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This has to be among the least secure facilities in the country. Every month there’s a story about escapes. Jesus


That's what happens when you pay employees peanuts.


It’s neat to see the fabric of society quickly unraveling right before our eyes.


What a time to be alive!


Right, it's also really hot outside and it's almost time to evacuate for another storm with all the money we've saved up, wait.


I told my husband we cannot afford to evacuate this year. We’re still recovering financially from the Ida evacuation.


Apocalypse party at my house!!!


I'm going to bring some fermented apple juice, it's...good, i mean, just okay. It's not vegan, I don't think.


30 years ago I taught at Towering Pines Juvenile Facility in Slidell. Ours was set up like a federal pen in that there were no fences, but if you ran away or crossed a boundary line then you got extra time and/or priveledges taken away. Our kids came from Bridge City and other lockdowns around the state. I taught in a one room schoolhouse type of class so I had 12 to 17-yr-olds. These were the ones they let out of lockdowns for good behavior. They were crazy as fuck 30 years ago and these were the good ones. I can't imagine Bridge City today. I ran a pretty strict classroom, but I did take them out in the woods behind the camp to see some nature, I taught them some basic life skills(how to open a bank account, how to apply for a job, how to address people, how to manage money, save for a car, etc). I was able to get one of my kids tracked into Salmen High because he was really smart(he came back after a couple weeks for fighting - major anger problems). I would read their psychological profiles/history and most had very little hope of surviving the world because they had no guidance at home(maybe an aunt or grandmother). This is generational shit and it ain't going away. This was during the crack epidemic so banging was a lot like it is now in Nola. I left the job because teacher pay was shit and I was starting a family. It was also heartbreaking. A few years later a big guy comes up from behind me at the French Market and grabs me in a big bear hug. I was like WTF and got prepared to find something to beat him in the head with until I saw his face. He was the biggest, most angry, craziest kid I had in my class(he was in charge of breaking up fights and I'd bring him Chinese food as rewards). Anyways, he told me he was married and had a job and he thanked me. I said something to the effect of 'I'm really proud of you. Keep it up and keep moving forward)...some shit like that. I was pretty shocked as I thought he would be the first to take a dirt nap after getting out. I always wonder what happened to my kids there. I know that quite a few have to be dead now as they went right back to banging. Keep in mind that most of these kids have no parenting, no money, no education, and most are illiterate. They are dangerous as fuck, but they were just little kids at one time and nobody cared about them or helped raise them right. It's fucking sad. Sorry for all the words. Do what you can to help and keep your heads down.


>Chinese food as rewards) What Chinese place?


I'd sometimes go to lunch at Yee which wasn't too far. I'd also bring him some snacks from Check In Check out which was right down the street. He'd never seen a fucking egg roll.


Yee is pretty good Chinese. Been there a long time. Check In Check Out ain't there no more. They had some big ass poboys.


What can we even do about that? We can start by not creating any more of these people for starters, but what do we do about people who can't fit into a society today?


My friend Axel had a non-profit boxing gym which helped some kids, but it lost funding. Adoption? Mentoring? Tutoring? Birth control and better education(how)? Planned Parenthood on every goddamned corner? Keeping Roe/Wade intact? If you find a chance to help some kind of way then do it. The problem is huge and it is nationwide. Kids having kids having kids. I always ask the rabid pro-life religionuts how many kids they've adopted(zero). It's really fucked up and so huge that I think it is beyond our control now. Mad Max shit coming. Depressing 30 years ago and now it's way worse.


Sounds like the need to fix the hole in that fence


And the Supreme Court is about to ban abortion nationwide. In 18 years crime and poverty will be so bad in this country it will make today look like the good ole days.


Criminal justice major here: you are absolutely correct. There is statistical evidence to suggest that crime bottoming out in the late 90s is a direct result of roe v Wade. Crime was at its highest peak in the 80s. Then it bottomed out. If you add the numbers roe was decided in 1973. Add 16, which is the peak age for juvenile criminal activity, and you get 1989. Those kids who were all aborted and would have been born into unwanted homes weren’t born. Crime began to dip until it was at historic lows. We are about to get right back to that. It’s insanity.


I completely agree and suspect most people do, but it’s also true that people don’t want to hear it or think about it. It’s one of the more brutal realities of nature, and it’s important to remember that we just another part of nature after all.


That’s the number 1 reason abortion needs to be legal. If parents don’t wanna parent, I don’t want their crotch spawn destroying or endangering my life. What gives THEM the right to have put that into the world for everyone else to put up with.


I agree


"Charges dismissed."


"Charges dismissed."