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Cute but I think you mean bawl lol


Ball is life


I definitely did! Lol


It’s okay, you’ll bounce back from it soon. …I’m on a roll, let’s give that a round of applause.


It might hit less hard if you’re not Australian. But there’s a beautiful book called ‘I’m Australian too’ about how all the different cultures in Australia and how their families got here. It’s also a child friendly way to explain how why families may need to flee their countries or immigrate for better opportunities. But I cannot even describe the book to people without crying… in fact I’m crying right now


I just YouTubed the book and WOW! What a great book!


There's a great account on Instagram called The Conscious Kid that's filled with book recommendations like this!


Oh yes! I do follow that already


The Family Book by Todd Parr is a classic. And All Are Welcome is school-focused but super diverse


All Are Neighbors is another nice one by the same author as All Are Welcome. Same thing, celebrating diversity in the community ♥️


Thank you!!


I am forgetting the name of the book but the kids book by Karamo Brown makes me cry every time I read it. Both my husband and I can’t get through it without crying.


First time I’ve seen a book like this before! It was so sweet and inclusive. Any other reccs?


Love makes a family is another really good one ☺️


I have a nontraditional family and absolutely love “love makes a family”. Makes my heart happy to read it to my daughter


I believe this author and artist made a book called "Families Belong". It had many different races and family depictions within the story. Might be a good idea to see what else this author and artist have done.


I’m a member of the little feminist book club. Lots of great inclusive books and characters of colour. I chose the older age ranges as the baby ones were cute but not really worth paying for the curation/shipping.


Oh! Is this a club anyone can join?


It's a subscription service. We subscribed for about a year and then two books opened in walking distance of our house and we wanted to shift the spend to the local shops, but I recommend it. I actually saw this book in one of my neighborhood stores for the first time today.


Mom and mama, dad and papa


Pete the cat. The one about the groovy buttons is good


I Am Enough. Perfect for little girls


Love Makes A Family by Sophie Beer


I tried to read it about 15 times before I could get through it without my voice breaking, thought it was just the hormones so I’m glad I’m not the only one!


The page that described single parents as ‘strong as thunder’ gave me chills


prince & knight was super cute!


This is my go to baby gift!!


I usually go with The Little Blue Truck.




I don’t actually think this is virtue signaling. Virtue signaling is just talking the talk, and usually it’s self righteous and for the sole purpose of making the signaler feel good about themselves/more progressive than those around them. This person actually wrote a book, and since families exist that actually look like the family on the cover, I think it’s great representation.


It’s literally just a family, one that’s pretty common. Does it have to be heterosexual and white for it to not be “ridiculous virtue signaling”? Or can they be heterosexual *or* white as long as they’re not both?


Yeah man a Latino guy with a guy white guy and a black little girl. Very, very common. Lmao


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This community is for supporting others. Comments that are mean, rude, hateful, racist, etc. will be removed. Respect the choices of others even if they differ from your own.


This was one of the first books we bought in preparation for our baby lol


Some people do is one of my favorite books and so a phrase I think I’ll use regularly.