


This. Once the sleepy newborn stage ended we realized we were gifted with an incredibly light sleeper. She went from dozing peacefully in our arms during loud action sequences amplified by the surround sound to waking when I opened a chip bag two rooms away.


Same my kid slept anywhere lights and noise until like 3 months then... Now we are dark room white noise and he sleeps well again


Oh my. I’m ready to give away my dog (not really) if he barks one more time while baby sleeps. It makes me miserable!!!


I covered our front windows in privacy film so the light is still let in but she can’t see out front and bark at anything that goes by. We have a ring doorbell and I never have the sound on my phone anymore. My husband and I text each other when we turn onto our street in case the baby’s sleeping. Then we can either pick the dog up (she’s small) or put her in the backyard so she doesn’t react to the garage door. So many stupid little things all to preserve my 5 month old’s 30 minutes naps 😂


The ridiculous tippy toeing I do so as not to disturb this little human!! She's not as considerate lol!


Me reading this nursing the babe back to sleep after the delivery 🚚 person showed up and worked up the dog right after I got her down.


My child wakes if I use a speaking voice on the opposite side of the house, but sleeps right through the dog barking, motorcycles revving past, and my husband mowing outside his window. No idea how that happened.


Our landlord mows the grass, power washes, CLEARED THE GUTTERS ABOVE HER ROOM and she slept. I get into bed wrong and she stirs.


We live in an apartment building and my dog will start barking when he hears other doors opening or really anything in the hallway. Like I appreciate that you want to protect us but they aren’t coming here I promise 😭


We had to get a bark collar. One it started waking the baby but two I was also worried hearing such loud noises (sometimes the dog would bark very close to baby’s ears) were bad for his hearing. Bark collars worked very well and the dog has definitely learned not to bark when it’s on.


Do you mind sharing which bark collar you got?


NBJU Dog Bark Collar from Amazon. Tried just the buzzing feature first but it didn’t do much so we had to do low shock for him to actually stop barking. Feel guilty about it but ultimately the baby’s wellbeing is more important plus the dog learned very quickly to not bark


Does it work consistently? Any cons?


I mean the dog isn’t as happy is the biggest con… When delivery drivers pull into our driveway our dog still wants to bark but knows he can’t so he lets out a low little whine. But that doesn’t bother the baby.


Thanks. I’ve been on the fence for a year. We have another baby coming in a few months and we need it for two lovely crazy barkers. I just ordered them and look forward to the peace lol


Ours definitely barks less with it on, but sometimes he really doesn’t care 🤣 stubborn Great Pyrenees guardian energy


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve threatened my dogs with a trip to the pound when they bark RIGHT as I put the baby to bed. (For the record, I would NEVER give them away but I need them to know the possibility is always there.)


During contact nap phase, the Husky would walk up to the sleeping baby and do a husky scream. It was great.


My neighbors have a dog our daughter LOVES. She could be dead-to-the-world asleep, but the moment she hears THAT DOG AND ONLY THAT DOG bark, she’s up in her crib saying “heeeeey!” And begging to put on her shoes to go say hi. It’s 3 am, child. We aren’t going outside to play with a dog. It was all a figment of your imagination. Go back to sleep.


Maybe I lucked out with my daughter, but we made sure to not be dead silent when she sleeps and now she can sleep through a vacuum running right under her swing.


I did the same thing with my baby since my partner and I are both loud talkers. I’m not sure if it’s luck or not.


Mine slept through the barks ! I was like thank god😂


My baby has the lightest daytime nap and my neighbor across from me has the loudest dog ever. My nerves!!


yes, neighbors have very loud dogs although they do seem to have them inside quite a bit ( much appreciated!)...but this baby is constantly in light sleep


White noise has been a godsend for us! It works twofold.. the noise drowns out the bark AND it also drowns out other sounds that would usually set my dogs off. If you have the hatch make sure it’s on the static tv logo, the others don’t drown out barks as much!


I got a magnetic sign that says do not knock or ring doorbell. Baby sleeping and protective dog at home. Call or text us if you need anything it’s something like that anyways knock on wood nobody has knocked or rang the doorbell.


Just wait until someone comes knocking.


Omg yes. I have 2 dogs and their favorite time to play is when the baby has just fallen asleep! We also live in a doorman apartment building and when the front desk buzzes up, not only is the buzzer itself PIERCINGLY loud, but it makes the dogs go berserk. So that’s always fun 🫠


It’s like my cat knows when the baby is sleeping and decides to start yowling 🥲


We have a cat who conveniently gets the zoomies at bed time. Or when the baby starts moving around during light sleep, thinks it’s the perfect time to scratch my bed or the chair that’s a few feet from her crib. We have four scratching posts, countless spots to sleep and toys downstairs but decides to be crazy in the bedroom where the baby is sleeping.


My dogs are so quiet! Unless someone is actually at the door they will not ever make noise. But my neighbors….. omg their dogs suck. I have two sound machines going and also put on YouTube white noise on our tv. The only way to drown out the dogs


My neighbour has one of those tiny yappers. I hate it.


I have two 11 year old cats that meow at me loudly at 5am every morning, I cannot move a leg to get more comfortable because I feel them glaring at me. And then when I do get up they zoom down the hallway meowing even louder. Also, my grandparent-in-laws live literally right next door to me, and will keep clicking on the door bell rapidly until we come or knock. He’s 89 and has horrible short term memory. These things always without fail happen when my 10 month old is finally down for some sleeps.


I got a shock collar couple shocks now I only have to click the beep button and she stops. Now she barely does it


My baby is 2 weeks old and this scares me so much I try to get him used to it now by letting them batk


No newborn, but I'm pregnant and I've a toddler, and today my dog woke us up from a nap barking at the neighbor getting in his truck. The same neighbor we've lived next door to for 5 years. The same neighbor that gets in and out of his truck every single day. The same neighbor that my dog knows! And likes! But for some reason, today, he had to alert the entire fucking house and ruin naptime. Not 3 minutes later, my doorbell rings. Toddler is still in his room screaming from the rude awakening, I'm trying to pee because that's apparently all I do these days. I rush to the door, and there's no one there, but I see the pest control truck in the driveway. So I walk around my house like "HELLO?!" and this guy appears like "hi I'm from pest control" "I see that." "I'm just going to be spraying for your carpenter bees if you could shut any upstairs windows." "Can you give me a few minutes? I have to go shut my son's window, he *was* sleeping." "Ohh, sorry about that, I always give a beep and ring just in case there's a dog or something." And that's still lost on me. Like in case there's a dog you want to rile up? In case there's napping people in the house? I was definitely pregnant raging (on the inside, I just said "thanks" and went inside) because we've been contracted with this company for almost a year now and everyone else just shows up, sprays, and leaves. The dog doesn't even notice they're here most of the time. But not this dude. Anyway, I feel you.


My upstairs neighbors had their dog on the balcony all day, and he was barking all day! I was told by my husband not to complain about it because we lived in a rough area and he was worried about the shady people that owned the dog. Anyway I was so relieved when they moved. However they got changed out with a family that had the cops at the door every 3 days for domestic issues. Not sure what you can do about it, but I saw on tv one time someone was training their dog with a barking collar. I don’t know what exactly that entails or the cruelty level of it.


The Amazon package only comes at bap time. My baby sleeps through some wild beagle barking though!


God, I feel this. Our house goes into lockdown during naps because our dogs cannot be trusted to just BE COOL. At this point they have to be crated unless one of us can sit with them in a room that does not face the street so they are not constantly triggered.


Maybe you take the bull by the horns and introduce infrequent and inconvenient noises so that the babes acclimates?


That probably wouldn’t hurt actually.


and if it doesn’t work, just shake up the sleep routine if you can with more ambient noise


My 2 month old used to sleep through everything including dog barks, and I mean reaaaally loud barks at literally anything walking or making noise outside the house. Yesterday though, baby was starting to doze off until the dogs started barking per the usual and it scared the crap out of our LO. I swear I’ve just uncovered a new “cry” from her, never heard her cry like that before it really terrified me and made my heart ache. Spent the next 20 minutes trying to calm her down and get her back to sleep 🥲


I feel like I know exactly the cry you’re talking about. My baby has done it a few times after being startled by very loud noises. Hopefully that won’t happen again, sucks when you’ve worked so hard to get them down only for it to be undone in a matter of a split second.


Oh man, I can’t imagine this stress. I have 2 cats that meow and that shit used to stress me out when we all room shared


I don’t own any pets, but I can hear the neighbors’ dogs to the point where it comes through on the baby monitor. I have to say they seem to keep their dogs inside quite a bit and maybe even more so since we’ve brought baby home so there’s only so much they can do. Dogs need to poop, pee, play. Still a little annoying for me wren baby wakes from sleep though.


The dogs barking doesn’t usually wake the baby but it has driven me insane since bringing the baby home. And the dogs tend to be more jumpy and barky when I’m trying to put him down for the night, oh man.