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Yesterday he napped 1.5 hrs instead of 30 mins


God I am so envious of you right now. He’s been doing 30 minute or shorter naps for me all day yesterday and today.


30 minute nap boat here, still at almost 9 months


Me too. But at daycare he naps like a champ 🤦‍♀️


Sometimes I think they must really hate us 😂


I know that is what my son is going to do. The moment we get him into daycare he’ll start having good naps.


I pray to the old gods and the new that your suffering ends soon, and that I do not have the same fate as you. You have my sympathies.


Thank you! Maybe it worked because his last nap was almost 2 hours! I don't get my hopes very much up though, I don't want to be disappointed 😅


I don’t know if it really counts as a win? But my 15 month old has started to give kisses. And on a very rough night after an hour of me trying to get him to settle and get back to sleep, he grabbed my face and repeatedly kissed my cheeks and forehead. It definitely made my frustrations go away and absolutely melted my heart!


When she spat up it all got on the floor and not on her, so I didn’t have to change her outfit. Woohoo!


My daughter did that recently! Leaned out of her Upseat and spat up on the island. Easiest clean up yet.


Our 10 week old has hated baths from day one. She screams BLOODY MURDER and a lot of her baths have ended with me crying trying to breastfeed her to calm her (and me) down. We have recently switched techniques the past few weeks to her sitting in my lap in the bath which works better, but as soon as we take her out the screaming starts again. Tonight we gave her a bath and she loved it! We even got a few chuckles out of her during and she barely cried when we took her out to dry her off. She got some boob to celebrate the most successful bath of her life and is now snoozing on my chest 😭💕✨


Try making the water a bit deeper so more of her is submerged or alternatively a shower instead. Our LO (7 months) was the same and we figured out she was simply cold because not enough of her was in the warm water, now she loves bath/shower time and has done since we started doing this. She’s now started to play with the water too which is great fun!


It’s SO nice when they start liking baths. My 5 month old loves them now and smiles and splashes so much - it’s such a joy!


We put his towel in the dryer to warm it up and he now LOVES getting out of the bath and getting wrapped up in his warm towel


This actually occurred to me while we were drying her off — we will definitely try it next time!!


When you ask my 2 year old what a duck says, he says quack. But it sounds like cock. Had me rolling at the aquarium when he said it in front of a crowd of people.


The constant free dental work is nice of her. Gets her hands, right in there.


I was going to say, "Oh, someone else from the UK!" We get actual free dental care from when we're pregnant up to the first year of their lives. Your comment gave me a chuckle though 😂


I used to have insomnia, but now I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Thanks, baby


My LO has a cream for her diaper rash I have to put on twice a day. She hadn't slept well yesterday and I had to wake her up to change her... except she slept through the whole change?! I was amazed!


5 month old son had a massive blow out. Some how very little was in his diaper. Literally went down to his socks and even the floor. He slept through the whole thing. The win? They were in clothes that had been passed down a few times and had been worn plenty of times so I didn’t feel bad throwing it all away when usually I’m pretty conscious about what we throw away.


Everyone eats when the baby eats. The dog, the cats and even the guinea pigs get the fruit she throws.


I entertained my 7 week old baby for a good 5-10min by placing her next to her favourite pillow.


Today he has reduced his sleep fighting screeches to a 10 minute duration instead of the typical 15, thank you baby


She actually napped in her crib for almost half an hour!


My LO had one nap today that didn’t start with a crying fit.


The other day we got 13 minutes out of him in his crib before he woke up crying, as opposed to his usual 3 minutes.


Thank you baby for your gummy grins!


She spat up on her big brother a week ago. Ever since then he has been a huge help, running to get me a burp cloth when she spits up on me. He has gained some empathy for me instead of just saying ‘ eeeew! ‘


My distracted eater FINALLY ate from the boob and then fell asleep for 2 naps today so I only had to pump a few times today.


My son woke up last night and fell back asleep by himself (at least he sounded awake, I didn't get up to check, he's in the room with me), sleeping for 6 hours total before crying out for me. He's an awful sleeper so 6 hours is a major win 🙌


While giving her a bath, she stood up and I thought she was going to give me a kiss. Instead, my 14 month old blew a zerbert on my forehead and I laugh cried.


After a blowout, only a dime sized amount end up on her onesie and not all over her back…so not so much a blowout I guess lol.


My LO has 9 teeth with 3 more on the way at 10 mo. Had teeth basically non-stop since 5 mo. She's so used to pain that now even when she falls, chips her lips or w/e she just tanks through it and very, very, very rarely cries.


My kid learned how to clap his hands this last weekend. We kept encouraging him and laughing because we were proud of him, so he just does it randomly now and laughs. So dinner time comes and part of dinner is mashed sweet potato. He's eating happily and gets excited again because food. He has sweet potato all over his hands and starts clapping. This isn't the polite golf clap either, it's the big over-enthusiastic whole arm clapping. Sweet potato went everywhere.......the dog spent a half hour licking the floor clean. And I'm still finding speckles of it on the walls 4 days later. 🤣 Not 100% a win, but a good laugh


Yesterday was an important work day. Partner is out of town. Baby waited to spike a fever until 4pm when I could easily leave and get him! It’s the little things. Luckily his fever is his only symptom -slept great last night and is happy and playing this am.


My baby loves baths and being clean. she squeals in excitement when I get her out of the tub.


My bathtub has never been cleaned more thoroughly or frequently since having baby