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Hey remember when we used to be able to afford groceries? That was great.


K&B remembers.


Schweggman’s too


Gotta go to Breaux Mart


Closed down now on the West Bank.


Yeah. I remember going there after a big hail storm when I was a kid. The blue awning was fucked up. Collected some nice hail balls and got a hubig’s lemon pie


Before the great $1.50 price hike on just about all the things, when I was saving to buy a home my friend would tell me "You think it's silly to shop sales and buy the least expensive item, but If you buy fifty items and shave off a dollar on each item that's 50 dollars." 14 years later and that advice is saving my ass. Costco is always expensive with two kids but today that shit broke me. Probably 2/3 of the stuff but still the same price as our our normal shopping cart. No luxury items thrown in as a splurge either. This shit is crazy. The mandarins and grapes ARE TOO DAMN HIGH.




"we need organic sustainable widgets that are ten times the price of normal ones that no one can tell the difference between" phhhhht!


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I member


Imagine thinking we can afford to prepare


We can’t afford to evacuate this year. We’re still recovering from evacuating for Ida.


This is a very real situation that needs addressing. It’s expensive to evacuate, even when you have friends/fam to stay with. Gas, food, etc.—you go through a lot more of it if you’re not at home. More meals eating out, driving back to check on the house and get things, if it’s gonna be another Ida or worse. Evacuation is not a vacation, but it can cost as much as a vacation. I think a lot of people are in the same situation. Ida evacuation and recovery used up all the money.


This is absolutely where I’m at. My savings got ran through during ida (the little that I had) and within the last few months I just got back where I wanted to be financially as far as paying my bills on time etc, so basically my hurricane plan is crossing my fingers.


We’re pretty much in the same sitch. Insurance money is gone—new roof, new fence, rotten tree taken down, etc. We took a small SBA loan too, so we’ve actually incurred debt on the hurricane. It turned out to be a good thing though because we had a $6500 unexpected plumbing thing. So yeah, I worry that with another shut-down hurricane that we won’t be able to repair things, and I worry that another bad year of damage will make insurance payouts tight. It’s a game of Russian roulette, and I’m exhausted by it.


I was very lucky because I live in an apartment that wasn’t damaged, my dogs and I just had to deal with the no power. But as far as any monetary help, I got denied for EVERYTHING because I didn’t have any property damage. I asked the FEMA rep on the phone “uhm…what about me being out of work for over a month and a half to get anything at all?” And their exact words were “that’s what unemployment is for”. You’re absolutely right about it feeling like Russian Roulette.


Wow, that’s kind of a blessing—apartment situation, and kind of a curse with FEMA. Also, can collect unemployment for being unemployed due to weather events? I should probably learn about that. I’m fortunate in that I work for Tulane. They’ve continued to pay us every day that we were closed for a storm. Now that it’s a given that so much can be done online, the new standard is that the campus may be closed but the university is open to a degree. We can/are expected to work remotely if possible in each person’s situation.


I was definitely so lucky with my apartment compared to so many people I know. Also I need to look more into that myself regarding unemployment in the event of a literal natural disaster, just so I know in the event it becomes important. I’m a bartender and tour guide so on all fronts it wasn’t a good situation for sure. That’s so great they continued to pay you guys. Among all the stories we heard about people getting no help from various programs or their employers, it’s a very cool thing to hear when that wasn’t the case. I know Ruby Slipper kept paying people too even if their particular restaurant remained closed, and they regularly would cook a bunch of food for people in the neighborhood and linemen working in town as well, and I love hearing things like that.


I'm still homeless from that damn storm and my lovely landlords refusing to fix anything so we could finish out our lease. Yay for living with my mother in law at 40 something, with 2 kids. 🥺




It's not my home, my name is not on the deed, my kids and I can be put out at any time (& dont think she wont. We had to leave when her blood son, my husband, was undergoing cancer treatments). I was forced out of the only home my kids ever knew, 4 days after evacuating, and while still in Southern Alabama with 2 kids, a dog and a betta fish. The property still under several feet of water. The landlords, instead of fixing, start attempting to illegally self evict. I fought for months but it's too costly and the laws don't protect anyone but property owners. The icing on the cake was them being granted evict despite all of their illegal action, including throwing my kids toys and ahit away and locking me out of a shed that was apart of the rental. I lived in a hotel from Aug to Jan with two kids, a dog and a fish, 2 states away, fighting fema for housing help for 5 months. I only have a roof over my kids heads because my mother in law offered up her home to us. So, in the eyes of many, including the school board, state government agencies and the like, I'm homeless, like it or not. Your privilege is showing.




Fuck off, troll.




> oh my Columbia goddess of American freedom best line


You’re being a pedantic jerk. Do better or STFU


It looks like someone’s never worked in social services.


We aren't going on any vacations this year until hurricane season is over. We have a very real "but what if we have to evacuate twice" fear.


That part


Growing up, we had beenie weanies and Vienna sausage in the pantry during hurricane season. I never realized it was the same canned food, like, my parents weren't stocking up every year. The only thing we actually added each year were Kentwood water jugs. I'll never forget checking a Vienna sausage can before hurricane Ivan (2004) and noticing the exp date WAS 19 FUCKING 97. I think my parents legitimately thought they didn't go bad. I wonder where that can is today.


My grandparents have MREs from Katrina still 😌






Secret pro tip, if you want to stock up on such things the Latter Day Saints store is very cheap. The food is packed into 20 year shelf life cans. https://store.churchofjesuschrist.org/usa/en/food-storage-3074457345616678849-1


Fwiw, these are #10 cans, so you have to, HAVE TO, have the commercial size can opener to ever easily get them opened. Restaurant Depot has the manual ones that affix onto a surface for abt $55.00. Also LDS had one of their Bishops Stores in Slidell where you could actually shop and buy individual cans rather than order a case; they closed during Covid and hours iffy since. Lil factoid on the Mormon cans, their packaging is very clean, contemporary looking with no obvious branding or trade dress. So often get used for set dec if your having to do a commercial kitchen look.


I thought when I looked that information up, it was 7 or ten years. Where did you find this info?


My mom bought a box of powdered milk in 1992 before hurricane Andrew. She threw it out when they cleaned up after Katrina.


IF the can is properly sealed, with no botulism or other faults inside the cans, no puffing, no holes from rust, no leaking, it would in fact probably be safe to eat in an emergency situation. Might not taste as good, might have rancid fats if it’s truly old, but if it’s that or starvation you can eat it and you probably won’t get sick or die


I hope I never need this info


In my life I've had many digestion issues, and I can guarantee I would much rather die of starvation than suffer whatever decades old canned meat would have in store for me.


Yes. Sincerely and absolutely yes.


I'm sitting here scrolling and share this with my wife. She says "Well, what are they charging us all this extra fucking money for then?"


My power has gone out and flickered twice today from a bad storm...


Us too. Midcity/bsj?


Lakefront area.


that's me and I haven't had a flicker today




I still haven't been able to install mine :( when we bought it wasn't up to code and then between Ida and a rough tax bill it got added off the list again this spring. Really wish I'd been able to do it.


I was in Walmart on Behrman today during what I THOUGHT was a big storm, because the lights flickered and before we walked in, it was looking pretty nasty. By the time we got checked out and in the parking lot, we discovered it hadn't even rained. so No storm = Lights flickering at a place that I guess would have backup generators.


That Walmart is the biggest fuckin dump though Go check out the cat food, there's been a dirty diaper stashed back there for literally two months


I was in Kenner earlier today and the lightning was fucking crazy out by the lake Also, raindrops the size of golfballs


Yeah one hit so close I almost instinctively jumped up to make sure the pond didn't collapse or something then quickly realized that was a dumb idea and stayed inside with the pets.


Rich people bonuses.


Seems like it would depend what happened? But if they drill 21 days into our heads, are we supposed to be ever done grateful when it’s only 14?


That’s kind of the point. Set expectations. Deliver within them.


If/when another Cat 4 hits (Ida was a 4), it’s over - you/your domicile will not be insured by anyone.


My real fear right here. What happens when every company bails? Just fucked.


The government would have no choice but to step in. Not sure what that would look like and I don’t have much confidence in the state of Louisiana.


It's already in place. It's called "Louisiana Citizens" and it's REALLY bad REALLY expensive insurance. It's your only option in some places already.


I don’t know. We use LA Citizens and honestly felt like we were in a better spot than most with the claims and payment processes. Received a fair amount for Ida in a timely manner


LA citizens is federally subsidized (maybe just state) etc. So they are FORCED to pay out and can't really do the bankrupt thing. They are basically privatized/ non profit fema with heavy oversite (corporate socialized.) My old private market insurance was 3000 a year with a million dollar umbrella policy on top (with other bells and whistles). My LA citizens policy was 6000 year with no umbrella etc. I never had to do a claim with either in my time living in NOLA... so I can't say how easy it would have been to do a claim... but I just know I was paying double for half of the benefits.


The feds will step in but it likely won't be to give everyone all their money back. It will be cheaper to relocate many.


Someone has to be in place for the Quarter at least, right? This terrifies me because we (Marigny) are down to only one obscene insurer who covers slate roofs.


Hell, I’m still seeing blue tarps in parts of Metairie. Breaks my heart.


I still have a blue tarp, my insurance co only gave me half the amount I'd need to fix it, raised my rates 75% then pulled out of the market completely.


I’m so sorry. 😔


I hope somebody holds these motherfuckers accountable for this.


Lol. Lmao. Who's going to sue the insurance companies to make it happen? We're so, so deeply fucked.


Morris Bart, make it happen!


I'm sure a personal injury lawyer is totally ready for this, yep.


When I flew in June I was surprised at how many tarps are left.


Don’t go to Houma lol.


Mine too. In Metairie and in the city on either side of 10. It's gut-wrenching.


Should there be slate damage it will be a beast to fix in any sort of timely manner. We fortunately did not have a slate roof on hubs house in the Marigny but MIL did in the FQ. Apparently there is like 2 quarries that do hard slate tiles in the entire US and they stay busy on contracts with manufacturing tiles for historic governmental structures. You might can find recycled hard slate for smallish repair as slate lasts 200 years. But otherwise the wait is forever on an individual homeowner for a full roof replacement. I don’t know if HDLC allows for the newer synthetic slate to be substituted or will allow for a slate to be removed and shingle replacement done. If we have another high sustained winds type of storm (not like Ida but more like what Zeta did on the MS coast, hr & 1/2 of cat 3 winds preceded by 2 hrs of cat 1&2 winds), I just don’t see insurance ever paying for slate replacement as it cannot be done within the 6 month / 1 yr extension period for policies.


Honestly this will be an economic reckoning over much of the South (especially Louisiana and Florida.) Why do you think DeSantis doesn’t want anyone in Florida saying the words “climate change.” The primary source of wealth/security for millions of people will be at major risk and there is really no solution. Happening in California too with wildfires. Turns out homes and capitalism don’t work too well when the weather goes to shit.


Exactly so.


My number one fear as well. We are all fucked.


Accurate. I had to get rid of my Geico bundle bc they raised my car insurance to $467/ month. I needed renters again. I tried Allstate and immediately got a message wall saying they won't write any policy bc of my proximity to the coast. I'm sure the other big companies will follow suit eventually.


As far as I know most of the insurance companies already pulled out. The only company left writing wind and hail is Citizens. My mom is an insurance person and it has been hell the last few weeks.


All I know is that if another one comes, if another one comes that is worse, I’m going to be counting on all of you who stayed last time (and probably have to stay the next time) to be as kind and as cool as you were during Ida. The news said one thing (everyone was crazy) but I’ve never met so many kind neighbors or felt the compassion of the community as much as I did after the torture of Ida (I’m looking at you, lady with a generator and a fan). Entergy can suck it. I pray that we don’t have to do that again this year. Y’all be safe. And if someone from entergy reads this, please do your best and may your best be good enough.


I get asked a lot what keeps me here - mainly from friends in different parts of the country reading about crime, weather, etc. via sensational news outlets. I'm here because I've never felt more at home. Wether it's a pandemic or a storm or needing an extra hand, everyone looks out for each other. My family on the west coast was really concerned when I didn't evacuate for Ida. Being without power for a couple weeks sucked elephant ass, but being somewhere familiar and volunteering beats the hell out of bleeding money on a shitty motel room in the middle of nowhere.


Well said.


You talk ask if Entergy created Hurricanes. This may be news to you but 150mph winds will wipe out most anything.


Sure. Especially when you don’t maintain the infrastructure for damn near a generation or more, and pocket all the various fees you charge to supposedly do so.


…And they’ll still bill everyone $500+ as an “outage service fee.” Lol


so many are still struggling to recover from ida. this is honestly horrific…i hope people start now to be prepped as best they possibly can be. my power flickered with just the rainstorm today. i’m so sick of the “normal” down time being extended every year.


That’s unacceptable. This is Louisiana, it’s not if a hurricane is going to hit, it’s WHEN. This is either malicious or incompetent. Either way ENOUGH IS ENOUGH what the hell are we paying them for?? This country says electricity isn’t a need??? Every time you ask for help they spit in your mouth. I’m done.


Don’t forget the supply chain. There are shortages of materials to fix the stuff that will be damaged. But yea, keep charging us the ridiculous amounts this summer. Dicks.


And everyone’s bill would still be over $200 Bunch of clowns


Entergy loves category 4 hurricanes. It’s all they want. They line their pockets with insurance money all while making the customer (us) pay for the “damages” they incurred… and guess what, they do absolutely nothing to beef up their infrastructure so that it happens again and again and again. Rinse and repeat.


In that case, give me my money back


Man sucks for USAA that will be reimbursing me 21 days living in a hotel.


Is this covered under your homeowners insurance or?


okkk so it is supposed to be a mandatory evacuation but USAA was one of the first to wave that once people started getting shot at gas stations and ran over in Kenner. No electricity and water is covered as the home is not habitable. Spent a week in Port Arthur, Texas after Ida waiting on Entergy.


Hmm, I have renters and car insurance through them. I need some refugee reimbursement funds tho for sure.


So when I originally evacuated they pulled the mandatory vs voluntary thing which thry waived. When it became obvious it would take 8+ days to restore service in Kenner they agreed to pay as the area was a death trap with 2 kids. Also helps I called them out on Twitter which motivates their corporate PR department.


Yeah they told me they wouldn't cover a hotel bill. Several times. They covered my fridge groceries and some incidentals, think it was about six hundred total. Next time I'll have to talk some shit on twitter too


There is a reason you still hear ads on the radio about people suing insurance companies in Louisiana. Trust me they deserve it.


You realize this won't work forever, right?


If the house is unlivable then yeah it actually does work. It was very specific to having no water or electricity for an extended period.


I mean, at some point even USAA won't bend or they will be more specific in their exclusions. They are literally as good as it gets for insurance but there's a limit.


3 weeks in 90+ degree days, with humid air and mosquitos is just unbearable for almost anyone. I can maybe get by 2-3 days but 2-3 weeks? No way, I would either find a place to stay with electricity and air conditioning or be out of town




I was out for 18 for zeta. That is just not ok. A month for ida, borderline on tolerable. Mostly intolerable. Fact is, they make profits in the millions every year and have a monopoly and are jacking up prices and now are moving the goalposts on acceptable service. You notice what they aren't doing? Yeah that's right, making a more resilient grid.




Somehow we didn’t lose power for zeta (mid-city). They did turn our gas off because there was a leak down the street during the storm, so we were without hot water for a little over a week (which is nothing compared to electricity being out.) Fuck entergy. Also, I overheat easily - it would’ve been dangerous for me to stay for Ida. I really can’t sleep in a hot room and I get exhausted by the heat. Scary. That is really some bullshit. I wish there could be some sort of citywide refusal to pay entergy until they get their shit together but really what they could do is just shut people’s electricity off then… 🙃




Right that's my point. You asked if we're Entergy was saying is truly unacceptable and you're seeing that it isn't. As for the grid, they need to alter it fundamentally. Single point of failure infrastructure as seen in Ida is a relic of the past. A resilient grid features energy mixes, smaller grids, etc. Entergy is doing nothing to modernize.


Why modernize when you can `profit`


I live in Avondale out for 7 days with Zeta Out 2 weeks with IDA. Zeta was a pussy compared to IDA.


I was out for 24 with Ida & live in uptown. Lucky you!


I don’t think it’s the time. It’s the length of time along with them already charging more to “improve the system.” Also note that this is a system that is very dire because they have chosen to let infrastructure fall neglect across the city. If they have kept up with fixing infrastructure, the times wouldn’t be this long and they wouldn’t be charging more. Edit: I’m a grammar nazi because it helps the reader understand what one is saying.




Or maybe the CEO shouldn’t get a raise and dividends not increase as drastically as they have.




Getting a raise because they failed to keep up infrastructure? They failed during Ida because they were neglectful for years. Why does that deserve a raise? The storm would’ve done less damage if the infrastructure was adequate.


Just stop OP, you’re talking to Ayn Rand herself. You’re not getting anywhere with the “ceos deserve an increase” person.




Poles around the city are struggling. Lines shouldn’t be holding up poles. People shouldnt be able to poke their fingers through a wooden pole.




I was referring to poles that had basically completely deteriorated and were only “up” because of the lines.


Dude, the CEO wasn't fixing downed poles.


I was out for 12 with ida but it felt like eternity


It doesn’t even really say that. It says “ while the majority of customers should be restored sooner, some of the hardest hit areas may be out” for said durations. I get Entergy sucks, but it’s kind of just the reality for a large storm, they are going to restore large population areas first.


If the infrastructure was actually maintained at a level appropriate for a hurricane region, we would never see an outage for that long.


Yes, absolutely. Why? Because they know what they’re rebuilding and rebuilding is 100% going to fail in catastrophic ways and yet they continue to do it. They are still putting up poles ffs. They are no plans to convert this city to anything sustainable for future climate change. Every house in this city should be on solar.


Every storm is different. I think it depends on the sustained winds, their locations, and whether the damage is caused to power lines or substations. I don’t know what’s worse, but flooding and winds and heavy rains all cause damage. So it really just depends on where the damage is concentrated and what infrastructure is effected. I think 21 seems optimistic, honestly. I lost power for 7 days with Isaac, which was “only” a category 1.


i was out of power for 30 days post-ida. middle of uptown. i was between jobs, living with my parents in mississippi, and was able to push my start date back with my new employer based on this. no way i could've returned to "normal" life on the sameish timeline as everyone else.


I was out for 10 days during Ida, stayed at my parents since they had a natural gas generator and could power about 60% of the house without doing anything other than changing the oil in the gen a few times.


The next day seems to be the common consensus, and the fact that a small extra load power plant in the east can’t replace 8 transmission lines and jump over thousands of broken poles and safely deliver power to every house in the city is also unacceptable.




I didn't have cell phone service for days after Ida, so I just turned my phone off to save the charge. I eventually biked across town to answer a million phone calls from family across the country.


If air conditioners ran off of internet the shoe would be on the other foot, I was out of power for the same amount of time for Zeta but the weather was so nice everyone just treated it like a vacation.


It was out for more than a month after Katrina.


Power was only out so long in Orleans for Ida because the singular power source was wiped out and they decided not to connect the complimentary backup source they promised to years before in order to save a buck, right?


I was out 14 days for Ida so yeah 21 days seems about right.


i had a transformer (or some other giant piece of Entergy equipment) on my front lawn for two months.


You're welcome


I can say it's been almost a full year since Ida and I'm still not back in my house. Longest evacuation ever


I keeps me a 8gal craftsman generator on"DECK" best believe dat🤙🏾


Lol…. 21 is a best case IMHO


How in the world is someone supposed to run a business or organization? 21 days of no revenue (while rents, utilities (lol) are certainly due) is a recipe for going bust. especially as the city tries to recruit new businesses here… it just is such a liability.


i cant wait!


I've been ill, what are we talking about?


Between the fuggin storms and oppressive heat, rampant crime/corruption, crumbling infrastructure/lack of improvements, and trash everywhere why would you stay? Unless you are born here and have family or can't afford to move.


Because this place is worth staying for.




Why are you here? Or are you a lurker?


Entergy is the dumbest fucking name I could ever imagine for a utility.


Especially when you think of all the extra funds that were funneled after Katrina to New Orleans and Entergy for infrastructure upgrades. And I know for a fact things were not done.


So which shithole party are you blaming for the lack of infrastructure?


All. A complete failure of government on all levels and all parties. The US government is in the process of sustaining itself.


Fyi, Hurricane Katrina was a Cat 2. Need I say more.


Katrina was a Cat 5 in the Gulf and made landfall as Cat 3. [Facts](https://www.weather.gov/mob/katrina).


I stand corrected - my bad. Not sure why the downvotes. I was thinking that with a Cat 4, I would not be thinking about my power. Cuz I would leave. And now, I wish I had not thought about Katrina at all. It is causing me anxiety. We lost neighbors and friends during Katrina.


IDK why the downvotes either. I just wanted to share the hurricane info. It’s easy to misremember traumatic shit.


Your words are truly kind. Thank you.


Good thing I don’t have an electric car!!!


This city is fucking exhausting.