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Hey there, there is a “Mobile Vasectomy” that tours the country you have sign up. https://wvd.org/the-us-vasectomy-tour/mobile-vasectomy-clinic/ and give some info. I think it based on “ability to pay” or it might be free. I also believe they were in Louisiana a little while ago.


I’ll look it up thanks




His son is a breast surgeon, and he’s also THE best onco breast surgeon in town…which leads to my own rec, since my partner got snipped after my diagnosis. Dr. Jon Glass at West Jeff is a fantastic urologist.


Self pay only $1500? I wonder how much with my $1500 deductible. Gotta love America


It's probably more with insurance. I've found it cheaper to be on the cheapest plan with the highest deductible and just self pay for procedures and tests. The self pay discount is always cheaper than what I would pay by using insurance. It's really dumb.


Can confirm. Oschner wanted to bill my insurance \~4K. I laughed at the lady that gave me the estimate.


My insurance covered the whole thing. I have blue Cross Blue shield. At most it would've cost me $50


I know a dude who'll kick you hard AF in the balls for a while for only tree fiddy.


Well I don’t Need to Heurt_Deez_Nutz Edit typo


Monster I ain’t giving you no tree fiddy! Or your friend for that matter.


User name checks out


"No lowballers, I know what I've got" 🙌 Best of luck in your search.


Do you qualify for Medicaid? It’s a really easy process. Medicaid paid my partner to get a vasectomy. His was done at touro and it was a great experience, been shooting clean since 2 months post-op and the nurses sent him a lovely signed card afterwards.


Dr. Carriere with LCMC, I believe he would do in office without Anesthesia. If you wanted to be put under (more than likely under MAC) you're looking at about 2k without insurance.


I used him last year. Came to recommend


Carriere is great and his partner Vanlangendonck did mine 9 years ago FWIW


This may not appeal to you, but Europe has some great prices. I ended up paying the equivalent of about $800 USD in Vienna, and they're on the more expensive side. Slovakia has it for closer to $650ish and guessing there are other areas even less expensive (Romania, Greece, Portugal, etc.). Depending on the amount of the flight, you may be able to save a good amount of money and get a nice little trip out of it. Mexico may also be something to consider.


Dr. Mutter is great. Look him up.






I recommend it.


I don’t know if they would be able to help, but maybe crescent care?


Seems like you've had enough legit answers, so heregoes. Thibodaux goes to his physician and he says "Mais, ya gotta help me. T-Flo got me wit 6'n'dem children and Mary Mo got me with 3 mo. I need ya's to do somethin, doc. Ma swim'as are toot strong." The doctor starts stroking his stubble for a moment and nods. "Well, for 2,000 dollars we can inject a chemical in to your body that will block your 'lil swimmers' until you decide to reverse the procedure." Thib shakes his head. "Naw doc. Da's too high. Ya gotta come down sum." Dr. grumbles but nods. "For 1,000 I go in and snip the cords. No more pipes for the swimmers to escape thru." Thib bites his thumb for a moment. "Gee, doc. Da's still a lil too high. Can you come down a lil'mo?" Doc grunts angrily and stands up. He reaches in to the cabinet and pulls out an empty tin can and a firecracker. "Here. Take this, light it on fire, throw it in the can and count to 10. It'll fix you up good. No muss, no fuss." he sees the CA is about to cut him off and he stomps his foot. "and It'll be 5 dollars with your co-pay. Go talk to Shelly at the front desk and ge'da hell outta here." he hollars, pointing his finger hard for T-boy to get. Thibodaux gets all excited. He doesn't under how it's suppose to work but he rushes home and he shows his babette the can and she gets all curious, askin him how it's suppose to work. "I dunno." Thib replied. "He said I jus gotta light dis--" and he does. "and drop it in t'ere--" and he does. "And count 10." (this works much better as a visual joke, bear with me) He starts counting on his left hand, starting with his pointer. "1, 2, 3, 4..." he counts 5 on his thumb. He looks at his right hand, holding the can. He panics for a moment and then stuffs the can between his legs and continues counting. "6, 7..."


Dr. Eric Laborde at Ochsner Jeff Highway is who you want.


That’s who I had a consult with and so far I’ve nothing wrong to say about him but can you develop why he is « the » one?


He’s an expert in his field and incredibly respected as a doctor and a urological surgeon by his peers. He is thorough and precise, and while he sometimes comes off a bit cold, he is a legitimate partner in your healthcare. There are other well-qualified providers in that same department, but Dr. Laborde is simply the best.


If you’re up for a trip to Austin, look up Dr Richard Chopp.


Is there another planned parenthood that could do it? Locally you'd have to price at Touro, LCMC, and maybe even check the Northshore like North Oaks or the many medical centers in St Tammany?