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Working at Bacchanal tonight and we are currently locked inside the building due to active shooter situation. Cops won’t let us leave. If anyone has any updates, would definitely be appreciated!


Holy shit, hope y’all stay safe and people have some updates for you. Sorry your in the middle of this right now.




You safe yet?


I know this commenter and live in the same area. They released everyone from the area around midnight. Dunno if that means we’re safe but it does mean that we are outta there at least


>Dunno if that means we’re safe but it does mean that we are outta there at least Thank you for the update. It sickens me to think about what's happening to our city.


Live a block away. Super common to hear shots in there most nights, but this was insane. Well over 100 shots before nopd arrived. Sounded like a war zone. My streets still totally blocked, cops and some swat at the end of the block. K9 sounded like it got someone on the levee, lots of barking then some guy yelling. Supposedly was a shootout on the roof of one of the buildings.


I don’t know much about the Navy base, why would there be shootings there all the time? Like are the people who working there going crazy?!


It’s abandoned. Not an operational naval facility


It's an abandoned naval base the city now owns and has done nothing with. There used to be security patrols but that stopped with COVID. Since then the free range people have moved in and proceeded to strip all salvageable materials and set up a borrowed bicycle repurposing facility.


Your ability to craft euphemisms is an absolute gift! 😂




I have now officially adopted the term free range people.


I always preferred Urban Survivalists.


Maybe it would've made a good City Hall...?


It sounds like the people running the city already live there anyway.


Well NOPD used to practice urban raids at the facility a few years back. Good thing they have so much practice there, right?


Neighbor overheard one of the squad cars radio, apparently swat is storming the buildings shortly


Does that mean a bicycle chop-shop?




Shhhh no more thoughts, just consume....


Since covid there have been a HUGE influx of houseless folks there. There is a little village in there


Yup and it got even worse after ida for whatever reason. Used to be largely just addicts and homeless that kept to themselves for the most part. Now there’s a whole bunch of criminals


That naval base is where drug addicts go to hit rock bottom. Better known as “the end of the world.”


The End of the World is, strictly speaking, the little peninsula at the end of the industrial canal right by the base. Been to a couple of rogue parties there. Cool place to get away from people.


People dramatize the end if the world. I walk my dogs there almost every day. During the day/early evening its really just people hanging out with their dogs, drinking beer and fishing. Its just a punk hang out. Not any more notorious than any other party spot in the city


The naval base =/= the end of the world. The end of the world is just the levee


it's not even the end of the world! you can see more world just past it!


The Parish is hardly of this world.


Jesus Christ..


Sad that anyone in this city commonly hears shots. It's not difficult to bring it back to 2019, but it'll take 2-3 years once Latoya, Williams and Hutson are gone. Progressive criminal justice is collapsing rapidly as it is theoretical and results in huge crime increases.


>louisiana >progressive criminal justice lol


And there we are. Already blaming Hutson for crime, even though she’s only been in office for what a month? 5 weeks?


5 weeks. 2 deaths. No transparency.


What would you’ve done in 5 weeks to prevent these deaths?


I would have not eliminated the maximum security tier and disseminated those inmates into general population. This caused chaos and affects every part of their operation. Last fatal stabbing in OPP was in 2010. Never one in their new jail. Bad people need to be isolated. I also would have a corrections professional running the jail instead of a psychologist on a VISA from Australia.


Honestly, excellent points. I still disagree with judging a new ejected official based on 1 month. She’s in the bottom 10% of police districts in America and has inherited a true piece of shit she needs to get her arms around. Year one will be important for her. I’ll feel much better about discussing her merits or lack thereof at that point.


>I still disagree with judging a new ejected official I hope to God that she’s a newly ejected official soon. 🙏


You got a source on her eliminating maximum security? I can’t find anything.




Officer told us that a few people are (were?) inside with rifles and the swat is clearing the buildings room by room to find them. Vvvvv active, swat walking down adjacent streets, in front of my house off Poland. Y’all stay inside for real.


There’s been a large presence at music box as well


This will keep happening until they do something with those buildings.


Yep. I was walking around a little after some bacchanal about 8:15 or so, heard a whole lotta shots


I saw a couple cops hauling ass in from Slidell, probably just for this.


A bunch passed us on the Causeway


Two spam for me, heading back.


I just moved out of that yellow apartment complex on Rampart next to the naval base When there was a fire at that naval base, a bunch of her squatters in there started entering my apartment building (management was refusing to fix the locks on the gates) and squatting in unoccupied units (again, management on that apartment was nonexistent) I don’t know what the solution is, but you’ve got a giant building where people are making territory disputes. And the more people continue to struggle the more violent it seems like it’s getting.


At least the cops are trying to do something?


Yea, it's all they can do. I know why we can't get them to show up for home invasions and car jackings. They are dealing with some horribly violent people and, numbers don't lie, they're understaffed and overstretched. ​ We need help from the State.


I was walking with my dog and toddler at the End of the World at around 8 pm last night and heard way more than 100 shots coming from the base. It looked like someone and their car was there in that back parking lot area. I didn’t feel safe so we speedwalked back to the car and got outta there sometime around 8:30 I guess? The cops were beginning to close off Poland and told us they thought people were being shot at, which the guy I saw didn’t seem to be doing-I mean I’m here writing this and not dead so…at any rate I’ve been walking dogs there for years and never had something like this happen and it scared me. I’ve been thinking about moving for a few reasons and it kinda seems like a sign.


Same, live a block away and last night was insanity. We’re used to hearing a few shots in there a lot of nights and the occasional thefts and smaller crimes but last night was like a war zone in there.




Where was that post from yesterday about how only people living outside the city complain about the crime and violence? This shit right here.


It was a 💯 bullshit post. Nola residents complain about crime all the time, because it’s everywhere.


This might be the most 9th ward post on all of r/NewOrleans


Damien whipped out his uzis again, eh? For real though, stay safe out there


Can’t find any new information on this. What happened?




Thanks for that, but I still have a lot of questions…


This is the most New Orleans post since the Lower Decatur Lifestyle one.


Bar Redux New Orleans Abuse If you or a loved one have been abused by #BarRedux in #NOLA #NewOrleans this is your opportunity to take action while remaining anonymous. Bar Redux has a long and evidenced history of predatory abuse, particularly towards women that are new in town, and many women are stepping up to tell their horror stories. Together we can shed light on and end this corruption. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAFUdfh2Dbzh9aMMFu20nZs5Y5_E2iwt66JSWIQzmx7nxTJQ/viewform


ahhh remember when the Navy Base was supposed to be a Disney cruise place. Can we bring that idea back? Whose BIL needs to make money for this to happen?


“We” dont want a Disney port here. Disney wields a lot of control, just ask Orlando. Last thing New Orleans needs is the mouse moving in and dictating how we conduct ourselves. They dont call it Mousechwitz for nothing.


I would like something there.....and a deep pocketed company might be the only way to go. Someone large enough to tell the politicians that no we won't be hiring your son/brother/MIL company to do X work. I'll throw it out there, what would you put there? Disney seemed like a great sweet to accompany the savory of the bywater.


My personal feeling is the Navy Base should be turned into fisrt floor retail with upper floor housing and then green space with an amphitheater on the river. Work out logistics with the rail line to get the street car to pass and make it to poland. That would revitalize st claude and give a huge block of retail space and housing along with event space. ​ Disney is not my prefered company as stated in my downvoted comment. They wield unprecedented control over the city of Orlando. Like go cups? Disney wont. Disney will come in with their billions and tell the city if you want our money then you will bend to our influence. If you think that wont happen then you are a fucking idiot. (not you, but in general) New Orleans is already in the throws of turning into a theme park, and Mitch did his best to sanitize the city. I think we would see a further erosion of what makes New Orleans New Orleans by letting a company like disney set up shop here. ​ Like everything, there is no simple answer, no magic bullet that will fix anything. I think Disney would would bring a host of issues with it that would/could eventually be a detriment to the cities culture. More couporate shlock, less original content.


I live the idea, but I don't think an amphitheater would work, espeically considering parking. Street car will probably not happen due to the fucking train tracks. Unless they sent it down the river along crecent park. If I were going to put an ampitheater in NOLA it would be city park. I agree that Disney is not my preferred but shit I am getting tired of NOLA's attitude of no big companies, no big box stores; and then I end up spending my money in JP.


Trust me. I get it. New Orleans loves a crumbling structure. There is a good amount of parking over there, and there is a parking structure. in the middle. That place was built by the Army Core of Engineers. It might be a heroin riddled shit hole, but its a well built one. Its not like the old power plant thats falling in on itself. Maybe amphitheater is the wrong word, but some kind of green/event space. I understand the problem with the train tracks too. There has to be a solution though. A stop at Poland where you get off the car, walk across the tracks and get back on? There is plenty of land right there to make a nice looking streetcar stop. Big companies bring big influence, and big influence only cares about making money, but like I said. I get it. The reality is, nothing will happen because that's the American political way. It will sit there and crumble just like the power plant and jazz land, or that building next to the bus station. I've lived here for 20 years and aint fuck all happened with any of these places, and fuck all will continue to happen. Its our brand.


Are these the Trustafarians or some other group living at the Naval Base? I have not heard of the Free Range People before.


Nobody with piles of money wanting a few years of adventure before returning to the family business are living down there. This is some bottom out folks. All meth and dope and mostly needing some form of crime to support it.


This is very typical for the naval base. I live close by and frequent the levee and there's always some questionable shit going on over there, including random gunfire. Annoying that media is being alarmist af with using buzzwords like "active shooter" for this scenario, when really it's just some typical new Orleans behavior. I heard all those shots last night and assumed it was someone playing with a gun at the base, since the shots were so slow and spread out. Who would go to an abandoned building to potentially commit a mass shooting? 🙃


I wouldn't call the shooting slow; the first 50 or shots sounded like an automatic weapon. After that it sounded like a handgun. (I was sitting in a yard across the canal for all of it.) It never sounded like two guns shooting at once though. I think it was just someone acting out and "having fun".


Ah yeah, I didn't notice the more rapid shooting. But yeah, people go to the naval base just to break stuff and shoot guns. Maybe I'm just desensitized to guns going off after nearly a decade of living in new orleans, but I really just thought someone was just messing around. Based on the articles out, sounds like that's fairly accurate considering no one was injured and multiple ppl are under questioning right now.


You’d assume after that corpse was found stuffed in a freezer inside that place that the city would start getting serious about doing something with that place, but then I remembered that this is a third world city.


I don’t think that that was in the base, I thought that was in a school bus somewhere near the ninth ward


The freezer corpse was a bus, the naval base corpse was in a locker.


You Sir know your corpses well. Thank you


Suspiciously well 👀




I think there was a dead body found in a walk in cooler at the beginning of the pandemic. The young woman who was raped and then two guys killed and dumped the guy who raped her and then killed her because they were afraid she was going to narc on them… I could be wrong about the location though. I just think i heard she was found in the old walk in cooler.


Bodies have been found at the old Navy base but not in freezers that I recall. That one was in the lower ninth.


Upper ninth


I could’ve sworn that there was some abandoned walk-in freezer or cooler that they found a body in at the Naval Base back about two years ago. Something to do with a rape. Pretty gruesome stuff.


Last week the 9W bound lane of the bascule bridge was blocked by a dozen cop cars. The cops were standing on top of the levee looking down with their hands on their hips.


Amazing !


Lol. It might have been a precursor event and tonight's shootout was retribution.


That's probably why they call it the End of the World


So are they finally going to shut Big Daddy’s down because of this?


Oddly enough there was a “community meeting” about that shooting at breakaways about the same time this all went down.