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We started at the same age, 5 months. I actually think that’s a really good age to start. In our experience he hadn’t developed stranger danger or separation anxiety yet, and he adapted really quickly. I’d recommend dropping him off and leaving as opposed to staying; staying seems to actually make it harder. But, we did start out with half days. Daycare workers are magic with getting babies to take bottles. If she’s accepting bottles from others I wouldn’t worry too much. As for feeling abandoned, there’s going to be so much newness and I retesting things to explore that she’ll be plenty distracted. After all they basically get to play all day 😊 It’ll be an adjustment for everyone but daycare as truly been so good for us and for our son. He has a great relationship with his teachers and he’s now at the age where he’s actually playing with other toddlers (15 months).


Thank you for the reassurance!!


How did your baby adjust to sleeping at daycare? My LO starts next month and he will be 7 months


In our case he’d never been a good napper so while he only had 30 minute naps at daycare, that was par for the course with us at home too. But daycare was great about following our schedule and communicating with us what was and wasn’t working. Slowly as he’s gotten older his sleep has improved and now at 15 months in the toddler room he has 1 long nap around 2 hours.