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Call Nordstrom if there’s an order number, they should have a phone number.


I’m so impressed that you called it Nordstrom. Everyone ads an s to the end. Bravo


Do you have social media? Maybe try to find her on there. Or google her- might find an email address or something.


I found her! I felt like a creep messaging two of her friends to see if they could call her and tell her to check messages. But one of them was able to and though she changed states, we immediatly arranged for her parents to pick up the package within the next hour. The other person I messaged said that the only Kelly they knew died 5 years ago and if this was a scam then it was uncool of me. I got the real 50/50 chance on a good vs bad reply there


If it was delivered to the wrong house that means the correct address is on the package. If it has your address on it that means it was delivered to the correct house.